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  1. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Lady Renata in Creature Stable   
    duhh... that is not what i meant but whatever.
    the main point of this idea was allowing weak players to get out and socialize without getting busted down the first second they leave sanctuary. i really really don't think of this idea as complicated. you can add tons of disadvantages: for instance, a creature once stabled cannot be returned to your inventory for 2 weeks. besides, the stable could be in a location, not in a player page. that way, you couldn't just go to GGG without creats, bust everyone up, stable your creats then run away.
    But if everyone is against me (stupid me, all influent players are daily fighters) then i'll just dump the idea...
  2. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Lady Renata in Creature Stable   
    you didn't get the point. it's not like doubling the extra slots in the md shop. if you sttable a creature, it still keeps the slot in your inventory occupied. you just cannot use that creature in rituals, and if you stable all of them you'd appear as without defending forces. it's for new players that don't have a chance against older ones. i mean honestly, that hint that says " a new player can defeat an older one with enough skill and a good ritual" is totally fake. for instance, there is absolutely no way to beat dst, who has super high initiative. just making a point here, not suggesting anything. or MRD, with his super high attack. seriously. new players don't have drachorns, birdies, tormented souls, unholy priests, whatsoever. besides, all the latest upgrades have come in the aid of old players. did any of you look at the stats boosts given by the equipment to an mp3? and at the stats boosts given to an old rpc? seriously now...

    besides, getting attacked all the time makes you lose loyalty and honor. in my opinion it doesn't make things complicated. and burns, compare your stats to mine. it's obvious why i came up with this idea, now because i'm a coward, but because i fail to see the point in fighting a battle you have absolutely no chance of winning.
  3. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Lady Renata in Creature Stable   
    ok, so here is my idea: what about a creature stable like some sort of bank where you can put your creatures, without sarcificing or losing them in any way. they still get age, but cannot be used in combat. therefore you can't attack, but can't be attacked either. the stable should have as many creature slots as you have.
    oh, and they shouldn't lose XP, won fights, whatsoever. and during HC the creature stable would be unavailable, so that everyone participates.
    i'm expecting LOTS of negative criticism, my reputation will probably get to -80, from those that fight.
  4. Downvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Burns in Creature Stable   
    actually, if you are trying to collect AND have a few combat crits, you are facing serious space issues even with 36 slots...

    BUT, and this is really important imo, the moment you have creatures for any reasons, you are a valid target for the rest of the fighters, and that should stay that way! if you are afraid of losing too much, stop fighting and stick with sanctuaries, or set defences that win, and gather a few wins with hit-and-running, and if it's just about losing creatures in def which you need for attacks, hard luck, but that's the way it goes...

    all i can see here is a cowards idea about how to avoid fighting and make it even harder for the fighters to find a target...
  5. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Udgard in Apologies   
    As i said, i want to apologize to those that i have recently offended. I hope giving names isn't necessary.
  6. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Arianna de Montrève in Apologies   
    As i said, i want to apologize to those that i have recently offended. I hope giving names isn't necessary.
  7. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Mallos in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    Answer to Kafuuka(1):
    What was i supposed to say?!!? Would you make a list with your potential weaknesses and hand them over? Alright, if some just can't use the neurons mother nature apparently didn't give them, i'lll just make a list. Or is it really that hard to draw conclusions from my story?
    1. The subtle knife, as i said.
    2. My emotions. My greatest weakness. I usually keep them under control, but i am very easy to annoy (as you can see here) therefore i go berserk which represents a great weakness. any knight could confirm that.
    3. My friends. If one of them is threatened i just give up, with the condition of them not being harmed
    4. Myself. Even my weakest abilities consume titanic amounts of energy. I cannot fight for more than a few minutes

    Answer to Kafuuka(2): Quoting from my PL, what I WROTE IN IT: "No longer allowed to interfere with lower planes of existence... Alas, rules are meant to be broken" <-- use your neurons on that.
    5.the list could go on with countless things.
    6. My story is not complete. i think it ends with "to be continued" -__-'

    Answer to Lucius
    I was hoping not to have to argue with you, but it seems i have to.
    1. There is a stargate game about to be launched. I don't think you can play an ascended in it, but you will most probably be able to in a sequel.
    2. 99% of the players are things that "are not implied by the Magic Duel setting"
    3. I've been RP-ing for... 12 years. You?
    4.Yes, i took that weapon from the "His dark materials" series. Would you make a list of your weaknesses in your pages? I lied, as part of the RP. DUHH!! you would hide your weaknesses as well. actually i don't think i've ever seen a list of weak spots in ANY PLAYER PAGE. and i read the papers of all players i meet.
    5. Yes, RP-ing "roleplaying should consider what a character cannot do as much as what s/he can do" I agree with that.

    Answer to burns:
    "next time we meet i'll feed you to my grasan, just to prove that a weapon as simple as a club CAN harm you...
    or even a lolly, if i feel like using Pimped ^^"
    You can do that. i don't care about my creatures. Technically, it's like punching a table and waiting for it to say "ow"

    "-if you don't have the patience to improve your skills in every aspect of the game, you are wrong here anyway "
    I do not see things that way. I signed up for this game to meet new people, not for the fighting violence is pointless(unless verbal XD). in my opinion, as long as we're violent, we're no better than the pet chimp we keep -__-

    Answer to jester, and partially to burns:
    1. IF YOU WANT TO FIGHT GO PLAY WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not a browser game duhh... Or Warhammer online. Or shaiya. or last chaos. or i dunno... that low-quality-game... what was it called.... oh, Counter-strike *yuck*. In my opinion you're playing this game for fights because you can't win in NORMAL combat games. sorry for the tone, but I'm fed up with stupid RP that ruins the game for the rest of us because some immature kid wants to feel special. Don't treat me like a child, jester. You don't know what i've been through

    In my opinion, you all are so caught up by this "mechanics RP" because you are so frustrated that players won't do what you want them to do. you are trying to manipulate us, by using your influence in this game and what you have best here. Not like anything's wrong with that, but it's just the most annoying, self centered thing I can think of.
    Go ahead, lower my reputation to -200 now
    Oh, and kafuuka, "areal" is actually "unreal" as far as my english goes...
  8. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Lady Renata in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    I do have to apologize. I have let my RL issues in here, and i do deserve punishment for that.

    To zleiph:
    "Have you considered why role play should be an attempt and not an act? As you said earlier, not all your information is likely in your papers. Only you truly know the limits and strengths of a well thought out character. As such, only you could say how they would or would not react, what they could or could not dodge. I could not just walk up to your character and hit him, for all I know your character might have the ability to dodge me very easily. I can go to hit you, I can try to hit you, but then you say whether I do or not. I give you that freedom and trust. I give you the freedom to show me what and who your character is, and in turn you give me the same respect and freedom. As a result we build both a knowledge of one another’s character and also a respect for each other’s actions. Sometimes I realise I will get hit, because you write the RP in a clear enough way, and I know my character well enough. It’s a story we build after all. One argument I hear often is “everyone wants to win though”, of course, and if you understand that properly, then sometimes you will allow yourself to get hit, sometimes you will lose. That’s called mutual respect. Of course sometimes enforced action will happen, more often than not when it is a friendly gesture, because the point is for everyone to feel involved, understood, and respected, and of course for the story to progress and build. The latter is a bit of a complicated one, but I think I've explained what I mean."

    I agree. You are right.

    "You worry about spawning gods....but you have no issue with god-modding"
    Because actual god-moders can simply be ignored. you can just don't give a cent on what they say. If they would actually have the power to do what they say, then wouldn't that be... serious? they could just ruin the game, and i mean ACTUALLY doing it, not just saying so. You could simply not defend yourself against such a thing...

    and again, addressed to zleiph:
    Did you consider becoming a psychologist? or i dunno... you really made me re-think what i said,reconsider my opinion... quite a feat actually: You got an achievement! XD

    Yet i do not think RP should be based on game stats. at most on age - activity days - (assuming older means smarter :| )
  9. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Lady Renata in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    [quote name='Grido' date='11 September 2009 - 04:43 PM' timestamp='1252676631' post='41522']
    Just to point out Aeo "And i am planning to get to Mp6, as a matter of fact. even if it involves making 40 alts." will result in my banning you, alts to benefit the main acc rule.

    EDIT: to clarify, i'm referring to the 40 alts bit

    Lol i wasn't gonna make 40 alts, it would simply take too much time and too many e-mail addresses XD XD
    So you're not gonna ban me soon because of that XD
  10. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Tarquinus in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    O.o i wasn't expecting so many answers.
    Question, Lucius, were there ANY games to support RP 30 years ago?... i thought there was only Mario back then XD

    Anyway, i'm not checking or posting in this section anymore. My posts draw negative reputation like magnets

    [quote name='phantasm' date='11 September 2009 - 09:34 PM' timestamp='1252694097' post='41545']
    plus lucius is one of the best rpers in the game...both in my opinion and fact...id take what he says to heart
    Agree with that. I also respect Lucius
  11. Downvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Watcher in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    I do have to apologize. I have let my RL issues in here, and i do deserve punishment for that.

    To zleiph:
    "Have you considered why role play should be an attempt and not an act? As you said earlier, not all your information is likely in your papers. Only you truly know the limits and strengths of a well thought out character. As such, only you could say how they would or would not react, what they could or could not dodge. I could not just walk up to your character and hit him, for all I know your character might have the ability to dodge me very easily. I can go to hit you, I can try to hit you, but then you say whether I do or not. I give you that freedom and trust. I give you the freedom to show me what and who your character is, and in turn you give me the same respect and freedom. As a result we build both a knowledge of one another’s character and also a respect for each other’s actions. Sometimes I realise I will get hit, because you write the RP in a clear enough way, and I know my character well enough. It’s a story we build after all. One argument I hear often is “everyone wants to win though”, of course, and if you understand that properly, then sometimes you will allow yourself to get hit, sometimes you will lose. That’s called mutual respect. Of course sometimes enforced action will happen, more often than not when it is a friendly gesture, because the point is for everyone to feel involved, understood, and respected, and of course for the story to progress and build. The latter is a bit of a complicated one, but I think I've explained what I mean."

    I agree. You are right.

    "You worry about spawning gods....but you have no issue with god-modding"
    Because actual god-moders can simply be ignored. you can just don't give a cent on what they say. If they would actually have the power to do what they say, then wouldn't that be... serious? they could just ruin the game, and i mean ACTUALLY doing it, not just saying so. You could simply not defend yourself against such a thing...

    and again, addressed to zleiph:
    Did you consider becoming a psychologist? or i dunno... you really made me re-think what i said,reconsider my opinion... quite a feat actually: You got an achievement! XD

    Yet i do not think RP should be based on game stats. at most on age - activity days - (assuming older means smarter :| )
  12. Downvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Watcher in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    [quote name='Grido' date='11 September 2009 - 04:43 PM' timestamp='1252676631' post='41522']
    Just to point out Aeo "And i am planning to get to Mp6, as a matter of fact. even if it involves making 40 alts." will result in my banning you, alts to benefit the main acc rule.

    EDIT: to clarify, i'm referring to the 40 alts bit

    Lol i wasn't gonna make 40 alts, it would simply take too much time and too many e-mail addresses XD XD
    So you're not gonna ban me soon because of that XD
  13. Downvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Chewett in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    O.o i wasn't expecting so many answers.
    Question, Lucius, were there ANY games to support RP 30 years ago?... i thought there was only Mario back then XD

    Anyway, i'm not checking or posting in this section anymore. My posts draw negative reputation like magnets

    [quote name='phantasm' date='11 September 2009 - 09:34 PM' timestamp='1252694097' post='41545']
    plus lucius is one of the best rpers in the game...both in my opinion and fact...id take what he says to heart
    Agree with that. I also respect Lucius
  14. Downvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Kafuuka in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    [quote name='Aeoshattr' date='11 September 2009 - 08:48 AM' timestamp='1252651681' post='41504']
    Answer to Kafuuka(1):
    What was i supposed to say?!!? Would you make a list with your potential weaknesses and hand them over? Alright, if some just can't use the neurons mother nature apparently didn't give them, i'lll just make a list. Or is it really that hard to draw conclusions from my story?
    1. The subtle knife, as i said.
    2. My emotions. My greatest weakness. I usually keep them under control, but i am very easy to annoy (as you can see here) therefore i go berserk which represents a great weakness. any knight could confirm that.
    3. My friends. If one of them is threatened i just give up, with the condition of them not being harmed
    4. Myself. Even my weakest abilities consume titanic amounts of energy. I cannot fight for more than a few minutes[/quote]
    I never made an explicit list of weaknesses because there are too many. If you read my comments on self, it is stated clearly that:[list]
    [*]Kafuuka is a human -> he'll die if stabbed at any of the vital organs, or just stabbed repeatedly, or bashed with a blunt weapon a couple of times.
    [*]Kafuuka is versed in only two arts that are related to combat: crossbows and fencing with a rapier. It is implied he considers those sports and doesn't understand the concept of fighting 'dirty'.
    [*]Kafuuka currently carries no armor, no rapiers and one crossbow which is consecrated to hunting, making it useless unless he'd decide to eat you or wear your skin. And while irl I'd have a healthy fear of a person wielding a meat cleaver, I doubt people with actual tools of war would.

    I suppose I have to admit not being able to use neurons I don't have... maybe one day we'll actually get to quantum computing and resolve that issue. Meanwhile, I'll use those I did get.
    1. It's been mentioned before that you have the knife and we probably would need to exploit a weakness in order to steal the knife and be able to use this weakness...
    2. Even if you go berserk, I wouldn't be able to cut you without the subtle knife. Hoping you'd injure yourself, doesn't sound like an interesting tactic.
    3. I doubt it. You would obey my orders until you find an opening and are capable of removing the threat. Hostage situations are very very tricky.
    4. If I get this correct, I have to survive a couple of minutes of very dangerous abilities and then you wouldn't be able to actively attack me. I however would never have been able to, nor become it at that point.

    [quote]Answer to Kafuuka(2): Quoting from my PL, what I WROTE IN IT: "No longer allowed to interfere with lower planes of existence... Alas, rules are meant to be broken" <-- use your neurons on that.
    5.the list could go on with countless things.
    6. My story is not complete. i think it ends with "to be continued" -__-'[/quote]
    I referred to your profile, which at the time did not include that exception. Seeing as you hid it and I did not take a screenshot, it will be your word against mine, yet the sudden hiding certainly makes mine more plausible.

    Oh, and kafuuka, "areal" is actually "unreal" as far as my english goes...
    My bad, that should've been aerial. The two sound similar to me. With English being my third language, I pray you forgive me for that mistake. I do wonder if your English will forgive you for not writing it with a capital E?
    My dictionary also says areal means 'of or relating to or involving an area', not that it means unreal.
  15. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Tarquinus in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    [quote name='Aeoshattr' date='11 September 2009 - 01:48 AM' timestamp='1252651681' post='41504']Answer to Lucius
    I was hoping not to have to argue with you, but it seems i have to.
    1. There is a stargate game about to be launched. I don't think you can play an ascended in it, but you will most probably be able to in a sequel.
    2. 99% of the players are things that "are not implied by the Magic Duel setting"
    3. I've been RP-ing for... 12 years. You?
    4.Yes, i took that weapon from the "His dark materials" series. Would you make a list of your weaknesses in your pages? I lied, as part of the RP. DUHH!! you would hide your weaknesses as well. actually i don't think i've ever seen a list of weak spots in ANY PLAYER PAGE. and i read the papers of all players i meet.
    5. Yes, RP-ing "roleplaying should consider what a character cannot do as much as what s/he can do" I agree with that.[/quote]
    1. I'm not saying there are NO systems I know of that can't accommodate your character - GURPS can, if it is setup a certain way by a GM friendly to such ideas, and it's not the only one. I'm saying the majority of systems don't accommodate such characters... and if you re-read my post carefully, I even give you MD as being ambiguous enough to allow it.
    2. That's a rather high overestimate. I'll give you 60-75%.
    3. Thirty.
    4. Zlei answered this pretty well, so I won't re-hash it. But Lucius' weakness is not hard to figure out if you read his papers carefully, because it is implicit - but not explicit - in the papers.
    5. Hurray! We agree.

    [quote]In my opinion, you all are so caught up by this "mechanics RP" because you are so frustrated that players won't do what you want them to do. you are trying to manipulate us, by using your influence in this game and what you have best here. Not like anything's wrong with that, but it's just the most annoying, self centered thing I can think of.[/quote]
    That's not really fair, and several players have objected with good reason. I favor mechanics-based RP because that is the way I have handled conflict resolution [u]in every other RPG I have ever played[/u]. Some, notably Guybrush Threepwood, have indicated that the MD dueling system isn't perfectly suited to RP simulation. I think that's a slightly misleading argument. All RPGs must resort to abstraction somewhere. The question is not "can the system simulate [x action] perfectly?" because no system can. Hardcore "simulationist" RPGs have limited appeal, also. The point is that a system of conflict-resolution exists somewhere in any RPG, and MagicDuel has one. Therefore the question should be, "How can we use the dueling system to simulate [x action]?" I'd rather see attempts to integrate the dueling system than free-wheeling, god-mode prone chat-fighting RP with no system of conflict resolution.

    Zlei is one of the best RP fighters around, and he gets a lot of respect from me: but his system requires maturity, imagination, and trust. Players who exhibit such traits don't god-mode. It really is that simple... and that difficult.
  16. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to phantasm in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    plus lucius is one of the best rpers in the game...both in my opinion and fact...id take what he says to heart
  17. Downvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Jester in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    "In my opinion you're playing this game for fights because you can't win in NORMAL combat games"

    And in my opinion you roleplay because you can't actually accomplish anything that requires effort.

    And the reason you completely ripped off your role, instead of making a new one, was because you can't think of anything original.

    Oh, and I don't care what you've been through. Your roleplay isn't worth watching, so generally I ignore you, but when you get all self righteous I feel obligated to respond.

    I don't play MD to fight. I play MD to interact with friends and occasionally join in with roleplay that is supported by the game, or at least not completely off base and complete fantasy. Seriously, you make up a fantasy of your own to play out inside a completely separate fantasy game? How far removed do you have to be? But I digress. My point is that if I was a mindless grinder, like you seem to think, I would be playing WoW or something, but I'm not.

    This is my final post on this subject...
  18. Downvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Lady Renata in Outpost Of The Church   
    I agree, it is in the nature of a church to start missionaries (is this how they're called) to attempt and convert more people to their belief. But Rhaegar, isn't it a bit of a rush? it seems to me that the lands of the east are quite... dead...
  19. Downvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Sparrhawk in Seals Of Six   
    O.o granos, isn't what you're doing... illegal? XD XD XD
    XD = just kidding, for those that seek to bust my reputation XD
  20. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Darigan in Alts Being Banned   
    16 tormented souls? O.O
  21. Downvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Lazarus in Seals Of Six   
    O.o granos, isn't what you're doing... illegal? XD XD XD
    XD = just kidding, for those that seek to bust my reputation XD
  22. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Lady Renata in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    Answer to Kafuuka(1):
    What was i supposed to say?!!? Would you make a list with your potential weaknesses and hand them over? Alright, if some just can't use the neurons mother nature apparently didn't give them, i'lll just make a list. Or is it really that hard to draw conclusions from my story?
    1. The subtle knife, as i said.
    2. My emotions. My greatest weakness. I usually keep them under control, but i am very easy to annoy (as you can see here) therefore i go berserk which represents a great weakness. any knight could confirm that.
    3. My friends. If one of them is threatened i just give up, with the condition of them not being harmed
    4. Myself. Even my weakest abilities consume titanic amounts of energy. I cannot fight for more than a few minutes

    Answer to Kafuuka(2): Quoting from my PL, what I WROTE IN IT: "No longer allowed to interfere with lower planes of existence... Alas, rules are meant to be broken" <-- use your neurons on that.
    5.the list could go on with countless things.
    6. My story is not complete. i think it ends with "to be continued" -__-'

    Answer to Lucius
    I was hoping not to have to argue with you, but it seems i have to.
    1. There is a stargate game about to be launched. I don't think you can play an ascended in it, but you will most probably be able to in a sequel.
    2. 99% of the players are things that "are not implied by the Magic Duel setting"
    3. I've been RP-ing for... 12 years. You?
    4.Yes, i took that weapon from the "His dark materials" series. Would you make a list of your weaknesses in your pages? I lied, as part of the RP. DUHH!! you would hide your weaknesses as well. actually i don't think i've ever seen a list of weak spots in ANY PLAYER PAGE. and i read the papers of all players i meet.
    5. Yes, RP-ing "roleplaying should consider what a character cannot do as much as what s/he can do" I agree with that.

    Answer to burns:
    "next time we meet i'll feed you to my grasan, just to prove that a weapon as simple as a club CAN harm you...
    or even a lolly, if i feel like using Pimped ^^"
    You can do that. i don't care about my creatures. Technically, it's like punching a table and waiting for it to say "ow"

    "-if you don't have the patience to improve your skills in every aspect of the game, you are wrong here anyway "
    I do not see things that way. I signed up for this game to meet new people, not for the fighting violence is pointless(unless verbal XD). in my opinion, as long as we're violent, we're no better than the pet chimp we keep -__-

    Answer to jester, and partially to burns:
    1. IF YOU WANT TO FIGHT GO PLAY WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not a browser game duhh... Or Warhammer online. Or shaiya. or last chaos. or i dunno... that low-quality-game... what was it called.... oh, Counter-strike *yuck*. In my opinion you're playing this game for fights because you can't win in NORMAL combat games. sorry for the tone, but I'm fed up with stupid RP that ruins the game for the rest of us because some immature kid wants to feel special. Don't treat me like a child, jester. You don't know what i've been through

    In my opinion, you all are so caught up by this "mechanics RP" because you are so frustrated that players won't do what you want them to do. you are trying to manipulate us, by using your influence in this game and what you have best here. Not like anything's wrong with that, but it's just the most annoying, self centered thing I can think of.
    Go ahead, lower my reputation to -200 now
    Oh, and kafuuka, "areal" is actually "unreal" as far as my english goes...
  23. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to zalabar in Seals Of Six   
    *blink blink*



    Got new information over that this is in someone elses, hands, and the people, have been chosen somehow, oddly enough.

    as sad as that is, I'll pop over to the Caretakers, and see if they need help.
  24. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Jubaris in Seals Of Six   
    hahahha i knew Granos was going to takeover that alliance figured it has to be him controlling one of this new alliance...
    i vote for you Granos

    edit: and yes lib, me too, only i played morrowind (elder scrolls III)
  25. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to SageWoman in Seals Of Six   
    [quote name='Granos' date='07 September 2009 - 04:38 PM' timestamp='1252359506' post='41138']
    [spoiler]First of all I will start by stating this: Since October of 2008 I have lead and administrated the hidden faction of the Brotherhood of Void Destinies. We have always functioned under the radar, under the guise of controlling and spreading mis-information. We have infiltrated every alliance (not guilds) for reasons such as control and mass manipulation of others as well as holding others hostage from the shadows. Not many people would know of our existence other than for the fact that we have done so to keep our presence known to a small extent in order to insight questions and fear. Many strong players have been part of the brotherhood, as well as notable ones.. Although, due to the nature of the organization, their names will remain known to them and high ranking members only (unless specifically requested). Loyalty has always been our strongest suit in the Brotherhood, as one cannot betray or argue with those they do not know they are affiliated with until, that is they are fully ready. It has always been structured in such a way that only the high ranked members have earned the right to actually be viable members, and would continue to do so if an official alliance was to come of this.

    We have always been dedicated to the secrets of the lands, manipulation of the spreading of facts as well of mis-information, which has lead to great power among our ranks, many of us have dedicated ourselves to the creation of quests for the realms as we have discovered that such power and rewards are far to easily gained and thus we take the necessary means to inhibit others while keeping our hold of power over others. We have always been neutral to a degree in the sense that we equally despise all others for their sickening weakness and how easily distracted they are.

    The structure of the Brotherhood of Void Destinies is as follows:

    Possible Recruits: Sleepers
    Probation: Acrolytes
    Apprenticed: Fangs

    Pre-Mastery: Brothers
    Elite: Assassins

    Leaders: Speakers
    Leader: Listener

    Given its structure, we would only have seats in the actual alliance for those of Rank of Brother and above, whilst keeping other agents within the other alliances, which we can say openly as they have already become far to integrated within each one's structure for us to worry about removal--inhibiting our plans. We have never used or condoned the use of alts for any of our works or actions to which in my opinion is one of our greatest strengths all we do and have is based on individuals.

    The alliance as itself would be mainly used for contact means and setting of contracts with other individuals and alliances for things which hold the Brotherhoods interest and lust for power for the sake of inhibiting others. As well the communication interface offered by it would greatly expedite things as PM's are quite horrid those who know me know I get anywhere from 20 to 50 pm's a day...

    Regardless of possessing an alliance or not the Brotherhood will continue as we always have, and we will destroy all others in hopes of getting closer to the void. Be it through direct or indirect means...[/spoiler]

    Warning! Waring! MEGO alert! (My eyes Glaze Over)
    I just love this cloak and dagger stuff not to mention misinformation and keeping people in the dark.
    Can't the Brotherhood stay where they are so we can "pretend to know what you did last summer"?

    Sister Sagewoman
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