1. In the beginning there was nothing, in the end there will be nothing. What lies in the middle?
Mur: assuming your saying is correct, then obviously in the middle would be everything. My version is that this should not be seen as a linear thing, such as then now in the future...and to support this afirmation i ask you something ...if "in the middle" is everything, wouldnt that means that everything includes also "nothing", its "everything" afterall. ..so if it does, wouldnt that be a paradox? Its hard to understand time staticaly, i tried to do that with the shades but ...
but what if "in the middle" wasn't everything but only part of something? This goes into the whole if it the beginning and ending of all things or just certain things. Before you are born you are nothing. After you are long dead and decomposed you are nothing. So therefore is it the end and the beginning of everything? If so then when each individual dies does everything become something less?
Thats more what I meant when I ask this question. So if "In the Middle" is everything...when something is lost does it become nothing or just less of something? If it becomes nothing then I agree it would become a paradox in itself.