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Everything posted by Soltis
[quote name='Calyx of Isis' post='15286' date='Aug 30 2008, 09:31 AM']Funny how people choose only one even when more than one is permitted![/quote] You'd be surprised how many people are simply unaware that the check-boxes mean you can select more than one and radio buttons are one only. Should say so in the poll somewhere, it hasn't quite become all around knowledge. -Sporadic -All 5 -2 I can explain my first and third choices rather quickly- I don't know /why/ I'm reading the log at all. It hasn't affected me in-game in the slightest, I haven't been able to participate in it, and I haven't seen it affect the world in a month or so. This is offset by my second selection though- there shouldn't be a "set creativity style" for a log written by a multitude of people. Each person's going to tell their own story their own way, that's what makes that feature special. At the moment, it feels frivolous. It might not BE frivolous, but I don't see what's going on enough to care, nor get hooked on it enough to backread the thing.
Interesting idea. Ya know, even if it isn't code supported, there's really nothing stopping us from doing this anyway. If you really want to honor someone's performance, this sounds like a fun way to pull it off.
[quote name='Burns' post='20095' date='Nov 17 2008, 07:35 AM']It surely is important, but it's not very exciting to correct misspellings... if you were to create a game and expand it's functions, would your priority be to expand your own and your games horizon and create new features that need some coding effort and of course the intelectual work that's needed for the script, or would you stop doing the fun-stuff and read through everything you've already done to correct the typos? i can really understand why those mistakes are still there...[/quote] It's all up to the individual developer in the end, but I always had a sense of perfection and pride whenever I did coding of my own. It was never enough to get the assignment done, to get the code to take the number you put in and multiply it by whatever, I had to create an introduction explaining what the code would do, I had to engineer safeguards for strange inputs and create long messages detailing errors and the like that would arise from them and how I fixed them, I had to make every sentence and word and input box look good, line up, and just otherwise be perfect to me. I was never stuck on any error for too long, because when I did get a logical error I would turn on massive sets of commentary debug code that would announce every single action as it was being done and no error could hide behind a flood of that for very long. I'm not a programmer in skill really- I'm much more a designer, but I understand that there's more than one way to look at things or take pride in what you do. One way is of course to expand and change the game as much as possible, one way is to get the rag and typo-b-gone and polish what you've got to crystal clarity. Besides, as boring as typos are, they can be a load off sometimes too. It's not terribly complicated or game shattering to hotfix a period into a sentence and you feel better for having done it. If you're not feeling to full capacity but still want to work on the game, it can be as far as cathartic to go hunting into code that ultimately won't make the world implode by accident as you change it.
[url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=2263&st=20&start=20"]Honestly, despite this post,[/url] I noticed the game /long/ before I signed up for it. What drove me away at first was really those basic errors I saw when reading around the site. If you want an opinion on the subject, it feels unprofessional to see that. One or two is fine, really, nothing is perfect, but one like "Enthropy"s entry can tip scales, mainly because after reading it I'm pretty sure that not only was the word you wanted "Entropy", but also because that one alone sports a rampant ~14 in two paragraphs. I, perhaps we, understand this is alpha and that many people do not have English as a first language. That's fine. Coding coming first is also fine, but to see no progression in a vital- and trust me, it's vital- part of a game will make it worse and when most people see that many/such a critical error(s) they get turned away. The proposal? I'm really all for whatever will make the game better, because being all for making it worse would be rather pointless as I wouldn't be here to begin with if that was true. So yeah. I probably don't have a big voice here- but I say go for it. You have nothing to lose from even letting others at least keep a list of suggested revisions. If you think that typos "don't affect gameplay", I'm afraid to say that you are sorely mistaken. No, there's no witty comeback line for that one. Yes, it counts.
[quote name='Shadowseeker' post='19778' date='Nov 13 2008, 02:42 PM']A nice idea concerning that. Well, what you say about subconsciousness does seem to be quite logical..however, I might wonder whether it actually is the subconscious which is determining your consciousness, even if you want to deny it. I mean, if I remember correctly it takes up 80% or 90% of the whole brain capacity. Could it actually be that our own consciousness does not realize it's just sort of a substitute and the subconsciousness breaks through when it's about major decisions (or not if it fails to do so, then you're doomed if that were right)? It's become a fascinating theory to me since I noticed that some actions of mine were leading towards something I wanted to realize in a way, but it was just too much of a coincidence to be true again. PS: Of course you don't have to play MD; it's just to discuss here.[/quote] I've noticed over years of watching others act that the subconscious acts on an almost omniscient level from the rest of your mind. There is always an ulterior motive in there, and even the calm types can have a violent, usually destructive storm inside their hearts trying to figure this basic thing out: What do I want? After that comes the rational, "How can I get this?" Usually, but not always, there is the mandate of survival and self-growth/protection in there somewhere as well. Let's take a comedian- he likes to make people laugh. But why? It makes him feel good to see that he's made so many other people happy. This spurs self-growth, but the feeling is subconscious survival and self-growth. Some of the more forceful or traumatized personalities are missing some of those key elements or are stuck so harshly on one of those questions that they act in strange ways. Take a doctor. He likes to heal and help others, that's what makes him feel happy. But this doctor takes his job too intensely and failures completely consume his life, destroying his personality and eventually, himself. You would think that such a personality would act good towards itself, but one must be able to perceive past that and know all the thoughts going on at the time. When he fails, he fails personally as well, leading thoughts such as wondering where others would be without him there as opposed to with, and wondering if they would be better. In this personality, the "What do I want?" has overridden the survival instinct and to help somebody going through this, you must attack that and tell or prove that vital link- that his survival grants his desires better. I use all those terms loosely mind you, but much of what I learned is unexplainable in short, I think I'd need to write an entire goddamn book to convey it all. That passage though, if studied and learned from, is I think a good starting point. Abandon thoughts of both idealism and harsh judgment on those examples, take them to be people. The best starting point for me to say I started studying the mind, or when I began my observations, was really when I was a good 4 or 5 years younger and searched for answers to such harsh, deep questions inside myself- I consider myself lucky I was able to read some stuff online by chance one day and pull myself out of what I realize now was no less than complete clinical depression, from love no less. When you observe most of your life, understand yourself so, it often becomes heart-hurtingly obvious what is happening in front of your eyes and what the things you can do will reverberate into. If you're lucky like me, you've got control of a gut instinct that flashes momentarily when you look at or hear someone in person (And I've done it more than once online believe it or not), and for a moment you understand intent by feeling it no matter if it's directed at you or not and can work with that, add that to what you've been doing.
Hey. ...what?
[quote name='King Manu' post='20014' date='Nov 16 2008, 09:52 AM']There might be some problems with rpc players and some of the illusions. I need 2-3 experienced players that have spells and rpc status to test this before opening it for everybody. The risk is that the illusion won;t return to the initial state when its done and you will lose some of your abilities or player tag. I cant check all the possible combinations myself and its all about how you combine the illusions to get different results. Any volunteers? Something else, [b]MP4 players will become MP2[/b] and MP5 will become MP7. I dont guarantee what will happen with MP6 and their worshipers if they join this test and i wont fix or repair any damaged account after this test.[/quote] I'm gonna go ahead and screenshot my principle count/profile page whenever it's updated, and mail that to myself, thanks to story mode. I'm still not sure how MP2 works despite the other Illu. test thread but if your MP level is based on the number of actual principles you own and I jump from 4 to 2, I'm wondering if I suddenly won't find myself missing two of them. Better safe at any rate, might need it for something completely different anyway.
Eh... sorry about the unintentional derailment. Was just wondering about that since it seemed relevant. Don't even know if it's actually "on" yet or whatnot.
Also be sure to label and blackline anything major that could be considered a spoiler- heck, most of this entire test could be considered so, so tread carefully. Clicking the bottom, magic sidebar button (Where it lists links for outer, inner, and illusion magic) and then the illusion link returns an error that says I must be MP2 or MP7. Now MP7 I get, but is MP2 even possible?
-You keep an offline version of every RPC quest and riddle you see in preparation for that theoretical rainy day.
[quote name='sanguinious' post='19299' date='Oct 31 2008, 06:52 PM']I am in some way, obsessed with warfare and tactics, but id like to get a debate going on the subject for a few more ideas. ill let you decide the matter this debate starts off on[/quote] *looks at time of posts* We're going to need some kind of a conflict if you want an actual debate to occur.
Being a designer myself- a studier of society, human nature, that which we call the game as well as an avid, immersion-type roleplayer and DungeonMaster on more than a few occasions be it forum or live (Just the other day I concluded a 3 hour DnD campaign designed specifically for a classroom of mixed talent at the thing and was praised by all involved for it- both the new guy and the other, much more experienced DM gave me praise which I thought was just grand, since not only was it my first actual DnD campaign that I ran myself but I succeeded in the goal of making it both fun and a learning experience of nearly every rule offered by the game- 3.5 anyway), I must conclude that this is most certainly a unique game, in that it's a game whose rules are constantly being redefined. Now when I say redefined, I do not invite squabble like "but technically any other MMO making a change does that." The rules of this game are set in the minds of a creator and a community and are always on the move. It follows the footsteps of other landmark MMOs: Ragnarok Online was (and probably still is) referred to as a "social gathering" kind of game and there is no bigger display of this than the private servers littered around, whereupon others take the role of creator and the game's rules and goals are redefined in that fashion. The game itself, the core "rituals and mindpowers" number system, does not make up the entirety of the system, and this is a stunning thing. In most games, your goals are defined by your character progression. In a game based on the story, your goals are therefore based on the story. A person in MD can certainly ascend to a seat of ok power with no human interaction, but it's apparent to the subconscious almost immediately that you are only ever going as far as your dedication and personality will take you. It's well known that Freeform Roleplay is the hardest to mandate because creativity spurs human nature, survival instincts, and the need to be the best- causing conflict- but it's also clear that while Roleplay can be a large part of the game that it is neither invited nor required. You are not given a template or sheet when you begin, nor is it even remotely quantifiable to be a statistical requirement for progression, but it's become a part of the game and community nonetheless. The point I've been leading up to is that when viewed from a design perspective this has become a sound, warm foundation unlike much if anything I've ever seen myself. [i]The game is run on humanity.[/i] It's astounding. The community feels tightly knit, and though my instincts are telling me it would be too small a world at the present time if you tripled the current population it functions well for something that should, in theory, implode, because most of the time if you leave people to their own devices like this you get nothing but screaming chaos. You have achieved a haunting and quiet atmosphere with the artwork and framework story that is supplanted by the player driven adventure log, satisfied desires for conflict with tiers and a non-death, PvP combat system (PvP means never the same twice), satisfied creativity with optional roleplay and ultimately have managed to, while the community is small yet, balance scales as a feat that many big companies find nothing short of impossible. I wish this game well. Can it's tight-knit, roleplay community withstand a larger audience, will the freeform mystery style fly forever? Only time will tell, but it's been a fun ride so far and hell, I got the time. :drinks: Cheers.
[quote name='Blaze777' post='19822' date='Nov 15 2008, 01:45 AM']Although I would like to know exactly what "reset partialy" means.[/quote] I'm taking that to mean that there's a chance that things could go very "corrupted data" wrong and the only recovery option would be a manual reset of the affected function. Like for example, say... your wins/losses counter is tested, except something goes wrong and your track record becomes unrecoverable gibberish. At that point your entry would probably be manually reset to 0/0, and there's a chance it could cascade into other parts of your account. Just an example off the top of my head though. We're signing up for some dangerous stuff so if there's a part of this account you're particularly attached to, I'd be ready for the worst. I do keep my little journal in more than one place, should the unthinkable happen. Edit: Question for this myself. How shall we report anything we find unusual? The normal bug reports section is now not only invalid to all participating, but there's potential spoilers to be had.
Soltis, ID# 96693 Let us dabble in the unknown. I have, as some know, just hit MP4 so I believe I qualify, yes?
I'm somewhat OC(D) about those functions when I use the PM system- namely, the "Original message" and "Your reply" options available. I have found that for some reason, they're not working during Story mode. It's odd because PMs work fine, the game interface is all set, it's just that these options for viewing original messages and what you replied to one with have vanished and all that changed was I went story mode. Messages that had them before do not any longer and new ones fail to have them. For two, I've noticed when using those functions that white space is often disregarded. The original message, again, is fine, but these functions mess with the extra enters or spaces I use. Anyone else seen these?
I haven't gotten this error once, so it's worth details. I don't double click, but I do attack idle players and I do legally attack the same person more than once sometimes (Waiting the ~5 min.) From what I've been hearing around the grapevine I'd like to guess that it's coming from double clicks or very lagged out battle scenarios where the beginning of the attacks are fine but they would attempt to resolve when it's not. I am using Firefox 3, on Windows XP. Everything's been updated. I do not currently have a firewall active, because I only use this unit for trusted sites.
Attempts at putting a simple ' or " mark into public logs turn into any of /', //', or ///'. I recognize those as escape sequences, except that it's obviously not working correctly. The tone I got from asking in game was that this has been the norm for a while now. I'm righteously surprised then, that it's not in the current bugs sticky.
An official announcement is declaring this a real bug. Hope they're fixed soon. ... Even though I haven't seriously used heat in about 15 or so days. :yahoo:
I and several others have found our account reset buttons no longer exist.
I know only of past lives and that my connection to the world is tumultuous at best. So perhaps.
So by "cast strange shades" you meant?.. I'm not even sure how you got the fire going if the sparks got consumed. I'm only going by the AL on the sidebar of the main game.
And here I thought I haunted enough forums. *mysterious laugh* My journal and I will see you all around. The Brood of nine says hello.