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Everything posted by pamplemousse

  1. Thomas, I spoke to Adam on multiple occasions and found him to be such a cheerful, intellegent and kindhearted man. He will be missed. My thoughts and heart go out to you in this difficult time. I look forward to meeting you, Thomas. Be well.
  2. Ok, fine, you are not a ho.

    Tally Not-Ho!

  3. AHEM, my comment was pushed off...so, um, this is another one...a comment, on Intrigue...about things that need commenting...

  4. Christmas is over/has not yet begun. You are unseasonably themed!

  5. Someone told me once, "If you dig too deep, you end up covered in mud." I think that this whole disscussion, with the accusations and the assumptions, have covered those with signifigant power with a signifigant amount of mud. It reflects poorly on the whole of MD, and while I will not say that it is the reason people have become disillusioned, I do not think it has helped to instill a desire for continued involvement. Imagine how all of this must seem to a newcomer reading these posts. Is that really how you want to project the image of MD, alliances, leaders and RPC's ? Where the problem lies, or what to do about it is a mystery to me, but those in positions of power need to think about how their actions effect the reputation, not only of themselves, but of the whole community. If they are not willing to refect on their actions and the repercussions of them, perhaps it is high time that we, as a community, rethink our own feelings on their behavior.
  6. [center]A short tribute to those who have gone before us. This information can also be found on the Archives site (http://md-archives.com/) [/center]
  7. The Archives, and MagicDuel as a whole, are in a time of transition. As we leave the Era of Alpha 8 we all must evolve towards a common goal, or we become trapped and stagnant. I cannot say what the Era of Alpha 9 will bring, but I can set forth my goals for myself, the Archivists and Archives. [list] [*]First of all, it has made it clear that [b]we[/b] are the ones who make history; you, me, the older player training at GOE, the newer player taking their first steps out of paper cabin, everyone. However, I feel that this opportunity is not being taken advantage of properly. And I am no exception, I do not drive a storyline nor RP as much as I should (or would like to) as an RPC. History can be made every day and it needs to be documented, which leads me to my next point. [/list] [list] [*]I would like at least two Archivists (and invite the Legend Speakers work with us as well) to report on a land and alliance (s) in that land. For example, Golemus Golemicarum. The Alliances based in Golemus are The Guerrilla Golemicarum (consisting of 31 members) The MR's Fraternity (consisting of 17 members) and The Kelle'tha Order (consisting of two members). Then there is the land itself. Ideally, I would like The Archivists to form worthwhile and trusting relationships with contact persons in the alliances to inform the rest of the world about the accomplishments and endeavors of the land and those affiliated with it. People want to be informed, they are interested in you! I would also like to include land-based sections into the Archives site as well, with each Archivist posting updates, adventures and tidings on their assigned land. This will also include current treaties, philosophy and pedagogy of the land and its alliances. [/list] [list] [*]In accordance with recent events involving lore and history, we find ourselves needing to act upon the history created by players, not the ancient lore previously disclosed. I would like the Archivists, as well as the Legend Speakers, to be a cadre of those who can assist with writing and creation of personal stories, quests and roles. [/list] Any feedback or suggestions you could offer would be appreciated. These goals are by no means written in stone, they are only a jumping off place for the future.
  8. I vote for Grido! Sorry Foof, you would make a lovely stole or hat, but Grido has that big telescope.
  9. I LOVE IT! Arf Arf! Viva la waggley tail!
  10. I don't know what mangy is and anime is not my thing...I can't even focus on anything long enough to take it in at the moment. Is anyone else scared that it says "IMPLODE"?
  11. I guess I could do laundry...or the dishes, or read a book...maybe I will just roam around my house clutching my laptop to my chest with a vacant look in my eyes...and school just ended so I can't even pretend to study like I did last time (I would read a sentence and hit the refresh button) MUR HELP US! :help: :cray: :help:
  12. I have played the oldest game with Driftwood on a couple of occasions. It is amazingly fun to play and Drift is a great guide for first-timers and a worthy opponent for more veteran players. I have only won one time against him. He said he was a bear; strong, powerful and massive. I countered with Winter; freezing, barren, bear-anesthesizing.
  13. Oh, that is a good idea, Kaf, to make it just for friends. Like, you could "subscribe" to a friend or something, there are only about 50 or 60 people I am nosy about. And, Dusty, it would help me out a lot, as I am constantly tracking people down to find out what they are up to. Or I just spy on them with an alt
  14. pamplemousse

    New ideas

    I am a generally nosy person and like to know what people are up to. I think it would be fun to have status updates (like on facebook) that would tell people what a character is doing at the moment. .Pamplemousse. is _helping an adept_ or something. I have no idea how to implement this technology-wise, perhaps on the toolbar, or another menu where the RPC, Webcam, etc is?
  15. And what about those that consider themselves Lorerootians, but are in another alliance?
  16. When I say we are neutral, yes, I mean we are neutral about everything. Society has rules. MD has a looser set of rules and mores, as it should. The Archivists have authority, not to judge, not to rule, but to document and chronicle. We must make decisions on what becomes fact, history and what is deemed "important" enough to be written down. So, Jester, no, you cannot favor one thing over another. As an Archivist you are friend nor enemy to no one. We will stick with your example of war. If you favor war over harmony, or harmony over war, you are choosing to support one thing over another. How can one make an objective decison if you are pulled one way or another. Are we human and subjected to feelings and responses? Yes, of course. But as Archivists, we cannot allow our bias, friendships or penchant for certain things to cloud our judgement of the information we are privy too, or what we write about it.
  17. *waves stick, former flag* Hiya!!!!

  18. Oh my, I certainly do not wish this to be an accusatory or derisive post, I am not impuigning or rebuking anyone for their actions. Like I said, I am asking these questions because I (not a Lorerootian) have been asked to assist in the Lorerootian elections. They do not necessarily need to be anwsered, either. It is not my decision, nor should it be, to decide how or why a certain land assigns power or how to govern themselves, but it is in my interest to know why and how if I am to be a part of it.
  19. "Please send all votes to .Pamplemousse. via PM. [u]TITLE[/u] your PM "LOREROOT ELECTION - SPEAKER OF THE LAW". When I was approached to count these votes, I agreed to do so as an impartial organizer and ticker of pm's sent to me. However, based on the circumstances of the past Council elections, as well as recent events, I have re-thought my decision and I must ask this: why can't this, and why wasn't the previous election, open to the public? What makes someone a Lorerootian? Perhaps there are those with an attachment to the land and a desire for its movement back to a viable, thriving land, yet are not in the alliance. Do they not have a say? I do not wish to complicate the matters currently at hand within the Loreroot alliance, but I feel that a private voting without evaluation and lacking in supervision from a neutral source is not fair to the Land of Loreroot, nor the people who would have a say in its restoration and reemergence as a whole and dynamic land. Myself, and others, neutral in our loyalty, land affiliation and dedication, would be more than willing to facilitate another voting process, one that is open to all those who wish to contribute. If you wish me to participate and to use my neutrality as a tool to aid your elections and your land, I will, as I would do for any land that asked that of me, as well. However, I will only do so if the elections are re-held to allow those who wish to vote the opportunity to do so. You may ask what gives me the right to ask these questions and put forth these conditions; my assistance has now been requested twice by seperate Loreroot members. If you do not wish outsiders to inquire about your endeavors, then perhaps outside help should not have been solicited. Elections should be open to the public and evaluated by neutral, diverse and fair sources from across the land, not just myself and not just Lorerootians. Reason for edit:can't figure out how to quote someone
  20. Hmm, lots of science fiction mentioned, I haven't ever developed a taste for the genre. Right now I am reading: [u]The God of Small Things [/u]by Arundhati Roy, about a family in India in the 1960's [u]A Natural History of the Senses [/u]by Diane Ackerman, in-depth study the cuture and associations with the senses. Amazing. [u]Stiff: The Curious Life of Human Cadavers[/u] by Mary Roach, just like the title says...what happens to cadavers...the research done with them, from the Body Farm to making diamonds out of loved ones. Really incredible writer, she makes dead people funny, but always in a respectful manner. I flip through [u]The Complete Stories of Dorothy Parker [/u]often and am about to start [u]Caligula for President[/u] by Cintra Wilson. Plus various dry, boring textbooks for school. [u]The Cultural Origins of Human Cognition [/u]was fairly interesting but [u]Public Relations Writing and Media Techniques [/u]and [u]The Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law[/u] are really good for putting me to sleep. I could talk about books all day long! [quote name='dst' post='30776' date='May 10 2009, 04:48 PM']And the money I was planning to spend on buying nice high heels sandals will go on books! Hate you![/quote] Nooooo, Dusty....books are great, but only high heeled sandals need love too!
  21. It says that DS is in MDA, I don't see it listed under Golemus.
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