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Everything posted by pamplemousse

  1. Khalazdad is currently undergoing a vigil at the Tunnel of War, the edge of the inner sanctum of Necrovion. He doesn't know how long it will take to conclude, but his mission by his own words is both dangerous and vital. I'm spreading the word about this to encourage support for his progress, in the hope that things might advance more quickly for him. His mission is dire, and we will pay for his success, but the consequences of his failure will be a lot worse. He waits with the wind in his ears, and would appreciate any support leant to him in this time. To show your support a gathering at the Howling Gates may prove effective. ---Grido [i]Check both this and the signposts in Marinds Bell, and the top step of the Gazebo of Equilibrium as I update whenever I learn more.[/i]
  2. Hello all, Currently, we are looking for some authors who would be interested in writing about Geology and Literature. Or if you want to write something more specific, like an in depth view on a certain genre or rock or something, let us know! Pample
  3. Thank you, Garg, for keepin’ the dream alive. I am very excited to start working on the newspaper. I would be interested in being a reporter/writer for the gossip column, RPC interviews, current events, etc; kinda like a girl about town! :friends: Also, I would like to help with the quotes, quizzes and general organization of the paper itself. And, of course, I am currently working to drum up some interest and support from everyone. I cannot wait to see what people have to say about the new MD Paper!
  4. I believe strongly that the Children of the Eclipse should be able to make their mark on the MD world. I would be honored if you would allow me to speak at your festival.
  5. ...i would like some drunk, hairy men covered in chocolate....pwease?

  6. The time has come for the Children of the Eclipse to have their day. And their Night. They have the benefit of a dedicated and fierce Leader in Tarquinus. He has shown extreme patience and an unswerving dedication to his followers, and has been resolute in his path to become a recognized alliance. The Children of the Eclipse offer a unique opportunity to players and the existing game, alike. MD has become stagnant and dormant. [b]We need something to shake this land.[/b] That something is the Children of the Eclipse. Please do not deny those who clamor for the emergence of the Children of the Eclipse and what they have to offer us.
  7. I am having the same problem. The side icons do not display in IE or Firefox.
  8. I live in Baltimore, Maryland. *throws up East Coast gang sign* Reprazent.
  9. I don't want to study the Cultural Origins of Human Cognition! I would rather study the Cultural Involvements of Wind's Sanctuary! Maybe this is for the best; MD has wreaked enough havoc on my educational career already. *pouts and starts to read boring text book*
  10. All these comments aren't from women! I see a fair number of blue blobs on here too. And if I were to stalk you, you would never know it.

  11. No more banana stealing from my kitchen...halo kitty.

  12. This server freakout could not have happened at a worse time! Doesn't Mur know that I have a Final Exam to avoid studying for!?
  13. Gargle, I hope Santa sees this and brings you some shiny new rollerskates! Brilliant!
  14. That is a mighty stick you have, my friend!

  15. Fuma, king of the jungle.

  16. Why would you be asking to make this a formal Alliance? Don't you think that having an Alliance icon and tag may blow your cover just a bit? And that if your goal is to "become the dominating 'back street’ power and work outside the public eye", that announcing your presence in such a public and main street way may serve to negate that which you claim as a main pillar of your clique? In addition, may I suggest that you distinguish, in perhaps your own mind first, what the word "public" means. You say, "After all…we move with the public views, and wants". Do you intend to make your membership list public, and hold town hall meetings regarding the ways, means and movements of your club? Because, if you are planning to focus on "the way we and the public think it (MD) should be run" expect the public to want to involve themselves. Good luck.
  17. Very sweet and wise. Great journalist. :)

  18. Cryxus will be a great Captain, strong and fair. The Crimson Alliance would be a benefit to all lands, alliances and people of MD.
  19. could you add me to the list please? pamplemousse 91984
  20. Thank you, everyone!
  21. So, then what is the point of having those two extra slots if the heat can't be utilized in battle and you lose 2k when you store it back?
  22. Hi, I purchased the two additonal erolian orbs from the shop (the ones that offer a temporary bonus) allowing me 6 orbs. Everytime I release all my heat, 6k, and then store it back again, only 4 orbs get filled. I have tried on several different occasions and situations and it always fails to store the 2k heat.
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