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Everything posted by phantasm
plus there is a reset in the md shop so if you used all those you would go from 36 to what..42? somethign like that...if you need more creature slots then that you need to do some saccing
plus lucius is one of the best rpers in the game...both in my opinion and fact...id take what he says to heart
[quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='10 September 2009 - 09:48 AM' timestamp='1252590492' post='41401'] Inthe terms of actual game play... What can your alliance do? It seems to me that it is just an extension of the sentinels. What game mechanics are you able to utilise for these dark experiments? This alliance is along the lines of windys proposal, it will be entirely rp. Not that is a bad thing, of course! Oh, the Caretakers cannot participate in wars, the caretakers are nuetral. [/quote] First off there is no such thing as true Neutral. As any can be seen from past or fiction they apply their "force" in whichever way they think the progression should take. You may not see it therefore it seems they are nuetral...but they aren't An extentsion of the sentinels? Where do you get that? They have little do to with death and even less to do with festivities. The alliance I see will not only hold festivals and things to promote the land, but promote the rememeberance of those past. If anything I would compare it more to Archavists than to Sentinals. Game mechanics able to utilize for these dark experiments? RP based of course as all alianced are. Some will depend on what Mur sees fit to apply to the alliance, but mainly through the RP of its members. How are any game mechanics used? They are acted upon or used as a base to create Whos said we would stand on a battle field and fight? There are many ways to deal in the ways of death besides wars Fenrir.
I think the caretakers are more a Graveyard type caretakers then the trim the hedges caretaker. I don’t see much of a point to an alliance that is just a face for a land. It should have a deep rooted sense of something it wants to accomplish. What better person to lead such an organization than me. I am slightly undead, have a love for finding trouble to get into, and think that an alliance such as this should be able to War as well as tend. What is a hedge trimmer going to do in battle? Gravediggers, throughout history, have been well known for taking matters into their own hands. Doing dark experiments, finding fresh corpses when none are available, and keeping the dead where they belong. I have a shrewd and keen mind, am more than willing to pull battle if needed, and have an overall love for things shady and dark dealings. I also have strong feelings towards guarding what I think needs guarded. I also have a great respect and would demand a great respect for togetherness. I have never liked the idea of people jumping in and out of an alliance. Once you are in you are in, and once you are out you are out. If people decide to apply, and I decide to accept, they will not be allowed to jump around freely with their tag. Alliances are a bond, a family, meant to care and watch after each other, and the lands they hold at ALL times. The Caretakers Purpose of the Caretakers-- The underlying purpose I think should be about death. Just as a caretaker would tend to the gravestones and prepare the dead for their travels, that should be the role. As I think the Tribunal will be about monuments and pieces of great people in MD gone by, they will tend to the research and care of these illustrious names, and keeping a good care over the lands and the actions that hold within. Role of the Caretakers--- To preserve and glorify names of the most memorable people of MD’s past, and to an extent, present. To all great sick and twisted caretakers, life wouldn't be complete without a little death and mayhem. Darkness would be their cloak. Death would be their sword. Fate would be their mind. Sometimes it is needed to hasten the process in which things happen. Caretakers have a love for the end of things. Sometimes the end of things do not come as fast as they would like, so they….hasten things. I think the alliance would be classified not as good or evil but as Chaotic. To walk through the lands with a shovel in their hand. The self proclaimed judge and jury of whatever they feel to be the judge of. Is it any more evil to see who should be judged anymore than a knight would judge who is wrong or right? Is it any more wrong to bury the not-so-dead for a little pay than to burn your enemies alive for the sake of religion? “Grave digger…when you dig my grave…please make it shallow…so that I can feel the rain” Structure of Alliance Master Chief- The Leader. The man with the master plan. Responsible for leading activities and making sure the alliance itself runs smooth. Approves or Denies Plans set forth by the Grave Diggers Grave Digger- Right and Left hand seats. Those deemed worthy by the Master Chief to carry out plans approved for action. Usually carries out secret plans that are only known between the upper management. Runs activities set forth in the land and keeps watch over the lower levels of the alliance Scribe- Responsible for keeping logs of meetings. Also keeps a record of festivities, duties carried out by the alliance, and a secret log of the things carried out that no one knows. Concotionist- The thinker. Thinks up ideas for activities and festivities. Is not aware of the more secret of workings though may be an unknowing participant in its actions. An active role in anything and everything within the alliance, with the exception of certain plans held privilege to the top 3 of the alliance. Caretakers- The grunts. The 5 general population members of the alliance. Carries out all propaganda and general actions of the Alliance. Those of the position to care after the land and the things concerning the alliance outside the land. All around fun people and held accountable for the smooth running of the land.
i think if i walked around with a t-shirt promoting MD i would have to carry a gun also
the paper contest was by far one of the best contests i ever competed in Kafuuka. I encourage you completly to do this again and would be more than glad to be a judge in the next one. I think that the idea of 100 or under days is the best idea. Veterans have had mass time to figure them all out and you truely see the inner side of a person and thier character if it is well written in the firt 100 days. It also encourages those new people without papers to write papers and find new ways to make interesting and original characters to this realm. (drunk so im sure im repeating) awsome job with the last one and hope the best and willing to do anythign to help with the next
QUEST COMPLETED Quest followed as such: Split a Piece of wood and I am there. Lift a Stone and you will find me. *hint* I am not of buildings of wood or stone. What am I? You only have 4 guesses. After the first guess, if you fail, you will recieve a hint. answer: faith step2 Where would one go to find faith in a place surrounded by wood *hint*A place in MD answer: wasp's alter in Loreroot step3 You must show your faith and sacrifice one of your own. MP3: Must sacrafice a Aramor Assasin MP4: Must sacrafice a Grasan Hovourer MP5: Must sacrafice a Unholy Priest A screenshot of the alter must be taken before showing the position of the creature in your posession and a screenshot after with "Creature has been Sacrificed" and the empty position of where the creature was. Step 4 You have shown your faith with blind trust. Such as the way of the Heritics. Seek out the Place they lay and speak the word "Faithless" House of the Heritic: Heresey and Heroism often times go hand in hand. It is through the doubt of a few that the change of many become. Things are not as they appear and you have shown that you are willing to put you faith into that which you seek. Now are you ready to put your faith with the faithless? Send a message back to me titles "Heroism" and in it say "I wish to put my faith with the Faithless". Step 5 The Faithless do not seek the end, but the beginning. For them they wish time to move backwards, so that they can see for themselves what others only believe. They seen fact and sight with the eyes, not fairy tales and rumors shrouded in mystery. To do this you must travel into Necrovion. Find the place where the faithless pray and seek upon the stones the word in wich they wish to hear. Answer: rock and word is Faith The rock says: You are truely one of those worthy of praise. Send a message to me with the word you spoke to the rock as the title and that you have achieved "praise". Step 6 I want an explanation. Why do you think the answer to the last stage was faith? What did you learn from this quest? Did you like this quest? Finish You have completed the quest. Along your travels you have learned much and that at times the thing in which you wish to run away from is the thing you run into at the end. You have well earned your reward and you shall have it. Carry on in faith that all deeds come to justice wether good or bad. 1st to finish gets a WP 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place get a spell doc. Winners: Mya Celestia----First Place and the winner of the Wish Point----CONGRATULATIONS Emerald Arcanix---Second Place and winner of a Spell Doc, and a bonus Agien Egg for the fantastic explanations of the quest-----CONGRATULATIONS DST-----Third Place, She already has the Spell Doc but will be rewarded....when i find out what reward that is ----CONGRATULATIONS Indyra Sirenias----4th Place, Winner of a Spell Doc----CONGRATULATIONS Sepcial Note!! Emerald Arcanix has a spectacular response to my questions...Please read ok....first....i like the quest a lot...why?....because the final answer was faith....a perfect ending....a tragic ending....the Faithless seek to understand using cold mind and proven facts...they accept what they see for them self not what they hear...and this thing burnes them from inside...they become fanatics, they become heretics...a Faithless is allways searching for faith...because faith is the water that can stop they burning spirits...it can give them peace of mind and peace for the soul...but the tragedy is that they can not understand this....they seek something they refuse to belive in and so they burn in the agony of uncertanty....that WHY has no answer for them...and the place you choose for ending is illustrates this perfect...in a point even proven facts for them are fairy tales and burn the books...faith is what they run from but faith is what they seek...to end they pain...as what i have learn...hmm...first of all that we are not allways correct and must have the power to accept others opinions even if they are very far from what we belinve in...this is heroism...this is power....in a way....i learned that like Heresey and Heroism Faith and Faithless ar not that much apart...like love and hate....the line in thin between them...yet they need each other so they can understand each other and we can understant them because of this...e learned that faith and reason can be enemys...a battle whit a very tragic end...but the most important thing i learn is that the inner battle of mind and soul that take part in every one can be put in words in a seemingly simple quest...thank you for you work...i was a pleasure doing this...and i hope this explanation is good
i know im a noob and all... but i think RPCs are still one of the greatest people in MD. There have been a few RPCs who have proven themselves to be...less than honorable. But to me there should be bad RPCs as well as good RPCs. Should all RPCs be kind, helpful, generous? I don't think so. I think people, like Raven, who are well known to stick people into dreams without reason or single handedly shift the balance of the HC deserve their place same as the others. Sure, alot of people may not like them, but they still have an impact on MD as a whole therefore are still effective RPCs. Some of my closest friends are RPCs, and so are some of my worst enemies. The ONLY problem I have had with any RPC is inactivity. I understand perhaps at one time they had a role in the game, but they sure don't now. I like to see RPCs out and about, playing and interacting with other players. Key word Playing/Player in RPC. Im currently 176 days old in the game, started around February, and have rarely seen an RPC who is online often, not have a large effect on the MD world as a whole. Like I said I'm just a nooby at this game compared to alot of you I'm sure. Thats just my opinion on the whole thing. I have looked up to and wanted to be an RPC since I met Zleiphneir when I first started and more than 6 months later still hold the point of view that RPCs make this game tick
[quote name='Grido' date='27 August 2009 - 02:00 PM' timestamp='1251396010' post='40338'] energy is everything, it cannot be created, nor can it be destoyed(just change state), it has always been present, and always will be, it is the past, the present and the future, the beginning, middle and end, the core of all things that ever have or ever will exist [/quote] BEST answer I have heard...very nice Grido...simple...to the point..and very true
so then do you believe that if it were destroyed but energy remained that it would not be the "end"?? If so then in all its basic glory is energy what lies in the middle?
my quest is up and runnig full blast..already have a few people near the end check it out while you still can!
heppy b-day brudda
i like the idea to an extent. It would be great for the long term players to get a voice out. Just not sure how many newcomers would tune in. I always thought interviews with players would be a good concept for the mdnewspaper. With how busy they are and the infrequency of the paper the radio has an interesting twist to it
[quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='18 August 2009 - 01:14 PM' timestamp='1250615658' post='39792'] i'm away in vacation, when i return i will fix all issues and assign the docs. sry for the delay. [/quote] np thanks for update:)
happy birthday lib
bump. Any more word on this?
[quote name='Liberty4life' date='16 August 2009 - 11:09 AM' timestamp='1250435343' post='39601'] lol nice mention but... thing is principals dont have alignment, nothing in magic has alignment, so this cant decide if char is good evil chaotic lawful or wot ever, however it can have a SLIGHT effect on chars profession, for example dreamer without imagination sounds ridiculous no? [/quote] You mean to say that in general thought darkness is not considered evil? light is not considered good? balance is not considered chaotic?
Yay RP topic!!! I think one of the main thins is, like shadow and others said, realize your age in game. Also realize that PRINCIPLES should affect how you RP. Say a 15 days old darkness character cobats a 200 days old darkness character. 15 day old has 50 darkness principle, and 200 day old has 400. When the younger character taunts the older character, and the older character attacks it should land. It should not "pass through the younger character unaffected". I think alot of people forget about principles when they rp. I don't know about others, but I feel you should pick principles that your character represents. If you picked light and entropy, act accordinly. If you picked darkness and imagination....you should not be a good knight helping all others at the drop of a hat. Should be chaotic and help others only to futher your own ends. Also I really dislike when people react for you with their rp. You should not "stab my sword into your throat". It should be "Stabs my sword twards your throat". Give people reaction. Unless of course the RP has been worked out via YIM or some other form of OOC to where its ok "like when me and sage rp we make reactions for each other".....I know it's a frustrating thing to do because like other said noone wants to lose. To me you prove yourself MUCH MORE OF AN RPER when you do lose. We all are not perfect and there is always someone bigger and badder out there so remember...if your an infant you can not kick a grown warriors arse UNLESS HE WANTS YOU TO, and be willing to lose once and a while....even to a weaker character....
I would like to submit for a Q doc please Phantasm ID:137291 *edit* have not recieved doc yet so included ID incase that was needed in this post.
I've read over the announcement several times, and can not figure out where to go to apply for this. Could someone please clarify where to apply for the Non-RPC Q Doc please?
thank you all:)
In what context was he banned? Was his player banned from game? I think perhaps a non-attack spell effective in the dojo only would be fine. inprisonment or a hefty dream penalty is fine. The dojo is a fine place. MP5's as many have stated have less of a requirement for it then other MPs. Does that mean that the rules should be overlooked simply because of an MP level? Absolutly not. I believe it is more an ethics issue than anything. If you are evil character type wouldn't you violate the dojo just to be evil? If you are a good character type wouldn't you want to protect the dojo? Having a character banned for it is ludacris. However I do feel that appropriate, well trained, and well noted staff should have the ability to cease others from attacking if repeat offenders. Besides that I think the Dojo is more for rp then it is a place of "safety" It helps everyone define their character more simply by choosing wether or not to obey the rules of the dojo.
show me da money!
I agree that it takes out most of the strategy in the game. You have drachorns with claw II or claw III on em and they pretty much take out anything in the first round without the birds even getting a chance to freeze. Not as much an issue at MP4 but for any MP5 under 300 days it makes it fairly well impossible to win any duel. Being a person who has lost over 250 battle in 30 days I know. edit* same goes for Chaos archers.