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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. Jubaris


    Have fun
  2. Happy birthday Magistra
  3. I'm idling 99% of my time at Sage's Keep. If you pop in there, as soon as I "wake up", I'll transfer you the coins. PM me the CTC in the meantime.
  4. Offering 18 gc (14gc and 60 sc). Immediate buy or auction?
  5. You don't have to upload it directly to forum, you can upload them somewhere else and just post the link here. [url="http://imageshack.us/"]http://imageshack.us/[/url] [url="http://storenow.net/"]http://storenow.net/[/url] lots of options
  6. Happy birthday Kyphis Hope you have a great day!
  7. Away till tomorrow evening

  8. Challenges and Quests can be merged.
  9. [quote name='samon' timestamp='1340394019' post='115825'] Why haven't the bringers of light brought their light to the GoE, brought the life bringing light? Especially now one of Marind Bell's own citizens has died as well. [/quote] Maybe because they were involved in every single previous resurrection and people have RL duties at the moment? (exams and all sorts of stuff) If anyone can be spared from lack of activity accusations, it would be the folk of Marind Bell as a group. (represented by, among others, bringers of light)
  10. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1339785854' post='114945'] Rhaegar: -tell him Firs is sexier -tell him Greedo is sexier [/quote] Let's be real, this would inflame into anger any decent objective truth-seeker, cause those are blatant lies...
  11. Jubaris

    Music Thread

  12. [quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1339656744' post='114708'] If it was just expressing concerns it would be alright.. but taking a trust point is a form of punishment.. for stuff in which I believe Eon is not at fault at all. He can't really have done anything regarding the lack of contestant, and he's only done things he was told to/allowed to after all. Taking a trust point here was a mistake in my opinion; I don't see which "trust" have been broken. [/quote] He is supposed to find creative ways to stimulate the community, or at least pause the BHC till there is enough will of the people. Clearly the council think he didn't give enough effort into analyzing the situation and doing what is needed to secure a, perhaps rare, but good BHC. Maybe they are wrong, but I don't see the reason for such attitude he showed in his email. I don't think people really support Eon in this case, they just see him as someone who said all those "nasty" things to the authority they wanted to do all this time. I personally have a lot of issues with MD's running, council, Mur, all of them, but I don't see an issue in this case with Eon.
  13. Wow wow wow people. We can argue a lot of council's decisions, but this one was spot on. They presented some problems regarding BHC: -Lack of people competing -Conflict of interests due to Eon participating in a contest which rules he forms All they did was point that out and offer few suggestions (and decrease a trust point from Eon, but he would have had them more left, and it's kinda deserved, because of the mentioned points and the general discontent of the public). As soon as he got that, he rage-quits. It is Eon's job to make the BHC work, it's not his private property. Sure, we all understand Eon's "uneasiness" regarding council's lack of doing/fixing things, but it's the case with all of us, not just with him. There's even an urban myth that Dst and Eon get all of their requests done! Okay, you don't like the council, but be objective. Edit: We all know Mur is absent for quite some time, and we don't know for how much longer will it be the case. The authority of MD at the moment is the council, they are supposed to make sure things work, so, change certain details if things are going wrong in some situations. Eon hiding behind "Mur said so" and "Mur is my captain" mask is not that elegant at all.
  14. It's great Looking forward to your next "attempts"
  15. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1339440935' post='114385'] Yes, Rhaegar. The intended purpose was to kill Chewett, and use his popularity to have both Spart and himself revived. [/quote] So instead of helping Spartiatis yourself with your efforts and RP, you killed Chewett so that someone else can use efforts to revive Spartiatis? This looks to me like the case with your death when people accused you of not doing anything to get yourself revived, while all the others did the "dirty work". Do you really have to be that reckless to set the burden on someone else's shoulders? Oh, the path of lesser resistance...
  16. Seigheart, just to check, you killed Chewett so he would involve himself in a RP to revive himself and Spartiatis along the way?
  17. Farewell BloodPrince, I hope you visit us once more!
  18. Good scripting skills
  19. I resign the seat of the Regent of Marind Bell. I think it is time for a change and that I gave enough input. Perhaps someone new will now swim out and offer something more innovative.
  20. Get well soon and rock those exams!
  21. Farewell Hedge Munos, may the light guide your path. You may did not spend much at time in this realm, but already you indebted our homeland to you. I wish you all the best.
  22. I wasn't planning to join this charade, but I seem to get brought up in ill-manner. I'm not sure does Pip really believe what he's saying, or that he's just lying with agenda. Since he took the alliance, I've been settling things to be the representative of Marind Bell in these negotiations, so we don't have chaos with people talking, cursing, offering unsynchronized. From the very start he denied to answer my (polite and respectable) questions on why did he do that, what does he plan, what does he want. His answers were, "it is not important" and "surprise me" (with an offer). Certain time went and I 'pursued him' on some chatting engines, trying again to see what can be done. I wasn't presenting offers, but I asked questions to see what does he want so we could possibly "meet on the halfway", or at least start walking the same direction. Characteristic that applied on his part throughout conversations with me was utter arrogance, disdainful tone on maximum level. He seemed to barely have enough 'strength' to slip out any word at me, whether I was asking something or anything. That "deal", that was made now, is the same deal that I was prepared to negotiate on the very start, but it seems that the problem was the Pip's expectation for someone to run around his tail and manifest the will to please him. I shrugged and said to myself, well, we'll just have to do without KoB for some time, at least, we won't be getting it from Pip himself. Some time passed and Emerald Arcanix tried to talk with Pip, and Pip seemed to like his style (similar thing was with Maebius earlier). It seemed something was possible with him, so I made Emerald and Maebius envoys of Marind Bell, to negotiate with Pip because I obviously couldn't. Pip made it so that he did not deserve a conversation of any kind, but status of others was in question, KoBers lost their alliance and they should get their home back as soon as possible. Maebius was off for the weekend so it fell to Emerald. There were some limits and ground terms on which we would accept KoB back into the fold with Pip's set of terms, and ground terms on which we wouldn't. Here we are. All respect I had for Pip long ago, vanished with this disgusting behavior. All this effort to make Pipstickz the 'adviser' in KoB. Wasn't it possible for him just to approach with his concerns about the alliance and offer advice? He certainly wouldn't be spurned off. Finally, what is the meaning of this topic? Like all of this is just one huge attention-getting project. I didn't want to make it transparent to the realm what do we do in Marind Bell, it is really unnecessary, but because of this case I needed to make this post to prevent Pip from "filling in the gaps" with disinformation he wants you to have. Yes Pip, you made a deal with us, you caught us off guard, touche, but that doesn't make us impotent to your insults. You really want to help KoB? Then mind your business, respect the word you gave to our people, and jump to that advising project.
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