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  1. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from ignnus in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    I was walking near the willow's shop...suddenly heard..some sounds, like someone working with metals, forging or something.. I waited there for sometime and I saw the door getting opened and a warrior fully in metal walking out......his entire body was shining bright in the sun. He stared at me for sometime and started walking away, I called him and asked about him....he says he is the distant cousin of "Imperial Aramor" and he calls himself as "Imperial Ninja Warrior", he doesnt use axe, instead he uses his highly sharp sword...now he is looking for team ....if anybody wants to recruit him to your legion please let me know...and here he is


  2. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Watcher in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    I was walking near the willow's shop...suddenly heard..some sounds, like someone working with metals, forging or something.. I waited there for sometime and I saw the door getting opened and a warrior fully in metal walking out......his entire body was shining bright in the sun. He stared at me for sometime and started walking away, I called him and asked about him....he says he is the distant cousin of "Imperial Aramor" and he calls himself as "Imperial Ninja Warrior", he doesnt use axe, instead he uses his highly sharp sword...now he is looking for team ....if anybody wants to recruit him to your legion please let me know...and here he is


  3. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from ignnus in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    Ha what a nice weather, I was walking through the Whisper Alley...suddenly i heard some sound..near the trees..sound of a lady...I walked towards its source and found a lady

    practicing kungfu or some with her stick...who is she?? I wondered, I waited for her to turn so that I can see her face, she turned ...Ah!! what a face..did I meet my

    mate??.. she stared at me for a moment and continued her practise...I thought of way to talk to her, after a little though I pulled out an old text book method...I asked my

    dragon to come around and intimidate her...kudos it worked.... she said she came here to join some sisterhood ...I talked to her for a longtime....while leaving her I

    looked back....is she the princess I was waiting?? Nah!! she is a warroir, cant say when she is gonna kick my butts ....he he and as usually I haven't forgotten to get a

    drawing of her....


  4. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from ignnus in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    Hmmm!! It hasn't reached an end...there are more creatures coming out from the lake....we caught a creature...a dragon?...reptile?....lizard??...dont know, he says that he is a kin of crocodile... he seem to have come in search of his King Demon who is with me.....I cant let these creatures wander around and cause damage... I got him also under custody...here he is

  5. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Watcher in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    [quote name='Rumi' timestamp='1297057329' post='78554']
    Looks a little similar to an avatar I found in the shop about a month ago.

    Image in second post on page three of Asterdai's avatar shop in the central market.

    Havent noticed that....this why I put a suggestion here [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7629-suggestion-for-avatar-gallery/"]Avatar Gallery[/url] so that people can see..what avys exits...but my guy here is little evolved and he can be called as a King Demon

  6. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from ignnus in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    Hmm!! Today morning ...me and my dragon was taking a flight above Willow's walk...and we saw something moving in the lake....uh!! was that a Water Demon??...no its not...then wat's it......on a closer look...i found it is something new...did it came to cause nemesis to MD land??.....not sure ....we caught is after a small fight and kept it in custody..with the Rabid wolf...I took out a notice paper and drew it, this is how he looks....does someone knows or want this guy??.....hmm in coming days there can be more creatures in MD lands.....we will be looking for it...


  7. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Luke27 in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    I was walking near the willow's shop...suddenly heard..some sounds, like someone working with metals, forging or something.. I waited there for sometime and I saw the door getting opened and a warrior fully in metal walking out......his entire body was shining bright in the sun. He stared at me for sometime and started walking away, I called him and asked about him....he says he is the distant cousin of "Imperial Aramor" and he calls himself as "Imperial Ninja Warrior", he doesnt use axe, instead he uses his highly sharp sword...now he is looking for team ....if anybody wants to recruit him to your legion please let me know...and here he is


  8. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Fire Starter in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    Rider, I couldn't resist and digged this for you

  9. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Seigheart in Using "gay" as an Insult   
    As many of you have noticed, a certain individual had used the word "gay" as a form of insult on the Moodpanel. In reaction to this, others have blown up and responded to this form of "insult."

    This post is in response to both parties, for they are both EQUALLY WRONG.

    Being "gay" is not an insult. For either party to take think this, is just disgusting. Those who have endured years of torment for their sexual preference should be admired, not pitied, or made fun of. They chose to be outwardly DIFFERENT. They could have hidden their desires and done things the "normal" way, but they hadn't. They chose the hard life, and that life means they are happier.

    For those of you who call people "gay," think about yourself for a moment. Have you ever done something so courageous as defying one of Society's most important rules? Not likely.

    For those of you who pity those who are "gay", where do you get off pitying them? Protecting them? This is just as big an insult to these people. They do NOT need protecting, nor to be coddled.

    Once again, being "gay" is not a BAD thing.

  10. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from adiomino in Critique my drawings?   
    [quote name='adiomino' timestamp='1297054992' post='78553']
    [u][b](these are all in order of being drawn. slowly but surely i think i've gotten better xD)[/b][/u] look through them in order to see

    My personal favorites (in order going down)
    1: scary faceless man
    2: fairy girl
    3: faceless woman standing up

    Quality is pretty horrible because i used my webcam (bleh) to get the pictures here.
    But they are not finished products yet (i think) so once i finish them I'll get to working on hooking up the scanner.

    Please i want some tips on how to improve these drawings overall to get them approved as avatars. (note: the harp is a drawing for my harp item)

    (EDIT: oh goodness.. they look absolutely horrifying in this quality! i swear they look better in RL when you see them)

    (these are all in order of being drawn. slowly but surely i think i've gotten better xD)
    Did you scan those pics?? or took photos??....seem to have lot of shadows.......and about the pics..I likes the first one very much.... and about the human characters..you may want to put just a little more effort to the proportions on some of them, other than that its pretty nice.....go go player ;-)..... and I learned the basics from Christopher Hart's book...he is a super champ IMO
    [url="http://www.flipkart.com/drawing-cutting-edge-anatomy-christopher-book-0823023982"]Cutting Edge Anatomy[/url] and also see [url="http://www.posemaniacs.com/"]posemaniac[/url] site

  11. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to BFH in Calling forth the wolves   
    I must say it looks pretty well. Also with a bit rotation and resizing it will fit the avatar standards.
  12. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Watcher in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    Hmm!! Today morning ...me and my dragon was taking a flight above Willow's walk...and we saw something moving in the lake....uh!! was that a Water Demon??...no its not...then wat's it......on a closer look...i found it is something new...did it came to cause nemesis to MD land??.....not sure ....we caught is after a small fight and kept it in custody..with the Rabid wolf...I took out a notice paper and drew it, this is how he looks....does someone knows or want this guy??.....hmm in coming days there can be more creatures in MD lands.....we will be looking for it...


  13. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from adiomino in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    Hmm!! Today morning ...me and my dragon was taking a flight above Willow's walk...and we saw something moving in the lake....uh!! was that a Water Demon??...no its not...then wat's it......on a closer look...i found it is something new...did it came to cause nemesis to MD land??.....not sure ....we caught is after a small fight and kept it in custody..with the Rabid wolf...I took out a notice paper and drew it, this is how he looks....does someone knows or want this guy??.....hmm in coming days there can be more creatures in MD lands.....we will be looking for it...


  14. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Neno Veliki in Suggestions and view on XP Cap   

    First of all I am not sure this is the right place put this, but couldnt find a better place. Thanks to Mur to change the rule on xp cap to not to add further xp when the xp is over cap.
    First of all I am not sure why we have an xp cap over here...because logically speaking, there is no bound to your experience, your life is a path of continuous learning and there is always a room for improvement, so why an xp cap then? (If it was for some other reason which I am unaware, please forgive me). Anyways, I would be least bothered about the xp cap, but I am concerned about the win/loss counter, as you know once you hit xp cap the crts wont get any win/loss counters which is unacceptable IMO.... for example say you are super champion with unlimited experience and one fine day you are fighting with a rookie and you won so easily, you might not have gained a notable experience from that battle or a status boost, but the you still have [b]won a battle and that should be entered to your record book[/b]. So I would like to see the battle counters increase for my crts even though I am at xp cap...its just my opinion...

    [b]I think I am convinced with the first part why do we require XP cap, thanks to Kamate... but still would love see wins for my crts[/b]
  15. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Neno Veliki in Suggestions and view on XP Cap   
    Hmm!!! I havent put much thoughts on XP cap until i hit it.....and on some serious thinking after that.....I seem to convinced with the game as it is now..... I need to explore the skies a little more...let's get out and find out my buddy Dragon...

    This topic can be closed

  16. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Chewett in Suggestions and view on XP Cap   
    Hmm!!! I havent put much thoughts on XP cap until i hit it.....and on some serious thinking after that.....I seem to convinced with the game as it is now..... I need to explore the skies a little more...let's get out and find out my buddy Dragon...

    This topic can be closed

  17. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Seigheart in Suggestions and view on XP Cap   
    Hmm!!! I havent put much thoughts on XP cap until i hit it.....and on some serious thinking after that.....I seem to convinced with the game as it is now..... I need to explore the skies a little more...let's get out and find out my buddy Dragon...

    This topic can be closed

  18. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Grido in Suggestions and view on XP Cap   

    First of all I am not sure this is the right place put this, but couldnt find a better place. Thanks to Mur to change the rule on xp cap to not to add further xp when the xp is over cap.
    First of all I am not sure why we have an xp cap over here...because logically speaking, there is no bound to your experience, your life is a path of continuous learning and there is always a room for improvement, so why an xp cap then? (If it was for some other reason which I am unaware, please forgive me). Anyways, I would be least bothered about the xp cap, but I am concerned about the win/loss counter, as you know once you hit xp cap the crts wont get any win/loss counters which is unacceptable IMO.... for example say you are super champion with unlimited experience and one fine day you are fighting with a rookie and you won so easily, you might not have gained a notable experience from that battle or a status boost, but the you still have [b]won a battle and that should be entered to your record book[/b]. So I would like to see the battle counters increase for my crts even though I am at xp cap...its just my opinion...

    [b]I think I am convinced with the first part why do we require XP cap, thanks to Kamate... but still would love see wins for my crts[/b]
  19. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Groundnuts in The Perfect Artist 2011   
    My attempt to imitate it to "exacting likeness".
  20. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to VonUngernSternberg in The Perfect Artist 2011   
    here is my first attempt.


    Next week I think I'll be able to find a scanner and take a better picture.
  21. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Jubaris in The Perfect Artist 2011   
    Here is what I could make out
  22. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from (Zl-eye-f)-nea in The Perfect Artist 2011   
    Here is what I could make out
  23. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Watcher in The Perfect Artist 2011   
    Here is what I could make out
  24. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from adiomino in The Perfect Artist 2011   
    Here is what I could make out
  25. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Manda in The Perfect Artist 2011   
    Here is what I could make out
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