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Everything posted by phantasm

  1. happy birthday clock and nad
  2. phantasm

    WTS ...

    3sc on the BP
  3. The sum of my whole thoughts on this....progress ideas... can be said with three letters....[size=5][b]lol[/b][/size]
  4. 2 gold and 8 silver
  5. i have way too much to write in here and not the words to express it properly. For now this is my place mark until I can find more elegant words to describe the meaning and impact Sagewoman had on MD and myself. I'll work on it and get back to ya:P
  6. happy birthday lorerootian soldier
  7. To me the value of life is WAY simpler. As some of my closer friends know, I only wish one thing in life. That wish is that when I move onto another plane of existence, those who I have had interaction with can say "Knowing him was a positive experience". Then death has no sting, as you live on in the works and memories of others. I think universally most people feel that way. Live life to make a positive difference in the lives around you. Religion, politics, science, arts, music, etc all put base faith in the fact that leaving behind something that people learn and grow from is the ultimate reward for ones work. Minus a few inherently bad people, or those with no 'souls', I have found very few exceptions to that rule. Even bad people often 'teach' or impact other bad people in a 'positive' way by teaching them to do evil things well. A little hard to understand at times, but even the devil himself seeks out to improve upon his minions.
  8. happy birthday mya!
  9. Happy birthday to our bone diggin Caretaker Ledah. May your drunkenness and money paid to prostitutes never be seen by the legal authorities
  10. have fun moving, hope its moving to a more wonderful place, for a wonderful Peace:D
  11. Don't move too far away from Sage, she gets lost without you!!!
  12. welcome ivorak and hedge. Your applications will be reviewed. Glad to see you apply, and will enjoy the introduction to hopefully a membership Both applications have been declined due to lack of forward motion in their will to be Caretakers.
  13. A warm beating heart to hold so near, A bullet to the head is what I most fear. A bit of a snack as we walk down the road, We only have one thing we know as a code. Eat the brains to survive this harsh land, Hide from the bright lights with our heads in the sand. So come to our town, you will love how we look. Don't you mind about all those brains we took.
  14. 143) Grido is the Harbinger of Death
  15. very awsome idea. Am loving it
  16. Be safe Tipu. The ocean is a strange mistress. The land of MD will smell a little cleaner without your gas propblems
  17. 30 silver for the elu
  18. 2g for the SW
  19. phantasm

    Sugar Rush

    so the over 400 head ball just becomes offlimits when someone who isn't in the event takes my heads, goes to offlimit lands. IF so then those not in the contest should not be able to take headballs from those who are in the event. This could easily be abuse. Someone not in the contest could take the heads ball, run to an offlimit area, and then laugh as those going after it get disqualified for going to offlimit lands.....wow
  20. phantasm

    Sugar Rush

    um...i just got disqualified for going after Krioni in the Tribunal who has 478 heads.....so its even illegal to go after people with big head balls in off limits areas?
  21. phantasm

    Sugar Rush

    how is that different then MDA?
  22. the gate has been added to the list in the CT section of this. Since pip is no longer a ciitzen of TB due to unfortunate circumstances it has been moved there. Therefore I would request this topic closed if Pip doesn't mind.
  23. i brought this topic up before. Not only was it changed from the orignal. Also included things from outside the realm of MD. While it was determined there was no copywright infringment I also thought it should not be changed. However last time most people knocked it down saying they were ok to do whatever they want and it died out. I suppose that is what will happen with this topic as well.
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