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Everything posted by Rophs

  1. I'll just post my 93 and hope it's what I need: [spoiler] Grido disbanded the triumvirate claiming power as Golemus's Leader shortly afterwards. Rophs, who would not follow false kings that usurped power from elected officials, decided to rebel against Fusioneers, Kelle'tha Order, Guerilla Golemicarum, and MR's Fraternity showing opposition towards newfound dictators. Knowing any fool could claim such positions he ran in an election for justice, preventing tyranny from conquering his homeland. Now, satisfied by status quo, our hero continued visiting Awiiya's seeds weekly, MD's birthday quickly approached after all. Somebody received a Bubble Weaver along with title of Seedwalker allowing unlimited Wiiya harvesting. [/spoiler]
  2. I have 1 resin 3 sand 1 syntropic dust 5 rainwater 4 aromatic herbs 14 total resources
  3. Do I need to show proof of the 135 that I challenged or the 93 that I claimed?
  4. It's an objectively sound strategy, but if he did that right before the scoring so that people wouldn't notice and potentially think poorly of him it would be much more successful.
  5. They were originally different people but Tipu killed one of them and brainwashed the other into being both
  6. Mur stole Eon's voice, that is why when Eon tries to talk when Mur is not all around all he can muster is a ".", but when Mur is around Eon is very talkative. Every dot you see in chat would be a meaningful sentence if Mur hadn't stolen Eon's voice.
  7. Chew could 'sell' Mur his gold for 0sc apiece
  8. Time clause updated.
  9. I challenge your claim EE
  10. Signups are closed, I will now create the brackets. The four mp4 participants: powle TheRichMerchant Tipu Ars Alchemy The four mp5 participants: dst lashtal darkraptor *Sunfire* To place the participants in the brackets I will roll 1d4 for each of the slots and the participant with that number in the list will be put in that spot, if that participant is already in a slot I will reroll until an unassigned participant is chosen. After three have been placed in each bracket I will put the remaining player in the last slot of the bracket. Brackets are done. MP5 Bracket: [spoiler] [/spoiler] MP4 Bracket: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Participants must complete ALL battles before MD comes to an end. Edit: fixed bad bbcode
  11. Do you mean when Falronn, Fang, Ackshan were removed during the chaos?
  12. Here you go: http://imgur.com/a/qI2Xp
  13. each player may have a maximum one one account in each mindpower bracket
  14. I will not permit you to reward a silvertongue stone for a contest I run due to personal hatred of that spell.
  15. Signups end at 23:59:59 ST on day 108. Rules for the fights: No colored creatures! No tokens! No influence and combo! No drachorns of any kind! (didn't want to kick them out but seems it is needed for the contest to stay balanced) There will be up to three brackets, there must be a minimum of four players in each bracket for that bracket to have a reward: MP3 Bracket MP4 Bracket MP5 Bracket Brackets will be double elimination best of 3. Each pair will have three fights, they will roll an INGAME dice and one will guess even/odd, the winner of the diceroll will decide who will attack and who will defend in the first fight. For the second (and if applicable, third) fights the loser of the previous fight will decide who will attack and who will defend. Once a player gets their first loss they will be put into the losers bracket for their respective mindpower When a player in their respective mindpower's losers bracket loses for a second time they will be eliminated from the tournament Depending on the size of the brackets each pair will have a certain deadline by which they must fight. If the fight does not occur because one player refuses to fight or is not around to fight he or she will forfeit the match. If both fighters refuse to fight or are not around to fight they will both forfeit from the entire tournament. REWARDS: Let's hope somebody can sponsor this :D
  16. I'd say that in this case it is neither, but certainly a healthy (or unhealthy) mix of the two.
  17. dst is planning on taking over the TW because she is jealous that Azull has filled the land with so many interesting people... Dare I post proof?
  18. I would like for both Mya and Pip to post screenshots of my vote after the election is done.
  19. Ninety three so far, I'll probably get to 100 later when I have more time
  20. Bday Seedwalk: The Oak: [spoiler] [15/04/14 23:17] :Rikstar pets Rophs and hopes he has fun. [15/04/14 23:17] TheRichMerchant:the accident has some folks responsible. werent they charged with something? [15/04/14 23:18] Rophs: *pets Rik back* It's been a while... [15/04/14 23:19] :Rophs nods to Chew [15/04/14 23:19] TheRichMerchant:hey guys [15/04/14 23:19] TheRichMerchant:Stored Heat: 1410251 Honor: 4792 Loyalty: 84 [15/04/14 23:19] TheRichMerchant:but it says 134 in land loyalty score... [15/04/14 23:19] Rophs:Ahh [15/04/14 23:19] Rophs:There's a slight difference. [15/04/14 23:19] Lania:You must have bought something that required loyalty [15/04/14 23:20] TheRichMerchant:yeah, i did [15/04/14 23:20] Rophs:Land Loyalty is how many active days you have been in that land. [15/04/14 23:20] TheRichMerchant:and the other value? [15/04/14 23:20] Rikstar:Loyality increases each day by 1. [15/04/14 23:20] Rophs:Loyalty is gained every active day, every time you pray heat to a protector, and when you win an alliance fight [15/04/14 23:21] Rikstar:Or you get them via fighting an alliance member, if you are in an alliance yourself. [15/04/14 23:21] Rikstar:Well, what Rophs said. [15/04/14 23:21] TheRichMerchant:so i only have loyalty from a source and it took it from the active days. okay, got it [15/04/14 23:21] TheRichMerchant:thanks:p [15/04/14 23:22] TheRichMerchant:so who is telling tales? :d [15/04/14 23:22] Rophs:Did we miss any ways to gain loyalty Chew? [15/04/14 23:22] *Chewett IX*:not reading [15/04/14 23:23] *Chewett IX*:doing your announcement then going [15/04/14 23:23] Lania:Rophs, can I just sit around and listen? I'm not good at storytelling. [15/04/14 23:23] Rikstar:We missed some with losing, Rophs that's for sure. [15/04/14 23:23] :*Chewett IX* passed Wiiya Bubble Weaver to Rophs [15/04/14 23:23] Rophs: *nods* You don't have to tell a story Lania. [15/04/14 23:23] *Chewett IX*:later [15/04/14 23:23] *Chewett IX*:read announcement [15/04/14 23:23] Rophs:Bye [15/04/14 23:23] Lania:Ok. Thank you. [15/04/14 23:23] :Rophs cheers [15/04/14 23:23] Lania:Bye, Chew [15/04/14 23:24] Rikstar:Congratz Rophs. [15/04/14 23:24] Lania:Congrats, Rophs *smiles* You deserve it. [15/04/14 23:24] Rophs: *nods* Thank you Rik and Lania [15/04/14 23:24] TheRichMerchant:what does it do? [15/04/14 23:24] Rophs:I suppose I could give out a Wiiya Bubble to the best contributors now. *grins* [15/04/14 23:24] :TheRichMerchant is such a noob [15/04/14 23:25] Rophs:The Wiiya Bubble Weaver creates Wiiya Bubbles which can be used to gather Wiiya. [15/04/14 23:25] TheRichMerchant:oh..food for grasans:D [15/04/14 23:26] Ars Alchemy:will the best contributions be negotiable in SC? [15/04/14 23:26] :Ars Alchemy grins evily [15/04/14 23:26] Rophs:I suppose of somebody wants to hand out silvers for stories they like they could. [15/04/14 23:26] :Rikstar chuckles [15/04/14 23:26] TheRichMerchant:Rophs, can i get 1 wiiya? i want to feed my poor constipated grasan once :) [15/04/14 23:27] Rophs:Wiiya Bubble id 74446. The first Wiiya Bubble woven by Rophs. [15/04/14 23:27] Rophs:Richie, I'll let you do the honors of harvesting with it, just pass it back when you're don alright? [15/04/14 23:27] TheRichMerchant:okay [15/04/14 23:27] TheRichMerchant:thank you [15/04/14 23:27] :Rophs passed Wiiya Bubble to TheRichMerchant [15/04/14 23:28] : TheRichMerchant collects wiiya and syntropicdust as a byproduct [15/04/14 23:28] Lania:Can we say that Rophs is now gassy? [15/04/14 23:29] :TheRichMerchant passed Wiiya Bubble to Rophs [15/04/14 23:29] Rikstar:He can surely produce a lot of gass. xd [15/04/14 23:29] Rophs:As long as I don't eat the gas I should be fine. *sticks out his tongue* [15/04/14 23:29] TheRichMerchant:thank you, Rophs [15/04/14 23:29] Rophs: *nods* It was a pleasure. [15/04/14 23:29] TheRichMerchant:now lets feed the ugly grasan h3h3 [15/04/14 23:30] Rophs:With that in mind let's start the Seedwalk. [15/04/14 23:30] TheRichMerchant: *ponders* actually, i have to wait for him to eat it... [15/04/14 23:30] Lania:Rophs, is this only oor stories or can there be poems as well? [15/04/14 23:31] Rophs:Is everybody present familiar with the story of Awiiya's four seeds? [15/04/14 23:31] Rophs:Lania, that question will be answered soon. [15/04/14 23:31] Rikstar:Nope. [15/04/14 23:31] :Kyphis passed Acousticremains stone to Azull [15/04/14 23:31] TheRichMerchant:i am not.. [15/04/14 23:31] :Rophs nods [15/04/14 23:31] Azull:thanks [15/04/14 23:31] TheRichMerchant:where can i look for it? [15/04/14 23:31] Rophs:Right here! I'm about to tell it. [15/04/14 23:32] TheRichMerchant:okay [15/04/14 23:32] Rophs:Many moons ago Awiiya planted four seeds around MD. [15/04/14 23:32] Kyphis: (you are willing to actually use it, rather than keep it for collection purposes, so its worth me making sure you have them ^_^) [15/04/14 23:32] Azull::) [15/04/14 23:32] Rophs:The Oak is across the path from where Awiiya is rooted in place. [15/04/14 23:33] Rophs:The Maple is across the path from the larger tree at Santuary's View. [15/04/14 23:33] Rophs:The Willow is in the reeds across the river at Willow's Walk. [15/04/14 23:34] Rophs:The Spruce is at Old Man's Road, a few feet away from the Necrovian wall. [15/04/14 23:34] Rophs:Awiiya planted the seeds and asked Handy Pockets to water the seeds while he went away for a summer. [15/04/14 23:35] Rophs:Unfortunately Awi (Awiiya) forgot to tell Kets (Handy Pockets) where the seeds were planted. [15/04/14 23:35] Occamrazor:oh dear [15/04/14 23:35] Rophs:Kets took a big pail and filled it up with water at Marnid's Roundabout and carried it around with all of her might sloshing water wherever Awi might have planted the seeds. [15/04/14 23:36] Rophs:Upon Awi's return he brought Kets to each of the seeds, which they watered and did other things at. [15/04/14 23:36] Rophs:Stories for the Oak. [15/04/14 23:36] Rophs:Daily happenings for the Maple. [15/04/14 23:36] Rophs:Poetry for the Willow. [15/04/14 23:36] Rophs:Secrets for the Spruce. [15/04/14 23:37] Rophs:Then we jump forward many years. [15/04/14 23:37] Rophs:I asked Kets about Awi's seeds, and she happily brought me on my first Seedwalk. [15/04/14 23:37] Rophs:We told Stories to the Oak [15/04/14 23:38] Rophs:We told the daily happenings to the Maple [15/04/14 23:38] Rophs:Poetry for the Willow, and Secrets for the Spruce [15/04/14 23:38] Rophs:Fast forward some more, and we're here! [15/04/14 23:38] Rophs:Who wants to tell a story? [15/04/14 23:38] :TheRichMerchant chuckles [15/04/14 23:38] TheRichMerchant:now it makes mroe sense, thanks [15/04/14 23:38] Rikstar:Well that's an anticlimax. [15/04/14 23:39] Rikstar:But nice story Rophs. :) [15/04/14 23:39] :Rophs nods [15/04/14 23:39] Ars Alchemy:I want to tell a story [15/04/14 23:39] Ars Alchemy:there was a man named Bob [15/04/14 23:39] Rophs:Alright Ars, tell the Oak a story about the unexpected. [15/04/14 23:39] Ars Alchemy:and he was not a tree [15/04/14 23:39] Ars Alchemy: (which already has me @ my quota ;) ) [15/04/14 23:40] Ars Alchemy:but Bob was a simple villiger who wanted one day to live in another land [15/04/14 23:40] Ars Alchemy:so he moved, taking the various things with him as what he would relate to [15/04/14 23:41] Ars Alchemy:where he moved he set up as his own the enviroment that surrounded him [15/04/14 23:41] Ars Alchemy:things changed [15/04/14 23:42] Ars Alchemy:and he even built his home there [15/04/14 23:42] Ars Alchemy:and where that land once was bare and simple field unexpectedly became a Home. [15/04/14 23:42] Ars Alchemy:thank you [15/04/14 23:43] :TheRichMerchant applauds [15/04/14 23:43] :Rikstar cheers [15/04/14 23:43] :Handy Pockets claps [15/04/14 23:43] :Rophs claps [15/04/14 23:44] :Lania smiles and claps [15/04/14 23:44] :Ars Alchemy smiles and sits down [15/04/14 23:44] Rophs:Who shall tell the next story? [15/04/14 23:44] TheRichMerchant:mine will be so long im afraid to begin :) [15/04/14 23:44] Rikstar:I want to tell a story. :) [15/04/14 23:44] TheRichMerchant:go, rik [15/04/14 23:44] Rophs: *nods* Ars give Rikstar a story topic. [15/04/14 23:44] Rikstar:BUt I already have one. D: [15/04/14 23:45] Ars Alchemy:the topic is Realization [15/04/14 23:45] Rikstar:Hmmm. [15/04/14 23:45] Ars Alchemy:you can easily work yours to fit that in [15/04/14 23:45] Rikstar:Ah. :D [15/04/14 23:45] Rikstar:That topic works wonderful with my planned story. [15/04/14 23:45] Ars Alchemy:excellent [15/04/14 23:46] Rikstar:Well my story isn't a real story, it's about a family. [15/04/14 23:46] :Rophs nods [15/04/14 23:47] Rikstar:A man comes very sad at home. [15/04/14 23:47] Rikstar:He has heard some horrible news. His wife is pregnant of four children, but the doctors are sure she won´t make it out alive after the birth of four babies. [15/04/14 23:48] Rikstar:He can´t face reality so he asked her to be alone for a moment to think. [15/04/14 23:48] Rikstar:He later comes back at his wife and he holds her while she´s crying. [15/04/14 23:49] Rikstar:Fast forward to the four kids getting birthed (is this even a verb?) . [15/04/14 23:50] Ars Alchemy: (once verbilized) [15/04/14 23:50] Rikstar:The first one is a girl, the second a boy, the third a girl and the fourth a boy. [15/04/14 23:51] Rendril Revant: (born?) [15/04/14 23:51] Rikstar:His wife dies due to the huge amount of blood loss. [15/04/14 23:52] Rikstar:This has a huge impact on the man and he starts to get an addiction on alcohol. [15/04/14 23:52] Rikstar:And overal get a depression. [15/04/14 23:53] Rikstar:He slowly starts to build up his life with his kids getting older, though he's a bit addicted to alcohol he's still a nice father. [15/04/14 23:53] Rikstar:When the kids are four there is already a huge difference in their behaviour. [15/04/14 23:54] Rikstar:One girl and boy are constantly fighting. While the other two are more on themselves. [15/04/14 23:55] Rikstar:The girl tries to talk about it, but the boy keeps scratching her. [15/04/14 23:55] Occamrazor:*stay more to themselves [15/04/14 23:55] Rikstar: (Thank you, my grammar isn't the best. :) ) [15/04/14 23:55] Rikstar: (I'm really worse at those kind of words like: by, at, on, in, etc) [15/04/14 23:56] Rikstar:The other girl is more creative and the other boy very rational. [15/04/14 23:56] Rikstar:Fast forward 10 years. [15/04/14 23:57] Rikstar:The man has a new wife, but his addiction got worse. His new wife is also the same as him. They both try to get a baby. [15/04/14 23:59] Rikstar:The first one they got died in the uterus. [15/04/14 23:59] Rikstar:Though the second one survived and was born. [15/04/14 23:59] Rikstar:Something magical happend with the man, his life sparks up. [16/04/14 00:00] Rikstar:Whilst he's getting older his new daughter is his proud and joy. [16/04/14 00:00] Rikstar:He is also neglecting his four other kids. [16/04/14 00:01] Rikstar:One boy is attending a science university, one girl is goes for art school. [16/04/14 00:02] Rikstar:The other boy isn't as lucky he gets an addiction to drugs. [16/04/14 00:03] Rikstar:The other girl is beautiful, but stays conservative and religious. She has already a husband and a little kid. [16/04/14 00:03] Rikstar: (we are over half I think. :) ) [16/04/14 00:03] Rikstar: (conclusions are coming it's way.) [16/04/14 00:04] Rikstar:The young girl wears a beautiful dress and plays outside in the garden with her dad. [16/04/14 00:05] Rikstar:She sniffs the flowers, touches the butterflies and listens to the beautifull sounds outside. [16/04/14 00:05] Rikstar:But then her father collapsed to the ground. [16/04/14 00:05] Rikstar:She immediately runs inside and calls her mother. [16/04/14 00:05] Rikstar:Her mother storms out and calls an ambulance. [16/04/14 00:06] Rikstar:The man wakes up in the hospital, but he feels a little bit dizzy. [16/04/14 00:06] Rikstar:The docters tell him that he is in a really bad condition. [16/04/14 00:06] Rikstar:That there is now way to prevent his soon death. [16/04/14 00:08] Rikstar:The young girl visits her dad every week, while his other kids had visited him only once. [16/04/14 00:08] Rikstar:When he almost dies he talks to his little girl and says that he loves her. [16/04/14 00:09] Rikstar:His last wishes are that he wants to live again. [16/04/14 00:09] Rikstar:*wish is [16/04/14 00:09] Rikstar:This man is [16/04/14 00:09] Rikstar:Murates del Mur. [16/04/14 00:09] Rikstar:The end. [16/04/14 00:10] TheRichMerchant:...lost for words... [16/04/14 00:10] Ars Alchemy:... [16/04/14 00:10] :Rophs stares dumbfounded at Rik [16/04/14 00:10] Rikstar:Should I explain it? [16/04/14 00:11] Rophs:... Wold anybody else like to tell a story? [16/04/14 00:11] TheRichMerchant:wait, let rik explain it:D [16/04/14 00:11] Rophs: (I'll post the logs on the forum thread, post an explanation there) [16/04/14 00:11] Lania:The 5 children are the main lands? [16/04/14 00:11] TheRichMerchant:then id like to tell one [16/04/14 00:11] Handy Pockets:Wait Rophs, let Rik explain [16/04/14 00:11] Rophs: (or explain here :P) [16/04/14 00:11] Ars Alchemy:Occam, tell a story [16/04/14 00:11] Rikstar:Yup Lania got it right. *claps* [16/04/14 00:11] :Rophs chuckles [16/04/14 00:11] Rikstar:The children all represent a land. [16/04/14 00:11] Rophs:So who's next? [16/04/14 00:11] Rikstar:The first wife is the real world. [16/04/14 00:12] Rikstar:And Mur represents MD. [16/04/14 00:12] Rikstar:The first baby with the new wife that dies is the underground. [16/04/14 00:12] Rikstar:And that new wife is MDA> [16/04/14 00:13] TheRichMerchant:hmm...thats a way to look at things. rather poetic, if you ask me [16/04/14 00:13] Ars Alchemy:I thought that it meant more than that... [16/04/14 00:13] Occamrazor:i do have a story but i am not prepared right now, next time [16/04/14 00:13] Lania:Good one, Rik. *smiles* [16/04/14 00:13] Rikstar: *chuckles* I'm not that deep Ars. :) [16/04/14 00:13] Rikstar:And thank you Lania. [16/04/14 00:13] Ars Alchemy:but you explained it rather brilliently [16/04/14 00:13] Handy Pockets:Pretty deep though. *laughs* [16/04/14 00:14] Rikstar:We should revive Mur! [16/04/14 00:14] Rophs:Revive Mur during your own event Rik [16/04/14 00:14] Ars Alchemy:hiss boo! why? so he can yells at us for creating histories? [16/04/14 00:14] :Rophs pets littke Rik [16/04/14 00:14] Ars Alchemy:<,< [16/04/14 00:14] Rikstar: *chuckles* Well he's making a quest, becuase of me. hehe [16/04/14 00:15] Rophs:Who wants to tell the next story? [16/04/14 00:15] TheRichMerchant:me, me [16/04/14 00:15] Rophs:You don't have to have one prepared. [16/04/14 00:15] Ars Alchemy:then he sounds decently revived [16/04/14 00:15] Rendril Revant:Actually you'd be surprised how closely that story resembles real events [16/04/14 00:15] Rophs:Participants are ENCOURAGED to make them up on the spot. [16/04/14 00:15] Rophs:Rik give Richy a story topic. [16/04/14 00:15] Rikstar:Umm. [16/04/14 00:16] Occamrazor: ((my spacebar is broken ) ) [16/04/14 00:16] Rikstar:Returning of events. [16/04/14 00:16] Rikstar:Or reocurring of events. [16/04/14 00:16] :TheRichMerchant blinks [16/04/14 00:17] TheRichMerchant:you mean..cyclicity? [16/04/14 00:17] Rikstar:If you want to call it like that, then yes. [16/04/14 00:17] TheRichMerchant:..okay [16/04/14 00:17] Azkhael: (I have a story nearly ready, but I wound up skipping the night instead of sleeping, lest I not wake up on time; I will just watch the Seedwalk in zombie-like stasis instead :P) [16/04/14 00:17] TheRichMerchant:didnt expect something like that, though..give me 20 secs:) [16/04/14 00:18] :Rophs passed Wiiya to TheRichMerchant [16/04/14 00:18] Rophs:Keep your Grasan fed in the meantime [16/04/14 00:18] : Rophs collects wiiya [16/04/14 00:18] TheRichMerchant:thanks:) [16/04/14 00:18] Rikstar:Else I'll come up with an easier topic. :) [16/04/14 00:18] TheRichMerchant:it was late at night [16/04/14 00:18] TheRichMerchant:the wind was shrieking akwardly [16/04/14 00:18] Rikstar: (Maybe you can tell us your story later Azkhael. :) ) [16/04/14 00:19] TheRichMerchant:john was trying to sleep, but he simply could not...he had been having nightmares for a week now [16/04/14 00:19] TheRichMerchant:weird noises were coming from the street [16/04/14 00:20] TheRichMerchant:qt the first floor the old couple, who were alweays fioghting, were finally asleep [16/04/14 00:20] TheRichMerchant: (this hour is making me spell weird:) ) [16/04/14 00:21] TheRichMerchant:john imagined a world without homework and a big smile appeared on his face [16/04/14 00:21] TheRichMerchant:he fell asleep [16/04/14 00:22] TheRichMerchant:the clock woke him up the next day [16/04/14 00:23] TheRichMerchant:6 a.m. go downstairs for breakfast, take your bag, go to school [16/04/14 00:24] TheRichMerchant:on the road, he noticed something interesting - a little tadpole was floating in the air [16/04/14 00:24] TheRichMerchant:nobody else seemed to notice that [16/04/14 00:25] TheRichMerchant:he got closer and the tadpole shouted: ”wake up, john, youll be late for school” [16/04/14 00:25] TheRichMerchant:john woke up. it was 6 a.m. he had another nightmare. [16/04/14 00:26] TheRichMerchant:meh...go downstairs for breakfast, take your bag and go to school. daily routine... [16/04/14 00:26] Master of Ceremonies: (Next land is Necrovion, it will be announced now. Also a jump link will be opened. King Azull has no issues with the walk. So continue with it, have fun, and after it finishes jump to Necrovion) [16/04/14 00:27] TheRichMerchant:on the road he noticed something strange - a small frog was floating in the air [16/04/14 00:27] TheRichMerchant:he got closer and the frog shouted at him in a sharp kind of voice: ”wake up, john. you ll be late for school” [16/04/14 00:28] TheRichMerchant:john woke up. it was 6 a.m. and he had another nightmare, something about frogs... [16/04/14 00:28] powle: *chuckles* i like this story [16/04/14 00:29] TheRichMerchant:his head hurted like hell, he could barely get downstairs for breakfast. he looked at the bag and decided school is where he forges his future [16/04/14 00:29] TheRichMerchant:so he took the bag and went to school, but..on the road, there was a huge frog floating in the air [16/04/14 00:29] TheRichMerchant:the frog told him ”wake up,john. you will be late for school”. so john woke up [16/04/14 00:30] TheRichMerchant:funny how everyday life is full of patterns, he thought [16/04/14 00:30] TheRichMerchant:it was 6 a.m. and he had classes [16/04/14 00:30] TheRichMerchant:classes that would shape his future [16/04/14 00:30] TheRichMerchant:so he went doenstairs for breakfast [16/04/14 00:30] TheRichMerchant:took breakfast [16/04/14 00:31] TheRichMerchant:decided he has had enough nighmares with frogs floating in the air [16/04/14 00:31] TheRichMerchant:went back up to his room and played MD for the whole day [16/04/14 00:31] TheRichMerchant:the next day, he went to school as if nothing has happened [16/04/14 00:31] TheRichMerchant:the good thing is, he didnt have nightmares since [16/04/14 00:32] TheRichMerchant:hasnt had* [16/04/14 00:32] TheRichMerchant:the end [16/04/14 00:32] powle:did he not meet BFH the toad in MD? [16/04/14 00:32] :Rikstar claps and cheers [16/04/14 00:32] :Handy Pockets claps [16/04/14 00:32] :Lania cheers [16/04/14 00:32] TheRichMerchant:this was so weird...writing stuff on the spot [16/04/14 00:32] :Handy Pockets giggles a little [16/04/14 00:32] TheRichMerchant:with no idea where this will go [16/04/14 00:32] Lania:Nice, Powle, nice. *chuckles* [16/04/14 00:33] Occamrazor:woot! [16/04/14 00:33] Rikstar:It's fun to do, isn't it? [16/04/14 00:33] TheRichMerchant:its like ”lol, wth?” [16/04/14 00:33] Occamrazor:well done [16/04/14 00:33] TheRichMerchant:ty :) [16/04/14 00:33] powle:you are a pretty good storyteller [16/04/14 00:34] :Rophs laughs [16/04/14 00:34] Rophs:Who tells the next story? [16/04/14 00:34] TheRichMerchant:thanks for saying that, although i dont buy it :) [16/04/14 00:35] powle:i'm not selling *smiles* this time i'm praising you for free [16/04/14 00:35] :Rikstar chuckles [16/04/14 00:35] :TheRichMerchant chuckles [16/04/14 00:36] powle:only because it MD Bday tho [16/04/14 00:36] Rophs:Shall we finish up at the [16/04/14 00:36] Rophs:at the Oak then? [16/04/14 00:38] Rikstar:Oak fort? [16/04/14 00:38] Occamrazor:where next? [16/04/14 00:39] Rophs:Be patient! [16/04/14 00:39] Handy Pockets:The Oak is on the left side of this path Rikstar. *points to the side of the path* . see it is right there [16/04/14 00:39] Ars Alchemy:race you to the next tree, Az [16/04/14 00:39] TheRichMerchant:i suppose no one else has stories to tell [16/04/14 00:39] Rophs:I'll be giving a fresh Wiiya bubble to a storyteller of the Audience's choosing. [16/04/14 00:39] :Rikstar doesn't see an oak. [16/04/14 00:40] Rikstar:I assume that my mind is using his creative erasing ability again. [16/04/14 00:40] Rophs:PM me votes [16/04/14 00:40] Ars Alchemy:Roph says it's there [16/04/14 00:41] Ars Alchemy:I beleive him [16/04/14 00:41] Handy Pockets:It is there, Awiiya planted it all those years ago [16/04/14 00:41] Rophs:MD is about what people believe, not what we see. [16/04/14 00:41] Ars Alchemy:he's the Seedwalker after all and should know these things [16/04/14 00:41] Rophs:If everybody believes that bob ran away from Path of Loneliness then so be it! [16/04/14 00:41] :Ars Alchemy gets a head start [16/04/14 00:41] Rikstar:Ah you mean that tree. [16/04/14 00:42] Rikstar:Well my memory of an oak isn't that vivid. :) [16/04/14 00:42] Handy Pockets: *nods* . yes [16/04/14 00:42] Rikstar:It's a really beautifull oak. [16/04/14 00:44] Rophs:Only three votes so far [16/04/14 00:44] Rikstar:Vote vote vote people! [16/04/14 00:44] Rophs:Vote! [16/04/14 00:45] TheRichMerchant:democracy now!! [16/04/14 00:45] Rikstar:Ars me or rich [16/04/14 00:45] :TheRichMerchant chuckles [16/04/14 00:47] :TheRichMerchant yawns [16/04/14 00:48] Rophs:Three votes for different people... [16/04/14 00:48] Rophs:Please vote!! [16/04/14 00:48] Handy Pockets:Three Wiiya's then perhaps? [16/04/14 00:48] Rikstar:Or you choose one Rophs? [16/04/14 00:48] Handy Pockets: *coughs* . bubble [16/04/14 00:49] Rophs: *laughs* I just might have to. [16/04/14 00:49] powle:i voted just now [16/04/14 00:49] Rophs:Gah! [16/04/14 00:49] Rophs:A vote just in [16/04/14 00:50] :Rophs passed Wiiya Bubble to TheRichMerchant [16/04/14 00:50] Rophs:To Santruary's view we go! [16/04/14 00:50] Handy Pockets: *claps* . yay [16/04/14 00:50] :Rikstar claps [16/04/14 00:50] :[Spell] listen to the whisper of the seeds [/spoiler] The Maple: [spoiler] [15/04/14 23:11] :papaver drinks a glass of wine [16/04/14 00:45] Azkhael:And hello again! [16/04/14 00:46] Ars Alchemy:heya *grins* [16/04/14 00:46] :Ars Alchemy juggling his many floating orbs until the rest of them arrive [16/04/14 00:47] :Azkhael supports himself on the tree [16/04/14 00:48] Ars Alchemy:shame to let all these bottles go to waste [16/04/14 00:49] Azkhael:Not to mention the barrels. [16/04/14 00:50] Ars Alchemy:can you reach to 'top shelf' stuff from where you're at? [16/04/14 00:51] Azkhael:If I had the strength to climb, perhaps *chuckles* [16/04/14 00:52] Ars Alchemy:well-you could use those two of cups for leverage [16/04/14 00:53] Handy Pockets:I will be back Rophs [16/04/14 00:53] Rophs:At the maple we tell the Happenings of the day. [16/04/14 00:53] :Rophs waves goodbye to Kets [16/04/14 00:53] Rophs:Let's wait for the others to catch up. [16/04/14 00:54] Azkhael: (I have the attention spam of a grape right now. If grapes had one) [16/04/14 00:54] TheRichMerchant: (as it gets later and later, we are getting fewer) [16/04/14 00:54] TheRichMerchant: (i dont know the time in brasil, but its 1 a.m. here. i feel you, azkhael) [16/04/14 00:55] TheRichMerchant:bfh, finished watching the documentary? [16/04/14 00:55] BFH the Green:no [16/04/14 00:55] BFH the Green:i'm not here [16/04/14 00:55] BFH the Green:lol [16/04/14 00:55] TheRichMerchant:ahem [16/04/14 00:55] Azkhael: (Only 19:00 here. Usually, I'd be up and about for a long while yet. But I've been awake for the last 35 hours :() [16/04/14 00:56] TheRichMerchant: *wink* sure [16/04/14 00:56] Handy Pockets:my apologies. [16/04/14 00:56] TheRichMerchant: (35??? go to sleep) [16/04/14 00:57] Azkhael: (After the Seedwalk) [16/04/14 00:57] Azkhael: (Until then, zombie-stasis observation it is!) [16/04/14 00:57] TheRichMerchant: (...) [16/04/14 00:57] Rophs:Let [16/04/14 00:57] Rophs:Let us tell the happenings of today. [16/04/14 00:58] Ars Alchemy:there was light [16/04/14 00:59] TheRichMerchant:and it rained [16/04/14 00:59] TheRichMerchant:well, today i missed azkhales lecture, the same way i missed lr anniversry and lastal s quest :( [16/04/14 00:59] Handy Pockets:I saw people who have been missing for a while. [16/04/14 01:00] Azkhael:There shall be a log, in time. [16/04/14 01:00] Ars Alchemy:so a candle went out [16/04/14 01:01] TheRichMerchant: *rubs his face* and thats it for me. im trying to stay awake ..... [16/04/14 01:02] Ars Alchemy:I too missed az's lecture [16/04/14 01:02] Rophs:Me threee [16/04/14 01:02] Azkhael:Traitors! *jests* [16/04/14 01:03] Ars Alchemy:I was told it was a bit technical [16/04/14 01:03] Ars Alchemy:could you summon it up for us perhaps? [16/04/14 01:03] Ars Alchemy:from A-Z? [16/04/14 01:04] Azkhael:And here I thought it was not technical enough. [16/04/14 01:04] Azkhael:However, to draw a conclusion here, online communities find themselves in a precarious balance in regard to their autonomy. [16/04/14 01:04] Azkhael:We saw that societies, held as an abstraction of those individuals within, for the sake of ease of analysis, bring tendencies within their moral frameworks that largely determine (cont) [16/04/14 01:05] Azkhael:an individual's values. [16/04/14 01:05] Rophs:+0. [16/04/14 01:05] Azkhael:Furthermore, we saw that most individuals suffer said and enact such influence unconsciously, though that framework can be intentionally manipulated by a select number towards a given end. [16/04/14 01:05] Azkhael::Likwise, we saw that online communities sport many such aspects, including internal mechanisms of social recognition and rituals of communication. [16/04/14 01:05] Azkhael:Still, it was said that those values bear a much reduced influence on the individual itself, if compared to that originary society. [16/04/14 01:06] :Ars Alchemy nods [16/04/14 01:06] Azkhael::However, when acting within said online society, we adopt those influences more strongly, even as those more inherent to us lower in intensity. An internal form of social coercion. [16/04/14 01:06] Azkhael:Yet still, even through that mask our originary society exerts the more powerful filter. The earlier may serve as a trigger, but it is not the most determinant of our behaviour. [16/04/14 01:06] Azkhael:How that holds true for each of you, however, is for you to ponder over, and here, I will gladly support Gljivoje's proposal. [16/04/14 01:06] TheRichMerchant:good thing this was a lecture and not a debate [16/04/14 01:07] TheRichMerchant:i think we would have stayed up for 5 more hours if it were a debate h3h3 [16/04/14 01:07] Ars Alchemy:doesn't sound at all technical to me [16/04/14 01:07] Ars Alchemy:more...logistical [16/04/14 01:07] TheRichMerchant:but debatable [16/04/14 01:07] Ars Alchemy:and highly condensed [16/04/14 01:08] Azkhael:That is the recap. [16/04/14 01:08] :Ars Alchemy grins [16/04/14 01:08] Azkhael:Not the lecture proper. [16/04/14 01:08] Rophs: *nods* To the Willow? [16/04/14 01:08] TheRichMerchant:yup [16/04/14 01:08] Handy Pockets:Yes, [16/04/14 01:08] :[Spell] listen to the whisper of the seeds [/spoiler] The Willow: [spoiler] [16/04/14 01:11] TheRichMerchant:hipocrisy is not a human trait, it is innate to language [16/04/14 01:12] TheRichMerchant:dont mind me, its the hour acting up ........zzzzzz [16/04/14 01:13] Azkhael:Language where hypocrisy is possible is a human trait. :P [16/04/14 01:14] TheRichMerchant:dont. not now :D [16/04/14 01:14] TheRichMerchant:poetry, Rophs? [16/04/14 01:15] Rophs:Yes [16/04/14 01:15] Rophs:Poerty [16/04/14 01:15] Rophs:I'll start [16/04/14 01:16] TheRichMerchant:ok [16/04/14 01:16] Rophs:MagicDuel is nine [16/04/14 01:16] Rophs:Last year it turned eight years old [16/04/14 01:16] Rophs:But now it is nine [16/04/14 01:17] Rophs: *nods* A haiku [16/04/14 01:17] Handy Pockets:Nice, *smiles* [16/04/14 01:17] Handy Pockets:You wrote a Haiku that time I took you on the seed walk [16/04/14 01:19] TheRichMerchant:haikus are nice..too bad you can never come close to the japanese originals [16/04/14 01:20] Rophs:Kiiiiiii doki doki [16/04/14 01:20] TheRichMerchant:lol [16/04/14 01:21] Rophs:Neko de sanpo kawaii [16/04/14 01:21] TheRichMerchant:what is ”sanpo”? [16/04/14 01:21] TheRichMerchant:http://ptchanculto.binhoster.com/books/-Lit- Recommended Reading/Japanese Literature/Matsuo Basho/Matsuo Basho - Basho's Haiku, Selected Poems.pdf [16/04/14 01:21] Rophs:Neko no mimi [16/04/14 01:22] Rophs:Pardon my terrible Japanese [16/04/14 01:22] Rophs:Kiii meaning screeching sound [16/04/14 01:22] Rophs:doki doki meaning heartbeat [16/04/14 01:22] Rophs:Neko de sanpo meaning a cat walked by [16/04/14 01:22] Rophs:kawaii meaning cure [16/04/14 01:22] Rophs:Neko no mimi meaning cat ears [16/04/14 01:22] TheRichMerchant:cute [16/04/14 01:23] TheRichMerchant:can i write a poem now? [16/04/14 01:24] Rophs:S [16/04/14 01:24] Rophs:Sure [16/04/14 01:24] TheRichMerchant:There is a road waving its way into the horizon [16/04/14 01:25] TheRichMerchant:Somewhere, it stops for a moment at a water willow [16/04/14 01:25] TheRichMerchant:There, I stop too and sit under the willow [16/04/14 01:25] TheRichMerchant:I look at the steady water of the lake [16/04/14 01:26] TheRichMerchant:I feel the wind and half close my eyes [16/04/14 01:26] TheRichMerchant:That is the place where I forget myself for some time [16/04/14 01:26] TheRichMerchant:And then, I keep walking. Forgetting in order to keep going [16/04/14 01:26] TheRichMerchant:Is what I do. [16/04/14 01:27] TheRichMerchant:this is pretty much how i feel about this scene [16/04/14 01:28] :Rophs nods [16/04/14 01:28] Azkhael:I am nearly falling asleep on my office. Alas, I must now bid you farewell; until we meet again. [16/04/14 01:28] Handy Pockets:It is a quiet place [16/04/14 01:28] :Azkhael tumbles down [16/04/14 01:28] TheRichMerchant: (take care. sleep well) [16/04/14 01:28] Handy Pockets:Sleep well Azkhael [16/04/14 01:29] TheRichMerchant:quiet, as the paper cabin „terrace” [16/04/14 01:29] TheRichMerchant:i like this scene prolly because i have seen it in reality. there are such places [16/04/14 01:30] Handy Pockets:Rophs, I will need to go soon, may we walk to the Spruce? [16/04/14 01:30] :Rophs nods [16/04/14 01:30] :[Spell] listen to the whisper of the seeds [/spoiler] And we told secrets at the Spruce :)
  21. I have two GC left, I'll trade both of them for 35 silver. edit: or you can give me the Traveller's Sandals that MoC stole from me :D
  22. Aiesh save us some time and just give Kyphis first place :P
  23. The Oak: [spoiler] [06/04/14 07:06] :Intrigue falls through the gates in a heap [06/04/14 07:07] Intrigue: *rolls over and stares at the sky* My, it's gotten even deeper! [06/04/14 07:08] :Intrigue crawls over under Awiiya and rests [06/04/14 07:09] Intrigue: *grumbles to herself* Three peices of cake, a pickle and half an hour wait. Tis ridiculous. and now I have a tummy ache too. [06/04/14 07:09] :Sir Blut passed Flowers to Intrigue [06/04/14 07:09] Rophs: *laughs and reaches into his pocket* I have something that might cheer you up. [06/04/14 07:10] :Rophs strides over to Intrigue and holds a pebble out in the palm of his hand [06/04/14 07:10] :Intrigue looks at it with interest [06/04/14 07:11] Intrigue: (brb, tea should be ready by now) [06/04/14 07:11] :Rophs raises both of his eyebrows in a failed attempt at raising just one [06/04/14 07:11] Rophs: (brb, making tea) [06/04/14 07:12] Intrigue: (yays for tea, lol. blut, you have tea on too?) [06/04/14 07:14] Sir Blut: (no time :() [06/04/14 07:15] Sir Blut: (but I have something just as good to drink) [06/04/14 07:15] Sir Blut:SO i guess this is it [06/04/14 07:16] Intrigue: *takes the pebble from Rophs and rolls it between her fingers* Aye, I think it may be just us three. [06/04/14 07:16] Rophs: *nods and walks over to the Oak* Three is a fine number for a Seedwalk. [06/04/14 07:17] Rophs: *sits down cross legged facing the Oak* A Seedwalk is lonely with just two people. [06/04/14 07:20] Sir Blut:So whos first [06/04/14 07:20] :Intrigue continues rolling the pebble between her fingers and stares off at something in the grasses [06/04/14 07:20] :Rophs looks around [06/04/14 07:24] : Sir Blut collects herbs and flowers as a byproduct [06/04/14 07:24] Intrigue: *slips the pebble into her satchel* Long ago, in a land not of this place, there was a child. [06/04/14 07:25] :Sir Blut passed Flowers to Intrigue [06/04/14 07:25] Intrigue:This child was a free spirit, and would at any chance, dart off into the woods to climb the trees there, and not come down until night began to come. [06/04/14 07:26] Intrigue:The elders of the village where this child lived knew how this one behaved, and dismissed the disappearances as nothing more than child's play. [06/04/14 07:26] Intrigue:One day though, night began to fall, and the child was not seen. [06/04/14 07:27] Intrigue:Time dragged on, and soon, it was full dark, the only light to be seen was from the bonfire in the middle of the huts. [06/04/14 07:28] Intrigue:Worried that something may have happened to the child, several of the hunters decided to head into the forest to seek out the child, in case they had fallen into some misfortune on their adventure. [06/04/14 07:28] :Rophs puts his hand up [06/04/14 07:29] Rophs:We didn't give you a story topic yet... [06/04/14 07:29] Intrigue: *looks to Rophs and stops with a smile* I know [06/04/14 07:29] Rophs: *thinks for a bit* Can this story be about lycanthropy? [06/04/14 07:30] :Intrigue nods and continues [06/04/14 07:30] Intrigue:The hunters called out to the child as they progressed into the forest, sending scouts up trees that the child had been seen to frequent. [06/04/14 07:31] Intrigue:Meanwhile, back at the village, many people were distracted by the child missing and worried that their own children may someday wander away, so they had long talks with them about wandering off. [06/04/14 07:32] Intrigue:Overhearing one such conversation, one of the elder hunters spoke up "Aye, you should mind your mothers and fathers, for there are dangers in the woods at night..." [06/04/14 07:33] Intrigue:As the hunter spoke of the terrors of the forest, more and more children gathered around his feet to listen, hearing nothing but his words. [06/04/14 07:34] Intrigue:Back in the forest though, and unknown to the hunting party out searching for the child, this child had befriended a stranger. [06/04/14 07:34] Intrigue:The child had found one of another kind, and while they sat in a tree watching the moon rise, something odd happened... [06/04/14 07:36] Intrigue:The child, fixated on the rising moon they had never seen in the full dark, was shocked to the point they fell out of the tree when they realized they were no longer sitting by an old lady... [06/04/14 07:36] Intrigue:Instead, there on the branch, and trembling much due to the height, was a sleek black wolf with silver eyes. [06/04/14 07:37] Intrigue:The child, hurt by the fall, cried out loudly, while the wolf whimpered in the tree. [06/04/14 07:37] Intrigue:The hunters, having heard their own stories of the terrors of the forest, ran towards the sound of the child blindly. [06/04/14 07:38] Intrigue:One fell into a ravine, and another tripped over a tree root and broke an arm. [06/04/14 07:38] Intrigue:A few got lost by the echoes of the forest, and were never seen again... [06/04/14 07:39] Intrigue:But, a small handful made it to the child, and scooped the child up, looking all around for what may have made the child cry out [06/04/14 07:40] Intrigue:Luckily though, they never looked up into the tree, and after deciding there was no danger, the hunters carried the child home. [06/04/14 07:40] Intrigue:Days passed, and again, the child ventured off into the forest. Again, the child met the old woman, and shyly asked why she hadn't told her secret before the moon came up. [06/04/14 07:41] Intrigue:The old woman replied " If I had, my dinner would have left, but instead, it left me stranded high in a tree with an empty belly....." [06/04/14 07:43] :Rophs eyes Intrigue suspiciously [06/04/14 07:44] :Intrigue raises and eyebrow and looks at Rophs [06/04/14 07:45] Rophs:That one time when we were at MDP with the mp3s you were awfully good at climbing... [06/04/14 07:45] Intrigue: *nods* I am, much and more. [06/04/14 07:47] Rophs: *shrugs* It's a good thing it's almost never night in MD then. [06/04/14 07:47] Intrigue: *nods* The night is dark and full of terrors. [06/04/14 07:47] :Sir Blut smiles qnd ckaos [06/04/14 07:48] Rophs: *blinks and looks over at Blut* Why did you make the sound of a duck? [06/04/14 07:49] Sir Blut:claps* :p [06/04/14 07:51] :Rophs chuckles [06/04/14 07:51] Intrigue: *whispers to Rophs* He has spent much time in the water lately, mayhaps his applause is water logged. [06/04/14 07:52] Sir Blut:I have? [06/04/14 07:52] Intrigue: *nods and grins* Much compared to some [06/04/14 07:53] Intrigue: *pinches her nose* One came by the other day that needed to spend time in the waters [06/04/14 07:53] Sir Blut:I don't recall going swimming lately [06/04/14 07:54] Sir Blut:Then again I don't recall much lately anyway [06/04/14 07:54] Intrigue: *laughs and shakes her head* Pay me no mind. I am rather... odd today. [06/04/14 07:55] Sir Blut:no, tis I lacking a sense of humour these past few days, too stressed [06/04/14 07:55] Sir Blut:anyways, my turn? [06/04/14 07:56] :Intrigue looks to Rophs [06/04/14 07:56] Rophs: *looks to Intrigue* You told the last story, you give the topic! [06/04/14 07:57] Intrigue: *thinks a moment* Something with the color blue in it? [06/04/14 07:57] Sir Blut:okay [06/04/14 07:58] Sir Blut:Sorry if this doesn't make any sense [06/04/14 07:58] :Intrigue lays back in the grass and listens [06/04/14 07:58] Rophs: *whispers to Intrigue* Something that Bellies rarely do.... [06/04/14 07:59] Sir Blut:Tis the story of a boy with blue eyes who lived on an island surrounded by clear blue water, and when there wasn't a storm, beautiful blue skies [06/04/14 07:59] :Intrigue smiles and closes her eyes while listening [06/04/14 08:00] Sir Blut:He had no recollection of arriving on this island, but he knew every inch of it, and felt one with himself there [06/04/14 08:02] Sir Blut:One day he saw a ship on the horizon that bore no flags and he started worrying, he had never had visistors before [06/04/14 08:03] Sir Blut:Ten minutes later again looking at the horizon, the ship was turned around sailing away from the island, but there was a little boat with a man rowing to the island' [06/04/14 08:05] Sir Blut:when he got to it the boy approached with curiosity [06/04/14 08:07] Sir Blut:While he was muttering something about a capttain blut, the boy asked him who he was [06/04/14 08:08] Sir Blut:'Son, I am your father come for you after all these years, I was forced to lveave you here" [06/04/14 08:10] Sir Blut:sThe boy didnt understand the concept of a father and this man made him be afraid so he ran off into the jungle [06/04/14 08:12] Sir Blut:The man who also had blue eyes felt blue because his son didn't know him, and because captain blut had stranded him on this island [06/04/14 08:13] Sir Blut:but he felt a little better once he realized he wouldn't have to hear another of blut's stories ever again [06/04/14 08:13] Sir Blut:the end [06/04/14 08:13] Rophs: *laughs* Blut may I a topic? [06/04/14 08:14] :Intrigue sits up and looks to blut [06/04/14 08:15] Sir Blut:Hm...pain [06/04/14 08:15] Rophs: *laughs* The story you just told was painful. [06/04/14 08:15] Rophs:I heard a version of it a while ago that is a bit different. [06/04/14 08:16] :Sir Blut grins [06/04/14 08:16] Rophs: *nods* Aye, there was a boy alone on that island. [06/04/14 08:16] Rophs:*grins [06/04/14 08:16] Rophs: *grins* Yes, there was a captain who stranded one of his mates on that island. [06/04/14 08:17] Rophs:But, the boy was raised by monkeys and didn't understand a word the man said. [06/04/14 08:17] Rophs:When the pirate crew came back looking for the man who had hidden their smuggled rum they found the boy roasting him on a spit! [06/04/14 08:18] Rophs: *laughs* But your version is much better. [06/04/14 08:18] Rophs: *grimaces* And it pains me to admit that. [06/04/14 08:18] :Intrigue raises a brow [06/04/14 08:18] :Sir Blut chuckles [06/04/14 08:18] Sir Blut:I had never actually heard that story, that's a weird coincidence [06/04/14 08:19] Sir Blut:but perhaps not [06/04/14 08:19] Sir Blut:maple? [06/04/14 08:19] : Sir Blut collects herbs and flowers as a byproduct [06/04/14 08:20] :Sir Blut passed Flowers to Intrigue [06/04/14 08:20] :Intrigue nods and stands, slinging her satchel across her back [06/04/14 08:20] :Rophs nods [06/04/14 08:21] :Sir Blut heads there [06/04/14 08:21] :Intrigue follows [06/04/14 08:22] :[Spell] listen to the whisper of the seeds [/spoiler]
  24. and so it begins...
  25. [[title redacted]] You won't see me coming. In time I'll steal something. Can you spot my advance? Please don't escape the trance. Underground the earth quakes. Each tremor your foundation shakes. Who can guess what I'm up to? Maybe it will be you... Eventually I'll come out of the blue While you stand dazed without a clue.
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