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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. It would be nice to see some events/quests made by the admins every once in a while, integrated in the game, where the prizes would be unique spells, items with certain powers, but "in character" rather than the out of character nature of forum quests (draw an image, take a photograph, grow a plant), something which could be labeled as side-branch stories of Adventure log. There is no Role Play constant other than the one players create themselves, I think our realm shouldn't be that static.
  2. 5 gold coins.
  3. 4 gold coins - Princ Rhaegar
  4. I am looking to devise a quest journey, and I will be requiring some artworks. I would love them to be 'original' works, not taken somewhere from the net without notifying the authors and such, so I am calling out to those of talent to help me with some of their works. Sadly, I'm not much of a sketcher or a painter, otherwise I would be very happy to do this all alone. What I need is: - Sketches in MD style - Dream/subconscious themes There would be much freedom for the artist to do his work. I can't offer much, although if you have something in mind you can approach me. In the quest, of course, it will be announced whom's artworks were used. I'm hoping that the result will be a long-term active quest.
  5. It got removed and I received a credit or two. Thanks for taking care of it
  6. There were numerous suggestions already to add some "tick boxes" into Ritual selection screen for the sake of easier deletion of combat rituals, and similar, which sadly weren't introduced for some reason, but on top of those, I would like to add another one (I don't think it was suggested before). An "attack with last ritual used" button would be very useful, all that scrolling and opening interface annoyance would be avoided, and I'm sure many lives would be saved with such a button.
  7. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1360926040' post='132675'] Your post doesnt really make sense to me rheaggy. You state you want to try it out, but give the reason that you cannot try it out becuase you need to be online 24/7 to win. To me trying something out isnt planning to win. Do you mean because you do not have time to properly play and therefore feel you will not be able to win, you dont want to try it out? [/quote] Something like that. I find the Head contest a very interesting competition, just, if I were to compete, I want to do it properly, more so because you have to pay to participate in BHC So I hold myself in reserve till the planets align and I happen to be pretty free for some BHC in the future.
  8. I highly doubt it is the matter of people finding HC unfair and not participating - problem is finding people who are active and haven't won it yet. HC was always a very popular competition, just, too many players participated in it and now you don't have much people eligible to run for it. Also, another factor: I personally would very love to try out at BHC, but I simply can't afford to be online 24/7 during the competition, and Head contests require that from you if you seek for success.
  9. Thanks guys! Been good five years with you all
  10. Happy birthday guys, to BigC too!
  11. Jubaris

    Name Game

  12. Jubaris

    Name Game

    Fernando with a silent F
  13. I'm not so sure what's funny about your bidding Dark Demon Fire starter, can you evaluate the offer of Dark Demon's nutcracker in coins so I know whether he outbid me, and if so for how much, please...?
  14. 3 gold coins.
  15. 2 gold, 5 silvers
  16. 2 gold coins. (Princ Rhaegar, of course)
  17. Each individual has his own reasons, but I personally would step into it because of the disgust I have in the whole concept of "farming" animals, making them live them a specified amount of time then slaughter them for food. It's not a nature thing, chain of food, kill how much you need to survive, it's 'genocide'. Imagine someone assembling a group of people in a prison just so he could eat them, take their organs, etc. The reason I'm not a vegetarian is because I'm lazy. I'm lazy as it is with the 'normal' food, now I should add a factor of buying specific food?? Cooking it, making it? Who will wash the dishes? Who, I ask you?!?!?!?!
  18. Jubaris


    I generally love history-based strategy games, and only some 6-7 years ago I came in touch with role play games, a genre I became a fan of as well (although not very familiar with much games there). 3 games reached a near-cult experience in my world: [size=5][color=#FF0000][u][b]Morrowind[/b][/u][/color][/size], Civilization 3, Stronghold (Crusader and Deluxe). On board, big fan of chess (though not that of a good player, never started improving my play) and Risk (or risiko, however it is properly spelled on English).
  19. You obviously misunderstood me, Zyrxae. Grido already responded about your suggestions - they are nice (and known) but they are temporary RP projects, which will hardly use a percent of active resources around. Meaning? Something else has to be present to make the resources actively harvested AND consumed in some form, rather than piling up. About the major events, yes, you are right in your interpretation - there are no(t much) major events. Player events are great and nice, but I was talking about a constant that will influence, inspire people to be involved from day to day. Is it something that will enrich them, is it something that will help the prestige of their characters or their lands, it doesn't matter. BHC would be an interesting event for example, but it requires years of combat dedication, major event I was talking about would be something where even the younger players would be very useful in. Torch competition on the other hand would be an interesting factor. I'm not saying MD "needs" such an event, I'm just pointing out one of the main reasons why resources aren't actively used and shown interest to. Mur with his recent started campaign is, I guess, trying to make something like that, only it doesn't relate to resources concretely, it relates 'just' to that general inspiration of a player to continue having good time here.
  20. Let's see if I got this right... Deep dark cocoa dust, drink it - it is a must! Oh my! A bittersweet taste, Yet I must take it with haste! To change this day black, Make those gods give me some slack, In my cup I will pour some milk, Thinking of how to save my golden silk. One more thing awaits, Mind has opened its gates! An extra ingredient I will put, While whistling a tune of flute. Pieces of paradise, it is sugar, I wouldn't trade it for a cougar! Cocoa, always before a tea, Seeking the heaven's taste, 't is me! Blood red?
  21. Bump. The avatar is still in my inventory.
  22. There is a lack of usage of resources and tools, that you pointed out No one, because there is not a goal for them to be used. An important contest that would stimulate 'average Joe' to fight for and work would change that, but for now, you do not have any reason for mass-production of tea, for example, to pursue. So I don't think there's a problem about that inactivity in the concept of shared items themselves, rather a missing target for them to be used. Not much a player can do nowdays other than interact with others, do random quests and research, enjoy some RP. There is no major event to enter its flow.
  23. Hmmmm... It was a while when I was an mp6, but, I think it was a matter of a non-ally mp6 not having "attack button", so other mp6 couldn't attack him via the interface, but I think he was still 'attackeable', and the torch competition would give an mp6 that "attack button", as it does with everyone. The whole mp6 scenario is not that likely to happen, but still, since we're at the discussion table Anyways, if we're to make it right, let's just remember some old problems Torch had. There were complaints on Marind Bell - Loreroot access routes, later having greater advantage.
  24. Picking up a badge of opponent's land to get killed on purpose is still a legit way to fight, right? In such case, imagine non-ally MP6s, if you get two of them to plot and help one land, who will be able to stop them? There are so few of them. P.S. Looking forward to the Torch competition starting out again.
  25. Happy birthday
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