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Sir Blut

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Everything posted by Sir Blut

  1. Waiting for it to snow here :))
  2. Birthdays are like new starts, and a time to pursue new goals in your life. You can confidently move on with courage and the belief that you can accomplish anything you want to, because you've survived and done so much already ^_^ La multi ani!
  3. Ah well [attachment=4615:aint_even_mad_bro.jpg] Hahaha nah but I agree the Birthday went really well, granted, since I joined md 6 years ago or so, the only other birthday Ive been around for has been last year's, but I think this one was even better ^^ Even though some might find your test inconsiderate or irresponsible, I am glad to see that we as a community have passed it ^_^ This is simply something that could NOT have happened in most other games. We MD players are the best ^^ I think that considering the fact that there was no help from a council, that everybody put in extra effort and such to make this work and the result was a bunch of awesome creative quests and lots of fun. Kind of hurt you didn't have faith in us :(
  4. MD is one of my worst addictions even when im hardly here

    1. Jubaris
    2. Witty


      I know that feel. And I'm not even that old.

  5. There's my submission, its supposed to be an Aramor Assassin armor. Its made mostly from cereal boxes (cereal has yet to be consumed :)))Apologies for bad quality pics, had to take them with a webcam because I didn't have anyone to take a picture of me. I wish I had learned about this quest earlier, didn't have time to go out and get paints or anything. For the record if I were an aramor I wouldnt be caught dead in this :">
  6. a friend, just cuz hes not active doesnt mean i cant the topic
  7. If you read this,Happy birthday! I wish you good health and intelligence and stuff haha. We miss you!
  8. Canine teeth please
  9. I just fell asleep and I'm in a place they called RL.. weird

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rophs


      The only way that they realized they needed to wake up was a note they found in their fantasy world. It would tell them about their condition, and tell them to wake up. Even then, it would often take months until they were ready to discard their fantasy world and please wake up.

    3. Sir Blut

      Sir Blut

      D: D: this explains so much..

    4. Rophs
  10. Thank you all ^_^ I hope I can have more time for MD soon
  11. What happened to this?
  12. Sir Blut

    Rickroll Quest

    WittyLeWat- 5 :mad: Azkhael- 1 Kyphis-1 Ailith- 2
  13. I am trying to add a background to my papers to write over but google isn't helping, or I'm just daft
  14. Imp looking for 1sc or a trade age: 2 id ID:826106 WTB or trade for 3 tainted angiens, seperately or together, forum pm me about that please if you are interested. This topic can be closed a week from today. Edit:Imp sold,still looking for tainted angiens
  15. Happy birthday your wookieness :p
  16. Mur's book came!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ackshan Bemunah
    3. Rophs


      He's in for Frustration in the form of a Treat.

    4. Syrian


      a candy you can never quite swallow..

  17. If the oldest game event doesn't work out, as it probably won't, the prizes for winning that will be added to the quest. The mistake is that for such a tournament type thing, as it would have to be for there to be a winner, there needs to be time before hand for signups and brackets. Last time and this time I announced it last minute.
  18. The Oldest Game will be played from Day 258 to 259 At the Marble Dale Park, Starting at 3st by default The Rules are here [spoiler] The name is deceiving, for this is more than just a game. When all the worlds, and all the planes were but formless mist, this is how Powers claimed their superiority. How can that without a shape, without a form, test their strength against one another? The obvious answer with influence, how we mere mortals are affected by their presence and their promises. How then, before men and monsters, was dominance established? That is how The Oldest Game arose. It is a contest of ideas, of dreams, of natures, and of innate power. Blows are never laid, fingers are never curled into fists and steel is never shown. Instead, in that ephemeral twilight realm, ideas are given form, and combatants are always shifting. It is a difficult thing to explain, if you wish to learn, I will show you. Worry not, you risk nothing but your pride... at least the first time. Do not forget though, this is the way the first wars were waged, and idle sparring is saved for those dearly trusted. As all things, this game is not without it's rules. One must be challenged, or issue a challenge; the challenge must then be accepted. It is by he giving and acceptance of the challenge that the conflict is given weight, given life. The Challenger strikes first, and the Challenged however chooses where the combat will take place. Strength is not measured from sword-arms and speed, instead from innate oneness and wisdom of the world. Strikes are not born of steel and magery, rather from ones nature. If you find it cryptic, I apologize, but there are few ways to actually give simple words to describe The Oldest Game; to do so risks oversimplification. The attacks are given life by a particular diction. "I am the Stag, Elusive and Silent". In response "I am the Hunter, Trap-setting, Stag-Hunting". This is the simplest of forms, a training form really in which one who is not familiar may be made familiar. The forms must begin with what is literal, The stag and the hunter. As combat rages, more abstract concepts may be used. The speed at which the abstract may take form is directly related to the power of the Combatant. To attempt to form beyond your ken, beyond your strength, is frightfully dangerous at best. On the topic of combat forms. Strength of one's form is directly proportional to how in tune that form is with the Combatant. This is a difficult thing to explain. If a man is brash, impulsive, and passionate, then his forms should suit. Constraining forms, binding forms, are lacking a oneness with him, and as such are weak and easily broken. Victory is simple. One must yield. One may yield actively, declaring his own defeat. One may also yield by the inability to present a form that effectively counters their opponents form, or by the inability to present in a timely manner Note: I am not the original creator of this game, I just like to play it and happen to have the "Instructions book" as an item so I wanted to show how to play. [/spoiler] Copied directly from AmberRune's papers... I am not sure if there will be a lot of people willing to play so I am not planning brackets, or the structure of how the games will be played, yet. Last time I tried to do this it failed, see here :http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15625-the-awake-game-marind-bell-events-and-quests/ Instead we will figure it out together haha Time limit is three minutes to answer your oponent. The winner(if this works and there is one) Gets a GC and an additional rareish prize, which will be announced soon. There is also another quest thingy, anyone interested should pm me to start with the subject RTQ saying they are interested, since I was asked sort of at the last second, I wasn't able to get it coded as I originally planned. Prize to be announced, but there will be something for everyone that completes it. The time limit will be 1 weeks from today to complete. Sponsers welcome to post here for both events
  19. I am also turning this into a buy one get one free from me deal, second TS age 11 ID:825851
  20. So are you offering to get a TS to anyone that would have bid here Syrian?
  21. Team name: Duck Tractors:') (DT for short) Members: WittyLeWat and Sir Blut Leader: Sir Blut
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