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Everything posted by pamplemousse

  1. There are more people involved than just those that volunteer. The information should be provided to the community at large, not just those who volunteer. If I may recommend something: peruse the topics about the previous auction so you can see where problems arose, and make efforts to avoid them, if you can.
  2. Are you saying that I need to be sweeter?! :P

  3. Seems more natural and deep than that, my friend.

  4. Aaront, whatever point or idea you are trying to convey to us, your reading public, is utterly lost because we are trying to interpret your language. If you want to make suggestions, I am sure people would be much more receptive to them if you would only think of how you say things before you post them. The fact that you spelled [i]both[/i] of the words in the title of your post incorrectly does not make people take you seriously. Seriously, use spell check and then maybe your ideas will be considered as viable contributions.
  5. Misssssssss youuuuuuuuuu

  6. Oh, I was under the impression that Citizenship was a permanent sort of thing. Like, I am an American (citizen/permanent) but also a member of a State (alliance/changable. Although I have no plans to change alliances.) Thanks for clearing this up.
  7. If an Alliance is greater than Citizenship (if I read your statement correctly) then what is the purpose of King-granted citizenship to alliance members from the land? Also, this statement from the Announcments makes me think that it is indeed possible. "A fifth ring was created for me so i can grant citizenship to any land including those without leaders."
  8. I would very much like to be a Citizen of the MDA Lands. Is this possible and, if so, how do I go about doing it?
  9. What MP level are you? 5 Are you in an alliance? Yes How long does a serious fight usually take you? 1 round with a serious attack rit.5-12 if testing something. How many rounds do you usually think is a "long duel"? 5-6 would be long, I think for a strong rit. 15-25 for a testing or normal rit. I know people have issues with the fighting system, but personally, I find out something new about creatures,abilities, auras, tokens, etc, [b]every single day.[/b] I really enjoy running tests and seeing how things work. I fight with different combinations (granted, combinations of strong creats) all the time to experiment. Rarely do I attack anyone just to beat the hell out of them for kicks, although I know that is a frequent occurrence for some. I agree, Firs, that is not a real challenge. I love the fighting aspect of MD. However, there is so much more than that for me too. I think if you are bored with the fighting system, stop resting on your laurels and get out there and learn something new.
  10. BFH LIGHTHING complained to me yesterday about Wishing Star. I told BFH LIGHTHING to politely inform him of the rules, then let me know if he did it again. I haven't heard back from him, but it appears to be a larger issue than just BFH LIGHTHING.
  11. With 42855 heads it is.
  12. [center][attachment=1392:headsfinal.gif] [attachment=1393:Pample heads.jpg][/center] [center]I'm curious if anyone knows if the heads score has gone beyond 200k. If not, lookit me, I'm Xtreme![/center]
  13. You sent me 26 pm's yesterday regarding this issue and in every one of them I stated the reason for not providing you with a teleport. I suggested that if you felt you were really being treated unfairly, you speak to Mur via email about it. You seemed to focus on MRD being a "jerk" and "wanting you to miss Christmas". Never once did you address your role in why you were being punished. You burnt your bridge with me a long time ago,redneck, and I told you I would never teleport you anywhere ever again. You can't abuse generousity then expect a favor. I hope you learned a good lesson.
  14. How can you be so sure it is MRD?
  15. This paper needs some glitter, or balloons or...confetti...

  16. I'd rather have someone who knew everything that I could ask whenever I needed to know something. Like, why landmasses have timezones or what day it is.
  17. Start practicing your two step!

  18. I've been hearing that a lot...you have a couple of days to practice, maybe you and Shoeps and Firs can all practice together. And be sure to let me know when that will take place, I can always use a good laugh.
  19. [center]There will be a Winter Formal on Day 352 at 3:00 server time at the Hall of the Sun in MDA. Please wear formal attire and bring a date (or not) to dance with.[/center]
  20. You looked so lovely as a tarted up Christmas tree!

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