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Everything posted by MRWander

  1. People who are there for you no matter what. rephrase please. I understand it quite well. Though everyone defines it differently. Part of my loyalty is why I remain a MR even though to some it has a negative meaning.
  2. I remain a MR because it is my roots and I will never abandon what being a MR originally meant to me and to show honor to MRG and MRD. MRD always encouraged us to do our own thing but to stand together and even though I don't totally agree with AL and what he's done and is doing with the frat it his choice and mine is to go a different direction. We had bound ourselves to gg because of our alliances with certain people there, those people are gone though it will hold a place in my heart it doesn't feel like home to me. MB seems to be more of a place where the people count then what the land can gain from you. It seems more like a family which is what I desire most. My point of being mp3 when I posted was more of a I can't hurt your alliances at all statement but it can go both ways. Forgot the pip part. As I said I don't remember the situation. Pip confirms I helped I believe him but still don't remember the circumstances. We are both bust irl but I gave him the link to this thread.
  3. I hit pip up to talk with him see if he can jog my memory about it. MRF can not join the frat and if anything arises I would treat them as completely different characters depending on the circumstances. Seeing how AL is the only one I know in the frat mostly it would weigh on who I belived was right and if I was even asked to get involved with wander/wanderer. As for Yrth. Wander was MRDs 2nd in command, MRD and Yrth did not see eye to eye on many things. The frat is different now then before.
  4. I can't see that one either. But I honestly don't remember that happening I remember being in gg and the frat that's all. I can understand how that would be a problem for MRF being granted citizenship though. My bad memory of the instance doesn't change any facts. MRF is planning on staying mp3 unless forced to 4 which has happened once or twice in the distant past but as mp3 can't join alliances anyway.
  5. Who invited me I honestly don't remember being in KoB before?
    1. Ary Endleg

      Ary Endleg

      One of MR's is joining MB, and just as I was beginning to think that I've seen it all.

    2. Ungod


      weird things are going on, ary :)

    3. Jubaris


      My bad, accidentally moved it to the private forum

  6. Heelo my name is MRF and I am applying for Marind Bell citizenship. After a discussion with Rik (and foot massage really 2 <.<) Jubba the hut and richy we have all decided I want to join MB because you can show you the world Shining, shimmering, splendid Tell me, Princey(Jubba doesn't fit well here), now when did You last let your heart decide?You can open my eyes Take me wonder by wonder Over, sideways and under On a magic carpet ride A whole new world A new fantastic point of view no one(no not you No One just in general) to tell us no or where to go Or say we're only dreaming. moderator edit: moved as it was posted in Vladan's application topic
  7. MRWander

    Totems uses

    I was thinking something like combining a few totems of the same type to create part of a totem pole crit where each section would give a type of aura or stat boost to other creatures in a rit. Asthir was thinking more like it would be an equipment item item slot that it'd go into.
  8. WTB all anni aramors except 9&10
  9. http://imgur.com/O1KwanS DST! for those that havent been beaten by them her drachs are named for body parts
  10. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=reply_post&f=16&t=16518&qpid=164723 Bath in the fountain of dark vibrations for 3 days to get in the proper mind of being cleasned of other unpurities. The go to the house of liquid dust and fill og cup with the drippage and meditate on the front porch on death every day drinking a cup of it for 7 days and 7 nights.
  11. Ok after reading this the explosives by the fenth scare the crap out of me...
  12. Sit in the light of the angien shrine for 7 days each day being cleasned by someone who has an angien at least 7 times each day
  13. IF you are a mirror of us then from each of us you can find a reflection a sliver a drop of us in you and the same is in reverse for each of us not just you and I and us and the world. So let me ask you have you thought about us those you dislike? Individually some of the MR's you liked as a concept you abhorred the stat grinding and constant fighting... did you ever stop to think? stopped and tried to understand? What does it take to do these things so much fighting and struggling with ourselves to be strong and smart enough to defeat ourselves? To work together by fighting each other? For years we did alone in our basement sharing the secret with a few so why did we bring it out to the public to share it with everyone with the GGG? You Mur are not the only one who shows subtle hints of what is found :P
  14. Speaking from past example with the frat we did our thing and lived it out just slap it in your papers and eventually you'll get the badge when you are noticed long enough. Took us a long while before we got the frat.
  15. I'm not all the other MRs :p
  16. When you read this topic on the bus laughing and reminiscing.
  17. Why aren't Drachorns just called Dragons? - Mrs Pedlington of the 'possible creatures that may have existed but we aren't quite sure if everything wasn't just a lizard at one point society' Because they were tamped with as an egg so it'd be like calling a wolf a dog.close but not quite the same thing.
  18. How can a door be fateless? Surely opening and closing is the fate of a door? - Dox Para i m sorry to hear your door has a gambling problem and has lost its fate maybe try joining gamblers annonymous the toll free hotline is found in the archives
  19. I got lost in Necrovion and don't know what to do, I can't leave my scene, has anyone got any advice? - The Headless Horseman - A: Easy start a quest for someone to find your head then you can find your way out. or birbe grido to port you he'll do ANYTHING wink wink for money
  20. [quote name='Pothos' timestamp='1315512180' post='91749'] 92) You don't realy need to smoke nightshade to fight the guards, they just make you think you do as a joke. [/quote]they actually feed off of the 2nd hand smoke and get stronger
  21. MD even though I'm not totally active every since my firstchristmas here it ll be my home away from home.
  22. [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/gallery_uploads/gallery/album_241/gallery_2860_241_160065.jpg[/img]MD's AI has gone out of control and started opening Banks.
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