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Everything posted by Rophs

  1. 7. YES YES YES! There is a location I can think of that would link quite nicely with the top floor of Wasp's Totem. Also possibly add a way to activate the land weapons in such a way :D
  2. Rophs

    Spring cleaning

    You'd need a bucket of water to use the mop anyways, otherwise it's just a very clumsy broom.
  3. 5/3/14 The Oak: [spoiler] [03/05/14 23:20] :Rophs nods to Azkhael [03/05/14 23:20] Azkhael:/me nods back [03/05/14 23:21] Azkhael: (... IRC memory) [03/05/14 23:21] :Azkhael nods back [03/05/14 23:21] Rophs: ( :P *laughs* ) [03/05/14 23:21] Azkhael: ( :P) [03/05/14 23:21] Rophs:You'll be on the Seedwalk? [03/05/14 23:22] Azkhael:Yes, indeed, though I shall depart as soon as we are done. [03/05/14 23:22] :Rophs nods [03/05/14 23:22] Azkhael:On a tight schedule for the month. [03/05/14 23:22] Rophs: *laughs* MDA must be especially busy now. [03/05/14 23:24] Azkhael:Not quite, I believe things cooled down after the Anniversary; it is more that I have two congresses with little to no space inbetween. [03/05/14 23:25] Azkhael:Which, alone, tie up two whole weeks; plus flight time and the preparation for them. [03/05/14 23:25] Azkhael: :( [03/05/14 23:25] :Rophs shivers [03/05/14 23:26] Azkhael:I'll manage, but it does leave me little spare time. [03/05/14 23:27] :Rophs nods [03/05/14 23:50] Lintara: *stops* Phew *smiles* Made it! [03/05/14 23:50] Aeoshattr:Barely. [03/05/14 23:50] Aeoshattr: (28 AP left lol) [03/05/14 23:50] Lintara: (2 Ap xD) [03/05/14 23:51] :Aeoshattr sits down in the grass [03/05/14 23:53] Lintara: *waves* Hi Rophs! Hi Azkhael! [03/05/14 23:55] Aeoshattr: *stretches and lays on his back in the grass* Well, it seems to have gotten awfully quiet here. [03/05/14 23:55] Rophs: *waves to the others* Welcome [03/05/14 23:55] Rophs:Let's wait a few more minutes for others to arrive. [03/05/14 23:57] Lintara: *settles down on the grass* O-kay. [03/05/14 23:57] Azkhael:Hello, indeed *nods* [03/05/14 23:58] Aeoshattr:Perhaps laying down in the grass was not the best idea *realises that there are insects crawling over him and gnawing on his dead flesh* [03/05/14 23:59] Lintara: *shrugs* Nature would find a way anyway, don't bother about it. [03/05/14 23:59] :Rophs chuckles [04/05/14 00:00] Aeoshattr:I should get this cadaveric decomposition sorted somehow, but I doubt the procedure would be appropriate right now. *looks at the sky, trying to tell what time it is* [04/05/14 00:01] Rophs:Alright, let's do a seedwalk! [04/05/14 00:01] Rophs:Who wants to tell a story first? [04/05/14 00:03] Aeoshattr:Oh dear. Lin, you told me we would be told stories, not that we would have to weave them ourselves. *sits up and flicks bugs off his cloak* [04/05/14 00:03] Rophs: *grins* Maybe we should make her tell the first story as punishment! [04/05/14 00:03] :Rophs cackles evilly [04/05/14 00:03] Aeoshattr:I wouldn't be so harsh. It may have just been 'cause of my... defective ears. [04/05/14 00:04] Lintara: *chuckles* Well, then you'd have to wait for some time while I try to weave one... [04/05/14 00:04] Rophs: *nods* Well, whoever tells the first story. Let's make its topic be 'growing'. [04/05/14 00:07] Lintara: *smiles* We could just weave one together. One person says a sentence, then another says a sentence... [04/05/14 00:07] Aeoshattr:Intriguing. [04/05/14 00:07] Rophs:I like that idea, and I think I'll start. [04/05/14 00:08] Rophs:Petty dodds carried her basket of apples throughout MD. [04/05/14 00:09] Lintara:One apple fell out and rolled under a tree. [04/05/14 00:10] Azkhael:She was worried she might not have enough for old Willow, and so... [04/05/14 00:12] Aeoshattr:She started knocking from door to door, asking for apples throughout the land of Marind [04/05/14 00:12] Rophs:Unfortunately, due to the shortage of apples very few people had any to spare. [04/05/14 00:13] Lintara:Petty dodds began to despair. [04/05/14 00:14] Azkhael:She wondered where an apple tree might be found; she saw oaks, maples and willows, but no apple trees in sight. [04/05/14 00:15] Aeoshattr:Yet tasting her despair, the world itself incarnated, a shade of liquid dust emerging when her hope was at its lowest, and asked her if she wanted apples. [04/05/14 00:17] Rophs:"Yes, of course I do", replied the naive Petty Dodde [04/05/14 00:19] Lintara:The shade grinned, and Petty dodds jumped back in surprise. [04/05/14 00:23] Aeoshattr: (are we doing turns? or can anyone jump in at any time?) [04/05/14 00:26] Lintara: (Azkhael probably had to go afk for a bit, so it's probably okay to jump in) [04/05/14 00:28] Azkhael:The shade extended its grim hand, as if reaching for... [04/05/14 00:28] Lintara: (ah, nvm, sorry >^.^'<) [04/05/14 00:30] Aeoshattr:the girl's hair. "Then give me a lock of your hair, and I will give you an apple. But you must give it with a smile, with joy." [04/05/14 00:32] Rophs:Petty shivered and shuddered in fear, but she knew there was no other option. [04/05/14 00:33] Azkhael: (Please, don't be, you were quite correct) [04/05/14 00:33] Lintara:With her hands shaking, she took out her knife and reached for her hair. [04/05/14 00:35] Azkhael:Reluctantly cutting away a small lock, which she held in tight grip, as if second guessing herself. [04/05/14 00:37] Aeoshattr:The shade swirled around her, almost sweeping her off her feet, and snatched the lock of hair from her hand, dropping a crooked tree branch in her basket, which had a couple of apples still on it. [04/05/14 00:44] Rophs:Petty mustered the best smile possible with the given circumstances and said "Thank you" with a weak, quivering voice. [04/05/14 00:46] Lintara:She carefully got back up on her feet and dusted herself off and when she looked at the apples in the basket... [04/05/14 00:47] Rophs:They started slowly growing hair [04/05/14 00:47] Azkhael: (And here I thought we were going for a dark turn :P) [04/05/14 00:48] Lintara: (Oh, so many ways this story can turn out! >^.^<) [04/05/14 00:48] Aeoshattr: (Hairy apples. lol) [04/05/14 00:48] Aeoshattr: (whose turn is it?) [04/05/14 00:49] Lintara: (Azkhael hasn't said his sentence yet ) [04/05/14 00:51] Azkhael:She was quite puzzled, and let off a deep sigh; what was she supposed to do with hairy apples, of all things? [04/05/14 00:53] Aeoshattr:And as hair started to grow on all apples, her own hair started growing grey and white [04/05/14 00:58] Aeoshattr: (Sadly, I'll have to go now) [04/05/14 00:59] Azkhael: (And I must go away for some five minutes) [04/05/14 00:59] Lintara: (Bye Aeo, see you around :) ) [04/05/14 00:59] Azkhael: (Brb) [04/05/14 00:59] Azkhael: (Farewell, Aeoshattr) [04/05/14 00:59] Rophs:Petty aged 1000 years in a matter of minutes, and shriveled up like a prune. [04/05/14 01:00] Lintara: (Well, I don't have much time left either =/) [04/05/14 01:00] Rophs: ( :P Do we have enough AP to go to the Maple?() [04/05/14 01:01] Lintara: (will 277 do? :P) [04/05/14 01:03] Lintara:Yet she didn't realize that she was aging quickly until she started walking. [04/05/14 01:07] Lintara: (and 330 ap now ^^) [04/05/14 01:13] Lintara: (Sorry, I have to go too now. Have fun!) [04/05/14 01:17] Rophs:To the Maple! [04/05/14 01:17] Rophs:listen to the whisper of the seeds [04/05/14 01:17] Rophs:castwords... [04/05/14 01:17] Rophs:the shades call [04/05/14 01:17] :[Spell] the shadow calls [04/05/14 01:18] :[Spell] listen to the whisper of the seeds [/spoiler] I won't be able to get a log for Willow because acoutsticremains bugged out twice in a row and I'm out of casts.
  4. Some things I'd rather NOT see sold: Spelldocs Independent Heat Solidifier Anything that increases the accessibility of the Silvertongue spell Independent tools related to the gathering of Wiiya Access to secret locations
  5. The Wookie's evil knows no bounds!
  6. I did that on Chrome, OS was Win7
  7. Santions BEFORE anything happened with the goal of preventing such things from happening, sort of like a vaccine. I'm honored to know that I am a worthy target for your kill tool.
  8. I am about 70% sure I know how to repeat the bug. Cast acousticremains, it should work the first time Close out of the popup opened by acousticremains Cast acousticremains again, it should NOT work Refresh the tab with layout.php open in it Cast acousticremains again, it should work
  9. I'd like to meet with leaders from every land to discuss matters related to Seedwalks. It is no lie that MD will often have wars where there are prisoners taken and citizens killed, and during a Seedwalk myself and others would be very vulnerable to attack while peacefully walking across the realm visiting Awi's seeds. I'd like to discuss sanctions for Seedwalks so that player traveling to a Seedwalk and players participating in a Seedwalk shall not be attacked part of as an act of war. (This was posted in Public Council because I felt it belonged here more then in General, if mods disagree they may move it.) edit: made language more comprehensible
  10. Rophs


    Notch, the creator of Minecraft made this little game that I think many MDers will find interesting http://game.notch.net/drowning (It takes maybe 20 minutes to finish the whole thing, it doesn't take long)
  11. Poems: [spoiler] Rophs Talks of Titles: Rophs the Seedwalker Such a name is not given Instead, it is earned. Where do I go?: Walk even alone The empty path leads to gold Others will follow. [/spoiler] Factual Report: [spoiler] Grido disbanded the triumvirate claiming power as Golemus's Leader shortly afterwards. Rophs, who would not follow false kings that usurped power from elected officials, decided to rebel against Fusioneers, Kelle'tha Order, Guerilla Golemicarum, and MR's Fraternity showing opposition towards newfound dictators. Knowing any fool could claim such positions he ran in an election for justice, preventing tyranny from conquering his homeland. [/spoiler]
  12. Anybody who has Stories/Poems in the Logs from Seedwalks thread is ENCOURAGED to also do this, and will receive a Wiiya Bubble from me for doing so.
  13. 1 Wiiya Bubble for whoever compiles a list of who won what contests, what they were awarded, and who still needs to receive rewards.
  14. I would like to enter my monolouge (factual report) at the Maple during today(4/26/14)'s Seedwalk in this contest of sorts along with stories/poems from Seedwalks. (creative writings styles of my choice) http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15107-logs-from-seedwalks/
  15. 4/26/14 The Oak: [spoiler] [27/04/14 03:13] :Rophs sighs and walks over towards the Oak and lies beside it [27/04/14 03:13] Rophs:This is a story of evil and murder. [27/04/14 03:14] Rophs: *sits up and hunches towards the Oak* I'm going to tell you about... the butcher... [27/04/14 03:16] Rophs:His actual name is unimportant, the butcher's mark on history... were his works of... *shivers* a-art, as he called them. [27/04/14 03:16] Rophs:Before I get into that there's a bit of history behind what corrupted the butcher. [27/04/14 03:17] Rophs: *curls up into a ball to prevent the warmth from escaping his body* As a young child he went on a tour through Necrovian with his sister named Marnid. [27/04/14 03:17] Rophs:Near the Trial of Agony he was separated from the group, as a tentacle came down from one of the trees and grabbed him. [27/04/14 03:18] Rophs:Twelve years, that is the time that the butcher spend in Necrovian, as the shades tortured and prodded upon him. [27/04/14 03:19] Rophs:People rumor that his soul was consumed by the shades and his veins were drained of blood. [27/04/14 03:20] Rophs:As he finally stumbled out of Necrovian the butcher eyed everything he saw with disgust and hatred. [27/04/14 03:20] :Rophs shivers [27/04/14 03:20] Rophs:I'll continue this tale next week, the memories are simply too horrid. [27/04/14 03:20] :[Spell] listen to the whisper of the seeds [/spoiler] The Maple: [spoiler] : Rophs pulls a barstool over to the Maple Rophs: This week the Golemus election ended, and I couldn't be happier with the results. Rophs: It was Grido and I running against each other, but I didn't want to be elected. Rophs: Grido announced that he was disbanding the Triumvirate and claiming the throne. *shakes his head* But I didn't like that. Rophs: A dictator or tyrant would do such a thing, and I could never accept having such a leader. Rophs: By running against him in a fair election, he is not a rightful king. Rophs: *grins* I doubt you'll understand that though, most people don't. [/spoiler] The Willow: [spoiler] : Rophs sits on the beach and looks at the Willow across the pond in the reeds Rophs: Rophs the Seedwalker Rophs: Such a name is not given Rophs: Instead, it is earned. Rophs: =-=-= Rophs: Walk even alone Rophs: The empty path leads to gold Rophs: Others will follow. Rophs: *nods* A few haikus. [/spoiler]
  16. But I stole EE's 135 when I successfully challenged him? So my score is a 135 but my claim is only 93.
  17. So then I'm out yet? :D
  18. Bracket updated
  19. Who voted for me? O.o I voted for Grido
  20. hbd to both of you :D
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