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Arianna de Montrève

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  1. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to lightsage in New Front Page   
    This is not just about a grammatical structure... Or maybe it is about your inability to formulate properly:

    Science is always formulated in such a way it represents exactly what you mean. It's one of the first things you learn when studying a science. Your inability to do so in your native tongue makes me deduct the extent to which your knowledge on the Biology and Chemistry stretches. Not very far.

    This is all I'll state in this topic for I have no desire to start a flame war.
  2. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in New Front Page   
    [quote name='dst' date='31 March 2010 - 04:38 PM' timestamp='1270067884' post='57267']
    Cause people like you seem to pass the filter.
    I joined MD when I was 18. I'm twenty now, and lots of things have changed with me. You forget what I used to be like, then what I became and now what I am.
  3. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to dst in New Front Page   
    [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='31 March 2010 - 11:10 PM' timestamp='1270066257' post='57264']
    But why would Mur change the type of people that pass through this first filter?

    Cause people like you seem to pass the filter.
  4. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in New Front Page   
    [quote name='lightsage' date='31 March 2010 - 03:29 PM' timestamp='1270063758' post='57262']
    I'll just state I find your example highly distasteful... Ofcourse you do immediatly manage to show your expertise

    Are you kidding? Just because I didn't list the many forms of vitamins and nutrients in meat does not make it distasteful. It was an example. Get over yourself and your imagined insults. I'll just state how your post adds nothing to this thread and I would like it removed. Vegetarians can't survive without Proteins and the other vitamins provide. It's a fact. They have to take supplements and eat large ammounts other sources of protein to
    to make up for the loss of nutrients meat provides. I know more about physical fitness and fitness training than you could ever think of lightsage. So before you open your mouth again, and spew how distasteful you find somehing think. Then don't say anything.

    On another note.

    As for the change of diet Chewett, you may have a point. Then again, it's hard to figure out what Mur is doing at any given momemnt sometimes.

    But why would Mur change the type of people that pass through this first filter? When he has so many others?
  5. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Jester in "what To Do With The Special Lands"   
    [quote name='phantasm' date='24 March 2010 - 05:55 AM' timestamp='1269431734' post='56833']
    Aye, and I think anyone that tried to invade any of these lands would find themselves against a very aggressive standing army. Many who belong to any land feel as I do, a deep rooted loyalty to its protection and progression. Not only would it cause a diplomatic whirlwind, but also it would mean aggression against a neutral land. I hope that one day neutral lands get kings also, just because you have a king doesn't mean your a part of a military stand. However, if another King were to be insane enough to try to capture the Tribunal, they would have to get through me. I'm sure Assira, Elthen, Sephirah, and others would say the same. Neutrality doesn't mean letting a military group try to take over. Only that the lands/alliances themselves can't initiate most kinds of military action.

    Yes, how could I possibly defeat the 4 of you with my max Drachorn ritual and 60 alliance seats? MDA is even more pathetic, a few archivists and a single legend speaker. Face it, if a main land wanted to take a neutral one by force you couldn't do anything about it unless you got a different main land to help you.

    However neutral lands aren't there to be taken over, they have a set purpose. If there were alliances to take over they would have to be part of one of the 4 main lands.
  6. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Firsanthalas in Land Timer   
    It adds an extra challenge. And you don't even need to use all of your free credits to get the 100ap if you were at max to begin with. It also helps to prevent MP3s from spending 100 ap to get to an island where they can't do anything (they wouldn't be able to get Angiens normally). Also, its a good way to encourage people to look at citizenship or alliance membership. Its not like the change left people with no options and its is only one or two locations in MD that are affected. And the other timers were also tweaked, Necrovion's was increased and their max ap dropped. We did seek to create a balance and a purpose with the changes, not just shaft people or give ourselves unfair advantages.
  7. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Shadowseeker in Land Timer   
    Well, even if you say so..

    Just by stacking some AP boosts..you should be able to get over 200 AP easily. 200, starting from 110 max.

    And..if you are even more clever, and set up things in a grand way, I guess 250-300 AP isn't impossible.

    Why not just wait and think how to attain something with what you have instead of trying to get something you do not have?
  8. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Jester in Land Timer   
    [quote name='Kamisha' date='24 March 2010 - 08:09 AM' timestamp='1269439754' post='56834']
    Ok I have already found a problem with non-land players having only 90 action points. Simply the ability to get into locations with 100AP requires you to have a land. For example I would have to be part of Marnidbell. I understand the incentive is to increase the incentive to join a land more so then before but complete restriction of certain areas which where not restricted before is not an effective method. If things stay like this I can expect a large amount of people to disappear by the end of next month without fail.
    You cant simply change one thing and expect to get away with it. When you change something everything else has to change with it.

    The entire point of lowering the max AP for people without a land is so that they have to work harder to get into places that require 100 AP to enter. You expect a bunch of people to leave because they need a burst to get into Angien's Shrine? Requiring someone to know game mechanics to enter an area promotes interest in the game, it doesn't lessen it.
  9. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Kamisha in Land Timer   
    Ok I have already found a problem with non-land players having only 90 action points. Simply the ability to get into locations with 100AP requires you to have a land. For example I would have to be part of Marnidbell. I understand the incentive is to increase the incentive to join a land more so then before but complete restriction of certain areas which where not restricted before is not an effective method. If things stay like this I can expect a large amount of people to disappear by the end of next month without fail.
    You cant simply change one thing and expect to get away with it. When you change something everything else has to change with it.
  10. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Sasha Lilias in Md Is Boring   
    I myself believe that the GGG is a good place for the lower mind power levels, mainly mind power 3. It allows people to regain balance and gain easy experiance.
    As for the higher mind powers I feel that they should not require "Dojos/Sparring grounds". They should have learnt how to either be attacked and not get a lost battle counted and/or how to set a regenerating ritual. They should also have enough knowledge about fighting to recognise who they can gain a win from and how.

    These are just my own opinions but I see them as valid arguments.
  11. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Pipstickz in Md Is Boring   
    [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='21 March 2010 - 01:56 PM' timestamp='1269201413' post='56735']
    I have anger issues against people who talk crap in a game but wouldn't say it to my face IRL.

    So you know everyone in MD in real life? How do you decide who would say things to your face, and who wouldn't? Or do you just generalize and do it to everyone?
  12. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Prince Marvolo in Md Is Boring   
    You know Fenrir, maybe YOU need to knock it off?
    If something is too complicated? Then why keep it so? make it easy, and it works. But yeah, finishing easy things dont stroke your ego...

    Why secrecy? We are a community.. not?
    Not all things should be public, yet with a festival...
    Look at Ailiths FoF for example, people help making it, people ARE the festival

    [quote]Sort out your problems IRL chewett, stop projectin them on others. These moodswings of yours are pathetic. [/quote]

    I think YOU have some RL problems that you are projecting in MD, and your behaviour looks like one big moodswing?

    Better the world, begin with yourself, yet then you need to look at yourself objectively ofcourse...
  13. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Md Is Boring   
    Chewett, knock it off. I was trying to plan something, but you know what happened? Peace left md, yrth didn't have time, cryxus pulled off that stunt with the caretakers and then above all else I got sick and tired of everyone in md.

    How about you get off your but in MD and do something. I attempted it, but to many things didn't work so I gave up. And I never kept promising crap. I tried organising something in secret. But it was to complicated for it to work. So much for this secrecy thing to since you like to constantly bring it up whenever you get a chance.

    Sort out your problems IRL chewett, stop projectin them on others. These moodswings of yours are pathetic.
  14. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Wish Point Bits   
    Don't worry about her IaB. She's just grouchy and likes to point out flaws imagined or not. Lol

    it's an interesting idea, but I don't think it's a viable one. How would one gain these bits? The big problem I see with this is that those with the most items and coins will be able to buy these and gain massive ammounts of wps depending on how aquirable these bits are.
  15. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Leixer in Wts 37 Fresh Angiens   
    2 angiens for 1 silver coin
  16. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Malaikat Maut in Beautiful Poetry   
    I ask you to please post poetry or prose that you find to be inspiring, despairing, breathtaking, or simply worthy of being read so that others may enjoy them also.

    Here are a few of my favorites:

    E.E. Cummings - being to timelessness as it's to time,
    being to timelessness as it's to time,
    love did no more begin than love will end:
    where nothing is to breathe to stroll to swim
    love is the air the ocean and the land

    (do lovers suffer?all divinities
    proudly descending put on deathful flesh:
    are lovers glad?only their smallest joy's
    a universe emerging from a wish)

    love is the voice under all silences,
    the hope which has no opposite in fear:
    the strength so strong mere force is feebleness:
    the truth more first than sun more last than star

    - -do lovers love?why then to heaven with hell.
    whatever sages say and fools,all's well

    John McCrae - In Flanders Fields
    In Flanders fields the poppies blow
    Between the crosses, row on row
    That mark our place; and in the sky
    The larks, still bravely singing, fly
    Scarce heard amid the guns below.

    We are the Dead. Short days ago
    We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
    Loved and were loved, and now we lie
    In Flanders fields.

    Take up our quarrel with the foe:
    To you from failing hands we throw
    The torch; be yours to hold it high.
    If ye break faith with us who die
    We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
    In Flanders fields.[/quote]

    Lord Byron - When We Two Parted
    When we two parted
    In silence and tears,
    Half broken-hearted,
    To sever for years,
    Pale grew thy cheek and cold,
    Colder thy kiss;
    Truly that hour foretold
    Sorrow to this.

    The dew of the morning
    Sank chill on my brow—
    It felt like the warning
    Of what I feel now.
    Thy vows are all broken,
    And light is thy fame:
    I hear thy name spoken,
    And share in its shame.

    They name thee before me,
    A knell to mine ear;
    A shudder comes o'er me—
    Why wert thou so dear?
    They know not I knew thee,
    Who knew thee too well:—
    Long, long shall I rue thee
    Too deeply to tell.

    In secret we met—
    In silence I grieve
    That thy heart could forget,
    Thy spirit deceive.
    If I should meet thee
    After long years,
    How should I greet thee?—
    With silence and tears.[/quote]

    W.H. Auden - Funeral Blues
    Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
    Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
    Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
    Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

    Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
    Scribbling on the sky the message He is Dead.
    Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
    Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

    He was my North, my South, my East and West,
    My working week and my Sunday rest,
    My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
    I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.

    The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
    Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
    Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
    For nothing now can ever come to any good.[/quote]
  17. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Totenkopf in Goodbye For Ever   
  18. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to dst in Ds Has Been Taken Over   
    Today Dimmensional Shifters has died. Hope it will never ever be resurrected again. And I hope Mur will not use the badge unless he really has to.

    My decision was made. Topic closed.
  19. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Firsanthalas in To Rp Or Not To Rp? That Is The Question.   
    To quote the MD page itself:

    'Multiplayer roleplaying browser game.

    MagicDuel is a unique fantasy mmorpg unlike anything you played before. Players can shape the game world with their actions, daily updates and an amazing community, player made quests and unique gameplay make it worthy experience you will never forget.
    Tags: fatasy role-playing games, browser mmorpg game, free multiplayer adventure.'

    So if it isn't a roleplaying game, perhaps that should be changed to 'stat munching game' or 'the game of zero tolerance'?

    This might seem negative, but its a reflection of my current mood about things. I am hoping to be enlightened and encouraged now.
  20. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to smartalekrj in Md Is Boring   
    wow lot of words in this topic lol... Anyone realize GGG is basically the same thing as Willows Shop used to be? the only difference is you get yelled at when you dont have certain rits set... oh wait i always got yelled at for attacking someone in willows because "they weren't ready" so yea, it's the same as willows. Everyone goes there. Now we all know how Mur felt about everyone going to Willows Shop all the time. GGG isn't any different and only a matter of time before something happens.

    As for Changing up the locations of it, Mur could easily set up a random location generator to add to announcements daily, or make a clickable saying the current location of the GGG. That would be slghtly more interesting cause then people would actually have to read to know where to go and would get rid of some idlers prolly. Matter of fact the Big Gun of GGG could set something up in a main clickable, like one in GoE or something changing the location daily.

    Personally i could care less about it but i do agree that if people aren't actually being challengd to do great things in game because of things like GGG being to easily accessible. I still believe that it's a bug in the game being able to stack stats in such a way and will look at it that way. It's a public bug thats being abused more or less, but it's allowed so its good.
  21. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Yoshi in Special Creatures   
    [quote name='vampir' date='09 March 2010 - 04:49 PM' timestamp='1268171344' post='56114']
    "What if every single (real human, no alts) person would posses something special?" We all already do, just it's not showed on our 'stats' list or what not. But what if we had something more personal in game terms. Mainly, putting an interesting creature (that does nothing unbalancing, has/hasn't terrific art, can or not be traded..) that could be looked at and admired, used in roleplay or anything similar.

    Uh... I'd like to point you in the direction of RP items in the inventory... go wild...
  22. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to dst in Md Is Boring   
    If I remember correctly they created the training grounds for one reason: to grind wins for crits that were meant to be sacrificed for stats. It was designed long ago, when stats really meant something. They did a smart move: they made it a public place. Otherwise they would have never ever be able to continue their grinding (I don't think it's necessary to elaborate the reasons here since they are really simple).Of course they knew the mechanics. Or at least few of them did. The rest followed. And what happens now? The same: everybody follows. Like sheep in a flock! It's such a pity...Right now all that players know are the following:
    -GGG training rits (if they don't know them they are yelled at until they put the right one)
    -the uber rits (which unfortunately are about 2 or let's say 3)

    They have no way of adapting to other rits. And how could they do that if outside the GGG they can only encounter uber rits cause the rest of the players hide. I am guilty myself of having one of the strong rits put as def (even if it's not the strongest). Why? Cause I hate to be the only one farmed. It's a vicious circle.

    So, to resume a bit:
    Is GGG good: yes, it is but only if you already know how to play.Yes, it is but only if you use it for the reason it was designed. Right now the reasons are wrong.
    Is GGG bad: yes, it is. Reasons? I think I mentioned some above. And there are others.

    Another issue:how will you punish the GGG violators?Or how are you punishing them (in case you already do that)? I always see PL entries about misbehaving in GGG but I never saw any measures.

    I doubt GGG is the main reason why MD is boring but honestly, I believe it is an important factor.
  23. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Tarquinus in Md Is Boring   
    Your "solution" is bad because you make a demand while offering nothing in return. You suggest the users of GGG should not use it every other day, apparently for your convenience. Why should we? We are a group of like-minded people using a training strategy. It is understood that some people are simply rude and do not wish to respect this strategy, and come in hoping to break it, or to farm easy wins (which is the point of the thing to begin with). You appear to be offering not to be rude every other day. I cannot speak for the others, but I'll hold out for a better offer.

    You and others complain that GGG is "flooded" with people and that other areas are consequently devoid of people to duel. Has it ever occurred to you to wonder why? If you show people a way that is more fun, they will come to you. Making the GGG less effective or less fun is not a good way to change the way training happens in MagicDuel. It simply alienates people and causes them to lose respect for you.

    I do understand that GGG enables a certain free-win-dependent mentality among those who do not ever duel otherwise, but it is neither my right nor my duty to tell other players what to do with their time. The GGG works for me and for many other players who understand its benefits and its limitations very well: to suggest otherwise is to say that the MRs fundamentally failed to understand the mechanics of dueling in MagicDuel in devising this method, and I think that is demonstrably, emphatically [u]not[/u] the case.
  24. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to aaront222 in Md Is Boring   
    Please explain why my solution is bad.

    My problem with the GGG is that most people think they need stronger creatures. All of the people go there to get those stronger creatures. The bigger truth is strategy. Strategy can be gained where you actually fight. The dojo is a good place to grasp a basic understanding of strategy. Then at GoE you test and refine the strategy.
    The GGG is flooded with people leaving virtually the rest of all training spots empty.
  25. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Tarquinus in Md Is Boring   
    That is a non-solution that solves nothing. What the hell is wrong with letting the GGG alone? If you don't like it, [u]don't go there[/u]. If you want to "protest" a popular training ground, expect to meet resistance.
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