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Everything posted by phantasm

  1. Bidding is closed. Congratulations to the winners!
  2. I do not wish to clutter the forums at all. Taking that is the way you feel about it, the Day and Al are sold. The rest will continue until bidding is over. *edit* actually noticed most creatures bids are 2 days old or more minus Timmy and Elrond. Bidding will be considered over about 13:00 day 318 year 9.
  3. Granos was/is really a warm cuddly fella
  4. Ivorak bid is invalid. As I will not sell those 2 specific creatures to him.
  5. indeed DST's bid is not valid. Auction will continue until the bidding stops. *edit* generally a two day period after bidding stops
  6. NoOne's bids are not valid as well. I will not sell creatures to him either.
  7. Eon's bid is not valid, due I will not allow Eon to purchase any of my creatures.
  8. yes I know about PMS. Wife and a daughter, oh I know well lol.
  9. What are Principles: Principles to me are trained methods. No different then any mage of old, they were classified under which art they studied the most. You had the healers who dealt a lot with Earth. They rooted and picked leaves, and used nature to define themselves. You had the warlocks who dealt with dark arts. Not necessarily evil, but practiced in incantations, summonings, and deity sacrifice You had war mages who dealt with creating weapons. Often some sort of fire, or explosive material. You had the mages that were more like our farmers almanac. They would study charts of stars, weather cycles, Sun position, and things like that to help with planting. Back then before we called it science, they were the "principles" upon wich they built their role. Often all makes were vital to the balance of a region. Our principles in game are "supposed" to be the reflection on which we create our players. Most of the time though players don't know enough at the beginning stages and then are stuck with whatever principles they have, not those that define their role.
  10. I have decided to sell off some of my old creatures. ID numbers added. Bid will be posted here. As you can see most creatures are originals of mine. Most are 5+ years. If want anon, just mail me and I will post for you. List is as follows: Timmy, 20sc Ledah) "SOLD" *TRANSFERRED* 6 Year Colored Imp Armor ID: 719460 Age: 1300 Heat: 339476 Roudolf, (5g Rheagar) "SOLD" *TRANSFERRED* Reigndrach ID: 602513 Age: 1782 Heat: 5793311 Tokens: Claw I, Claw III, Bloop Drop 1 2 and 3, stardust, antifreeze, Emeral Glare, Onyx fangs, Gold Belt, Dark Shield Al Capone, (2 gold 5sc Nad) "SOLD" *TRANSFERRED* Vampire *edit, Colored Soul Weaver* ID: 606747 Age: 1728 Heat: 4858219 Tokens: Emeral Glare, Kelletha Fire, Bloop Drop 1 and 2, Black Tear, Claw III, Onyx, Dark Shield Nutcracker, (2g Syrian) "SOLD" ID: 598201 Age: 1706 heat: 111762 Pimped Grasan (5sc CM) "SOLD" *TRANSFERRED* ID: 550408 Age: 1915 Heat: 2523645 Tokens: Onxy fangs, Black Tear, Claw III, Bloop Drop 1 and 2, gold belt, dark shield, star dust, antifreeze, Kelleth Fire, Dark Sky *edit added* Nacho Libre (1G CM) "SOLD" *TRANSFERRED* Colored Armor 2008 edition ID: 609820 Age: 1770 Heat: 2666767 Tokens: Antifreeze, Blood Drop 1 2 and 3, Gold Belt, Sunshine, Claw III, Stardust, Emeral Glare, Dark Sky Day Dreamer (3sc Ailith) "SOLD" *DONATED* Black and White Joker ID: 696408 Age: 969 Heat: 196939 Joker ID: 797936 Age: 684 Heat: 5216 Elrond (7sc Vaylorn) "SOLD" *TRANSFERRED* Loreroot Archer ID: 593511 Age: 1806 Heat: 630726 Tokens: Antifreeze, Stardust, Blood Drop 1 and 2, Emeral Glare, Onyx fang, Black Tear, Gold Belt, ClawIII
  11. I agree with the RPCs. They used to keep people *cough* who abused other players in check with their powers. You never saw flat out harassment of players when Z and others had the powers stop them. Not only did RPCs keep a good balance of play, but they also were able to change the game with their unique outlook on the game. When you have 6 people, who are worthy of such a role, there are 6 directions that are taken. While each direction may not be the 'right' one, they are directions that make MD more unique. I LOVED when Kragel used to have his quests for making items. There was a journey, and often support of the other players to finish the item. The Crafter's Guild pretty much did nothing, then became extinct. I LOVED that Z used to cause whole groups of people to flock to see Tree. Those people impacted the game in huge ways that HELPED MD. Now all we have is power hungry, overpowered people who wish nothing more then to run off anyone who "doesn't see MD their way". RPCs didn't do that, and in fact often encouraged players to be their own person in the game. To me, the game became very one sided about who had the most items, and the most power, and could abuse the most players. It USED to be about how can we help players become their own role, no matter how ridiculous they seem. We hear DST whine about "unrealisic RP, and RP not done "her" way". MD was built upon unrealisitc fantasies. Actually when I first started, it was claimed you can to ANYTHING in MD as long as you put enough effort into it. Now most people that join MD (the ones I have had a chance to speak with) see the game as most other web based games. Gain as much as you can, spend what money you have to to be powerful enough to compete, and then leave when people who have nothing better to do with their life then spend it power grinding beat them into stat damage. Any time they try and do some sort of RP event, unless it falls under DST's distinct flavor for RP, it get disrupted and the players get harassed.
  12. PLayer Name: Phantasm PLayer ID no.: 137291 Strongest feeling experienced in the past one week concerning MD and its happenings: Outraged, Exasperated Do you know what PMS means? (yes or no) Unless you mean referring to a womens cycle, no. Have you watched the movie Mean Girls? (yes or no) Yes I give consent to Nimrodel to use my responses as raw material in her research. I am very well aware regarding the ethics concerned in human and animal trials and i promise to abide by the rules.
  13. *edit* retracted
  14. By "free power" I mean free will to do without reprocusions. You should know better then most No One, that everything in MD is given based on merit. I made no claim that her spells, gold, role and such were not given/rewarded justly. DST at one time did soo much for the realm. Nobody argues that, we can go back into YEARS ago and see many things. DST USED to be a great player in the game, and this in no way describes my feelings about the player, just the character. Her character has become a terrorist. If thats the role she wishes to play its of her own choosing. The Free Power she is given, is lax in "powers that be" to do anything about several past cited issues that the community brought up. This sure isn't the first time that more then a couple people make a statement against what DST is doing. Some people claimed it was because "DST is Mur's friend so he won't do anything", as Im sure most of us remember. I am not saying that is correct, in fact I think its just a scape-goat. However the lack of any reprocussions for their actions against more then a few people have left alot of the community wondering where any justice is in this game. If there is non, then that is the decision of the "powers that be". If so, then this game has truly become something other then what it was when a grand game. I have so many wonderful memories of the game and friends. I have wonderful memories of good times with DST. Her and I were not always at odds, and in fact used to have a good time at Tree. At least I remember it that way.
  15. Indeed your examples are bad. Every one of them require you to be defensive from attack. While I agree a certain amount of evil is good, evil that has more power then anyone else is bad. The whole Mya thing was a PRIME example of what "DST and crew" does. DST hates mya, and because of that she ruined their RP. Why? Because, DST thought the RP was bad in her own opinion. Looks like the same with DD, just because they don't like DD, Eon interrupted a quest. Should we go back through old posts to see the people who left because of DST and crew? I believe totally that evil and good should both exist and have, for the most part, freedom of choice. However MANY people look at this game and see things upside down. DST a Judge? Last I checked in R/L judges were supposed to be the MOST upstanding of citizens and protecting their rights. Rights to have RP of their choosing, or peaceful quests without someone "breaking" it. If this was a quest to plot war, or something aggressive, than I would understand more. DST used to be fun and deserved the awards she was given. Now she is just hateful twards others and does everything she can to disrupt the realm as a whole. DST and Eon combined have most of the killing and life tools, and also many spells and gold to fund their harrassment. Depleting their area of its resources so only they can have them, ruining any RP they deem "not worthy". Flat out harassing people until they feel enough frustration to leave the game. Yes a game...something that shouldn't cause so much stress to ones person that they flip out and leave. I personally feel this has been going on for some time. I feel sorry that they only feel good about themselves when they are being cruel to others. That does not however warrant complete disregard for others feelings in order to make themselves feel better. I do not, and can not believe that the "powers that be" have been completely ignorant to the events that have taken place over the past year or so. An example is when Mya was dead, some players came and asked me to kill DST. Would I have? Of course not, because I believe that killing items should be used only as a last resort. Instead of asking or talking to me when she found out, DST came and threatened me that : "So...I heard you have been contacted to kill me. :D That's nice. But just a friendly advice: if you kill me, I will be revived in the very few minutes after I realize that I am dead (2 - TWO reviving items are at my disposal) and then I am going to use my fang on you. Think twice or even three times before you attempt something against me. Oh and the above includes also Eon and No one." and "As you wish phantasm. Just don't say i didn't warn you. Raise just one finger against me or No one or Eon (ha! especially Eon) and all you'll see is necro's graveyard." So she says here "Its ok I kill people, but if people try an take retribution against me being a murderer, I'll ruin your game for you." Thats what I heard anyways. This is all very sad, because DST used to be alot of fun being evil. I think she was given so much free power, that she now assumes she does not have to answer for anything. Maybe she doesn't. If so then I assure you this game will not last. The "sandlot" (DST and crew) claim how much activity they have caused in the last couple months with their works. From what I have seen their defense and reply is that they are "helping" the realm by making trouble so people want to do something. Perhaps if the sandlot would have let people have their "crappy RP" or their "crappy Quests" there would be more activity in the realm. I do agree DD complains a bit here and there, and tends to be on shaky ground with his explanations. However at least DD is trying to do something for the community, and not against it. I'm not DD's friend, and do not know him that well. I do know that ANYONE who tries to do something for the community, should be allowed to do.
  16. The Quest has come to an end, and Wahledor has been lead out of the East!! Asthir has came out as the victor. Wahledor had a great walk together with him, and he was the only one who stuck with the quest the whole time. I felt that the community as a whole put in very little effort for what I felt was a great reward for spending some time in the East. That tells me that venturing into the East is THAT bad that people will not even do it for a very old and powerful drach. I can post the saved data from the trip if any request proof, though its quite a LONG script if you could imagine. A total of 21 scenes were navigated during the quest. The points are as follows: Asthir 17 points TheRichMerchant: 4 points Rophs: 1 point
  17. Agreed with chewy here. Some of the first non-ally citizens of the East really put alot of effort into becoming citizens. MONTHS of spending time with Ally people of the east, and spending time in the east in general. I think people want everything now without putting in alot of worth while time. Just like Items these days. Before they didn't just poof into existence, it took a LONG time questing before proving to RPCs back then that you wanted it. It also took a WP, something not common in those days. Forums are never good places to try and prove a point. Besides forum bashers and whiners, you have the detachment from the realm itself in forums. The only way to prove yourself is through word and deed in game. As chewy also said, to be a part of a land with nobody ever around is a hard course to have. Being in the East as much as I am has detached me greatly from the 'younger generation' of MD. To commit to a land that is hard to navigate, or hard to travel is a very lonely life.
  18. no it does not have to be a perfect rhyme, only phonetic. Wahledor loves to rhyme, but isn't the smartest creature around, so as long as it sounds good, i doubt he will know the difference. As far as how the rhyming works, you just have to rhyme to him the directions to get to the next screen, it's your imagination of how and what you say. Wahledor most likely will reply then move on, or jump on your head and lay an egg, its always hard to tell with that one.
  19. Update: I was trying to figure out if TKs were supplying rewards or not. Since I have still not found out, I will be supplying my own reward. Due to the length of time it takes to navigate the East, I am supplying a great rewards. So, in order to gain this reward you must personally rhyme Wahledor out of the East. The means you must lead him out of the East while rhyming to him scene by scene. That means he must be awake in order for you to do so. Any amount of people can help Wahledor out. At the stage that he is found, a point will be counted for each scene you successfully rhyme him to the next scene. The person with the most points will win when Waheldor has reached outside the gate. So say person A finds wahledor, then person B and C join. Person A starts by moving him 5 scenes, but then C moves him the most. C wins the prize. Now what is this reward you say? How about GG Drachorn?!! Out of my personal collection Madhorn Age: 1423 Stored Heat: 2419529 Won battles: 846 Tokens: Stardust Blood Drop I Blood Drop II Blood Drop III Emeral Glare Onyx Fangs Kelletha Fire Dark Shield Black Tear
  20. i love your puzzles marv you know im in
  21. Wahledor has gotten himself lost in the Land of the East!!! To make it worse, the little fella only understands rhymes and tends to run and hide when scared by "normal" speech. SO, someone need to find him and rhyme him the correct landmarks on how to escape the East from wherever you find him. He walks slow as a snail, but hides like a ninja! Hurry and help him before he becomes lost forever! (All land of the east citizens *current or ex* are unfortunately exempt from this quest, as it would give an unfair advantage to all the rest of the MD population) *edit* Sorry forgot day and time:D This quest will start at 0:01 day 257 on the MD clock
  22. haven't we already filled out one of these? I have sent a couple different lists to you now. Could you give us a list of what alliance you already h ave?
  23. phantasm

    Teams? Teams!

    im ok with yellow
  24. Cutler was a great man who did amazing scripting work in MD. I immensely enjoyed his form of reality he offered. His quests were always well done and frustrating to more then one of us in his complicity and attention to detail. You shall be missed sir.
  25. i know chewy i was using you as an example person for point 4. Mur was saying if it went to a second authority there would be shipping costs. I was just saying that I feel if someone is granted such a thing, that they should be willing to pay shipping cost so that Mur or anyone else doesn't have to cover it. I still have my MD coffee cup and Murs book. These are things that are tangable memories of a game that I enjoyed emmensly in the good days. People made friends that became r/l friends. People traveled to other countries to meet others. I think its nice to have these things to remember friends by. No different then friends you grew up with in school that moved away. You don't hardly ever see them, but they are still your friends. I think Mur is trying to go one step further by sending out personalized memorabilia that we will be able to keep and tell our grandkids about it. I know I have plenty of great stories to tell about people and conversations in this game. I think Mur's burning comment is in frustration at people being negative about what should be a great thing. It sounds like he is working hard on this project and is investing his own personal money to give people of MD something back. I would be frustrated too if I was trying to give a gift to people and they went "i don't want that, and who are you to give me a gift?!"
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