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Everything posted by phantasm

  1. when i was copying and pasting, sometimes it went bold, depending on the application i had the file up under
  2. 2. Take the Dagger and Shovel for example. Both exist, and are usable, however the people who possess them either refuse to intervene, or will only do so for huge profit. Um what shovel? If you are revering to MY shovel of the CTs. First off I think people have a huge misconception of what it exactly does. Second, how many people have actually been killed by the dagger? I assure you death is not something taken lightly. How would the person saying this feel if they were stuck for a month or two without the ability to do anything on the character they play as their main? Such actions are often times only taken when kings/queens and other powerful people all come to a unanimous decision to do something, or is an intricate part of a predefined RP. Saying this, amend to my knowldege the Mya incident. I do not know if she knew about the RP before it happened to her or not, she is the only exception I can think of.
  3. The Quest is OVER!! There were 44 ghosts in total. Was a great time, I enjoyed doing the quest as much as you people liked following the ghosts around. There were not as many entries as I had hoped for, but the ones that did tried hard. Below are both the results of who got how many right, and the full list of correct ghosts in order. THANKS FOR PLAYING Shadowseeker won first place. His advantage early on of knowing that the trigger was in fact the ID of the person ghosted seemed to help alot. He gets a WP, one gold coin, and hopefully one of the halloween packages that is meant for halloween quests. Amberrune for being in second place will also recieve a gold coin. [b]Shadowseeker = 36 correct 1st place[/b] [b]Amberrune= 23 correct[/b] 2nd place [b]Esmaralda= 23 right 11 wrong[/b] [b]Tipu=9[/b] [b]Passant= 1 correct[/b] [b]Darkraptor= 6 correct[/b] [b]Passant= 1 correct[/b] List: Shadowseeker Chewett Shem Bfh [b]Master Of Magic: 5[/b] [b]Eon[/b] Aranna dst yrthilian Sage: 10 Burns hedge the frog Zleiphneir I am bored guillak Manda MrAlyon Passant the weak Handy Pockets Curiouse 20 soothing sands Esmaralda Amoran K Kol The Witch Doctor Tal:25 Peace Clock Master ` Grido Eagle Eye MRWander =30 Marvolo Phantasm Mighty Pirate Mya Keida Mabieus =36 Jolla Granos [b]sasha lilias[/b] [b]Gort Hedera[/b] [b]Junior= 41[/b] [b]King Bull[/b] [b]Sheops=43[/b] [b]XDHappyDX= 44[/b]
  4. Night is a thing of dreams and folk tales in MD. This story is from long ago, when the sun refused to shine for one ghostly, and deadly night. Imagine nothing could be in sight, because there were no light in MD. All sorts of beings and creatures roamed around feeling out in front of them, hoping to find something more then complete darkness. Small groups of people had found each other and gathered huddling close, waiting for some change, some hope of light. Screams of scared beasts running fiercely about, bumping into trees and rocks as they go. Only one had the capability to traverse through such darkness. Only one, creeped around quietly and with purpose. Screams of people could be heard and then would abruptly stop. The small groups huddling together would jump and shake whenever the screams would stop. After what seemed like an eternity, the first break of light burst through the darkness, like a sword piercing through a shield. Slowly people emerged from whatever hiding spot they had found and looked around, trying to adjust their eyes back to the light. Large puddles of blood could be seen everywhere, but no bodies were ever found. They say to this day if you stand in certain spots with your shadow over it, you can see the faint stain of red from the carnage that happened on the day MD fell into Night.
  5. emergency update: Due to Mur having hte part in Necro, and many people being stuck there, I am lifting the ban on pm's after the 31st. The end date is now 23:59 on the 1st so that people have a chance to get out of necro and pm me.
  6. I will be making stuffed drunken knator eyeball appetizers. Ingredients: 1 Bottle of Tequilla 1 knator 1 branch 2 mineral water 1 lemon Tools: one cauldron one spork 6,000 heat jar full Preparation: Find a friendly knator. Invite him out for a drink. Drink the bottle of Tequila with him until he is really drunk. When he's not looking, bash him over the head with the cauldron. Take the spork and spork out both of his eyeballs. Take the bloody cauldron and start a fire under it with the branches. Put in the 2 mineral water. Bring to boil. Plop the eyeballs in. Squeeze lemon juice into the cauldron. Wait 5 minutes. Serve while the eyeballs are still twitching.
  7. Halloween. A good reason for Elus to dress up and drink fermented grasan juice.
  8. The Demon Summoning Incantation A pinch of Toxic herbs, A Dash of Knator bone dust. Two cups of mud, along with 3 drops of Mya's Phoenix tears. One tablespoon of potato juice from Pipstickz. 4 cups of dirty water after goatboy's bath. One full barrel of Dark Rum. Mix all of the ingredients, but the rum, in a cauldron. Take a drink of Dark Rum after each ingredient is mixed, Once all the ingredients are mixed together in the cauldron, drink the rest of the barrel of Dark Rum and chant these words: Demon of East, long ago born of a different name, Come and pay head to the rising of the flame. In blood and mud, and rum, and water, Come and welcome our lambs to slaughter. Give us riches from far off unknown lands, Foil all of our enemies battle plans. Come forth demon and show your true face, Let all of us see the power of this place. Land of the East, Tribunal is home, To this demon now forever to roam. Come forth Demon and show yourself, I hope this spell doesn't summon an elf.
  9. Last Update- Today is the 30th, currently game time of 14:00 hours. There are currently 43 ghosts so far, with possibilities of one or two more before 24:00 rolls over into the 31st. Will there be ghosts on the 31st? Who knows they are ghosts! I will be idle somewhere VERY easily accessible, like ohhh the top of the paper cabin, all you have to do is come and PM me the list of ghosts you have. Be sure to title the PM "Traveling Ghost". You are free to turn in your PM from any time between 0:01 and 23:59 on the 31st but not after or before. Any PMs before or after the 31st in game time will be disqualified. WOOOOOOOOOOOO GHOST! *edit* DON'T FEEL LIKE YOU WON'T WIN. ONLY WAY TO WIN IS TO TURN IN HOW MANY YOU GOT. I ASSURE YOU THAT THERE IS NOT A SINGLE PERSON OUT THERE WITH ALL OF THEM.
  10. Update number 3!!! Today is the 25th. The days are winding down to an end, and the ghosts keep on appearing. When the time comes I will idle somewhere, fairly easily accessible. All submissions should be in pm form in game to me on the 31st. You may send in the submissions at any time on the 31st. The most wins. Should there be a tie the winner shall be decided by who has the most in the correct order of the ghost 'sightings'. So far we are well over 30 ghosts with more to go. So don't give up yet, find those ghosts and find their names!!
  11. i agree with yrth. Eon hounds some players more then others. I myself am one that as soon as he gets a chance attacks me. i have lost around 8 stat points across the board so far from him. That's why I, along with many others just stay away from the park. Eon does a bit of traveling but he keeps his attacks to a central location. As was said this was a gift given to Eon for his dedication to grinding, and the cash he spent to help the game. It is his right and privilege to use his gifts as he sees fit. As pip said, there are MANY places to go away from Eon, and believe it or not there are times EON isnt on. It isn't often, but it happens. I see the park come alive in times like those. Besides that it is up to us players to avoid him, not to try and rip apart what he has worked for. After all, the world needs evil people too. Isn't that right DST:P
  12. 7_localpub_2 A drunkards best friend 7_lonelyroundabout_1 to be or not to be....lonely
  13. all trades completed, please close
  14. looking for ordinary creatures with high heat. Looking for as cheap as possible so without tokens is perferrable.
  15. aye i would have to agree. The quarter and eighth notes lines are not connected, and some of them are slanted into the next note. Unless it is supposed to be that way?
  16. i meant what i meant, no need for clarification. Sexual harassment in MD is only allowed if the person allows it. NO different then slanderous/foul language. This is a game, away from people, all it is is text. If you don't like it, leave the scene. If you are sent pms, turn them in. For any of this to get to such explosive drama levels, she was a participant, not a victem. Sorry if this makes me look cruel or uncaring. Any that deal with me would know better. This is the truth, you are only as far in as you are willing to let yourself be. Thats why there is a plug. Goodbye to those that do, time moves forward.
  17. victims of sexual harassment in MD... *sings* don't want no drama drama....just hate that drama drama.... Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya
  18. Update number 2!! SPOILER TIME!!! So many know this by now, but some do not. The ghosts leave a specific trail on the trigger screen. the trail the trigger leaves behind are marked with certain ID numbers. those numbers sure are not mine. So if you figure out who's ID number is next to the trigger, you got a ghost!
  19. sale is over btw. Sorry for late response. Please contact me for your imps
  20. bump, this auction will end on monday.
  21. still waiting on JTZ and Everyone please contact me about your angeins ASAP
  22. Imperial Aramor X3 Ages: 174 heat: 0 andrew 2 sc [s]595 heat: 79,752 soothing sands 3sc[/s] [s]572 heat: 65,818 darkfire 2sc[/s] All with no tokens, Any bids are welcome
  23. keep the list of who you have as ghosts private. Its a contest to see who can get the most correct answers. The contest submissions can not even be done until Halloween day. Until then try and gather as many names of ghosted people as you can. It is up to the person ghosted if they want to let you know they were or not.
  24. Update number 1: Every so often there will be updates, hints, and information. I fully well expect there to be anywhere from 30-50 ghosts. Don't freak out, this quest is supposed to be hard. I don't expect anyone to get all the ghosts, due to time zone differences and r/l. The point is to keep track of as many as you can. If only 10 were ghosted it would be too easy to find them all. There are a few hints however. Our dear friend Shadowseeker was kind, or dumb:P enough, to tell me that he figured out a few ways to deduce who was ghosted. SO I WANT EVERYONE TO BUG HIM FOR HELP/INFORMATION!!!! YAY THANKS SS FOR BEING SUCH A PAL *insert evil laugh here* I doubt he will freely discuss any information he has, especially since he wants to win this himself. So I would advise bribing him, or annoying him until his head explodes. Both are fine with me.........mmmmuuuuhhhhhaaaaa
  25. phantasm


    honestly at this point this post in my eyes has become: I don't like Grido's actions. So I am going to make a topic about what a bad job he is doing. I won't state what bad things, nor will i state how I see to correct them, only that he should [b]know[/b] what to do. In my opinion, your trying to say in this post that your opinion matters SOOOO much that this post was needed. As far as I have seen it Grido has openly tried to connect on whatever base of disillusion you have for him and his position. If anything it only furthers his upstanding reputation for taking the high ground. IF there is any point to this so far sensless topic, it would be nice that it would be made, instead of leaving everyone to their own assumptions. We all know what happens when people assume. In most cases it will only make you look bad for it pip.
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