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Posts posted by Intrigue

  1. [quote name='Guybrush Threepwood' post='30470' date='May 6 2009, 03:31 PM']I have seen few, very very very few MP3s who have anything in their inventory at all. Even assuming they are willing to pay for paper help (which is an idea I don't like) most CAN'T. You have few coins, very few coins. And no, the fact that an RPC is giving silver coins for solving a QUEST, and ONE PERSON is paying for stories (something that actually has some value, unlike a imaginary surgery or elixer) does not mean that MOST players are willing to give their coins in purely RP interactions. So no, the question has not yet been answered, more than two, or three, or even four people willing to do it. If we are basing the markets infinite goods or services (not infinite at any one point Kafuuka, but perhaps the word "unending" would be more appropriate) on role play, most people have to be willing to do this. Perhaps a pole would be helpful?[/quote]

    This is one thing that I addressed in an earlier post... Have someone, perhaps an LHO who's already supposed to be helping new players, simply do their regular job of helping the MP3's, asking those new players they've helped if they've enjoyed their MD experience thus far and reward them a silver for answering. Granted.. it would take funnelling funds to a specific place and purpose, but it would also help give those people who are new some kind of currency to incorperate into the economy.

  2. Ok... First... I really don't know what you are capable of doing so far as this is all concerned Kriskah, but you have accomplished much, at least in my opinion, of getting this idea as far as it has come. That, in itself, is alot.

    Secondly.... Burns, i do understand your point of view on the "monopoly* of the system, convienience versus personal effort. So.. to this... I offer another suggestion.

    Each of the people who creates items needs to be dependant upon another to produce their goods, much like the example i put in my first post on this topic. I propose the very base source of this dependancy be rooted to the main market, where funds will eventually return to, and within the central wheel of the market, these funds dispersed back into the general populus through quests, personal rewards, "salaried jobs", etc. Granted, this gives the Market the monopoly over all else, but it also allows ([b]if[/b] there is no hoarding for self) sort of a guarentee that funds will be found on nearly all players, even those who enter the game with nothing. It could be as simple as someone volenteering to sit at Paper Cabin, gathering opinions from the new players, and rewarding them with a silver for their time, up to something far more complex for the older players.

    *edit... I know there's alot of trust involved in this... but... as with anything.. it's a risk..just depends upon who is willing to take that risk

  3. [quote name='Burns' post='30208' date='May 4 2009, 09:49 AM']else there would be either no need to buy items becasue players could just go and make the items they want themselves...[/quote]

    How about something to trigger a "need to create", an affect that can only be trigged in a certan way, by another player. I've not the faintest Idea on how to work that, but I think it might could help on reducing abusing the creation system for one's own benefit. As would having to buy the items required to make said item/good.

    [quote name='Burns' post='30208' date='May 4 2009, 09:49 AM']the problems with such things is that it can easily be overcome by creating a few alts and place them at the places where you could grow/process items...
    and, as i've said, if such places were controlled by PWRs, you'd soon have a monopoly on all items and nothing like a working market...[/quote]

    I was trying address this in my original post, but I'm not sure how to word it correctly. The way I've got it in my head, there would only be certain people who could create a certain item. This item is part of the supply chain, and thus, unless bought by another player who takes it to another who uses it to create another product, useless and valueless to a degree unless used for it's intended purpose.

    [quote name='Burns' post='30208' date='May 4 2009, 09:49 AM']i could imagine connecting this idea with factions/character classes which are in discussion, though, therefore giving people the ability to specialize... which woudl then lead to items which are superior to others and therefore worhtier than others...[/quote]

    Yes, I totally agree with this. The ability to create items should be a priviledge, not just for everyone. Some players already have certain aspects of this idea already implemented into their RP, (such as Firs with his muffins, and Kafuuka with his goal of obtaining a mill, as well as the one person i met briefly a while back who is a gardener) and those who are dedicated to it should be the ones rewarded with such abilities. Also, on a side note, with the current discussion of classes being primarily fighter/healer oriented, this would give yet another outlet for those who fit into neither of those catagories.

  4. Loyalty.. now there's a word for you... a word that to one such as myself... who is in NO alliance, it means little or nothing to. But... since the protectors and the loyalty you gain from worshipping has been introduced into the topic, lets start there.

    For X amount of heat, you get X amount of loyalty. Loyalty to a protector in my understanding, since you are giving your heat to the protector, not towards the alliance. In theory, one could rake in all kinds of amounts of loyalty and never actually have to fight for it, running around for a while in certain places will build up heat, as will "accidentally" winning enough fights.

    To me, it seems that there needs to be some kind of seperation between Alliance loyalty and Protector loyalty. Have the loyalty gathered by giving heat labled differently, perhaps something like Worship strength ( just the first thing that popped in my head). Then... just as the Alliance loyalty as the potential reward/side effect of a possible take over, have the higher your worship loyalty equal out to a more effective heal based upon a percentage, and reflecting the amount of loyalty you have shown your protector.

  5. [quote name='Kafuuka' post='30084' date='May 3 2009, 12:11 PM']From RP perspective the term class is very restrictive. I have no idea what traditional box to put my character in...

    The option to have your interface change to a healer one, will likely have both advantages and disadvantages that influence the battling. I don't think it will interfere with RP though. Some people get their inspiration from it, others will try to nudge their interface towards the one that matches their character most. Just like with principles: you choose the one you think most fitting, but they don't define you unless you want them to. They also don't impede you from battling, in fact it is quite possible to ignore them completely. I wouldn't advise you to, but it is possible.[/quote]

    Because i don't know how else to explain my point of view on this... I'll use myself as an example and hope it helps

    Intrigue is a very active RP'r... and she wouldn't fit into any of these catagories with her flowers and markers and tickling attacks upon random people. Granted... she'd probably get tossed into the fighter class just because of stats(if you go off of what is kinda outlined in the inital suggestions), but that is not what she is. She's a goofball. Her principles reflect imagination and such, and compliment her role. Vary rarely does fighting come into role with her, and honestly... I fight for honor, and upgrading... and that's it. But... on the topic of fighting... I even incorperate that into RP on the rare occasion that she does get the urge to smash heads.

    I guess my point is this... Some of us RP more than others, but for those of us who are very active in our RP, as I am, the generalized classes aren't one size fits all. I do believe though, that this could be a very interesting twist in the game to be able to specialize in what you do/who you are, EVEN if you don't RP much and instead just fight, fght, fight. Some, who train constantly, would benefit from this immensely, and, because it's somewhat a reward for their efforts, I totally support the idea, I just have no idea on how to make it work for Intrigue.

  6. I know very very little (practically nothing) of scripting, but could this be corrected by adding a little box, like on the rit creation screen, where you choose an amount to transfer, max of 20?

    Granted, even with massive quantities, this would still take multiple transfers, but 20 at a time is far less complicated then 1 at a time.

  7. Just wanted to say, I'm proud of the new ideas coming forth from this and am willing to help as needed. I'm usually around War Hold or Tree, so feel free to find me and we'll talk, or just PM me if you find something specific you'd like me to help with. I've a small bit of funds myself (proceeds from the auction and related award) and wouldn't mind putting that back into the economy, however, I'm suffering from not being able to come up with any specific creative ideas at the moment.

    A related, or possibly not, idea I had thought of was enabling certain players who have very defined roles, to produce goods on demand in exchange for coin/items, and the goods provide a temporary stat/skill/vit/vp bonus which expires within a certain amount of time, and the good disappears from that person's inventory...

    Player A is a baker... Player B buys a muffin from Player A for a single silver, and Player A recieves the muffin and as a bonus, a temporary increase of 5k vitality. After an hour, the temporary effect wears off, and the muffin disappears from Player B's inventory.
    As an extention of this, Player A must buy Flour from Player C to make the muffins (suggested quantity of 1-1, just as with the muffin), and Player C must buy wheat from Player D, Player D must buy farming/gardening stuffs from another player to even create wheat... and so on and so on...

    Granted, it's a rough idea, and needs some work, but it could be specialized for so many of the different needs of MD, such as clothing, Weapons (as kragel already does), food, drink and other things, as well as adding an incentive for people to want to sell or buy goods by adding the temporary bonuses.

    *edit.... What this idea actually entails is a constant supply and demand... kind of my own way of looking at helping overcome some of the already present hording of coin/items

  8. There also seems to be an attitude that you aren’t worth listening to or are just jealous and petty because you aren’t an RPC or whatever. This is insulting and juvenile. On the subject of juvenile, maybe the RPCs should look at some of their bickering on the forums and in game. They are not working as a team and not setting very good examples for other people (This is meant as an overall and casual observance, not pointing fingers at individuals).

    I myself cannot agree more with this statement. There have been occasions where I, a nobody, directly addresses an RPC or LHO and the RPC or LHO either completely disregards my question or tells me it is a pointless discussion.. Why? Because I'm not a fellow RPC or LHO? Just because I do not have a label upon me, seperating me from the rest of the masses, it does not make me any less of a person, does it?

  9. well... seeing as only one other has stepped up to the plate... i will as well.



    I will not do spywork, nor anything else dishonorable.

    *recap of edits.... i'm no longer bound to path of loneliness, and whomever wins the bid can set the time limit... as long as it's not forever

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