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Sir Blut

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Everything posted by Sir Blut

  1. I'd like to participate for fun as well
  2. I like that it shows the correct vitality and it does load faster. Great job :)
  3. I like the who's online link under the option and wishpoint buttons
  4. thread could be closed
  5. A fresh shop joker ID:818265 Please pm me about the angien for negotiations. It doesn't need to have a lot of won battles, preferably low heat, thanks. Post your offers below
  6. MB Archer- 1397 Age 1,126,351 heat Grasan- 1685 age 1,260,720 heat WIll answer any more questions in pm Please post offers and I'll pm you
  7. I doubt you know me either but I remember seeing you around :) Welcome back
  8. Edit: I'm sorry I didn't read the other topic about not seeing IDs and that it's already known the values are weird. This topic could be closed or deleted..
  9. One week after the last post, topic can be closed
  10. The id's are Imp: ID:523200 Elemental: ID:624136 Pope: ID:489620
  11. Name: Sir Blut AD: 18%, 311/1707 ID: 118349 I'm not biased, I can keep a secret, and I want to help MD become better. Plus I've always wanted a role, and what better type than one in which I could help?
  12. Open to bidding or trade. 1 Maxed Imperial Aramor Age:1504(Upon time of posting) No tokens 1 Maxed Elemental Age:1262(upon time of posting) No tokens 1 Unholy Pope 2 Age:1557(upon time of posting) No tokens Any additional information like heat about them I'll pm you upon request. Looking for some fresh angiens but open to any other bids. Unholy Pope sold. Sale will be closed after a week passed after the last post.
  13. I didn't really mean either, although the first one could work. As a compromise, resources(like water) should be offered for sale , but not at outrageous prices. But I understand your point. In return for reasonable prices, then people won't have to gather below the limit. Also: I wonder what would happen if instead of a combo effect, the movelock effect was used first using the land cleanser and then another pair of people used the push effect shortly after, if that is possible.
  14. I agree with nadrolski as I tested the item with him and we were disappointed when there was no combo effect. Also I think it would make sense if the land cleansers were only given to fighting guilds like rikstar said to make sure the items would not be abused. I was going to say perhaps certain people could be assigned to use the cleansers to protect resources and such but the fighting guilds would do just that too.
  15. Thank you Chewy and rik ^_^
  16. Thanks Maebius :) If anyone has any questions regarding my wanting to join Marind Bell feel free to find me and if I'm idle don't hesitate to PM me.(Or post here) I'll be hanging around Wind's Sanctuary until voting is over.
  17. :D Please vote yes or no about this. I have been homeless for my entire existence in MD and I feel Marind Bell to be the best place for me to prosper and continue to grow as a player.
  18. Sr Blut Dark Demon
  19. name; Sir Blut ID:118349 AD: 287
  20. I, Sir Blut would like to join GOTR. ( I think I'm only good for the mentoring program for now, though.) I love Loreroot and I would very much like to protect it. As of what I can bring to GOTR, I think I'm not that bad a sparrer, so I think I'd be able to contribute alot to fighting for Loreroot. (Don't be mastaken about my crit's 2mil exp, when I set up the right rit I can bring a lot of people down)
  21. I don't really have much to say, but I do think this war is childish... Umm....* realizes he has no more to say and posts his reply*
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