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Everything posted by Liberty4life

  1. chew in mine case there is no "or"
  2. granos thats nothin, out of 48 cro accs 44 are mine so think again how much do i get asked
  3. to me archer doesnt gives even principals when sacked while others creats do, and archer has really a lot of xp, also no temp and no perm stats, its just like angien lol
  4. ofc i am always right
  5. she wanted to say 4th option and yes i know ya are goin for throne well mine intuition tells me
  6. afaik pips, lifeline and dst are goin for mb throne, so sage i guess ya will vote for our fuhrer dst no?
  7. huh didnt knew it since i was inactive for day and half due to rl issues, so i thought it would be best to make a topic about it
  8. [quote][2009-10-27 17:34:12 - Alpha 9] Players that unlocked LR back entrance from wish shop might have an issue with accessing it. If you are in this situation please gather all together and once i have a list of affected players i will go on and fix each one. Sry for the trouble but this is because i had to change some things to prepare for the new mdscript.[/quote] that would be me, anyone else? Liberty 83289
  9. i agree with rhaegar
  10. interesting very interesting if this would be applied to fighting system time for chaos
  11. well in mine opinion it would have weaken def with 0 att and aura that targets one opponent creat and exchanges his targeting from target enemy to target ally, or vise verse, this sounds like most logical to me
  12. yeah i like this turn enemy's drach against them
  13. eh as i said already if i succeeded to make that change to remove sentinels and turn necro into something else, something new would arise that would be counterpart
  14. ofc it was worth it, to risk whole army in order to try to take down lands natural enemy, ofc its worth it balance maintains itself, we can freely do wot ever we want, there is no reason to keep things as they are now, that will bring no change, if ya change things, old things are no more, new things come in place so when ya gain power ya are ready to act differently from your role, but ya was unable to do same thing when close friend asked for help?
  15. eh yes... to refer back to chews post, yeah that was deal for soe at that meeting and that meeting decided that soe will become just like chew said it while other part of ex soe would get second ally, military based, KOB, that happened but only partially... still mur promised new logo for it as current one was just temporal, in fact mur asked if i want to wait for new logo or to get ally with temporal and i said give me ally with temporal logo, well and i actually pushed him a bit on dsts advice but nvm... well mine point in here is that we could do somethin more about mb (without touchin soe) at that point, but since we were focused on supposed soe event we havent done anythin and well... i also question lifelines view on loyalties to land, becoz he is too much neutral in most cases or he picks side he thinks is in best interest of realm, so its possible situation that he goes against mb, now question is would he put his personal principals on which he build his role in front of mb, or will he stick to interests of mb
  16. yeah all vote for dst
  17. sounds fair enough and actually i dont see those points as promises, i rather see them as plans, and we know that plans are something we try to do but they arent always realized
  18. no i didnt missed them, i just think thats nothin that will effect it in way it should, opening new sections doenst means ppl would join, being friendly to all, spending time with all players, supporting them and events they make without first being called for support, those things bring interest in joining, not a open spot, open spot can be found everywhere but why would players chose spot ya opened and not somebody else?
  19. actually as ya said... in mb there arent much ppl, so problems ya pointed out that could arise are minimal, few ppl that are left in mb wont make any communication difficulties, why, well becoz there are few left, and in mb didnt happened much, nothin like in lore where ppl are actually doin something, well i think that ppl in lore are only ones that are actually doin something on longer term and what needs more ppl involved, from wot i saw everyone else do individual stuff if they do it at all, thing is that i see change of mb in pips plans, a change that is needed to bring new ppl, although his plans seem minor and uneffective, those points are small but they arent uneffective, they have nice chance to bring good amount of new ppl to mb, your plans lifeline lack exactly that, ya are just preserving old order in mb and promising restructure of alliances, and no politics to bring in new ppl, empty restructured alliances mean nothing, at this point when land is in ruin and asks for rebuilding or new birth ya must bring quantity of ppl at this point quality doesnt matters, same with tradition, its good thing if ya can manage to keep it, but tradition is nothin more than way of living of ppl that live in land, if population falls to low numbers while territory is still same size, then if ya want to survive ya need get new ppl.. immigrants, and then new ppl will be in bigger numbers than original citizens, and thus tradition has no chance of staying same, it is forced to change
  20. unless chew doesnt candidates me votes for ya as well
  21. i say filter out line brakes and thats it
  22. i would like to ask question of technical nature.... so when one becomes citizen of one land... does it says that he is member of that land like it says when ya join one ally, it automatically associates ya with its land, so is this same case with citizenship? so if answer is yes then citizens of land get same regen as alliances of that same land... so only difference is that citizens then have everything as player in alliance has except alliance bonus (there are two bonuses one bonus is from land and other is from ally which is based on how much players of ally are online) and ally chat and ally badge, i think this is pretty much fair and i guess citizens get new flag which indicates belonging to one land like atm have pirates and knights order
  23. i was unable to post this in respective section becoz it says i dont have permission to post in there, so i put it here so i came in and kicked granny and his followers out of ally, i left i am bored in ally, well he seems to be such a nice guy so i will let him have fun inside and granos this is just becoz i dont like your secretive stuff and revenge for every spy ya sent into marind bell have a nice day
  24. dst
  25. mr north wins this for sure totally awesome and simple explanations demonstrated with uber artworks gotta love it
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