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Everything posted by phantasm

  1. happy birthday akasha
  2. phantasm


    no even when im online they can not be viewed unless i go into the forum and open the picture up each day using IE8 i can't even view it myself until i go onto the forum and open the pictures in the subforum. Then it seems like it refreshes the id link or something and then ya can view it. Im having thomas send the files to see if its something that is up with the link the pictures have on the forum.
  3. phantasm


    [quote name='Chewett' date='12 July 2009 - 12:17 PM' timestamp='1247415453' post='36841'] could you explain the problem a little better please, Thank you [/quote] sure See when I get on everyone except those using internet explorer can see all of my pictures without a problem. But when IE people look at my screen the two pictures listed above show up as red X instead of the picture. When I open the forum and look at the picture, and then go back to the game, then IE people can view my pictures. So its almost like I have to go into the forum and look at the pictures every days so that IE people can view them. Its very strange because Foxfire and all the rest have no problem viewing them at any time.
  4. phantasm


    For some reason IE is having problems with images taken from the forum showing http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=1017 and http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=1016 Once I open the forum though then it allows IE users to see the pics any suggestions I don't understand how to fix it.
  5. who said anything about gone??...*evil smile*
  6. I voted no. Not because of anything against Lightsage because I like the guy. This is a perfect example to set for others though. I, like others, have tried to win at the HC and noticed usually the only people to win are those who the elite players with crazy monsters help to win. Not a big deal. Then when MP2's got moved to the gazebo it went crazy with people creating MP2's by the droves to use imaginary rituals that has no down side to gain an advantage to the HC. Perhaps with this public display, others will think more wisely about cheating in a contest, that while unfair, should be at least competable.
  7. 1. In the beginning there was nothing, in the end there will be nothing. What lies in the middle? Mur: assuming your saying is correct, then obviously in the middle would be everything. My version is that this should not be seen as a linear thing, such as then now in the future...and to support this afirmation i ask you something ...if "in the middle" is everything, wouldnt that means that everything includes also "nothing", its "everything" afterall. ..so if it does, wouldnt that be a paradox? Its hard to understand time staticaly, i tried to do that with the shades but ... but what if "in the middle" wasn't everything but only part of something? This goes into the whole if it the beginning and ending of all things or just certain things. Before you are born you are nothing. After you are long dead and decomposed you are nothing. So therefore is it the end and the beginning of everything? If so then when each individual dies does everything become something less? Thats more what I meant when I ask this question. So if "In the Middle" is everything...when something is lost does it become nothing or just less of something? If it becomes nothing then I agree it would become a paradox in itself.
  8. you probally got missed sage in fear of the wrath of phantasm for someone kissing on his woman *evil grin*
  9. Happy Birthday you two!!! Just got back from vacation so a little late:D
  10. i know how to scare a tomatoe god...we need to construct a HUGE salt shaker!! *edit* and a big tub of cottage cheese....mmmmmmm
  11. one of the better rp speeches given in some time MB *golf clap*
  12. i support this and would like my name added to the list. Disable is fine. to turn on or off. I think if the option is to erase the token instead of disable it then it should be wiped and not returned to the MDshop...if you are willing to take it off the creature you should eb willing to lose the dollar you payed for it
  13. some very awsome drawings pop...some are a little rough compared to those people have but i really like em....i have no room to talk about how to draw because my stick figures are crooked im so bad at it edit: that one holding the key is SOOO me...and BEWARE OF FLYING MONKEYS!!!
  14. the next Charley Brown Movie "The Great Tomatoe" starring... Z as charley brown Mur as the Great Tomatoe Peace as Lucy Phantasm as Snoopy Gremlin as PigPen Marvolo as Lionus
  15. i think the only thing truely hard to get is Victories. Wins can be farmed at GGG, EXP can be farmed off friends bursts, age can be farmed by simply...well being:D...victories, especially at MP5 *when yer a young MP5 like me* are nearly impossible to come by
  16. jesus with horns is not kewl dude.....
  17. [quote name='Granos' post='34391' date='Jun 22 2009, 07:03 PM']Ok, fine heres my attempt [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu_moia-oVI&feature=channel_page"]MD Video Contest Entry[/url] Actually, I am working on a real video, Ill post it soon enough :lol: [i](just wanted to revive this topic with style )[/i][/quote] GAAAHHH I GOT RICK ROLLED!!!
  18. like a credit and a rusty drachorn!!! come on i want a rusty!
  19. Phantasm ID:137291
  20. Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/mysqldb/class.mysqldb.php on line 86 [ERROR] No Db Handler[ERROR] No Db Handler[ERROR] No Db Handler[ERROR] No Db Handler[ERROR] No Db Handler Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/magicdue/public_html/authentication.php on line 35 Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in /home/magicdue/public_html/authentication.php on line 35 Any clue what this all means?
  21. woot best roleplay!!! Thanks everyone and Grats brightshield and everyone else who won!
  22. *point of view from a noob* of course i am only a little over 100 days old so I don't know near as much as what must be the rooted problem. I can only go from what i hear from others and this "Scrolling Text of the Bleeding Eyes". To me, an RPC is someone who takes a nuetral position on general characters and helps them from their own *the RPCs* point of view. Not making base judgements before talking with the player. They devolop the world of MD and help newer players learn to be creative and help the world themselves. Akasha tends to like those who kiss her hind end and dislike those who oppose her. Nothing wrong with that as that is how most people in the world are. As her being an RPC is tends to be troublesome because she is very opinionated and often times sees that actions in MD should go her way or the highway. If she doesn't like the way a role play is going she wants it changed to suit her or from then on dislikes the character from then on that roleplayed. Armoran tends to think that if something gets done it is all her work that accomplished it. From what little I saw over the whole alliance ordeal to reading this text, it seems that she believes if it's done right it is soley from her own hard work. If it is done wrong then be all hell and high water she whines and thinks the world is against her. Again...I'm a noob who I'm sure doesn't even know 10% of all of it, but from what I see as a newcomer into the realm of MD...well its the way i see it. Mur must have the patience of Job in the whales belly to be able to deal with all of this. From what I've read it seems he, the one accused of half of this, is mostly the innocent victem. Not kissing his arse, its the truth. If it would have been my I would have kicked Armoran from RPC and let her roam around as a general character. It seems thats the way she wants it from the text. I'm sure many would have hit the big delete button in a heartbeat on her. I have often wondered, and even said something once about the RPCs of this land. How they do not seem to be involved in the present game. As a newer character at least half of the RPCs I have never spoken with or want nothing to do with new characters. They simply want to run around hanging with their "original crowd". Which is fine for the ordinary older players. Not for RPCs. *waits to be stabbed multiple times and character deleted*
  23. going offtopic...rumors have started wars against other countries. There has been ALOT of talk in the realm of MD about the thought on crossbreading. The thought of a prophecy made off a rumor is even more viable if you read greek mythology. Prophets used to travel the lands listening to what "spirits" aka people say and then make profecies. I think it's more a wrong area part of the forum. I think this should be a continuation of the Sagewoman post in "New Player Role and Legend" *edit* Thank you for moving this topic to a better sub forum.
  24. what if we prefer drachorns and grasans on viagra!
  25. bump! was a cure ever found for this disease yet?
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