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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. Happy birthday you two ! :) Hope to see more of Dragonrider's drawings, and of Shadowseeker's activity
  2. Happy birthday dark one!
  3. Someone would think I would get used to these departures of yours, but each time I am more sad than the last! :) All the best in your work odyssey, looking forward to your return!
  4. Seems alright, but I am not talking about the kind of description found in MD's advertisement, short mottos on RPG score sites (like those found in free credits) and such. I was looking more for a realistic and objective description of MagicDuel site. Some examples of what do we do around here, what can be found, etc. No to poetic - yes to prose :)
  5. belated happy birthday Eagle Eye! :) hope you had a great one
  6. Many times I had myself in a situation where I was supposed to explain what was this thing I am playing. What's MagicDuel all about? I usually got lost in my answers, making combination of terms that didn't sound as a homogenic whole, not being able to sway the person to dig up more about it. Of course, every person should be approached separately as per his/her interests, but in case you're talking with someone unknown you need some universal description as a starting point. I was thinking, why don't we work on some kind of a MD trailer? Doesn't have to be an actual video, can be just an amalgam of some pictures and text description (although it shouldn't be too lengthy). What do you guys think, do you have the same opinion that we need this? Let's throw some thoughts on how to start this then.
  7. Feeling kinda disappointed nobody wanted to participate in this contest, offer interesting points of view or just discuss what was already said.
  8. I guess lots of "standard" rare stuff will be mentioned that I would like to buy as well, but I'll go into something specific: Savelite Ritual Knife (it is currently in either Mur's either in some admin alt account's posession) - I wouldn't mind it becoming a kill item, since we're at it; Other stuff: Darkling; Independent Necrovion pass papers;
  9. I have received my reward. Thanks! :)
  10. Any news on the processing of the entries? :D
  11. We'll add hypocrisy into the list of his vices, then.
  12. As you all know, Metal Bunny and his Bunny Empire is the most horrible thing the admins of time and existence had struck upon us. Other than being genuinely evil, he also owes me one WP. (and to Dst too, perhaps some more people as well!) I call upon the realm to strike the Bunny Empire down! The player that manages to insult* Metal Bunny and his empire in a most creative way, so that this evilness is understood and carved into the minds of all future generations as a warning, will win a WishPoint! (there may be some additional sponsorship, but for now you can count on a wp because I still haven't talked with proper instances) Examples: Make a ritual that will turn his lucky rabbit's foot unlucky! Scourge all the carrot farms in the realm! (You should do this action in game of course, and post the screenshots of your actions in this post) *in a decent/playfull way, don't go over the line :P
  13. Since we had enough political correctness, here's my combination of poor quality drawings and poor quality text x) Lost Lorerootian Knot
  14. Happy birthday Sunfire :)
  15. Happy birthday Miq :)
  16. We should make a "which mainland are you" quiz for facebook :D

    1. petty dodds

      petty dodds

      oh that would be fun!

    2. Maebius


      I'd probably be the wrong land. ;)

    3. Kyphis the Bard

      Kyphis the Bard

      Indeed, that sounds like a really good idea.

  17. One more thing. Dst says: Why do you think so?
  18. To have much more people in MD that 'glow' with their color and their thoughts. When you see them having citizenship in a certain land, for instance LR, you see them and nod "Oh, you're sooo a Lorerootian!", it makes sense. And those people, being in other lands, have so much to say about their perception on the world and existence from their own aspect, and all of those make sense even though they are different, a matter of different philosophies. And those conflicting thoughts are used in discussions, used to reach new conclusions and imbetter yourself in accordance to your view on "what's right". For me that is the essence of a functional MD.
  19. I would like to call upon that general rule of "no spoilers" that MD holds. If it wasn't present, I would like to share a lot of my thoughts on the open forum. Take a look on Mur's Show of Force. This is just an example of how in MD research conclusions should be shared carefully. One more proof to it - research clues, they are not openly distributed, you have to invest points to get them, a lot of effort. There is one more thing to it. If you openly share your conclusions, you 'violate' opportunity of others to understand a said subject, and to understand is a delicate process, it has to be bent individually - I personally am not too trustful of my teaching skills, maybe I will earn that trait in time, which is the reason I am not that active in sharing thoughts, I simply don't know how to do it appropriately. Regarding you saying newbies are 'banned' from such knowledge because of our system - I beg to differ. There are many examples of players who quickly got their way into research, faster and with more ease than some veterans that were there trying to do the same for years (not that I try to insult anyone, I'm making a point that the system is not anti-newb constructed). I'll pick out Ravenstrider as an example, but there are many more. Also, MD puts a lot of weight on symbols, and symbols have a lot to do with perception, relative and individual thing, not that universal. Which is great, because someone can bring something new and cool to a subject that was thought to be researched fully.
  20. No, it was in open public.
  21. Have an official happy birthday too! :)
  22. There was a topic I started long time ago, colors of mainlands (something like that), but I can't seem to find it, you might find it interesting and in relation with your question. (should be somewhere in general forums)
  23. Odd this wasn't opened in 00:00h :D Happy birthday Mur, hope you have a great one that will result in some research story-telling burst on forums and such due to today's enthusiasm! :D (today is my dad's birthday too, btw)
  24. Belated Happy birthday! Wasn't checking the forums couple of days.
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