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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. Jubaris


    You are visiting every neighboring country of Serbia except Serbia itself. Even Albania, lol! :) (traces of discrimination planted) Drop a note if you're visiting Belgrade by any chance.
  2. I agree with Junior's idea. In emergency, we can allow in-game ads, temporary until MD incomes stabilize to be able to support the game on their own.
  3. Water ripple question sounds kind of silly to me, although you probably have your good reason about it. Intuitively speaking, those ripples can be explained by physics. Winds, movement of beings in water, etc. - outside influences. If you look at the water in a pool, you will see how smooth and calm it is, enabling your clear view of the bottom of the pool, because a pool (without people in it) has no outside influences. You can look at a glass of water too. So I don't understand your fascination about it. But, randomness is a thing that easily creates obsession. I don't have a slightest HINT on how can it work, if it exists in the very place. But what are the consequences if it doesn't exist? Everything happened as it must have happened, because there is a pattern. Our actions, creation of MD, this forum, this typing of mine, our thoughts... Everything would be logical, natural, and the only way of happening. Meaning, someone with a huge database, so huge we can't realize, would be able to determine every event in the future as it must happen. There wouldn't be free will. We think like this because we had to think like this. That leads me to a conclusion that there should (a big should) be randomness. Otherwise, existence is pointless. Unless there's an outer universe. But that universe has to have randomness. Or again, an outer universe... x) Etc.
  4. Jubaris

    Music Thread

    Rhaegar at Depeche Mode!!! :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FoZNHDGbMw
  5. Happy birthday muchaco :)
  6. You will have to raise your own untokened creatures. Much more fun that way, makes you produce some effort, and avoids complicating the contest with asking admin help. There are other manifestations where you can use your rare tokened creatures (BHC for instance), so I don't see it as devaluing people's collection work and stats building. If the tourney proves to be a success (popular and relatively balanced), it will be held every once in a while (with at least several months distance, perhaps once a year). In regards to other mind powers... I thought about it and no, this will be held only for mind power 5. @Wookie, I'm glad you're feeling up for it.
  7. Just want to give you guys a heads up to train creatures in time, so I can more easily maneuver with organizing it when the time comes. There will PROBABLY be a black and white tourney in the summer organized by me, with 1 WP for the winner, and other possible rewards depending on sponsors. It consists of non-tokened, non-premium creatures (non-colored more precisely), no influence and no combo.
  8. All MD's greatest troubles were created by women... :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tipu


      And more girls plays MD then boyz ...double trouble...

    3. Nimrodel


      Its the same everywhere. Not just MD

    4. Chewett


      Rheagar's tact is why he is not going for MB's monarchy...

  9. On the contrary, it is a must if you want to control your numerous (about five? extreme magic duel for lowest population, this is my way to avoid offtopic erasing) people! Not only with your iron fist, but through religious oppression!
  10. Ha-ha, you have one snowman ruined by claw1 token! Your collection has been violated! :D Since your task is now done, will you concentrate on your new role of Rhaegalite Pope?
  11. This new quote procedure is awful, I would welcome a change back. Well, the old html code works, but when I click to edit my post, it is reverted to this new form of display for quote in post-making.
  12. Happy fyrday, Bird!
  13. Dst, I agree with you for the most part, reputation changing (from negative to positive, vice versa) is quite possible and is not a rare case. I don't agree with the last thought: Being anonymous does not promote fairness and accuracy here either, mostly it allows people to unleash frustrations with another individual, rather than rate a post justly.* Maybe transparent voting will make 'cowards', as you call them, back away a bit, but the votes that we would have would be 'sure' (confident) votes for the most part. It allows better analysis of which part of MD actually likes a certain post. We certainly noticed a lot of posts positive-repped by friends of the poster, or from people of their mainland. If such behavior is repetitive people would be quicker to disregard those reputation points, which gives a better insight into support of MD community for certain thoughts. I have an alternative - perhaps make positive votes anonymous (to avoid 'kissing ass'), and only negative votes transparent, if the system allows that...? *Someone will argue that such 'spammer enemies' are relating to forum reputation, but I disagree, we are talking about reputation of posts, not of individuals. Every individual has a profile that can be rated on its own (by those five starts).
  14. Pretty much what Tarquinus and others have already stated. I am for kicking out neg rep, or at least, making neg rep clickers transparent.
  15. No more reputation points on posts? :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zyrxae


      Seriously though, can we have our old rep system back? This one, like Facebook's, is oversanitized.

    3. Jubaris


      I like the lack of Neg rep points.

    4. Lazarus


      I don't see the need for the negative rep, it just gives people wrong impressions.

  16. Happy birthday Amo :)
  17. Jubaris


    [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1367646232' post='135675'] In light of their mental capabilities, i stand by the term "Warsheep". [/quote] Warsheeps are too mainstream. I vote for Warp-ship-errrrr...
  18. ... Yes I'm getting a feeling "serves you right" series of comments will start. I will never give it up! It's much faster! Tested it now on Firefox, and... The page does stay put but my whole computer starts working VERY slow. Chrome makes it easier for me when it makes flash crash.
  19. This is a case present for me for several years, I thought it was widely known and figured it would be fixed eventually. I have a massive number of adepts dating from my mp6 days, most of them inactive, and when I click to see the list in detail, my flash crashes.
  20. Happy birthday Nad! This should be made into a national (main-landian? ) holiday!
  21. Happy birthday mate! Many years of millions of stats!
  22. Happy birthday Alyon.
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