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Orlando Gardiner

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  1. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Wtt/wts Shade   
    aawh, oke. and are they powerful, or special abilities.., or shouldw e just find out when we bought it?
  2. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Wtt/wts Shade   
    what sort of 'shade, are you referring to?
  3. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Md In General   
    I mainly think that Mur is doing to much on his own, and we ALL see things that should be done. that way we all fix our eyes on things to be changed, or to be perfected and build up stress for mur, exspecially depressing when the poor guy doesen't have any motivation left or whatsoever, making it viscious.

    I have not been online for certain reasons, a few so called are my girlfriend, other games, and the household(which I never tought would be so much work!)
    I also have the feeling that everything to be explored left in md has already be done, And it sometimes takes AAAGES for creatures to evolve, I mean, more than a year for an Angien, that measn you're blind staring at the same pictures for decennia without having any changes, or anything to do. This however should not change to rapidly, (would not be fare n'either). Or, as most people will agree, the tokens. They where a great idea, and probably still are but disbalance the game in such a way that it is almost impossible to compete with tokened veterans.

    I would love to, and would most willing to to help with creating, (due I am not much of a programmer) but there should be smaller projects, like creating a few creatures, creating storylines for lands, start a new sort of game like we now have the landtorch competition. That way mur can still decide what will be in, and what will be out, but other people will be involved deeper, making the game more interesting again. But also taking out a lot of work from murs hand, releasing him from to much pressure, and let us do the creative parts, that way new ideas will flood in and perhaps, with a slight change, mur will even get new ideas for himself.
  4. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Malaikat Maut in Md In General   
    I mainly think that Mur is doing to much on his own, and we ALL see things that should be done. that way we all fix our eyes on things to be changed, or to be perfected and build up stress for mur, exspecially depressing when the poor guy doesen't have any motivation left or whatsoever, making it viscious.

    I have not been online for certain reasons, a few so called are my girlfriend, other games, and the household(which I never tought would be so much work!)
    I also have the feeling that everything to be explored left in md has already be done, And it sometimes takes AAAGES for creatures to evolve, I mean, more than a year for an Angien, that measn you're blind staring at the same pictures for decennia without having any changes, or anything to do. This however should not change to rapidly, (would not be fare n'either). Or, as most people will agree, the tokens. They where a great idea, and probably still are but disbalance the game in such a way that it is almost impossible to compete with tokened veterans.

    I would love to, and would most willing to to help with creating, (due I am not much of a programmer) but there should be smaller projects, like creating a few creatures, creating storylines for lands, start a new sort of game like we now have the landtorch competition. That way mur can still decide what will be in, and what will be out, but other people will be involved deeper, making the game more interesting again. But also taking out a lot of work from murs hand, releasing him from to much pressure, and let us do the creative parts, that way new ideas will flood in and perhaps, with a slight change, mur will even get new ideas for himself.
  5. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Ledah in Md In General   
    I mainly think that Mur is doing to much on his own, and we ALL see things that should be done. that way we all fix our eyes on things to be changed, or to be perfected and build up stress for mur, exspecially depressing when the poor guy doesen't have any motivation left or whatsoever, making it viscious.

    I have not been online for certain reasons, a few so called are my girlfriend, other games, and the household(which I never tought would be so much work!)
    I also have the feeling that everything to be explored left in md has already be done, And it sometimes takes AAAGES for creatures to evolve, I mean, more than a year for an Angien, that measn you're blind staring at the same pictures for decennia without having any changes, or anything to do. This however should not change to rapidly, (would not be fare n'either). Or, as most people will agree, the tokens. They where a great idea, and probably still are but disbalance the game in such a way that it is almost impossible to compete with tokened veterans.

    I would love to, and would most willing to to help with creating, (due I am not much of a programmer) but there should be smaller projects, like creating a few creatures, creating storylines for lands, start a new sort of game like we now have the landtorch competition. That way mur can still decide what will be in, and what will be out, but other people will be involved deeper, making the game more interesting again. But also taking out a lot of work from murs hand, releasing him from to much pressure, and let us do the creative parts, that way new ideas will flood in and perhaps, with a slight change, mur will even get new ideas for himself.
  6. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner reacted to Burns in Md In General   
    I'll go and use that opportunity to be first responder to brainstorm a bit, preferably with controversial stuff...
    Why do i feel the urge to tell you that? So you know right from the start that you'll get to see a lot of things you won't like =P

    So, why do people leave...

    I think a big part of people leaving is becasue of low population, really, when there's nobody left to play with, prey on, and do something for, what is my purpose of being there? Being Omega is fun for some time, but not very long...
    Since people tend to form tight little groups, and don't get to play with too many others, they actually feel that nobody is left when two or three if their group stop to log on regularly, and come around more scarcely, too, which vicious cycles to death.

    Now, that wouldn't explain why someone starts leaving i the first place, though...
    For that, i find several things to blame:

    -SG&GGG (who'd have guessed?)
    Fighting IS a major part of MD, no matter how you look at it, it's the most developed, most predictable, and probably most interesting part, at least for some. This doesn't contain just fighting in itself, but also crit-development and stats.
    Controlled Mass Training leads the system completely ad absurdum, anybody can get any creature, anybody can get any stats they wish, and nobody works for it, so people are not really interested in fighting after pretty short time, the interesting crits take too long, and the less interesting are just public anyways, even on mp3.

    I think that abolishing RPCs was not such a smart move after all.
    Sure, at first i loved it, i could get abilities much easier that way, and knew that they were even kind of unique now, and had a feeling that not many people could get more than me in the new, just system, that rewards a sharp mind and dedication. Unfortunately, just that turned out to be true, the system is so very just that nobody CAN get more than the top few, and if you are fast, quickwitted, and probably pretty good at English, you simply solve more quests, find more stuff and win more contests than others. Who could compete with Shadow on speed? Who could get a better grasp on mechanics than No one and dst? Who could write harder quests than the Bunny?
    In a just system, newbies (whenever saying newbie in this post, i mean anybody under 100-150 active days) are nothing, they don't have the skills and tools, they don't have the right connections, and they are highly unlikely to make the right friends.
    Probably the unjustice of giving abilities to people who do a lot of chatting and trying weird new things was better than the justice of giving them to those who earn them through work, if only for the sake of giving newbies a goal to work with, 'Get a good role and you WILL get better things than dst and Shadow, even when you never catch up with their stats and WPs'

    Since AL stopped, and probably even before that, there is no _big_ story for this world, if you get my point.
    A newbie coming to MD doesn't know where to turn. Where's the right and wrong side? Where are the leaders? Who can help me choose?
    I had the luck of being born into the Shade War, when we had clearly defined sides, good, evil, neutral (without going into who was good and bad, that still confuses me), each with two-three leaders, pretty nice guys really, one of them palying a bit dark, one of them claiming to be right on all matters, and one... setting a quest instead of talking, mostly, but still, she existed.
    Nowadays, i'd find it much harder to pick a side, and a side to stand on makes life a lot easier at first... A clearly defined set of friends and foes gives you an opportunity to start working on something, make friends and foes, create your role... blabla, the things that make you stay and play imo.

    Enough for one post... Solutions to each go without saying
  7. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Whatdahell?!   
    That's a lousy excuse to be a powerhouse MP3.

    A real challenge is to become MP5, and a skillful player. Not a stat grinder, or a tokened up moron.
  8. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Chewett in How To Lose Exp?   
    This I call one of the biggest spoiler tread's in the world, come on, why not let the poor guy find it out on hisself?
  9. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Treehill in How To Lose Exp?   
    This I call one of the biggest spoiler tread's in the world, come on, why not let the poor guy find it out on hisself?
  10. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Recent Events In Md   
    You are absolutly right, we should not blame him for it. If I can even remember well, than this is one of the most basic rules:

    You are free to do anything in the game that is tehnicaly allowed. If you consider that you discovered some sort of exploit or a bug, report it to a moderator.

    This stating, that he just did what was legal in the first place, that we want in to change, than we should not harrass him.

    I am very sorry if you ever had the feeling I was one of the 'other side, as you name them, it was never my intention.

    on the other side, why it is coming up now. is mostly because the few people who are realy bound to a land(mb, indeed, you guess right) feel left out of the Tc for a long time now, and now finally found usself telling it. Not directed to others, just as something we wish to change ..
  11. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Remove Item Owners List   
    I think it should not be removed. merely because people love to abuse systems shoulden't mean it has to change all the time. Thereby, this is still a good and easy way to search for items you need.
  12. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in How To Lose Exp?   
    This I call one of the biggest spoiler tread's in the world, come on, why not let the poor guy find it out on hisself?
  13. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Sephirah Caelum in Torch Competetion   
    the only possibilities that I can come up with for this problems are as following:

    for the exploiting and carrying torches of different lands.., well as said already before, only citizens should be capeable of getting their own torch.

    everyone should have acces to their own land, so they can pick up their own torch(probably inplented when citizenship is inplented)

    and about the torch competition, I guess that the maze should be closed for torch, as for the back entrance of loreroot. no acces(should really look this word up you know) trough that portal, so everyone has just one single portal to protect.

    the last but not least problem, is the distance. I can think of only one thing.., that not the capitol should be the place to go. some places have to far to go, so it should be changed. like GG and Necro should have their 'torch drop of point, got closer to the gate, so it will still be an even long walk for everyone.

    on the other side, the downside would be: that you would have a shorter walk in no mans land towards MB and longer in mb than those lands, but I have not seen the depths of those issues yet. probably land bonusses and stuff would still get disadvantes to one or another, so I guess there should be looked more at this.
  14. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Remove Item Owners List   
    I think it should not be removed. merely because people love to abuse systems shoulden't mean it has to change all the time. Thereby, this is still a good and easy way to search for items you need.
  15. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from dst in How To Lose Exp?   
    This I call one of the biggest spoiler tread's in the world, come on, why not let the poor guy find it out on hisself?
  16. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Ledah in How To Lose Exp?   
    This I call one of the biggest spoiler tread's in the world, come on, why not let the poor guy find it out on hisself?
  17. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Chewett in Remove Item Owners List   
    I think it should not be removed. merely because people love to abuse systems shoulden't mean it has to change all the time. Thereby, this is still a good and easy way to search for items you need.
  18. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Watcher in Remove Item Owners List   
    I think it should not be removed. merely because people love to abuse systems shoulden't mean it has to change all the time. Thereby, this is still a good and easy way to search for items you need.
  19. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner reacted to Yrthilian in Remove Item Owners List   
    I voted no.

    The list does in a way serve what it is intended for.
    The issue with removing that list is it makes it harder to find items
    yes i know there are other ways too.

    But hiding the list just help people horde the items more. But the issue is
    not with the list or the displaying of it. It is the fact the items are being
    horded or being sold and completely stupid and unreasonable pricing.

    This in its self does not encourage trading as who really wants to spend 30/40 silver
    for an item to get a mundane item created for it. I know this argument has been
    had many times on the forum.

    But i still stand by the keeping of the item list.
    It is the people with the items that is the issue and not the list.
  20. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner reacted to Aeoshattr in Remove Item Owners List   
    [quote name='Kafuuka' date='07 February 2010 - 08:38 PM' timestamp='1265567934' post='53996']
    Removing the owner list is one step in the right direction. It won't solve monopoly problems, yet solving the monopoly problem but keeping the list would also be insuficient.

    The majority of people currently in the list are not willing to trade (for prices people consider fair). Removing the list will make it more difficult to find the person who owns what you want but at the same time more likely that person will trade with you.

    If you want to browse items in order to decide which you want, you are doing it wrong. There is a way to earn a custom made item which suits your character, so if your character really needs a certain item that's a very good way to get it. If you are checking item by item whether you want it, you're bound to desire dozens of items and are going to be very disappoined. The ratio of items versus active players is probably less than two...


    And what about resources, the items needed for crafting? don't you have to 'browse' for those?
  21. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner reacted to Chewett in Remove Item Owners List   
    Hmm, very good point, but surely thats the fun of RP and such? you wouldnt be able to see automatically who has what items, you would have to move around, looking for your item.
  22. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner reacted to Peace in Remove Item Owners List   
    I would say no to this. Having a list of item owners at least indicates us who could possibly have an item one needs, although that still does not guarantee that the saying person will get the item in the end. It saves a lot of time from searching both the item and its owner.

    Just my two cents here.
  23. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner reacted to Czez in Remove Item Owners List   
    Can't we have a list of Items rather than owners?
  24. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner reacted to Aeoshattr in Remove Item Owners List   
    well so far that's the only 'item browsing' service. so if you'll remove it, trading will pretty much die as you won't have any means to view all (well at least lots) of items in one place. i personally don't want to run around all over the place to see what items people have.

    maybe it would be a better idea to arrange the item owners by name rather than by the number of items they have. i don't know, or make an alphabetic list of items with their current owners' names.
  25. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Kamisha in The Temple   
    Did he just said : places a small cube in front of him

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