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Everything posted by awiiya

  1. I'm a little confused. What is the purpose of the reddit as opposed to the forum? Awi
  2. I can help. We go way back Jester, good to see you still around. -Awi
  3. What better person than an ancient fossil with impressions rooted deep on the land to rule it? I cannot tell truly if I applying or not. It doesn't really concern me, to be honest. But if you need a yes or no, consider the needle at yes. I have a long memory. I remember rooting. I remember the starts of this land, I remember the failings, I remember the writing, and the deaths, and the long train of figures that have passed through. I forget much, but there are impressions on me. I remember when papers seemed to matter, and spell documents, and where maybe leaving a mark on this land mattered. I remember that what made people stay was to impress each other, and to feel that a footprint would become a landmark. See that word? Land mark. A mark on the land. Foot print - just an impression of your sole on the ground, reproduceable. But to become a land mark. See that is what I have done. I am a landmark. And landmarks never fully die. MD has had much winter, and in the winter, the trees leave their leaves and do not speak, but inside their maple runs, it flows. You have forgotten perhaps what Wiiya meant to begin with - identity. The inner sun shines less in the winter, just as the outer sun shines less. You see that MD is tilted. And perhaps our world has a tilt that increases until complete darkness. Or is it periodic? Chewett cannot rule the entire land. So I shall rule a small part of it. Don't forget - paper comes from me. My title is Landmark of the Archives. -Awi
  4. Agree with suggestion. It's pretty standard behavior on the web (see: facebook), and a lot of times I have a GUI bug where the popup is situated too high on the screen and the x button hidden. Awi
  5. I see it like this: Entropy - Balance - Syntropy. Mur used to give things in a unbalanced yet syntropic way - certain people received things, and the rest of us figured that eventually if we worked we would too. Now it seems more entropic, others see people receiving things, assume there must be favoritism involved, and do nothing. However unbalance in and of itself is not negative. The art is unbalance is pushing things in an evolving direction. Some things have been pushed too far (the combat system, for instance, feels particularly tired), but other things have not been pushed enough (clickies, AL, citizenship). But maybe I'm just being optimistic. I keep hoping that eventually some thing that gets implemented will inspire us. Awi
  6. awiiya


    One of my very very longterm goals has been to make a sustaining quest that people would actually like to participate in. The root (hehe) of it would be that I have bubbles and lack the ability to move. Aka - bring me back things from other places. But I have never made it convincing enough for people to actually do this. For instance I tried to convince Hedge to make maps for me... but that fell flat. I dreamed once of spreading seeds all over the realm, and having fruits brought back to me (metaphorically and literally) - but this has yet come to pass. Awi
  7. No - I meant it will rain a normal period of time as a warning. And some features aren't about balance. Some features are about creation and interest. Awi
  8. Idea: Instead of reducing every few days, disregard all loyalties but the currently active one when calculating bonuses. So you can have a high score in a lot of lands, but only one is active at a time. As was suggested by Passant 2 years ago (Pip linked it): http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11291-make-land-loyalty-decrease-ap-only-for-citizens/ Awi
  9. Thanks. I think as long as I remain in the realm of trying to create interesting but not abuseable items I should be fine... I.e. redirecting back to the navigation page seems fine, but moving a user around the map is definitely an unfair advantage. Awi
  10. Okay: What about this idea: Random respawn, but give a warning. For example, for rain catchers, the weather will change to heavy rain a 24 hour period before the catchers respawn. Or for herb gatherers, a given plant will glow orange and then the gatherers will respawn. This will appeal to: 1. Current holders of the item. They have a fair chance of getting the item, it's not super random. 2. People who want to get a hold of items. They still have a fair chance because anyone can see the triggers and know that the item is going to respawn. Now the respawn time could be entirely random or it could be based on some secret function. For instance - how many times its rained, or how many people have passed by a given location (which would be hard to implement), or how many users have joined the game, or some function of any of these. And the time between respawns should be at least greater than a week or two. Feedback? Awi
  11. Thank you Chewett.
  12. Interesting. Is it possible to release a list of those so I don't accidentally ban myself?
  13. Many thanks. My birthday was quite the festivity, apologies I was not around to celebrate it with you all. Awi
  14. You have urls that could auto-ban someone? That seems... extreme. I suppose I was just assuming that everything that should be viewable is?
  15. Simple game mechanic < interesting or bizarre game mechanic... But if you want it simple, I agree that having it random one week, consistent the other is a good way of doing things. Awi
  16. So I've been fiddling with this for a while. If you add the following line to your JS, it will send the user back to the navigation page as if they had clicked on the compass icon. This reloads the iframe, and does not change the page content (which is much better and smoother than reloading the whole page). window.top.document.getElementById('pagecontent').src = '/ifrm/ifrm.navigation.php'; There is of course ways to redirect to any page internally. Just fire up the console and pay attention to the network and see what those respective links are. -Awi
  17. Why not turn this into a quest? Come up with a reasonable formula and drop hints. Always wondered what those letters meant, for instance. Or even better... spawn based on the DNA of the person who currently holds the item. THAT'D be interesting. Or the DNA of some other person... etc... Awi
  18. Edit: duplicate of other bug. See other thread. Awi
  19. This is true, I forgot about that. I have two layers of protection against combat. Awi
  20. Okay, well, for Mur: 1. Mp6 if I don't have to collect worshippers. 2. Mp7 otherwise. Thanks, Awi
  21. How would an illusions mp work? I don't want to put on Illusions, but I suppose mp7 isn't awful. And I wasn't really thinking about how many worshippers I would get. I just would like a non-combat stage that is community involved. Awi
  22. I would choose mp6, but I don't intend to collect followers. And mp2/7 have illusions which doesn't seem to fit me. Would a permanent mp6 be possible? Awi
  23. As per announcement: Work in progress on MP1 level, awyia temporarly moved to mp5 . If any of you suddenly sees unusual interface things please wait 10min and if its still happening post on the forum. Most creative spelling of my name I've seen in a while aside, wondering how long the switch is for Awi
  24. See the problem is it makes building large applications just that much more time consuming. You have to go and look at the function they defined, see what they return, see if they throw errors, make sure you handle all the edge cases... etc. Whereas in a strictly typed language, you know what it returns, what it throws without ever having to read the code. And sure comments help, but it still adds at least an extra few minutes to development. They should make it optional in javascript to add a return type to functions. But I doubt that'll ever happen.
  25. To me the worst is that javascript lets you return different argument types. -________- Sure you can treat strings as booleans but still...
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