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Everything posted by Liberty4life

  1. ya can see how war will be decided in other topic, neutral dont interfere please coz then we would need to repeat fight terms are as following allies win -gg gets back theirs ally -gg gets necro land -gg also gets necro ally defenders win -allied forces leave necro -necro forces march in mb and try to take over kob ally, this will be determined by second fight and if i lose i had my ally to jester those terms have been agreed by both sides
  2. Since there is no system that will decide war, becasue system which we knew as war mode is no more we have to do it like this. This has been agreed by leaders of involved sides. One big fight at Gates of Despair inside Necrovion will decide war. This fight will happen on day 266 (thursday this week) at 21:00:00 serv time. Only players with 3 badges involved can influence war (KOB, NS and COE) any other players aren't allowed to influence war, so i ask everyone else that they don't even come to battlefield and mess in there, it has been also agreed that any neutral messin of any sort will result in nullifying all results in this fight and fight will be done again as much times as needed to make it clear without any interuption. Spells were at first meant to be all allowed, but since its not so easy to say who is casting them, and ones that fight dont really have time to cast it during fight, it has been decided to turn them off since most of spells will be casted by neutral players which want to get involved. Rules are as follows, allies wait at Caves of Torment while defenders wait at Deathmarrow, leaders of 3 allys waits at Gates of Despair, when scheduled time hits, both forces come into battlefield by jump-to-leader and can start fighting. Wins and victs on attack count as kill, wins and victs on def dont count. Fights after you got killed won't be counted, bursts are forbidden as well because then we don't know if ya killed somebody, player using burst damages his own team. After fight is over every player involved must post in this topic his/her burst page (summary of all battle logs). In case that he gets close to 14 fights overall, s/he is required to step back to its camp (Deathmarrow for defenders and Caves of Torment for allies) take screenshot and then get back and continue fighting, next screenshot must contain at least 2 same lines from last screenshot. Players from one camp arent allowed to go to camp of other forces and vise verse. Surviving side wins war, if there are survivors on both sides (not likely to happen, very very very slim chance for that) then they will fight round2. Surviving and dead players are counted like this; if one player attacks and gets win or vict against other one at 12:01:08 defending player is dead, and if defending player attacks and gets win or vict against some player but his log shows 12:08:09 that doesnt counts becoz he got killed at 12:01:08. mod please close this and reopen it before war starts, i would also ask mods to keep this topic clean of any comments, in here only logs are allowed, write your comments in other topic in which war was declared, tnx
  3. well i have said everything, if healthy sense cant come to ya, not my problem, i wont even try to say otherwise, and biggest lol in here is that smartasses must have theirs word in here even if they arent involved in war, i wonder how ya "know" things as for opponents, well some of ya bs a lot, and some just play stupid, bsing is kinda part of politics, so i can handle it, but others that just play stupid, well not problem to me, not my problem, ya folks are ones that will live with all this stupidity enough of bs lets just fight, talkin is for gals, ya say wot ever ya want neither i nor my guys will care, cya on frontline
  4. aha i do understand, so if i leave would jester get dismissed? i think he wont so i wont leave becoz he did planned war i saw it in same moment and started organizing lighting response also read your pm on forum
  5. ofc that i assaulted your land, your general was about to start one war, should i wait till he starts one and brings fight to me or my allies, ya see even he started it on golemus or even lore, i would come to aid because lately i made some bounds with them waiting for opponent to do his move first makes me the one that gets disadvantage at start, as i see ya support war, but ya dont support war that is on your soil, ofc that is clear to me and it can be seen plainly in your posts, while ya support your general in waging war, those things can be seen best in here [quote]Liberty, the opinion I have for this war does not match yours for I know the reasons of it, while you do not. But how would you know? You randomly assaulted the land I watch because my general stated that he wants to have war, not because he started one, and that got my attention.[/quote] in here ya are just saying that ya know reasons for war and ya support it, so i can totally put ya in same basket with jester
  6. why? because first attack is crucial in here, it gives me advantage, if i came to ya asap, i could risk my military advantage, without knowing diplomatic result, which can end up in any way, while this way i chosen gave me my advantage, and still diplomacy is possible but now i dont risk being striked first at home, to me it looked like ya support war, now since ya mentioned interfering with work of sentinels if ya object to war ya should start interfering against your general, otherwise if ya do nothing but have power to interfere with theirs work when needed and that would be now, then i see ya on same side sharing same opinion about war
  7. oh i see, but ya still have executive power, ya said ya are law, and ya have power to chose leader of sentinels, so why nothin has been done about it, jester is leader, but ya allow him to wage war, i cant know if i knew or didnt knew before that he wants war, but if ya have power over who is leader of sentinels and who isnt, why dont ya dismiss jester from his current position, if ya do allied forces will dismiss, that is if ya still have power to do so so ya see to me its clear that war politics arent dynasty plans, but if dynasty has power to stop it why dont ya do it, since ya dont care to stop it, ya are held responsible and therafore ya should fall as well, healthy logic edit: oh yeah, marv is free but guybrush is now my slave
  8. dear i got unofficial answer 2 hours ago.... and dynasty did nothing against jester, so how come ya arent on same side, ya are the ones that have final word, JESTER CANT TOUCH YA, but to me it looks like ya left everythin to him, but still dynasty is the one with title leaders of necro
  9. i would say 8-9 but not sure
  10. there are 13 sentinels, guy ya are just too much uninformed on many matters, better be silent
  11. yes its theirs land
  12. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='20 September 2009 - 07:06 PM' timestamp='1253466372' post='42174'] Marvolo wasnt contested with Jester, he left WILLINGLY [/quote] agreed, he left ally willingly
  13. There has been no sign of Necrovion forces, although we have established our hold at Well of Tears. There haven't been any response from any Sentinel about this matter. If nothing happens till 2359 hours on day 262 after that allied forces will advance further making more and more land of Necrovion under ours control.
  14. War has come to the realm, allied forces of Knights of the Bell and Guerrilla Golemicarum declare war on the Necrovion Sentinels, in order to extinguish the warmongering treat from Necrovion. The situation has changed as everyone knows, Jester is now leader of the Necrovion Sentinels and he is leading with his war politics in public, without fear that others will turn on him. It's clear that if a land is preparing for war, and it's blatantly obvious, then war will come to the land soon. The current diplomatic situation for KOB and GG; for whichever land Necrovion intends to bring war to, it is our duty to help defend it. Because of that very reason, we will not wait for our enemy to prepare their forces and hit first, we will strike now, whilst they're not in full force, and we will do it on their soil. If we do not do this, our enemy would muster their forces, and war will come to our homes, our friends and families, we can't allow that. That's why at the first moment we noticed the threat, we started planning and organizing our forces to strike first. A pre-emptive strike has already been taken against Necrovion, a part of the allied forces have already entered the land of Necrovion throughout the week, and have been hiding, waiting for the time to strike out against the warmongering Sentinels. The remainder of our allied forces are marching in at this very moment. It's a fight to bring down the leader of the Sentinels of Necrovion, Jester, and to put a stop to his warmongering politics. This isn't a fight against the shades, this is a fight against the people of Necrovion or better said, against the war politics that they're supporting. We will bring down everybody who calls themself a Necrovion Sentinel, and will claim the land of Necrovion under the rulership of Golemus Golemicarum in order to prevent the inevitable wars from there. Later, if a more worthy leader for Necrovion is found, rulership of the land will be handed to them, but until that point, the land will remain under the rulership of Golemus Golemicarum, and it's king, Yrthilian. We offer conditions for their surrender, although we think that somebody who wages war so freely will not accept defeat this way, still we feel we must offer that possibility to them. In the case that they do wish to surrender, our demands are that the Necrovion Sentinels get disbanded, and for the alliance to be given to one of our allies. We will then decide who is to take it over for the time being, or if we are to just disband it. The lands of Necrovion will fall into hand of Golemus Golemicarum. If they wish to surrender during war, to the aforementioned conditions, we will ask for an amount of gold and silver, based on the damage done to us, to be paid to us as well, if they are unable to pay, we will take survivors as slaves who will be forced to do construction works in allied lands. War has began! ___________ ps we have necrovion prince marv is our hostage already, so better surrender if ya want him stay alive
  15. happy bday ya already got slippers... ya will get that cookbook next year becoz atm me is broke
  16. aha i see.... wanna ask him to verify that? becoz i dont see how that doesnt falls down on alliances, since only players in alliances are affiliated with land, and alliances are inside land, so ya cant refer to it that it doesnt falls down on individual players, becoz there are none, only players are players inside alliance, and in war when one player of some alliance get involved... opponents count that as whole ally got involved, and there is no excuse that will save that ally from war, and alliances are ones that represents lands, there is nothin else except them, when something is referred to specific land, that means it falls down to all players within all alliances that are inside that land if that up there isnt true, then tell me on what could mur refer when he mentions land/s if not on lands alliances and that then falls down to theirs members with all due respect dst i will compare your bs post to rl world example... if governing body of some country votes out new law for that land, can cities inside that country say that rulers didnt mentioned them in there, no they cant, can citizens of that country say that rulers didnt mentioned citizens, ofc they cant, they are part of that country and they are the ones who must respect that law, earth sand stone arent the one to follow law ppl are the ones to do it, same in md and same with you dst, ya are part of neutral land and that falls down on you as well, like it or not ya must face it that ya cant mess in war
  17. mur said in one of last announcements about which lands can go to war and which cant... underground is under ones that cant as for necro to be reflection... yeah, i agree but humans in necro arent reflection, while shades are
  18. i vote for pancakes
  19. O.o oh but dst, ya are neutral ya cant mess in wars
  20. nop, i think hollow den is no no no for this, and some players know why i think that
  21. umm i tried so hard and got so low forum rep XD [img]http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/5567/45288178.jpg[/img]
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