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Everything posted by phantasm

  1. Do something? I'm sorry but last I checked the CT's have put on several public alliance sponsored quests in the past few months. The Grail in January, and The Coffening in June. We helped with a funeral for Spart. Several contracts have been fulfilled requested by the powers that be. No public impact? Hmm last I checked we worked diligently on trying to support the herb population in TB until everyone pretty much gave up on herbs. When Eon or whoever is the only one out farming them, makes little point to monitor it. Also I believe it was the CT's that tried not all that long ago to help "the community" with killing Eon in an effort to pull that "community" together in an effort. I will agree that we are quite inactive during this time, which has affected the herb monitoring. It's called real life. Summer time is almost always the busiest for anyone who actually does something on a regular bases. Gardens, Work, Children, Schooling, Wives/Husbands, Remodeling, vacations, etc.
  2. goz's first chewy coffin has won its place. Tom Pounce has been paid for the two of his, gonz find me at winds sanctuary. Congratulations to the winners.
  3. yes she did. Gonz has won and congratulations. Also congratulations to Tom Pounce on the other two wins. I will be at Wind's Sanctuary for the next few days. Please come there and contact me or go idle there and I will hand out the coin.
  4. aye only post number 7 coffin is being accepted for gonz. We decided that number 7 was the better of the two so it was chosen in the poll.
  5. I am willing to help as well.
  6. I love RP quests where you have to interact and at times try and convince people to aid you. It makes you get involved with the community and meet other people you might not normally meet. I also enjoy puzzle type quests. Putting together pieces, oraginzing facts, using logic to decypher what the pieces represent instead of what they say or do. I do agree that drawing/writing quests are not that enjoyable. However alot of people do like those and they are good "filler" quests. Little quests with little rewards. Drawing/writing something shouldn't be rewarded heavily and shouldn't be made too difficult. I HATE, and i mean HATE de-cyphering quests. They prove of little value and most all types of cyphers are found easily enough online. Pretty much you find the web page, insert the cypher and boom done.
  7. The dead has been awaken. To give those who may be finishing up drawings a chance we will run this quest until Saturday. The judges are as follows. Sagewoman will choose her coffin of choice Sparticius will choose his urn of choice Chewetts coffin will be decided in a public poll of which is liked best.
  8. What about the idea of someone who has the ability to change a scene in WP use their own WP to change the scene. Then no WP would be transferred, and Rumi would still be awarded his "prize" of the name change.
  9. Topic says it all PM in game or in forum
  10. Sagewoman is quitting the game, and is "going to be laid to rest" at the DQ. Therefore we are having a coffin for her made as well in tribute to her LONG history with MD.
  11. This is the prime example of why the death spell was so rarely given out. Most the people that did have it very rarely used it, and was for a genuine purpose. Now that people have been "granted" death items..especially an obvious person who has both life and death items (because he/she doesn't have a big enough ego, needs god tools to help). People like Seigheart are a prime example of why these things were kept to people that Mur felt were able to control such things. Honestly I am surprised it took this long for it to come to this sort of a head. I agree completly with Chew that before when someone was killed. Mya, the kings, Z, Eon, Peace, etc were all not only role play oriented but helped to bring life to the community. I think now with at least i believe 5 items now that kill, we will see much more of this. Especially when certain people of power control them and force good players off simple "because they didn't like them and have the power to kill or rez them". With all things it simply took an item of power to fall into the wrong hands for abuse.
  12. aha thank you for clarification then, i retract my statement about TB then. I was under the assumption it was off limits due to its high ap requirement.
  13. except he has already stated that Tribunal is off limits due to the high AP movement, it was why i was kicked out of BHC a while back. I was just curious since I have screenshots of Eon back at the Dominion gate. Seems pretty accessible by normal standards....if you have several hundred East loyalty
  14. soo, do these rules about restricted areas also apply to Eon? Since hes currently going to win the BHC, and his ghost is all over TB, Eon doesn't have to apply himself to the rules??
  15. topic says it all. Looking for 3 candy per silver, but am open to options
  16. And then, there was 1

  17. i would have to agree that Eon has done a fairly good job about trying to keep the BHC fair about restricted areas. The issue that I saw last time i entered and was disqualified, is that people who feel they won't win, or by other means accumulate huge head balls and then run to these restricted areas to that those who are participating can't get to them without being disqualified immediately. Which is what happened when I was going after nearly 800 head ball in LoE. I'm not saying I was in the right, or that Eon was in the wrong for disqualifying me, but some sort of measure for head ball hiding should be taken. As we all saw by DST trying to "sue" me for "being mean to her" people like to stick for word by word, and as soon as one of the words isn't in there they hold onto it like a pit bull onto a baby. The game is becoming closer like reality, everyone sue happy and wanting to instantly find any loophole to get them ahead. Before long Kamisha's lawyer shop will be open because everyone will have to have their quests and contests written up in lawyer format to keep the whine-bags from taking such a route. Of course the "council" only further hinders things with announcements such as the one's about "contract word legality". The only other issue I think many feel why they don't apply to the BHC is the fact that Eon participates in them all. Considering that he is still the top fighter, it pretty much means either he will win, or make sure to help who he wants to win win. I'm not saying Eon does that, but it definitely makes most people feel its worthless to try to enter. I think if Eon didn't enter himself in the next few BHC you might see more of a rising trend in the BHC. Just my opinion
  18. later hedge, youll be back im sure. its hard to stay away when it gets cold outside:D
  19. maybe because he steals alliances, laughs at the people, and then makes them beg for it back? Then acts all high and mighty like he did them a favor for taking the alliance
  20. do you even know who killed you? If so naming and trying to bring them to justice would be better then whining about not winning at the game because your a "Spartan". Honestly while I have heard of you, I have never seen you do anything of importance enough to be killed. Before there were VERY few people who had the ability to kill. With Mur handing out things like that like candy with the anniversary, i know of at least 4 people now who have the ability. Unfortunately when you give the bad guys a gun....they are going to shoot someone. Usually its done for a reason, so instead of being a whine-bag about drachs and money you spent on the game....buck up and play
  21. quite the bummer to hear you are leaving Marv. It seems to be a trend as of late. It was fantastic to know you as a friend, and will continue conversations on yim.
  22. i have 106 memory stones. How many are you considering "lots"?
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