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Everything posted by Liberty4life

  1. no that one, after that one he had another one which was i think 2 days lasted, i looked up on his quest page often, it was empty and after few days i looked again saying quest over wishpoints given to this players...... and after that this quest came up
  2. i saw it blooming, and its old name was steve, now its called bob huh fruits on half dead tree??
  3. well i dont care for that quest, i need wishpoints not spell pages your last quest finished even before i heard you have a quest
  4. its possible if dst did that XD oke lets get real i know that this **** happens often when you press logout and actually you arent loged out, you are still loged in for 1 more minute, and even if you logout with one acc and login fast in other acc, your first acc still can be attacked i know that this thing with logout button sucks a lot
  5. :drinks: :clapping: :rofl: :crazy: :good: :spiteful: :lol: :hi: :yahoo: yey viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii welcome
  6. no he doesnt, next time look at its papers (if i remember putting in there image) but anyway he doesnt look like burger because it is MC Tall Bunny not McTall Bunny
  7. what you didnt noticed, its a lil bunny on picture and no metal fur? so there are only 2 bunnies ingame and one has metal fur, so this is other one
  8. ehhh dont touch lil bunny, huh look what you did to lil bunny :cray: [img]http://wearehugh.com/public/2006/07/you-make-bunny-cry.jpg[/img]
  9. ah lol i forgot what was post before, back on topic
  10. i say just move dojo, marble dale park is just too close to willows to be dojo place i think best dojo area for now i road of battles ^^ wodins there, no annoying music, willows are far away, perfect, and why is it almost deserted, poor wodin is there alone
  11. what you wanna say that raven's quest isnt selfish? XD btw i didnt readed MB's because it is tooooo long
  12. yea right and you get only 1 wishpoint, rules says that you can get 2-3 at once XD why this rules arent applied at this hard quests
  13. raven...... no comment jonn.... i just dont get it
  14. i dont want that spell page, i want wishpoint nobody is giving wishpoints
  15. i dont know much on rpc abuse and we wont talk here about it, if you wanna discuss that open new topic yea i agree, main dojo area (marble dale park) is toooooooo close to willows, now there are much more players at dojo than at willows, and its frustrating that players are RELAXING at dojo, more than 80% of them are there just to dont get killed, they are "abusing" dojo since they mainly use it as protection not as training place, so i dont wonder that lots of player get frustrated on that matter, also i agree that you dont have to be for dojo, you can be against, lets say ppl like STF and Jesous Faction (i am not sure of name) are one of oldest and strongest players which doesnt support dojo, so you new and weak ones which doesnt like dojo can talk to them and maybe get their protection from dojo enforcers, also there is some kind of anti dojo alliance so seeking them could also be of help to dojo haters i dont like two things about marble dale park as dojo area, in background is that frustrating music and it is too close to willows so 50% of players do jump ins for hit&run, so they get one kill at willows and they are instantly back at dojo for protection, thats another dojo abuse well dont get me wrong i am a big supporter of dojo but i really dont like that two big abusing problems of dojo 1)80% doesnt train at dojo they use it as sanct (calyx tried to stop this by allowing attacks at idle players but it doesnt help much because it is at so crowded and popular location) 2)50% do jump ins to willows so if you want to hunt that player down you need to break dojo rules and most players dont want to do it you wont see this problems at defensive quarters or road of battles, only at marble dale park, and why is that? because willows is so close to it, moving dojo to new location in marind bell would solve all problems, i think dojo was mainly put at marble dale park because when you get out of story mode you get into marble dale park, but this players ont benefit from dojo, and here all misunderstanding starts from point that they dont know about dojo and they want all kind of signs and alerts which tells them this is dojo in short it will be best for all that mur makes new location for dojo in marind bell, also glor damar is already working on artwork, so i hope it will be implemented very soon and i hope it wont be so close to all this crowded areas
  16. comments on maggot's suggestion rules: 1) agreed, i have a bit of problem what is spoiler and what is not, this is first time in my moderation career that i have to handle with spoilers, i was always rule giver/spam destroyer/warning&ban giver 2)well if we post which spoiler are allowed and which arent to public then we would give out spoilers by ourselfs, right? 3)too rude for this kind of forum, so i disagree 4)everyone should know what is offtopic, well if you arent talking about thing that topic subject tells you this topic is about, and this forum isnt so strict, that means users can get a bit offtopic, but there are limits ofc 5)agreed 6)agreed 7)no petition, at least not against moderators, if you dont like how moderator does his job you fire complain to his superior 8)disagreed, i say admins have right to write rules and moderator should write rules only if he/she get permission from admin, i asked for that permission few weeks ago, and i got it, the thing is i didnt wrote bigger and better rules because this forum isnt so strict as i mentioned already, this forum is just like any normal forum lots of things are allowed, its just that thing with this spoiler in which i am not so experienced, but as forum will grow there will be need of new better rules and btw i didnt saw new player complaining about spoilers, only old ones, i wonder why is that ?
  17. yea i dont get it either @IAB: how did you start fire? O.o well if you are lucky to kill [spoiler]"magic number"[/spoiler] of them..... but i am not sure on this
  18. ~update yea lol
  19. what treaty?? O.o i said i am lucky cause i can finally kick your ass
  20. yae with 10 hours delay
  21. yea this problem is killing me, and i am in big dilema what to do i cant fight at all only against few alliance members, so no xp and no wins for me in long run, and still i get kicked by this non alliance.... ~censored by me~ players, like lightsage lucky he is now in alliance (eh ex necro leader in gg ) so if i attack non alliance player i get from -50 to -500 honor in short two more attacks on non alliance player and i am toasted
  22. ah so shades came around you, good, my new fancy idea, kill em all ^^
  23. [quote name='TheNinjunny' post='18837' date='Oct 24 2008, 08:36 PM']5)Ummm... No. I'd much rather See what Armor the Opponent has than what Avatar they have during Battle (this is the current System). And what RPCs have you seen that On?!? I know my Avatar doesn't show in Battle...[/quote] wodin and ren has avatar in fights, it could be that mp1s have avatar in fight
  24. 5) rpcs does have avatar in battle everything else=impossible
  25. *wonders whys interior of wasp totem called ACTIVATION chamber*
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