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Everything posted by Liberty4life

  1. i am oke with that
  2. i never saw button which doesnt highlight :s
  3. well when i get mouse arrow over him, it turns clickable, but it doesnt highlight with that orange color as usual, and since there is a arrow for going to willows just bellow him, i thought it was a linking bug, i still think it is nothing
  4. Liberty4life


    riddles werent original, i could find them on google, solving picture puzzles takes too much time and its boring, i get that it is hard to make new original riddles in so little time but still....hmmmmm......i dont have any suggestions either, thus i like new AL expansion
  5. [quote name='awiiya' post='19489' date='Nov 5 2008, 06:01 AM']Well, seeing as the weapon is at the Path Keeper, then it would make sense that the weapon was created to guard against Marind Bell from crossing their borders.[/quote] you need some history lessons, so i will make them short marind bell and loreroot were once one land and later when separated marind bell was in alliance with loreroot and also was supporting them financially in war against golemus golemicarum, loreroot had shades problem, and marind bell was peaceful land so dont talk nonsense
  6. ty a lot, your contribution is very useful
  7. mini quest 6 riddle: I have 4 ears and 2 bellys. What am I? [spoiler]pillow[/spoiler]
  8. [quote]If I recall correctly from the Adventure Log, the MDA connects to this building[/quote] as much as i got from AL, it said that they thought they were in archives, since house of TT is actually a kind of archive, sage keep too, lore manor also, not sure for library in golemus, and in no mans land it is paper cabin
  9. 1) you probably double clicked attack button 2) [spoiler]martirsm decreases caster creature ve and increases targeted ally creature defense[/spoiler]
  10. yea its double clicks and attacking offline players i got that warning while i was going to use [spoiler]EB[/spoiler] it was funny, i double clicked it
  11. so, now its forbidden to attack offline users?
  12. happy b-day i thought it was 15 not 16 :s
  13. lol, we dont have that much members to vote for "NO" epic :rofl:
  14. edit it XD
  15. yes we need substance not processes, and only one which is right is SAND
  16. when you tell secrets to others, responsibility falls to you to judge about person is he worth of knowing that and will he keep it as secret, so after all you are guilty for everything mentioned, you failed to judge ppl on that matters
  17. AL is going tooooo slow
  18. oke then i first suggest that this tree needs leafs after it gets leafs we can talk about fruits, and btw which type of fruits it will be, it cant be apple or anything like that it must be original, something that doesnt exists irl
  19. ah i wonder is that aql's halberd?
  20. i think it was, but not sure
  21. i dont know for that bug but i say i got attacked by some newb on mp3 (he attacked with some aramors and other things and he was 1 day old) while i was offline, and loged in on other account, so when i got back on mp3 account i saw some new win XD
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