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Everything posted by pamplemousse

  1. I [i]love[/i] Pam from True Blood. She's so bitchy. And I've recently discovered Netflix instant queue, so I've been watching Buffy re-runs for a while. It's such a good show, the dialogue is so witty and clever.
  2. I'm not evil, I'm just drawn that way.

  3. [quote name='Firsanthalas' date='24 June 2010 - 06:47 AM' timestamp='1277376429' post='62564'] Lets face it. Muffins are much more fun, bigger and tasty. And you can put things in them, like whole cherries or big pieces of chocolate, or little pieces or soft centers. You can even cover them with icing! [/quote] I'll have you know I put things in my cupcakes, too. Like...a stick of butter and mini candy bars. If I am going to eat something unhealthy, it is going to be [b]really[/b] unhealthy. Muffins are just candy masquerading as health food. Cupcakes pull no punches. And so the debate rages on.
  4. [b][center][color="#FF00FF"][size="7"]Happy Birthday![/size][/color][/center][/b]
  5. Cupcakes are, by far, the superior confection. In fact, I don't even know if you could call a muffin "a confection" as they are dry, tasteless and boring, just like those that make them.
  6. Happy Birthday, Thirsty Firsty.
  7. Greetings and salutations.

  8. Greetings and welcome. Swing by the Howling Gates sometime for a chat.

  9. Feedback: Cons: Confusing! I wasn't sure where to go or what to do. Kill Grido? Stalk and kill other teams? Stay and defend the gates? I would have liked a bit more direction. Also, was there supposed to be a specific outcome? Or just a crazy, fish-throwing, flute-stealing, mud covered free for all. Pros: Fun, despite having to fight with creatures I had recruited only moments before the fight. Looking forward to today.(Edit: Atlas pointed out that the 24th is a day of tranquility, so...how we gonna fight?)
  10. Yoshi. Edited for spelling.
  11. Pazur is a Tainted Warrior.
  12. Caveat Emptor: The room is not soundproof. Earfocus and Acoustic Remains can be used to see within the walls. I never said I wanted the to be in charge of the keys, and as a matter of fact, I do not want that responsibility. I resent the implication that if I were to be granted such a responsibility, I would abuse it. Elthen was paid three silver, as per his rules, and has multiple messages waiting in his inbox from me inquiring to his whereabouts. I do not think Dst should hold the keys. Here are some suggestions off the top of my head: Assira the Black, Sephira, Adiomino, Kyphis, Awiiya, Pazur, Lightsage, Aysun Edit: Yes, Dusty, I think Yoshi is a good nomination as well.
  13. I'm not going to argue semantics or deconstruct posts here, but I do wish to clarify just a few points that I believe might not be completely clear. [u]Dusty:[/u] Yes, I do believe there should be consequences. As I have stated previously, with action comes responsibility. As I have stated previously, I take responsibly. What does that mean? Well, nothing really. I can take responsibility all I want, but if there are no consequence it's just words. I think that items like this should come with a huge penalty for using them and you are all correct when you say that there are none (however this is a Mur scripted item, not a player scripted one). Tactics like the "murder" should have drastic outcomes and should not be taken lightly, and, again this is part of my point. [u]Firs:[/u] "Perhaps had you spoken to Jester about it beforehand, that could have been avoided." How do you know that I did not? The Knife cannot be transferred to anyone else, so there is no way "possible that it could end up in somebody elses hands." Also, I had no knowledge of a revive spell, or knowledge of anyone who might. I did know that on the 8th she would be resurrected, but I never willingly kept information about that a secret. "Regardless, the item is there and it seems that there are no consequences for using it. That, surely has to be a cause for concern?" YES! Be concerned, I was beginning to worry because everyone was so [b]unconcerned![/b] I look forward to what will happen.
  14. I think "lackey" is an incorrect term. Without his efforts, this event would have fallen flat on its face, which perhaps is what some would have preferred. His energy, charisma, nerve and unshakable elegance are a consistent inspiration to me. I am no organizer, no planner; I just wing things most of the time. It was because of him that this was such an interesting event and dare I say, a success.
  15. Everyone seems to think that this whole thing was scripted and planned out, play-by-play from the beginning. It wasn't. Mya was killed and then people reacted as they saw fit; the major planning was in the battles, not the actions and re-actions of other people. Some reactions were awesome (Lightsage) some, sort of disappointing. I was the one who chose Mya as the victim and I was the one who chose [b]not[/b] to ask for her permission. She was the most interesting person to have killed; she is not boring and flat, she is well loved, a prominent member of Loreroot and grown up and strong enough to deal with something of this nature. I never assumed she would be ok with it, it just happened to work out that she was gracious enough to play along, and for that I do thank her. I chose the moment on purpose, first because it was the wedding night and second, because it was close to the torch competition beginning. I knew she would be revived on the 8th, regardless of what happened. So, her death was [b]never[/b] permanent and I told her what she had to do to come alive again. [u]Z:[/u] Yes, the captivity was a farce, and I hoped for some more action, perhaps even a trip to jail. That, at least would have been sort of even. Death was forced on someone, so prison should be forced on the guilty ones. At least, that's the way it works in society, but we all know MD has its own set of mores. [u]Dusty:[/u] I was looking forward to some antics from you, but alas, no antics. You are not as much of an outsider as I think you would like to be, and I know that you are not easy "shut up". I hoped you would be a part of this, but instead you chose to pretend to be affected by some perceived negativity over your first post (I was happy to see a strong showing from you with that post) when we all know that if you wanted to, you would have been a major force. You cast yourself as a villain, but I know your dirty little secret, you are actually a nice person. [u]Firs:[/u] Again, she would have been revived on the 8th regardless of a "flaming forum war." It was not her willingness to play along that led to her being revived "at the earliest opportunity" and in fact, did you not have a hand in reviving her due to a suggestion that I made? [u]Moving away from the asking permission aspect of things:[/u] It is a slippery slope to argue that because I had Mya killed and did not ask for permission, that all of a sudden people will go around scripting items and killing willy-nilly or that an item will be created that can steal or kill a purchased creature. I know that there are people out there that would do those things, however, items like this should have a penalty and that was part of the point of this. This item was created and given out to someone deemed responsible enough to use it. To argue that in the future, incredibly powerful items will be given out to anyone to use without repercussion or consideration of abuse is just sort of silly. I am sure there will be safety measures put in place and that those examples you mention will be studiously avoided. (As far as I know, items are still in testing and some kinks are being worked out, although, I could be way off base) [u]On a sort of tangential side note:[/u] I don't know what it means to "RP" and hadn't ever played any kind of online game before MD (I was actually researching something for a paper when I stumbled on it and got hooked by the artwork and stayed because of the people.) Pample is me if I were stuck in some magic land without knowledge of things like Power Rangers or oil spills or lawn mowers. She responds to things the way I would and says the things I would say. I'm sure this violates some kind of RP rule or etiquette, but whatever. I say that because I have never understood the distinction between "playing MD" and "roleplaying MD."
  16. WHAT?! What in the world are you trying to say. No one wants to have to decipher your post to figure out the meaning, so if you want people to listen to you, state a clear message that we can understand.
  17. Greetings and salutations.

  18. Yes, we were released after serving one night and one day in confinement. All three of us (Atlas, Keith Moon and myself) offered to fulfill our end of the bargain and serve our full sentence, as a matter of honor and as a gesture of goodwill. We were told we were too much of a headache. (Pity, I hadn't even started with the pots and pans yet.) I also made myself available for questioning but I was denied, citing too much double talk. We have made every gesture to be transparent and cooperative. I will answer some questions here, as another step towards uncovering the mystery. I gave the orders to Ivorak to murder Mya Celestia, he worked under my hand, and my hand alone. I had been plotting for some time, giving some of you clues along the way. I waited for the wedding night to give the order and Ivorak worked with deathly swiftness. I believe I have already spelled out my reasons, all you need to do is look at other parts of this topic. As for Mya's blood, the blood of an innocent, it shall be used in the future. (Although, I have been informed that her blood loses its properties after a few days, but that is not an issue for what I have planned for it.) I had every intention of serving my full sentence and was looking forward to some kind of interesting interrogation, torture, etc to get information from me. However, Loreroot was very hospitable and accommodating; we were not mistreated. Most of you who know me, know that I avoid and detest the forum, so if there are further questions on this in-game matter, well, find me in-game.
  19. You think I'm scary, eh? Oggity Boogity. :P

  20. Druzik, you are a Sentinel, are you not?
  21. Why in this log does it say "[06/06/10 04:58] *Mya Celestia*:Don't let war come over me..." but in the other log here (http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7184-mya-celestia-is-dead/page__view__findpost__p__61107) it says, "[06/06/10 04:58] Peace:Don't let war come over me..." Has this log been edited and if so, then why?
  22. Cats: Unpredictable. Aloof. Haughty. Fluffy.
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