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Posts posted by Intrigue

  1. Not trying to pick a fight, but I also suggested Rememberance (at the meeting, verifiable via the chatlog).

    Reason for suggestion:


    Imagine a path through the woods or a feild. After much lack of use, the path becomes overgrown, and requires much effort to navigate (build up of viscosity). By remembering where you have tread before, you wear down the resistance (or viscosity) thus making the path easier to travel over time (lowering of viscosity).





    Based on the fact that we have a desire to do and overcome things (like travel through an area with a high viscosity), and although it's difficult, we keep trying. As we get closer to our goal, our aspiration increases tremendously because we've seen results from our efforts (akin to the build up of heat from travelling through an area with viscosity). Also, in reference to a medical dictionary, aspiration is the removal of something that shouldn't be somewhere (example: fluid in the lungs is removed by aspiration). So, in this sense, it could be the removal/lowering of the viscosity.


    *edit was to add punctuation and another suggestion

  2. hmm... Intrigue....
    *sticks a flower behind your ear*
    are you intrigued yet?
    *draws a butterfly on your cheek*
    are you intrigued yet?
    *slays a lag monster with a lethal dose of flaming WD40*
    ... it just seemed to fit

  3. *tucks flowers behind the ears of all the winners*

    Congrats to all of you and thanks to all who entered the contest. I personally enjoyed reading all of the papers, got to see a few original things and to be honest, quite a few which weren't quite so original, but had their own unique twists. Those of you who do request the comments from the judges and wish for further explanation on my own, feel free to PM me ingame!

  4. [quote name='Grim Angel' post='33445' date='Jun 13 2009, 02:44 PM']If I solve it, I should be allowed to do 1 realllly horrible thing to Bob WITHOUT you interfering >:} I won't destroy him... just use a few twigs for a BBQ.[/quote]

    How about... If you solve it... we'll lower your medication for a day? And... I won't draw flowers and butterflies on your face?

  5. I agree Dst, It is not fair... but... that is based on my perspective on this, I see things from my side of the Tree. However, my thoughts are merely suggestions, there has not been an official ruling on this, so.. if you have suggestions of your own, please, feel free to include them.

  6. DST... If you would like to participate in such an arrangement as we have discussed for ledah, then I imagine we could come up with something to accomodate you as well.
    However, Like I said in my last post...

    Solving the riddle [b][u][i]does not[/i] [/u][/b]give permission to abuse Tree.. it only allows things to continue as they were. Failing to Solve the Riddle is the thing that will change the daily exchange between the guardians and the enemies of Tree. By failing to solve the riddle, the offender will refrain from further attempts to harm Tree for the duration of the specified time frame.

  7. My random suggestions....

    He has a week to solve the riddle... if no solve.. then no touch Tree....
    If he does solve the riddle, that doesn't give him permission to harm Tree, it simply allows him to continue as usual with his attempts to harm Tree...

    If he doesn't solve the riddle and does attempt to harm Tree (breach of contract) then he will be used a peice at a time for the barbeque he is so obsessed with, until the puppet is reduced to nothing more than a head or a toe.

    Also, I suggest a designated guardian to be the one to submit the riddle to Ledah, as well as a designated one to recieve the answer, so there is no confusion as to whether or not Ledah has recieved his riddle, nor confusion as to whether or not it has been answered. I suggest that the riddle status and whethere he is currently under restriction be posted in Ledah's PL so it is visiable to ALL guardians, And... so the puppet doesn't forget as easy if he's under restriction or not.

  8. [quote]The Metal Mage is going to get in on some of the fun ...
    We are going to have a slave auction to benefit the MD Market Fair!

    Here is how it works: if you would like to sign up, leave a message saying you want to be included.

    The final price of your sale in the market will be divided between myself and Kriskah, with a small portion going to the slaves to buy their freedom, if need be ...[/quote]

    I can understand the misinterpretation here. I did it myself. I read the second line, assumed that the profits were going to benefit the market, read further down and saw that the amounts were going to be split between Kragel and Kriskah and ASSUMED that it meant they were going to both to further the market with these funds. Not as personal profit. That being said, I do feel slighted by this, but... life goes on.

    So both of you know, Kriskah and Kragel, at this moment, I'm going to disperse what little "profit" i made off of my own aution. It were my own misunderstanding, and i wish that neither of you would take it personal. Had I not been in such a rush, I would have asked for further clarity regarding the things I made the assumptions about.

    *edited to reword a few things

  9. [quote name='Willem RedBeard' post='31506' date='May 19 2009, 11:13 AM']Since I am not aiming to become your official mentor, I will not stat my qualifications, but you are more than welcome to ask around about me to see what other people think.[/quote]

    Oh oh! I know the answer! Willem is Ticklish! Super Ticklish!!! but he doesn't play fair when it comes to tickle wars.

    But.. on topic... I think Will's a pretty nifty person... he does well with the battles and such, and has helped many others...

  10. [quote name='I am Bored' post='31454' date='May 18 2009, 06:27 PM']wait how do you know the country?
    wait..... unless someone else saw you on........ which would be one way of knowing someone had been on your account..... hmm...... if you can't trace the silver coin(which if chewett says it's trackable then it most likely is), then it should be possible to track the IP to a general area and check who has acessed MD from that area......

    i think...

    i am only saying this becase i am bored, and want to talk right now as the chat is dead...[/quote]

    Whomever was "driving" Jazira's account left her parked and idle at War Hold. The flag was observed by others, spoke about in game chat, and i sent her the information via YIM.

  11. I'm neither condemning nor condoning what is being done with this election. I am simply curious. I don't want this thread to turn into another flame fest.

    Loreroot seems to me (my opinion, not necessarily fact) to want to run this election for their people, by their people. What does the rest of the realm have to do with who is in what position?

    It is my understanding (again opinion, not fact) that the rest of the realm has little to do with what goes on in other lands, such as GG or Necro (just examples, not specifically that there is anything wrong or right with them). Yet... when power changes hands, or people are assigned specific roles within the way that land is run, it isn't brought in as a public debate (not saying it should be, just stating it as an example).

  12. [quote name='Akasha' post='30926' date='May 13 2009, 08:20 AM']Mur posted the stories written by adi, signed by adi because adi didn't bother to create a forum account.
    The stories u refer were submitted by Mur, but it was specified who wrote them and that is ANCIENT LORE.[/quote]

    Yes, those are the ones I was referring to. Would we be able to get something like that in here, specifically for Loreroot?

    [color="#8B0000"][b]Edit: Loreroot is not witten Lore Root ![/b][/color]

  13. May I request, in addition to the council information, a bit of Historical Lore concerning the Land of LoreRoot?

    Daniel Raven was, according to what I've read that Mur posted in the Marind Bell topic, a very important figure in the history of LR, became an ally of Marind Bell after the battle over Chaos Wood, and was very ethical and moral in his ways, yet, there is little else to be found of him. Also, there is a reference, (somewhere in one of the historical doc's for another land) a reference to the shades entering and burning LR, yet there is no information to be found to further this "rumor", yet this would be a very important and interesting (at least in my opinion), peice of LR history. If there is reliable and confirmable information somewhere, I'd be more than willing to write the article myself, but, then again, the only information I can find is limited and very little appears to be anything other than rumor due to the randomness of the information.

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