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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. Banned for not having pro-Rhaegar avatar.
  2. [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1357109135' post='129475'] Ж is probably my favourite letter. I'm not Russian and I don't speak Russian (and I also don't know about other languages it's used in), but wikipedia told me that in Russian, Ж is a zh sound, like the s in pleasure, and that's a really fun sound, plus the symbol is all symmetric and cool. Strictly English letters, though, I think A because again, it's symmetrical, plus it has some cool angles and even an isosceles triangle, plus it's the third most frequently used letter, again according to wikipedia. It's pretty cool. [/quote] Hehe, didn't expect to see this It is indeed a "sh" sound in "pleasure". Where did you come across it? Anyway, my favourite would be either J or R, but I fancy few more as well I'll make it an R
  3. Manda 3gc 5sc SOULWEAVER Valldore Nal 4gc 1sc RUSTY are the winners of this auction. Will send you guys the codes via forum PM, and will idle in Winds Sanctuary so you can reach me for the coins.
  4. Rough translation: "There are two types of misfortunes. Misfortune of yourself, and fortune of others." :)

  5. Only few minutes less than 4 hours till the last bid on rusty (4gc 1sc by Valldore Nal) becomes final, if nobody outbids.
  6. Combat visual simulation doesn't simulate the fight till the end. I don't get the "X" button to close the pop out windows in Magic Duel for most of them. Most of the time, the text is out of the box (in those pop outs).
  7. I also agree that the Council's decisions should be transparent in a way, not themselves. But that brings a problem with personal letters people want to keep private when they're mailing them, will that be brought to that hypothetical forum as well?
  8. Since this is a subject of no material gain, I doubt anyone would operate significant number of alts to influence the vote (other than the Council itself to get a better image, but I doubt that too). Admins can check who specifically voted, right? If most of the voters are active older accounts, then we can safely (more than before) assume that it is a legit vote.
  9. Fresh Rusty - minimum bid: 3gc Fresh Soulweaver - minimum bid: 2gc Has no deadline, once a legit bid is made, others have 1 day to make a higher bid. If none, the creature is sold.
  10. Okay Ignnus, we are settled We'll exchange codes via forum PM or something. This topic can be closed
  11. You saying Dst's forum avatar is a lolcat? On top of her in game avatar being a clown? I think Dst's reaction will come out something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E84VqqCPI7w
  12. Happy birthday
  13. Eons dots manifest a certain depth that has given us many nights of ponder upon the cognition of their full extent. Certainly "." is an unmatched quote of the year.
  14. Torch competition?
  15. Seems only Loreroot and Necrovion are able to bring successful votes so far.
  16. Rusty is acceptable (as far as I know it is more valuable than a soulweaver on the market). I will leave the period for people to try to outbid Ignnus until 22nd of December (would do sooner, but due to some exams I find this date appropriate), if you Ignnus don't have problems with it.
  17. Happy birthday Witch Doctor!
  18. Regarding coins... Hmm... I will have to set the minimum price to be considered at all would be 2 gold coins, because regular items have a "value" of 1 gold coin, when a miracle happens that the owner wants to sell his item. This one is usable, has a function. Minimum price to be considered means that I would rather look for a better offer, but that eventually I may be broken and accept it, or even refuse it. Minimum price that I will surely accept goes from 3 gold coins.
  19. I don't mind the chattering, but yeah, I guess leaving room for actual bidding would make sense. To solve this issue at least in short term sense, I am not interested in those screenshots because, as Tom guessed good, I've already visited those locations number of times. Nor really any other location. Would trade information for information, rather than something material for information.
  20. Hmmmm... Well services do sound interesting... On temporary basis. As long as you are doing your side of the bargain, the papers are in your possession with verbal insurance from me that I won't go annoying on requests (something simple once a month) or wanting to cancel the agreement just because I don't feel like it anymore or see profits elsewhere. You (in general) give me the ITC code of the item in case you go inactive (where I would return them to you once you become active again). That would be some kind of insurance for both sides, that the agreement will be respected. Now, the services I would find interesting... They can be very simple. As Ackshan brought up, perhaps another perception on a matter related to me, or someone who would inform me of average day happenings in Magic Duel since I am usually idling whole day, or something similar as that that could benefit on both directions due to often interaction. After a while, we can pre-determine that, the papers would become your full property and I will stop 'annoying' you This sort of an agreement will most probably be the case with this trade, because I doubt anyone will drop in drachorns or anything like that I would also be willing to help someone out with a quest project if I weigh it good. (this I can do with my second LR papers too, tho it would be a true temporary agreement, not something permanent)
  21. I have two independent Loreroot pass papers (not shared items, they are permanently "yours"), and I wish to sell one, but I won't go for something ridiculous. If the offer is not attractive to me, I will not sell it. This will last indefinitely unless someone offers something interesting in exchange, when I will announce a period of few days when others have an opportunity to outbid the bidder before I seal the trade. Most of you with money of course don't need Loreroot Pass papers, this is a more of a... Tool to help younger people, to create quests for them and such. Would do it myself but I am not that good with available time, besides, I have two of 'em. I realize I haven't stated what I deem interesting but... Surprise me.
  22. Sadly, I can't nominate Chewie for Top Techie because he is of Marind Bell, you added me in the main post tho. Just to avoid complications in the future. Why is my name in red, when I nominated Nimrodel for adventuring reward? Random error?
  23. Kill all MD characters. Let them register one more time. Kill them again.
  24. Actually, lot of languages use that double negation, where the result is just a negation in difference to logic where false of false is true. In Serbian it is the case, not sure with English and Romanian, so it's not that of a mistake at all. (Example sentence in Serbian would be: Nobody did not study, which in our language it is used as all the people avoided to study rather than the logic result: nobody avoided to study, so naturally everybody studied.)
  25. Will try not to double the suggestions... Anyway, this year was very weak, there aren't much competition in some categories. [b]Adventuring Award[/b] Nimrodel [b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Best Beautification[/font][/color][/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Neno Veliki [/font][/color] [b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Helper of the Year[/font][/color][/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Maebius[/font][/color] [b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Outstanding Service to MD[/font][/color][/b] BFH [b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Pre-eminent Role Player[/font][/color][/b] Phantom Orchid [b]Techie[/b] Chewett (not sure did he win it before) [b]Most addicted[/b] Nadrolski (in a positive way, of course! ) Will enter some other categories in a day or so probably.
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