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Everything posted by Liberty4life
oke this is a tribute to murs show of force topics just to point out that i want to read murs next show of force which he said he would post but didnt, and just to show that players can show some force as well since i started playin md, casual player gets to mp5 in like 30-90 days time, for ppl that got to mp5 month time it was considered fast levelin, well let me show ya wots fast, i planned to get to mp5 in less than 3 hours but since not everythin went as planned so we did it under 4 hours mark still uber fast but let me tell ya this... theoretically its possible to get from freshly reged acc to mp5 in like 20 mins, if ya have all resources... still thats crazy idea which i wont try it just takes too much work so here is proof this is starting point [img]http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/9681/mp5k.jpg[/img] and this is finish point [img]http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/6169/mp5cq.jpg[/img] btw MUR ya got 15 creds from your newest refferal Justin Time tnx to Neno for help with this and to Lone Wolf for tryin to help but he didnt managed to make it in time due to power problems PS just to mention that libs that were mp3s are mp4s now, also tnx to neno and lone wolf for helpin me to get them to mp4, planin to hit with them mp5 soon as well
You know you've been on MD too much when...
Liberty4life replied to Yami no Sakura's topic in Offtopic
yeah tell me about it, i actually have around me several clocks with local time, but i use only the one inside md that has romanian time -
no no no no, i meant that i came in with new ip and it even said during regin that i will get 5 creds when i signup, idk why i didnt got them, and i dont care really coz i dont need them, i just wanted to point out how it happened to me although it could be some temp glitch or somethin, idk
chewy, mur said that somewhere on forums, i saw it in dsts thread when seigh i think didnt wanted to send coins to no one so she dig up that murs post as for alts, there is no more 5 creds bonus, at least i didnt get it on new acc although it wasnt marked by alt system for whole two weeks, and as much as i can see in description of valuable metal orb it doesnt says it gives silver coins, although back then i did gave them
Types of sale threads, Auctions vs Offers
Liberty4life replied to Rumi's topic in Market debate and related topics
bah... there is simple solution for this problem, ya ppl who make auctions should make dutch type of auctions, meaning ya start with very high price and then ya start lowering it, meaning sale would have only one bid, and as soon bid is made deal is done, and there wouldnt be any misunderstandings since bidder has no time to lose his money somewhere else while in this english auction type, after highest bid is made there is still a lot of time left to see if there is gonna be any higher bid, and in that time who knows wot can happen to highest bidder and his money -
what is this information discussion about?
ah yes, tnx grido since i totally forgot, that was mine real reason for posting it
ah rendril finally made it, it was about a time, when i first time met him and saw some of his work i thought he would take up rpc position mur offered for players papers coder but that position was never taken, also i expected to see him as a major bugfinder ingame, but in the end he passed a way beyond of mine expectations and thats just great
i dont remember this post of mine, i dont remember that i posted that img, well actually at one time i had -300 rep
M B: Liberty's Heritage
Liberty4life replied to Liberty4life's topic in Say hello, Goodbye, or something else
I have also left Sword of Dazzling Light to Shadowseeker. -
unlike other mods who are global mods, fenrir was just a section mod, so he was lower in hierarchy
maybe lho reward? i know mods small amount of creds per year, so i guess lhos do it too
well i always wanted to perform sword slash inner magic with mine sword, and i just happen to have all 3 lvls so i should be able to make salami slices out of everything XD but since atm this isnt possible, i was thinking about prot-movelock lvl1, prot-nomulti lvl1, prot-freeze lvl3 and deals 20% (of max ve) damage to players actual ve, well since its sword its logical that opponent gets hurt thats why ve dmg, since mine sword has dazzling light aura it blinds opponent thats why movelock, but since in md fights are done with creats... then creats should be affected too, so 3 of them gets freezed, and other 3 get nomulti targeting but they should be happy that they still can attack, as for charges... args.. its sword.. its not battery so its logical to have infinite charges but that wouldnt be fair to others no? so why not give infinite charges to all melee weapons it would be realistic, but limit should be put on using it multiple times on same target, for example mine sword has infinite charges but i can use it only once on same target in same day
[quote name='Orlando Gardiner' date='17 January 2010 - 01:55 AM' timestamp='1263686150' post='52845'] I don't paticipate trough same reason as chewett does, no point. MB has no chance at all. [/quote] seconded
Just A Something To Lighten Up My Day In Md :)
Liberty4life replied to MRnegative6's topic in General Forum
yeah back then at that month i managed to get myself into deal for help gettin placed first, mrr was supposed to help me with mp3 heads, but i wasnt able to catch him up that often due to timezones i assume, and other allies from that month quit lightsage went to mp5 and mravenger, no idea wot happened with him, so i quit too since i alone had no chance against ya since ya was way stronger than me that month, anyway mrd said that i will get some help but it will be tough especially since ya went alone to win hc that month, so mine deal with him was after ya made your choice, also next month i screwed it up with mrs, i stole theirs 12k heads and was able to hold them for cca 1h in one location and was gettin attacked like mad, then mrd came in and took heads from me ofc i had no idea it was mrs business i got told about it but it seemed fishy so i wasnt sure, but when i finally found out it was mrs work it was too late, but during stage2 after stage2's time passed, some mp4 jumped to mp5 and i got placed second, i complained to murry and got mine second chance to win since timer runned out before other dude jumped, in next month i was doin fine, eigger was mine only problem i was unable to catch him that much often due to timezones, but ya came and helped me out by stealin heads from him while i was offline, dude tnx for that so i guess that this should have not negatively affected your relationship with mrd at that time -
chew not true, if ya get vict it doesnt necessarily means other dude will get defeat [quote] # ~~VICTORIOUS~~ (win+1) This type of outcome happens when both players lose at least 10% vitality and the difference between both oponents is at least 30%. The win gets counted with the win/loss ballance. # ~~DEFEATED~~ (loss+1) When the difference between the players is at least 90% and you lose, the lost fight gets counted with the win/loss ballance. [/quote] that means range of fights with outcomes from -10% vs 20% till -10% vs 79% (or -79% vs 10%) is always outcome that attacker gets vict and defender will get retreat, which doesnt matter to balance ratio since it doesnt counts
Torch Competition: Tactic For Defending Against Point Farming
Liberty4life replied to a topic in New Ideas
why would mb be undefeatable, mb always had quality over quantity, and lifeline isnt a dude that have infinite ap and for sure he wont be online all the time during tc, so if he leaves mb, then dang.. others have 2-3h of time to score points, and wot happens when he isnt online? shush, yeah mb has some more great fighters which are able to do job just fine, but thing is they arent undefeatable in combat, so ya see, top fighter doesnt helps that much to turn the tides even in fair game, unlike all other things in md, torch competiton is only one afaik where one man doesnt makes an army also chew said same thing as i did in more simple way, now i guess ya understand wot i pointed out ailith, me dont swear, swearing is when one says bad things about things other cares about, like god, mom, etc, me just uses dirty and direct speech, and dont ya give me lectures on mine speech and actings, have been mod and admin on many forums and ofc mostly it isnt tolerated since ya are writing and not speaking, so ya can change your words before ya click post button so it cant happen that ya accidently said ugly word but also stupidity is much more less tolerated, when i see somethin isnt good i jump up and yell, and thats exactly wot ya did selling ice to eskimos, that kind of stupidity i hate a lot, ya praise things that help you, as long as ya profit from it or as long as ya may profit from it then better to cover it up, i am sayin that if ya thought a bit ya would see that mb is technically handicapped to insane level in that matter, and still ya are saying its not true, even if all of mb says its true, to hell they are from that land not ya, they know better than ya so then why are ya tryin to sell hot water to public? positive stance has no effect if ya dont do things that are required to achieve it, positive stance can only give ya "luck effect" but wont do job instead of ya, if ya have positive feeling that ya will manage to build house oke fine it will help, but if ya start building house from roof, ya will only fail, and if ya try harder again with same approach, again ya will fail, its like tryin to brake wall with head, head will break first, thing ya proposed is same as if somebody wants to form some group but has no idea wot would group do, in this example of mine point is of not well thought idea, its also pointless to defend bad idea just becoz of subjective stand, if it aint too personal, get out of it, do not think that glass of water is full when it contains liquid that covers 60% of its capacity becoz thats exaggerating and overestimating, now let me point it out on this case so your idea is that if ya see somebody who is pickin up torches to sack himself for other land and ya want to kill them, now this is nice idea on first look, but that dude can do this, pick up torch and act as one of yours, while he will be spying your positions and say that he is in here only for def, he will also be killing dudes from other 2 lands just to appear unsuspicious, he can also fool ya in same way, and then stab ya in back in key moment, those two are really ugly situations, so why enemy should be allowed to carry same uniform as ya do? citizenship idea would be much better, after all afaik tc is for land competiton not outsiders, its kind of sport (at least i see it that way, i mean teams that are made out of loyalty towards land, and torch reminds me on olympics)...and there is no place for dirty play in sports, competition is to show which land is best, and it should limit dirty play and mercenaries as much as possible, after all rewards go to land treasury and not to "pivot made team plunder chest" i love when someone asks me why didnt ya tried to change things if ya see they are goin in wrong way, shish, wot can ya do when 2 out of 15 ppl in smallest md land are only ones that care and then there will be ppl against making things fair like ya are just becoz current situation can help ya score faster, and things that are "goin wrong" are goin wrong only for us, they are helping whole md community that is playin against, have i tried to push up mine guys, i did, did i said publicly about those tc problems, i did every time there was topic about tc, now any better idea on how to fix this technical problem, maybe to went to bucharest and lay on middle on street as sign of strike becoz mur havent balanced tc? lol, get real, its all fine with ppl of mb if situation becomes technically fair and only mur can do it then mb has even chances, and spamming mur isnt solution, if ya dont see something that doesnt means nothin is happening, but really who is counting tries? everyone counts tries as failures, or they dont even see tries and count it as failure of makin even try -
Torch Competition: Tactic For Defending Against Point Farming
Liberty4life replied to a topic in New Ideas
[quote name='Lady Ailith' date='10 January 2010 - 03:32 PM' timestamp='1263130354' post='52410'] No, the biggest problem is that barely anyone participates, so people have to resort to point farming. If MB players participated, your capital would have a very good defence indeed. [/quote] wot bs is that? even when mb was in its best military edition ever, and that was around the time when torch was implemented, we tried torch best we could several times, and never scored a single point! then why to keep up? not enough ppl on our side to cover up tactical disadvantage, 10-15 ppl, if everyone is active at that time (which never was case always was somebody unable to play due to rl) then when ya count up timezones, ya get 3 ppl online every 8 hours, now that aint enough to hold up defense, 2 paths lead to capitol, and defending at capitol wouldnt be possible coz somebody can wait up at heresy lane till regen hits and he can instatly bank points in base especially if his friends bring points to him, since everyone is banking points in mb, which is ofc shortest way to do it, there is no way that defense wouldnt get killed, if defense falls ya get negative points, if ya try to go offense most likely it will fail to, and ya can do that sort of tricks with that few ppl, thats just mp5, its simple to solve this problem, mb needs 20 more ppl and problem solved, yeah right... there will be always some mp3 almighty alt that will kill newbs which pick torch in mb and score for other land, same with mp4 wanna make it fair? citizenship is a must for this, and also cross mp fightin for torch holders should be placed up since some players never want to reach mp5, fine but if they compete in torch they should be able to be attacked by enemy torch holder regardless of mp level, also for torch ppl lore back entrance should be closed and torch holders shouldnt be able to travel from mdp to willows shop but instead take longer route through willows walk, then it will be balanced and mb will have chance -
nah mrs allow women, remember morgana?
M B: Liberty's Heritage
Liberty4life replied to Liberty4life's topic in Say hello, Goodbye, or something else
thanks everyone for your best wishes, i read them before but didnt wanted to reply before i was ready to announce this: As final part of mine heritage, mine Lib Army is now under leadership of Golemus Crown. Libs now reside inside Tempest Fort and they act as Royal Guard, also they were and will continue to be army dedicated to fight against shades. thats all from me, bye -
I Have Returned
Liberty4life replied to MRnegative6's topic in Say hello, Goodbye, or something else
ohoho look whos back, good old -6 -
well this new protection make icons on players public profile not appear have a look at mine for example... (but ya will have to scroll down a lot XD) [url="http://magicduel.com/players/liberty"]My profile[/url]
Post Delivery Service In Md
Liberty4life replied to Orlando Gardiner's topic in Implemented or Dismissed
we already have postman read al, although he only does mail for big guy -
Happy Birthday Czez
Liberty4life replied to Clock Master's topic in Say hello, Goodbye, or something else
happy b-day