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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. I'm not fully understanding your chain of thought No one. MB people notice you deplete resources and portray their concern to you, you react aggravated and respond that you are forced to deplete because MBians collect water. Such state continues and you start dragging around MB's name in the forum mud. Now we say - if you're gonna deplete all the water, why wouldn't we take it instead of you? Still you are not approving of us. What would you like us do? One week we take some water, the next week you? As far as I know in all this time, you never approached related MB people to ask politely can we help you out regarding water resource. So basically you are flaming people of MB for not having self-initiative to come to you to help you with your own problems, you a veteran of MD who has a pretty strong character and have a mouth of your own? What's exactly the problem you have with us, can't seem to understand...? In the worst case, you received the same reaction from certain MB citizens that you gave to all of us first. The system of resources is indeed unbalanced, which is not MB's fault, and we are supposed to discuss possible alternatives here, is there any practical point in continuing your forum shoot-out with Marind Bell?
  2. Awesome quest, so sad I got stuck in that zebra-like puzzle of the day sprite. x) Now I understand how can people spend hours questing... :)) Congratulations winners!
  3. What if they dont like it and they troll us because of newbie confusion? :D
  4. We have a first group winner - The winner of Group 2 is Clock Master!
  5. To influence people outside of MD, offer them something we found here but something that is 'universal'. For instance research documents, some MD archives site articles... To advertise the game mechanics, make short video clips on youtube on most eye-appealing parts of the realm - combat simulations, alliance crests, avatars, etc. People should get a glimpse of what we have here to do.
  6. All fixed! :) I had to change the setup a bit because of the circumstances. Please notify me if there are any more mistakes, and if not, I'll proceed with messaging tonight.
  7. I wanted to address that point as well, No one, but then I erased the paragraph thinking I would venture into bs-ing as usual :D In my original thought (which can be altered of course) I was leaning towards a fixed number of spells, say 3 or 4. This logically contradicts my suggestion regarding the WP shop and the bestiary parallel because if a player can create a random 3-4 book-spell, why wouldn't he be able to do the same with just one, as you implied? So that implementation doesn't work out. The book should be a semi-mysterious item, made by someone more adept in magic than you (in general) and semi-rare, which neutralizes the option of it being the product of regular player's creation. Either the implementation and its explanation background gets changed, or the actual item attributes. If we are to keep the item's attributes, then the implementation of the item could be some sort of a quest, or rewarded in special opportunities/events. Thought occurred to me that such book can be used as a 'shared' location item. (item effect made in a clickable that has certain requirements - heat or something more serious) (Regarding your thought of having a bestiary-like papers with your spells, I like it, but it should be another topic as it is unrelated to what I am talking about here)
  8. I did mention a cooldown, you assumed I meant a very short one. x) Cooldown should be picked so it doesn't go 'worse' than double/triple the regular speed of 'mass-producing' concrete spell. (plus the random effect I mentioned would counter-balance it significantly). All in all, this isn't a radical-changing addition, just something which would add more flavor to the system of outer-magic and RP ambient. Or at least I thought it would. If nobody likes it, no point in its existence then.
  9. Please excuse me, I forgot to include Dark Raptor! This is on hold until I fix the draw.
  10. I don't have a particular way of obtaining in mind, but I just like the idea. My feelings tend towards it being obtainable for people in association with usage of magic, but how exactly would it get implemented I am very open for discussion. I would be fond of giving some ideas of my own regarding 'how to get it', but I would prefer first hearing thoughts on the item itself, does it sound appropriate, would you guys like seeing it implemented, etc. Regarding the 'research' background you question - I would connect it with the memory stones themselves. This book also has magic/thoughts imprinted in it, only it is stronger in enchantment. Consider it a more complex version of a memory stone, performed by a strong wizard. An option for your first question - Book obtainable by WP shop, like the bestiary. You imprint three of your spells in it. You can trade it, or keep it for various reasons. (optimizing imprinting memory stones, role play, etc.)
  11. First, please do not post in this topic. Any question or a comment that you wish to make public, rather than messaging me, please post here: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/14539-black-and-white-tourney-applying/ In the same topic you will find some rules in the first post. I will use this topic only for announcements, that way it will be easier for everyone to organize. This is the draw: [log=The Draw] Group I Everyone Shemhazaj No One Group II Clock Master Aelis Dark Raptor Group III Nimrodel Sunfire Lashtal John Constantine Group IV Alyon Dst Dark Demon [/log] Due to there being 13 participants, I was 'forced' to create a group stage. As you can see, there are FOUR GROUPS. Each group can only have one winner. You play against the rest of your group members one match (2 wins rule). If every member has one win each, you start over. The four finalists proceed to the knockout phase (semi finals) to determine the winner depending of the 'protection' rule. If there is no interference with the protection rule (No mainland members against each other until the finals), WINNER of the 1st group will fight winner of the 2nd, 3rd will fight the 4th. The rules are in the original page linked in the start of this post. CONTACT your group-mates and meet up in a (I advise) non-public area for easier fights (you don't have to meet all at once). If several rounds are required to determine the winner of the match remember to unbind the ritual you got your win on so you don't get combo VE addition in your next fight (if you use the same ritual by some chance). If you accidentally put a tokened creature in your ritual, ask your pair to reset the fight with SAME CREATURES where you would use the same type of the creature that was tokened in the previous fight, only now without tokens. If you don't have it, then treat it as an empty slot. If you mess up your ritual so it is impossible to replicate it in a fair way, consider yourself disqualified (unless your pair decides to give you a second chance). I will send some PMs tonight or tomorrow to alert you about the start of the tournament. Meet up with your current pairs, screenshot the fighting and the results and post them up in the forum conversation (PM) I will send tonight/tomorrow. Do not proceed into your next opponent (when you win against your current pair) until I announce the end of this stage. READ RULES CAREFULLY!!! A lot of them are on the link I provided on the top of this page! Message me with questions if there is any confusion. Technicalities: Group determining was made via the date of your application (dst is the only one that applied via forum PM, the rest can be seen in the topic). Odd numbers against odd numbers, evens against evens... (1st vs 3rd, 5th vs 7th, 2nd vs 4th... etc) Groups were created so LRians avoid LRians (3) until the final 3, same with GGians (2)... The rest of the mainlands have only one participant in the tourney respectively. Due to number of players being 13, 3 groups have 3 players, 1 group has 4 players. Last who applied, John Constantine, chose his group.
  12. As the title says. Item would have a list of not-that-common, but not-that-powerful spells. When you use it, it would enchant one of your memory stones with a random spell from its list. It should have some good cooldown though.
  13. Here's a more official "happy birthday" :D
  14. Applying phase done, I will distribute the pairs as soon as possible, probably using an algorithm based on the date of your applications rather than filming random draw. (1st and 3rd, 2nd and 4th, 5th and 7th, 6th and 8th... or 1st and last, 2nd and one before last... etc.)
  15. Happy birthday!
  16. Happy friendship day! :) It is unfamiliar to me as well, I don't think we have such a celebration in Serbia, but it sounds cute. Do we need to sacrifice a goat? :D
  17. "All the best, come back soon, we'll be waiting", a bit standard wording but I (we) really mean it. :)
  18. Happy birthday BFH! :)
  19. I'm missing a lot of "X"s on Chrome actually. I was told it is a known problem.
  20. Black and white tourney rewards updated! :)

    1. Rophs


      make a separate one for mp4

    2. Jubaris


      I might next time. I'm not sure how many interested MP4s would be there...?

    3. Rophs


      you'd be better off asking the the bw tourney thread because not everyone reads comments:

  21. Rewards updated. Thanks TKs! :)
  22. Welcome to Heretic Tourney! You need to apply here to participate. Post your playername and current land affiliation. Only Mind Power 5 allowed! Applications will be open until 5h of August. Rules: Tourney will be set in the knockout phase straight away. I will draw the names and randomly distribute who will fight against whom. Depending on the number of participants, each mainland will have number of its champions that will be set in different branch-phases so they can't meet before semi-finals or the finals themselves (again, depending on the number of participants). If one land has more fighters than number of champion picks, land leader will be contacted to choose his land's champions (Chewett for MB, MRAlyon for GG, Azull&Peace for NV and Mya&Shem for LR - please correct me if I made a mistake regarding land leaders). No colored creatures! No tokens! No influence and combo! No drachorns of any kind! (didn't want to kick them out but seems it is needed for the contest to stay balanced) Fight round is consisting of two battles - one where player A attacks player B, the other where player B attacks player A. The goal is to take two wins against your opponent per fight round, NOT consecutive two wins. If a round has no winner, another round takes place until victor is determined. Players will have a limit to organize the fight and meet up themselves. If it is not organized in the time limit I set, I will set a time for the players to meet. Those that don't show up forfeit the match. Fight logs need to be screenshot and sent to me, as well as combat result from the fight interface itself. Rewards: 1 WP for the winner. new: thanks to TK sponsorship, the winner will also get a creature of his choosing - Tainted Angien or a Windy. Second place will get a remaining creature, and there will be a third place reward of 1 gold coin IF there are 16+ players participating. If the event proves successful, it will be held annually.Eternal glory to the winner and his homeland!
  23. Princ Rhaegar, id: 62639, ad: 1655 at the time of registration.
  24. Not exactly a 'lol cat' but... :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYiwxM_RVEI
  25. Just giving a heads up, this will happen, I will post up rules and open up applying in a day or two.
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