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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. Good example No one. Not maybe after 4 years, but after some 10-15 years - yeah, you would lose a good amount of memories. I like the suggestion Kyphis, I think it's 'natural', the only problem I see is that the current system was active for quite some time and it will mess up activities of certain people.
  2. If it is missed I'm sure certain people would not like that MB has a full monopoly on water for one week :D
  3. I think we kinda do :P Mur often speaks about common sense and criticizes certain things in "you should have known not to do this" manner. Like when Phantom Orchid did that dream on you without waiting you to actually see the riddle, we can argue that she didn't break a rule technically (she made a dream, you didn't answer a riddle and you get a punishment, it wasn't said anywhere that players need to read the riddles, so let's play dumb and say it's legit), but some other details are considered too. All of this goes in favour of what I said. Once again, I wish to bring up that I am not saying that everyone must behave morally, that would destroy the point of this game... Just that any admin-related power must be used appropriately, otherwise an admin function loses its neutrality/objectivity and point of the game is violated. One of Mur's roles is to make sure any admin is doing his job, it's his responsibility because it is his game. Of course, this game is his creation and he creates the rules, maybe he is applying a different perspective, but I would like a clarification so we put an end to this.
  4. I'm 99% sure it was her, and I'm 99,99999999% sure she was active and involved in that topic. (i'll start searching up some threads just in case) I know you picked up a number of logs, but as far as I know she distributed it to mainland kings, leaders, all kinds of representatives. I didn't say Mur recognized you were wrong in sense you lied (not sure I ever saw you lie :P) or present false data, but in the sense that you're morally wrong. It is a matter of a specific case - Mur and Czez had a private exchange of PMs and, as far as Czez told me, Mur portrayed sympathies and recognition of her status. (i can't remember did she tell me it was confidential, but she's not playing anymore and I believe that the possible benefit of this small revelation would make her forgive me on this) But it ended on that, few words of comfort. I don't know all the details about it, did it refer to that cybersex thing, or to something after it.
  5. @Eara: You are right, please forgive this additional reply. I hope one of the mods will move these offtopic posts and put them in another topic. @No one: Actually there is, because of the lack of buyers. You haven't responded to my (and Chewett's) question about your focus on MB resources, rather than general resources because every mainland has a monopoly on something (I didn't see any location for memory stone tools grabbing like there is for non-land-affiliated water tools in MDA for example). I guess I should usurp your own occasional approach on these matters and attack you personally while avoiding to address the actual problem - to disregard your request as it is lead by personal needs (your wish to get gardening skill and control over anything you can) rather than objective MD-improving motivation, which makes you focus on water as it is related to your desires. The concept that is applied on water and MB is the same concept that is applied everywhere else in this realm. I think I repeated myself like 3-4 times already. I'm not a factor on this subject, but if I were, I would be very willing to discuss this problem and work to solve it, so I assume it is the same case with Chewett and Nadrolski, but not under someone's pressure lead by greed.
  6. Apparently Magistra didn't get my joke few posts above :P
  7. Aha, same birthday, alts! :D Half of the day you spend in Netherlands on one computer, then quickly pass the border to play on the German account! x) Happy birthday ladies!
  8. Good that you remind me! :D Heroes of Might and Magic 4, not that much loved by Heroes fans but it's a classic for me. Soundtracks were the best, atmosphere charming...
  9. @Syrian: Well like I said, offer something equivalent in return. If you had access to the buckets, you would have to collect the water to get to that gardening. Collect something different (but first talk to Nadrolski to see what would be acceptable) and do the trade. Have you tried finding a compromise? @Dark Demon: I'm not the one calling the shoots about this, please speak to Nadrolski about your offer.
  10. Water can be bought, Water Dowsers established a price (1 silver per 5 water I think, with some decreases per larger orders), although I suspect you would like some long term deal that will not drain your coffers. So, offer a service in return? We help you with water so you can work on the bushies, you help Marind Bell with resources we can't get. Every Mainland has a monopoly on a specific resource, water is one of the most used resources though (but there are those free buckets). As a side note there is still no concrete use for water, other than for tea (and perhaps some other mixture I am not aware of).
  11. Happy birthday Kyphis :) All the best!
  12. Lots of crafts eh? :D
  13. Hmmmm... Sid Meir's Civilization 3, Morrowind, Stronghold (Deluxe and Crusader)... Those were the ones that kinda marked my gaming :D Football Manager, PES (it was FIFA when I was younger)... x) I must be forgetting something. Haven't played single player in a while because of my Ubuntu Laptop.
  14. Happy birthday Kets! :) Have a good one!
  15. I like the poem, but it will lose some score in my eyes if it's not ironic. :D Jokes aside, having Eon around would be cool for me, I want diversity of players, I want more of us, but I want him to be without that skill damage :)) I like the way of things when there's nobody to molest your stats while you idle in the open. And I want skilldamage-less MD even at the price of Eon not being here. :P Perhaps that's just another encouragement for him to come back? See your friends rejoice, see the horror in the eyes of your enemies... So fulfilling! :D
  16. Not sure how many of you are familiar with this :P
  17. BFH, you're just saying that because of the likes... :D
  18. 1gc, Princ Rhaegar
  19. Yeah, but I'm pretty sure he didn't have it before so that's why I mention it. Regarding porting, Sunfire had that bug too. He was ported to GoE, BHC status confirmed he was in GoE, but he was 'on screen' being in Tranquil plains, being non-attackable. (before he started actively competing, so it had no effect on BHC, I'm just mentioning it for the sake of porting bugs) Sunfire, and I think Eagle Eye too, were ported by MRAlyon to GoE, as he does that to BHC participants often. That's when those problems occur.
  20. He now has an ~unconfirmed~ tag on his account
  21. She needs a time to cool down in private and think. You can urge to decrease the sentence, but some 2 weeks of jail should be at least present in my opinion.
  22. Goodbye Rumi, too bad we didn't get to spend much time together, but I remember your beginnings. :) I hope you'll visit us often. Good luck in your endeavours!
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