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Posts posted by Intrigue

  1. I don't have a clue how I found MD, especially since it's way different from anything else I was playing at the time i found it.


    What really kept me here (then) was that I could interact with people so much more easily (i'm a horrible introvert in RL) and if I didn't want to, I didn't have to. It does me a world of good in lots of ways to be able to be social without actually having to be social face-to-face.


    After my long absence tho, what brought me back was all the friends I made way back then. Granted, there aren't many of them here any more, but those that I can still talk to are valuable to me beyond comparison. :)


    All the hidden/deeper meaning/make you have to think about it stuff helps keep me here too. It's like a great big puzzle in a way, with lots of little puzzles imbedded in it. Just when you think you have something figured out, you have to go figure out something else instead in order to understand a bit more about whatever it was you were originally trying to figure out... if that makes sense ;)

  2. Personally, I think it's a really neat idea, even if it were just to remain a virtual reward for a long time. Especially if you can pick and choose between those you are awarded to display if/when your role within MD changes.


    With this not being retroactive though, how would activity be kept up with? Will there be some kind of new thing to measure activity besides the active days counter since it's going to be all new? a shiny new clickie perhaps?


    On second thought, I think a date stamp on the title itself would cover this well, unless the holder goes inactive for a long period of time.

  3. http://www.gamesites200.com/mpog/in.php?id=3037


    gamesites200 site is down (or at least has been since probably 10pmCST last night. Left the tab open to try again this morning in case it was just a small maintenance thing, but I'm still getting the error that the website is offline (error 522). Going to try it again this evening to double check, again.



    http://imgur.com/6gb3uQv -link to image of error


    http://imgur.com/rB41XBf -still down this morning (1/14).


    update: Still down 1/15.


    *edit summary: fixed typo's & added link to error image, daily edits to update status.

  4. Personally, I think it's a really cool idea, and even cooler to be able to have something physical related to MD.


    Financially, I have to say no.


    The "find the middle-ground" part of me says... start small. I don't know if or what current land leaders have in their real-life possession to represent MD, but there are some ideas that can be taken from the big idea and built around, such as the wax stamp. That's the one that really would be something special to me. For little to nothing (if you know how to work wood and/or have access to anything to carve out the stamp part) you could make these yourself and send them out, only real price would be the shipping involved. Also, if the king ended up keeping it, instead of passing it on, then you wouldn't be out the expense of purchase, just the time it took you to make and whatever shipping is. The wax... well, that'd be between you and the ruler to decide who purchases that I think. Some players are well funded, where as others are not. MD/You could help out who couldn't afford to purchase the wax themselves, but encouraging them to make that purchase allows for them to personalize that part of their kingly stamping/sealing documents ability.


    So far as the King specific stamp, for regular ink, i know those can be purchased US for maybe 5 dollars. Unsure of the cost of UV specific stuff, as I've never dealt with it.


    I also like the idea of the papers but for now, I can't think of a cost-effective way to do this, other than building a sharable document, and they can print them off as needed on whatever type of stationary/paper they choose.


    All in all though, I really do like the idea, but with as small as MD is right now, i'm just having a very hard time justifying the expense. If none else, it might be best to keep it in the "when we get big again" pile.



    **edit, I was typing this as Mur posted and didn't see the post til after i posted this. sorry.

  5. Wow.... That's all i can think of. I hope I'm reading this wrong and it's some other reason that you're leaving, not because of a murmas present you didn't get. I sat there all morning at the GoE and watched confused santa hand out gifts to people, and yes, it's my own fault I didn't get one (because I'm not a "me next" kinda person), but I was more than happy to be amused at just sitting and watch others scramble and clamor to be "next". Yeah, sure, it may be a bit of a disadvantage in a way, because i don't have the coolest or neatest or most powerful stuff, but i'll get mine my own way in due time.


    Good luck to where ever you chose to go from here Tom.

  6. EDIT: I'm in, disregard this


    Is it down again? I can't log in :( getting these errors after a restart of firefox, gonna reboot too to see if it'll help.

    Warning: mysql_pconnect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/mysqldb/class.mysqldb.php on line 93 [ERROR] No Db Handler[ERROR] No Db Handler[ERROR] No Db Handler[ERROR] No Db Handler[ERROR] No Db Handler Warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /home/magicdue/public_html/authentication.php on line 91

    [ERROR] No Db Handler Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/magicdue/public_html/sitegizmo/worldmap.php on line 25 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/magicdue/public_html/sitegizmo/worldmap.php on line 41 Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /home/magicdue/public_html/sitegizmo/worldmap.php on line 45

    Users online right now: 0 (0 idle):

  7. if you look detail of the link


    you will find that explanation (ill try to be more explicit here)


    with your answer of stage 3


    you will decide either if you stop there and your rating of stage 1,2,and 3 will make your score


    or you decide to take the optionnal stage 4


    if so


    you will select an stage 1, 2 or 3


    the score of that stage will be modify by taking the stage 4




    if you chose stop here :  rate your stage 1,2, and 3 and compute your overall score


    if yu chose take stage 4 and select stage 2

    i will rate your stage 1, 2 and 3

    then take your rating of stage 2

    say you got 70% for the stage 2

    i will take your rating for stage 4

    and average it with theone of stage 2 that average rating will be taken instead of the initial rating of stage 2 to get your overall rating


    note: stage 4 is an all or nothing so you get either 0% or 100%


    so if you fail your new rating in computing overall for mdified stage 2 will be 35% or (70%+0%)/2

    if you succeed in stage 4 in computing overall for modified stage 2 will be 85% or (70%+100%)/2


    so if you think you where strong in stage 1,2 and 3 maybe its better not to take stage 4

    of you where not, you can if you succed stage 4  improve your score in taking stage 4 , if you dont succeed you will lower it


    That makes a whole lot more sense, thanks for going into detail.

  8. this is how i look at it when it comes to the backstory:



    1. Is it relevant to how your character acts/interacts with others and will the change be noticed in big ways?

    2. Is it a major change or a minor one (ie:you decide your char would be better looking with short hair instead of long) and can it be incorperated into your story?


    3. Does anyone reference that as they interact with you (Intrigue was kidnapped as a child, but i took out the whole story of it, and shortened it to just the very very basics, made little to no difference)?


    So, if it's like super huge... you go from being a fire breathing dragon with mega-god powers who thinks everyone is crunchy and brings ketchup everywhere, to a puppy who just loves everyone, then no, don't change. but if it's simple, or irrelevant, or nothing that causes major down-the-road changes ( i shoulda bought that muffin this morning!!), then no harm done in changing it.


    Most of all though, just remember that whatever you put as your backstory, is you. day in and day out in MD, this is who you're going to be, so make sure you describe something that is well suited to you and something you can portray well. I sucked at being a Kentauride warrior, so that account went away, and i'm back to a solo account until i feel like trying my hand at something else. But, my main, Intrigue, she's still just the same as she ever was. Easy to portray, and second nature to me.

  9. As in real life, I am not who I was years ago, so although people may have memories of that person, I am not that person any more. There are still similarities, but the whole of who I am is totally different. Same with my character here. Intrigue is still a goofball at times, but i don't run around drawing on people as much, or assaulting people with flowers. Instead, she's more of a watcher, and more inquistive about the workings of things, as opposed to just running with whatever comes along.



    As you work on your papers, if you'd like, i'm sure if you'd ask around some people would be happy to give you feedback on whether they read well, flows easily, etc.

  10. Other than random updates here and there, my papers are the same as when i first put them together.

    my point? Just put in there what works for you, and for your character at this moment in time. If you wish to change directions/include or exclude back story, you can do so.

    Long story short, let your papers grow with you. What you put in there today may not be relevant tomorrow and can be changed to reflect that as needed.






    Also, I read everyone's papers that pass by me. even the really really long ones, lol.



     Also, somewhere, there is a paper-shaper contest. Used to be headed by Kafuuka. i don't know who is running it now, You could inquire there for more definative suggestions other than my extremely vague ones,

  11. Empathy

    :  the imaginative projection of a subjective state into an object so that the object appears to be infused with it

    :  the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner; also :  the capacity for this

    "Viscosity is what starts to surround areas that begin to become forgotten, isolating them slowly from reality."  By working to remove viscosity we are in effect bringing parts of MD back into existence/remembrance.  The skill gets reduced ("weakened") when used, and this should be reflected in its name."


    When travelling through these areas with high viscosity, we become empathetic of the area, and pay attention to how it has been abandoned, and we begin to pay more attention to the area, essentially remembering it, and bringing it back to reality. After we've gone back and forth through the area so many times though, we lose our empathy for the area because it's no longer an effort to travel through the area, it becomes more of just a background scenery.
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