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Everything posted by phantasm

  1. actually that was about growth of the TB. That statement was made in err of those who would say that we are not promoting growth in the Tribunal. There has never been a fear of the CT's being disbanded due to lack of memebrs, since it has 5 members (one inactive). So perhaps its your hypocritical mind that percieves it as thus.
  2. actually before Eon and NoOne left SI had 3 members. Now it is currently in violation as well. Though to my knowledge there are no other UG citizens to raise such questions for their homeland. The SoS being a group in the Tribunal, the citizens worry about growth in numbers of citizens. To eb the question before it arrives, the CT's currently have 2 prospectful people who are under close watch to join and help the Tribunal grow.
  3. Under this annoucement: Ann. 1003 - [2009-09-07 13:46:17 - Alpha 9] Alliances and guilds with only two members (or multiple alts of same person resulting in a total of two different people) are requested to work on their guild/alliance structure and expand it with new members (according to their own ways) or undesired actions will be taken. Alliances in this situation: Dimensional Shifters, The Artisans Guild, Shattered Illusions, Kelle'tha Order, Crafters. The Seal of Six is currently in violation of this annoucement. Me, Sephirah, and other citizens of the Tribunal ask that action be taken against the SoS.
  4. With the recent development of showing depletions on screen, there is now a rash of people clearing the screen. For general information all those who clear screens in the Tribunal with herbs at there, will be considered the depletors if the herbs are below optimal ratios. These actions will be recorded and documents for further cases against individuals. I suggest you DO NOT clear screens with herbs at them.
  5. actually, the rules the Tribunal citizens have put on the herbs were only to keep them from being completly depleted. What was asked was that we not put any restrictions or rules that only certain people could farm at certain times. To my knowledge the Tribunal is the only land that the citzens as a conglometrate, which was before Eon took over SoS and kicked them all out, that agreed ona set number of farming for each zone. This rule still applies, and with the new update we are better informed on who is depleting resources. There are always those like Eon who do not respect or care about any rule or regulations made. Without the ability to enforce them, as no land now has since there is no such thing as rulers anymore, such people will constantly be a exception. While rules made to keep people out, or for only certain criteria of people are against policy, rules to keep any and all resources available are never wrong. *edit* [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10940-herbs/"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10940-herbs/[/url] added so that it can be directly linked to
  6. 20 silver note LoE
  7. 3g for the santa
  8. Hmm where do I start. Finally a good topic. I would like to start with thanking Zleiphneir. Few people know the true extent of this mans friendship. Being a strange and lazy goatboy is a nice front for the more intelligent man with words. My best friend in MD (yes i know its twisted to kill your own best friend), but also a main reason why I think some vets stick around. Its friends like these that keep us to the game, because honestly the game itself has lost most of its flavor of the "good ol' days". I would like to thank whoever (i imagine Mur) came up with the idea for Confused Santa. This being my 3rd Christmas as Phantasm, it was by far the best. Like others have said, actual interaction with someone who wanted to give out gifts was far better then clicking buttons. I still enjoy the presents under the tree. They have always been, and always will be good additions to those who are ACTIVE enough to deserve them. Even Active Days doesn't always mean active members in the community, and I think this year that fact was really targeted. I would like to thank DST, Seigheart, and all those other villains out there. I can't really think up anything good to say about you all, just figured being Christmas time should include the bad people I would like to thank the few in MD who really keep the game in its proper perspective. With all the "resources" and other things, many times this game seems to have turned into a horder game. Like most other FTP games its turned into 'who can have the most stuff and make everyone else look like jackasses, then tell them they are jackasses and hold the stuff up in front of them laughing'. The result is people like the Eon conglomerate, Seigheart's "position of power", Shape Shifter (in earlier times), and so on. Most of the value of what MD was founded and built upon by the vets before us is gone, and a new value of MD has arrived. Gold and Silver. Simple as that, its now a build em up game to see who can be the richest. I would like to thank Sagewoman. For more reasons to state, and some not proper for public statement:P I would like to thank everyone who puts work into the actual coding, ideas, and progress in MD. Though some of us don't always agree with the progress, it is still movement. Nothing is worse then a stagnant game, and at times it seemed MD was doomed, only to have movement rush at us with full speed. Rendril and I'm sure others, that have been added to help have made mass improvements and changes to the game this past year.
  9. which is why I am saying AS A COMMUNITY. This is MD, all we have to do is decide and stick to something as a whole. It has recently been horrible attempts at being a community. As is with the Eon rant/complain/flaming. Or with controlling of depleted resources. It only takes the vast majority the initiative to ban together for something and it happens. Who cares if it's against Murs rules or not. If it is against the Community rules, but not Murs it should be just as big of an offense as if it was his. The majority doesn't have the grand coding capabilities or the ability to force a player, but if enough people push, even mountains move.
  10. and I meant no ill against you Brulant, this is about the possibility of the actions, not what is current. You have done a fine job with your candy sales and are reasonable. Issue becomes whoever hordes the most, eventually even prevents you from making candy. For something that was supposed to be a friendly shared item to keep Brulunt from being a monopoly, it is imo being abused and should be prevented BY the community.
  11. We started to see this when it was a 200 cap. Now being a 800 cap, which was hit, we see it very much more. IAB himself has over 200 candies. Orvid has over 40 or 50 (who is an alt with no elu). These are not the only ones, there are several others. I understand completely about market fixing and trying to make a buck. I also understand hording a reasonable amount of candy for your Elu so that it will not run out of candy. What I don't understand is that, while it hasn't reached the point yet, but is quickly reaching where those with Elu's can not find candy unless paying unreasonable prices for it, simply because there is a cap for candy and is being abused by others. So my question to those out there. D[b]o you think candy hording to increase pricing is abuse, or good businessman-ship? [/b]This is one of the very few resources with a cap such as it is that seems to be constantly hit. It took less then a week to make the 200 cap, and not much longer than a month to hit the 800 cap. [b] So what do those with Elus, who have problems affording 20 or 30 silver a month to keep candy for their elus. Or do you feel that is the problem of the person with the Elu, and that it is of no personal concern?[/b]
  12. There is always something to do about alliance takeovers of an illegal nature. Its one thing to be taken over by soemone in the alliance who thinks you are not doing a good job. It is another to join for an "outside" reason only to invite soemone for a takeover. This will be looked into shortly.
  13. any update on voting starting? was supposed to start on friday
  14. *edit* errr yah, thank udgard
  15. my list was updated, please check it for additions, thank you
  16. 1 GC for the nutty
  17. Adventuring Award For the person most dedicated, or who perseveres most at quests. Not necessarily for completing, or winning the most. * [b]Curious[/b]- Often tries at most quests I see up, along with providing quests herself. Best Beautification For the person thought to be the most contributing to the appearance of the realm. Be it papers, artworks, or anything else- whatever is pleasant to the senses. [someone please "tidy" this description] * [b]Shape Shifter[/b]- created many artworks to add to items that now overrun the lands. Best Spell Caster For the person most enthusiastic or creative with casting spells - by which it is meant the use itself of them, the words used or another method by which the voter deems appropriate. * Champion Fighter For the person considered to be the best fighter in the realm, this does not necessarily have to be the strongest fighter in the realm, but the one that uses the combat system to the best effect. * [b]Shadowseeker[/b]- For not only training with others well, but respecting the wishes of those with problems fighting or stats. Elite Evil Villain of the Year For the person who is viewed as being the most villainous over the past year. The voter can interpret this in various ways, including but not limited to; most negative disturbance caused, most times sent to jail, most people peeved off by them, most ingenious/devious plan devised and carried out. * [b]Eon[/b]- meh gotta give it to her Fossil of the year For the player who has been around so long they have turned into a fossil. The player must be visibly active over the past year, and on the veterans list in game. * [b]yrthilian- [/b]If he gets any older he might turn to dust. The Golden Protector For the player who is viewed as performing the best in the role of protector(MP6) during the past year. The player does not have to currently be a protector. The voter should take into account the actions of the other protectors in the realm, rather than automatically voting for their own. Best can mean how helpful the protector has been, to how effective they have been in recruiting worshippers, this is at the voters discretion. * [b]Amoran K Kol[/b]- An outstanding MP6 who has been MP6 all year and frequented the park in order to heal and help noobs and vets. Helper of the Year For the player deemed to have been the most helpful. This is open to any player, and is not restricted to LHOs. The area of helpfulness the player focusses on can vary, but due to the original focus of the award being to LHOs, it would be implied that the award is based on peoples helpfulness towards newer players. The voter should realise that even though they may not get on with, or have been helped by one of the nominees, this does not mean that the player is not indeed helpful. * [b]MRAlyon[/b]- For alot of dedication in helping noobs through the front door. Most Addicted For the player who just can't leave MD for more than a minute without needing a fix. * [b]Zleiphenier[/b]- Goat boy just wont leave. Even when Idle is on often in some form or another. Outstanding Service to MD For the player thought to have done the most to contribute to MD over the year. This can be in any field. [b]BFH Lightning[/b]- His codings have progressed MD in massive direction Pre-eminent Role Player For the player deemed to Role Play the best. The player does not have to stay in character all the time to win this award (though it may help), rather when they do role play it is to the highest standard - this does usually go in hand with remaining in character. * [b]Zleiphneir[/b]- Who else? Prime Quest For the player seen as creating the best quest over the past year. Just because a voter did not manage to complete the quest, does not mean it was a bad quest necessarily, the voter is asked to take this into account when voting. * * * * * Rookie of the year For the player deemed to have made the most progress since they started their account. The player must have created their account since 1st January 2011 (inc) and be between 20 - 365 AD at the time of voting. By progress it is meant a step towards a defined role or position (not necessarily official) within the realm, or integration within the community to a large degree. [b]Falronn[/b] Top Techie For the person credited as creating the best MD-scripted event or script. * [b]Chewett[/b]- Did work with illusions and other technical stuffs..
  18. in a way there already is a few different type of leadership. Tribunal is under a dictatorship, one in which the dictator isn't really there for its people, but a dictatorship non the less. Yrth was more like the true King in senses of the term. Loved by most of his people, often never questioned, and king for LONG before actual kingships came around. Firs was more like a president. Trying to be political with his citizens, giving them the right and choice to voice their opinions. Allowing others in positions of power to make choices, or aid him in choices. Yes all have their up and down sides. So don't go flaming about how what king did what wrong or right. I am mearly stating that in such a world as MD often any title is nothing more then that. It is the decisions, actions, and use of what tools one has that makes up the meaning. One of the few ideals that haven't been seen in MD anymore is "Communism". Not in the horrible terms like Russia and Germany, but in the terms communism was really meant for. People all helping each other for the good of the group. So in a way, there already were different forms of leadership style, simply from the choices and ideals of the "king/queen" currently in charge. You almost can't help any other way of it, since as I said before, power is nothing more in MD then the desire and will to take action in a certain direction.
  19. By what criteria were the council members chosen for their position?
  20. awesome quests DST. One of the funner ones out this Halloween.
  21. happy birthday pip
  22. As the topic states, I will be leaving until after Sunday. My brother had his roof fail, and now leaks. American Thanksgiving is Thursday, so I will be spending the holiday up there and helping him put a new roof on. Should anything be needed, please contact me through forum PM.
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