this is like opening business that is providing tons of goods to market for which market has no demands, resulting in big failure of business
ya wanna create online radio for 400 active players?
how much of them would be even interested in opening that radio and listening to it at least 2h per day, each day
what it would be on that radio, news from md? all daily news in which most of players are interested can be told in 5 mins, md educational part? ya can use half a hour per day for that and after month ya will be repeating yourself, if not sooner, radio must be running 24/7 becoz we have players all over world, so wots other content? md related content would be less than 1 hour, so 23h just pure music... k how ever ya wish but then its not md radio
conclusion if ya will have more than 5 listeners to radio at given time consider it HUGE success, equal to becoming gm
ya wont get enough personel as well as not enough contents to cover all this, lol look mdnp was getting out monthly and they had wot? not so big section of news, commeniting history events, entertainment part, ritual tips, and thats more or less it, and look now, they are gone last 3 months no new edition came out
if newspapers which were getting out once per month with only 10 pages cant cover their pages with quality news, then how in the hell will radio survive?!?!?!?
sure i would support this idea if md had 250k players and 10k rpcs, but like this.... radio??? for who??