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Everything posted by pamplemousse

  1. I cannot be there on Friday either, but I am more than happy to help out on Thursday at 2100.
  2. Hello there, and welcome!

  3. Ok, next up on the chopping block..erm, I mean, schedule... August 3: Wildfires (and perhaps Sparrhawk, if he is ready) August 10: MRG (Shady Jester will be running story night, as I will be in Barbados) August 17: Sandal Mechanic August 24: Guybrush Threepwood
  4. Making an example of someone, as it was said in the other post, and banning them for violating the dojo rules is overkill. The dojo rules are violated frequently much to the chagrin of the Staff. Is this decision permanant or will our votes and responses overturn the ruling?
  5. Hello and welcome, congratulations on joining the Savelites.

  6. I won't be able to make the FOF either! I am attending the AC Milan/Chelsea match on Friday and then am participating in a Lupus Run on Saturday. Ok, so that is really off topic, but it is my first offense, so please forgive me. Now you will all have even more chance at winning without DST and myself attending! No lizard collar PJ's or Octocoats! So sad.
  7. *blushes* Thank you.

  8. Thank you to Fawe for writing the story and Burns for delivering it. [url=http://md-archives.com/categories/Archives-of-Lands-and-Alliances-/MDA-/The-Archivists-/Archivist-Story-Night-Tales-/]CHECK IT OUT HERE[/url] [color=purple]making link look nice - Grido[/color]
  9. I haven't read any of the Harry Potter books...people seem to really like them. :)

  10. Buy an Iphone?
  11. Hello there, Ghosty!

  12. I fought for both NML and MB. When fighting for MB, I would lose all my AP when still on friendly territory, but then when I entered NML, the Underground, I was able to move more freely. And I would lose whatever AP I had, whether it was 70 or 140. But the same was true for when I carried for NML (from the Underground) Also, can MDA be included in the Torch fun too, please! Perhaps the Captial could be the Indexed Room of Memories, the Great Hall of the Sun or just the front entrance of the building.
  13. Mur is going to jump out of a cake in a bikini made of code just for you, Grido!
  14. Hello there, my friend!

  15. Happy early birthday!
  16. The gummy kind, silly!

  17. Or lethal enought to just cause a massive surge in antibiotic sales.
  18. Surely, but I need some direction first!

  19. You eat babies. That is all.

  20. *stamps* Ok, now I did. Now go eat 30 shrimp!

  21. Well, I think you can manage all by yourself! :P

  22. How do I made your reputation poorer?!

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