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Everything posted by phantasm

  1. challenge creation team if all have not been picked, can send an outline if needed. pm for more info
  2. count me in on this team if you will have me
  3. we have yet to hear from chewy *pokes chewy with his wookie beating stick*
  4. team USA and team Brit have enough battles as it is, perhaps a more original grouping name is appropriate. perhaps like Team Fire Team Ice something that is not biased in most senses of the term. perhaps we should let the oldest active vets pick. Perhaps chewy can pick one team leader and MB can pick the other *edit* no matter who picks team leaders, I'm sure we will see 'unfair' and flames be thrown about. I think this way may be perhaps the most unbiased even if they pick themselves as leaders.
  5. a couple of question: 1. Is sasha already dead? (your quest description is a little confusing due to lack of information) 2. If so where is the RP of it? 3. When will this *choice* be decided? 4. What will the outcome be of each choice? (if sasha stays dead is the char gone forever?) If this is all about roleplay where, when, and in what form will all of this take place? Your quest description is VERY vague
  6. ditto with dst's comment
  7. close please, discussion will take place soon.
  8. memorial is a locked post in the Caretaker section. If any comments or questions past then please direct to here
  9. here is the log of the event. Masterchief phantasm: *smiles and nods* sephi : phantasm nods to BFH phantasm: I would have been here sooner, but was working dilligently on the memorial : *Mya Celestia* lands on the path near the fence : *BFH LIGHTHING* nods Sephirah Caelum: yes Masterchief. Anything I should do now? phantasm: Are you prepared for the service? : Sephirah Caelum nods phantasm: good, good phantasm: I am afraid the memorial isn't as beautiful as I had hoped to make it, my artisan skills are somewhat lacking : phantasm takes off the cloth and reveals a stone statue of wrists together coming out of the ground, the hands face outwards, holding an open book : phantasm there is a small chip out of the top left side of the book, and upon the book is an inscription that says "Never forgotten, So Never Really Gone" : phantasm the statue is humble, and a bit rough, but sturdy Sephirah Caelum: it is a memorable statue masterchief Sephirah Caelum: should I start? phantasm: give others a few moments to come : Sephirah Caelum nods and waits at the left of the statue *Mya Celestia*: Maybe an announcement at the park? phantasm: a good idea mya, would you mind? *Mya Celestia*: Sure : *Mya Celestia* flies off : *Shadowseeker* looks arounds silently, then just decides to sit down on the grass : Seigheart walks to the House with his Shade leering over his shoulder. : Sephirah Caelum nods to the coming Seigheart: Will Renavoid be here? *Mya Celestia*: *lands again* Posted at the park and GoE : phantasm shakes his head no Seigheart: Before we begin, a shameless plug? phantasm: I would rather you didn't Sephirah Caelum: thankyou Mya Seigheart: Oh well, look at my MoodPanel at any rate. Win a Free Rusty. : *Mya Celestia* frowns Sephirah Caelum: Please respect the moment Mr *looks at Seigheart* : phantasm waits to see if any others are joining Seigheart: And now the time to lament has come upon us... : Seigheart takes his place on the Wall overlooking the Accursed Growth. phantasm: *clears his throat and begins* Today we gather to pay respects to the work done by Renavoid : phantasm points to a stone carving beside him, about waist high phantasm: the statue is of two wrists together coming from the ground, the hands facing way rom ech other holding an open book* : phantasm the book has a small chip out of the top left side and engraved on the book is the words "Never Forgotten, So Never Really Gone" : phantasm takes out of his cloak a small wood carving of a man sitting on a bench, playing a lute phantasm: [Video link] phantasm: Many viewed him in many ways, but all know he was Master Archavist and a writer of songs : phantasm places the small wood carving upon the book of the stone memorial : phantasm nods for Sephirah to come forward : phantasm steps out of the way so Sephirah may take the spot he was standing : Sephirah Caelum nods and walks foward Sephirah Caelum: The Renavoid I knew Sephirah Caelum: was a man who loved his dragons Sephirah Caelum: loved his friends Sephirah Caelum: helped the ones in need when he was close Sephirah Caelum: that is the Renavoid I knew. And this is the one I'll remember. : Sephirah Caelum nods and paces back phantasm: *walks back to his place* We all choose to remember those of great name in their own way phantasm: many of us too young to know him when he was most active Seigheart: Shoeps. *nods and smiles* Shoeps: phantasm: I remember when I was a very young MP4 phantasm: the crazed Renavoid, who spent his days flying around in an airship, and finally crashing into this very house phantasm: we thought him gone from us then, but walked from rubble and continues his days, though much less active and more distant then before phantasm: DST has come here today to tell her viewpoint of the man : *dst* clears throat phantasm: though her's may not be the same as ours, it is no less important : phantasm nods to DST *dst*: yes, I will present Rentavaoid the way I knew him *dst*: to me he was an abuser *dst*: back then, in the old days, we all were young, inexperienced and a little...noobs phantasm: [Video link] : Sir Noobalot walks in and waves HELLO! *dst*: my only hobby in MD was fighting *dst*: stats, xp, raising crits, more stats *dst*: naturally, I attacked everything that moved *dst*: until one day when I hit a wall *dst*: it was Renavoid *dst*: I checked his stats and my jaw dropped *dst*: his regen, attack and def were huge *dst*: we had an rgument because I accused him of cheating *dst*: cheating by asking Mur to incerase his stats *dst*: Renavoid denied it *dst*: Mur denied it *dst*: but I was not convinced that everything was as Renavoid said it was *dst*: he said that he got the stats by fighting *dst*: little did i know back then that he was an NPC (same as wodin and smary) *dst*: so he was able to attack everyone each minute *dst*: from that moment I kept an eye on renavoid Pipstickz: And ever since then you hated him, good story *dst*: he doesn't deserve my hate Seigheart: I do! Pipstickz: Of course not. *dst*: btw Pip: if i bore you, you can leave *dst*: and come back when I am done *dst*: ok, i will be short from now on phantasm: yes please remain quiet Pipstickz: Oh, you're the only reason I'm here. *dst*: imo his rp sucked : Asterdai coughs *dst*: what's the thing with spaceships and all that nonsense? : phantasm chuckles *dst*: he was in charge of Al *dst*: what he did? *dst*: he wrote anout unknown players back then *dst*: as an example: Amoran and her alt Kalamanira Kol *dst*: he left out people like Sacophils, Cirith and other great players *dst*: first time I met Amoran was in the Al *dst*: that is not good *dst*: anyway, back to our sheep *cough* renavoid *dst*: he left and came back at one point *dst*: he started a quest *dst*: I joined only to watch him leave again in the middle of the quest *dst*: since then I never bother with his quests *dst*: oh...and as a small gossip *dst*: it is said that the first time he left, he did it cause Mur didn't give him what he wanted dst*: also I heared that Renavoid wanted Mur to ban him so he tried to piss Mur phantasm: *coughs a little and smiles* thank you DST *dst*: imo that says a lot about someone *dst*: ok, I am done *dst*: now I can go and sleep *dst*: thank you : Sephirah Caelum nods to dst phantasm: *clears his throat and speaks* In DST's own way she shows us all something Seigheart: If you say so... phantasm: we are all imperfect, we all suffer from our own flaws, from the newest of noobs, to the greatest of veterans phantasm: As she said, he also helped to create powerful persona's in new players *dst*: yeah, he pissed me so bad that I wanted to be stronger then him *dst*: maybe I should thank him for that...hmmm..maybe not *dst*: sorry...im done phantasm: He helped to create a spirit in others, whether he, or they knew it or not phantasm: Through both his songs, and his writings phantasm: Kings also knew him well, all muddling through the stages of noob together phantasm: For we are all noobs once : phantasm nods for Yrthillian to step forward and steps aside Pipstickz: . yrthilian: huh sorry wass not to awake there : phantasm chuckles yrthilian: hmm well i cant speak for the othr kings but i knew ren from back when i started yrthilian: thoes were the days yrthilian: Ren knew me when i was just starting my work on being a technomage yrthilian: wow that was a long time ago yrthilian: it was always good fun to talk about MD stuff with ren he always had a diffrent view one could ponder yrthilian: made on think a lot about what they seen and believed yrthilian: shame we dont have that thies days. even though it was hard getting info from ren it was always worth the chat phantasm: [Video link] yrthilian: he will be missed : *dst* cough phantasm: *nods in agreement* well said phantasm: Renavoid affected the life of most all the veterans of today, some in good, some in bad phantasm: He still affects those of today, with the stories you hear now, will carry on with you phantasm: Let us hope this memorial provides a way for those who have yet to find this realm a way to hear such stories again phantasm: and that those of us in this realm for long already, to remember that we all play a part in this place phantasm: Sheops would you care to say a few words? Shoeps: Well. Ren was a good guy and always helpfull Shoeps: I might say i know him pretty wel sinse i worked close with him in the old days Shoeps: It is a big los for md. Shoeps: All i want to say is tha I will miss him. Shoeps: Thank you for letting me say a little word. phantasm: *nods* as I think most of us here will phantasm: From the oldest of us that still walk this place, to some of the very new veterans have had their lives impacted by such a man phantasm: as to only hope that one day, we all have such an impact upon others as Renavoid did us Pipstickz: I disagree phantasm: One of the newer veterans is Mya, who now carries a dragon of Renavoid's *nods for Mya to come forward* : *Mya Celestia* steps forward *Mya Celestia*: Two years ago I came to this realm and remember seeing the list of RPCs. Renavoid's name was one of them. *Mya Celestia*: I'll be honest. When I first met anybody on that list and they spoke to me, I was "star struck". *Mya Celestia*: After nearly a year and a half, I thought I was over that until I met Renavoid at the inn. *Mya Celestia*: I know that sounds silly. *Mya Celestia*: He quickly wisked that away with a friendly chat and stories of mattress racing. *Mya Celestia*: It wasn't long after that Ren a few others and myself had a mattress race. It was great fun. *Mya Celestia*: *laughs softly* Even better was when we bungee jumped at Wind's Sanctuary *Mya Celestia*: Although I think Rensak sort of let Ren miss the mattress. Sir Noobalot: (O.o) *Mya Celestia*: For all the laughs and fun, Ren always slipped a comment in at some point that made you think. *Mya Celestia*: His little comments got me studying spell docs and principles at a deeper level. *Mya Celestia*: *looks over at the house* While many knew him in their own ways, there's a real chance that none will ever get to meet him again. *Mya Celestia*: That's what's truly sad : *Mya Celestia* nods to Phantasm before stepping down : phantasm nods in agreement and steps up again phantasm: As many veterans before, some become legends, people who impacted the very foundatino of this place* phantasm: ammy would you like to say a few words? phantasm: *raises an eyebrow and then speaks* Sephirah will now say a few words in closing : Sephirah Caelum nods and steps foward Sephirah Caelum: Death, in many ways is something more temporary then permanetn in this world Sephirah Caelum: this momentus is to remember the beuty of a life Sephirah Caelum: not only the good things or qualitis of Renavoid Sephirah Caelum: ut also his mistakes, afterall, everything he did, told and did was him Sephirah Caelum: *bows* thank you everyone for joining. : Amoran K Kol frowns slightly. phantasm: (you would if you wre on fenrir) Seigheart: (I have to sit on his lap in order to say something?) : *dst* high fives phantasm *dst*: kudos!! Curiose: whoot. : x Curiose: Yes, Seig, we totally want you to sit on his lap and go for a spin because you obviously aren't fenrir. Seigheart: <--- Seigheart. : phantasm pokes ammy again *dst*: as we say in romanian: go and walk the bear Sephirah Caelum: *looks around and stends hand to her place* please, say a few words to Renavoid Curiose: What does that mean? : Amoran K Kol glances down at Phantasm's finger, showing him a blank look. Amoran K Kol: Very well. Seigheart: Maybe it should stay in Romanian. In english it means... nothing. O.o : *Mya Celestia* coughs Amoran K Kol: I do have a few words to say.. *dst*: no, it shouldn't phantasm: *smiles* by all means ammy *dst*: cause it says lots in english Seigheart: Go walk a bear? Curiose: Well, I know a bear is a dangerous animal that could tear you to shreds... Seigheart: It's a redundant euphamism. : Amoran K Kol frowns at Seigheart and dst. Seigheart: So are dogs, Curiose. Amoran K Kol: Renavoid, though he had his faults, did many things for many people in this realm. Seigheart: Bears are just as like to attack you as a dog is. Amoran K Kol: He attempted to uphold the legend of BigC, Khalazdad, and others, and I find that I can respect him for this. Curiose: As is you proclaiming to nto be fenrir-- redundant. And they are, but they are domesticated. But anywho, I will shush for Amo-Ladeh. ,3 Curiose: ^<3 Seigheart: I CLEARLY am NOT Fenrir. Amoran K Kol: He helped create stories for those who were new to the realm, and attempted to bring something special to this place Curiose: Are you a fool? Clearly. Amoran K Kol: He was met with misfortune, but I commend him for trying. Amoran K Kol: Of all his faults, I find his determination outshined them all. Amoran K Kol: That is all I wish to say Seigheart: Curiose, my name is Seigheart, not Fenrir. If a bunch of petty little women can't grow up enough to just drop this, what can I do. : Curiose pounces on Amoran. Curiose: Well, I'll grow up once you grow some balls and maybe a brain. : Amoran K Kol sighs phantasm: I would like to thank everyone for coming to this memorial Seigheart: I have more balls than you can handle. And I don't need to have a brain to have more than you. Asterdai: and me to thank you for your well thought out words : Sagewoman hands Mya a package of tissues Seigheart: I would like to thank Phantasm for ruining it with his snide remarks. : Asterdai lowers her head *Mya Celestia*: (Seig's fb pic doesn't look a pic I saw of Fenrir) Amoran K Kol: The ego will be the death of us all. Curiose: Sure, since it's fried in your own greed and stuidity. Curiose: ^stupidity : Rumi wonders about those mouth sewing kits phantasm: Many wonderful things were said, and hopefully it provided an insight to who Renavoid was for those of us who knew little about him Amoran K Kol: This community is diminished and damaged.. we cannot even hold a memorial for a fallen member without arguing over petty things. Seigheart: (Ughh, that's because I'M NOT FENRIR) *Mya Celestia*: (that was the point I was trying to mak Seigheart: (I know, and I appreciate that Mya.) : *Mya Celestia* nuzzles Ancally then hugs him gently Shoeps: AKK, you are right.. phantasm: *nods in agreement with Ammy* though it easy enough to overlook the few for the whole Sagewoman: *stage whisper* Has dst fried Renavoid yet or did I miss it? Amoran K Kol: Do not encourage, Sage. phantasm: aye wife, you did, though I will post a copy of the memorial *dst*: have a bit of decency Sagewoman: I'm no longer your wife. *blows nose* : phantasm points again to the statue, two wrists together, hands spread opposite each other and holding a book : *dst* blows nose also thinking blowing noses is what ladies do : phantasm the book has a chip out of the top left side, and an inscription upon the book reads "Never Forgotten, So Never Really Gone" Seigheart: *offers dst a handkerchief* You've made a mess all over yourself. : phantasm upon the statue is a small wood carving of a man sitting on a bench playing a lute : Sagewoman eyes water up as so she dabs at them with a clean tissue : *dst* uses seig's cloths to wipe her nose instead of the hancky Sagewoman: (lol) Seigheart: curist phantasm: This memorial stands for Renavoid, let us always remember through it that it is we who change the world, should we chose to do so Amoran K Kol smiles faintly at Phantasm. : Seigheart is not wearing any clothes, but leggings and a loin cloth *dst*: Amen! : Amoran K Kol turns and walks back toward the Howling Gates. phantasm: Thank you all again for coming, and Mur bless Sagewoman: Was there a body to bury or is it still within the House? I missed everything. *dst*: no body...unfortunatley... phantasm: there is no burial, this is not a tombstone, it is a memorial to his life and works, not his death Sephirah Caelum: but the memorial is on the place where he died Sagewoman: Ah. So that is how it is. Seigheart: Poponar phantasm: for now, hopefully one day we will have a whole amass of memorials for all greats and not so greats that pass form this land Seigheart: We shall see Renavoid within a few months again. So fear not!
  10. speaking of posting the memorial. It would have been done some days ago, but Chewett felt that my locked post for it in the CT section needed to be poofed or watever the hell you did with it.. Now my forum shows as there is an unread topic on it, but it isn't there. Would be be kind enough to put it back where it belongs so that I can. I spoke to DST prior to making the two posts if that is the reason you felt the need to mess with it. It was meant for the official stuff while the one in the General Forum was for comments. Soon as it's back and the CT forum is fixed, I will post the complete unedited log, including the ludicrous bit at the end with seighart and curios.
  11. "I really don't see any harm in having memorials for people. If people want to remember them and the things they have done for people and how they had an impact on others, whats the harm? Just leave the AL stuff out and keep it to more personal experiences. Afterall, I'd hate to think that a person's value in MD is summed up by their inclusion/exclusion and relativity to the AL." Those that were there for the memorial can attest that very little was being said about the AL and the events. Most of it was exactly what you said. Talking about the person and their effects on others of us around here. It's like telling a story, but not about great slaying of the drag. Instead. its about all the other things a person did that affected who we are and we will be. I honesty don't see the harm in doing it more then once, or for that matter even the person being memorialized while "alive". Heck I love to tell a good story and so do many others. We could do it every day for different people.....in a perfect world of game time We are all those people. We all affect others in more ways then imaginable in a 10-fold. Some affected many more of us and in greater ways then others. Some were extraordinary and effected us all. Both are "legends". Age doesn't matter, size, shape, and alignment either. Age just helps us to narrow it down a little better. As well as greater effect on the mass of MD. People have to take something and find something flawed and run with it like a kid with a sparkler. We aren't carving this into the landscape of MD. We are gathering a group of people together for a common goal. This was the first test of something us Caretaker's have been wanting to do more of. With Renavoid departing for now, it was good timing of who to do first. Is he not well known? Is he not had a great affect on many of us? OK. A trial run that turned out badly I must say. Hopefully the next one will go a bit smoother. Some I must say that this one defiantly had some snags on our end. The short amount of time between the roleplay and the memorial defiantly caused some issues. Sunday was a day off work for me that I could get some vets i talked to together, wish I could have contacted more in time. I could have explained a little better in the initial post, and been a bit more clear. Though probably even if the original would have been clearer I doubt it would have changed much. I hope this explains things a bit better.
  12. i see, so when you leave (if MD is still around after that point), we should forget about your contributions and just move on? We should simply forget everything about what created MD and instead create falsities? Say summoned army for example. New players shouldn't know that at one time it was called Summon Actraiser's Army? Or that Actraiser had a main role in helping to create the archives? To me you are saying "Who cares what everyone did, here it is, use it and ignore everything else" For being the leader of an alliance that is supposed to be doing research on the past of principles, magic, and other things of the realm, you are pretty closed minded.
  13. so what are you saying Akasha, that no veteran, legend or not, should be remembered? Did Khalazdad or Bootes ever do wrong? We are all only human, and I would like to think we are preserving his personality and how he helped others, as well as his works in the AL. As far as the whole spaceship goes, of course that was a little over the top, and therefore not really detailed much in stories now. Do you mean to say that everything Renavoid did in the AL was wrong? Or just the end, so therefore all the things he did before that are automatically scrapped? Maybe I am confused, but he was Master Archivist for a LONG time for a reason wasn't he? You talk about questions, information, and finding answers. Yet how can the youth attempt to ask questions if they know nothing of the mistakes and triumphs of those of the past? This isn't "LORE" like you always go nuts about every time someone tries to do something involving the past. This is the honest discussion of who Renavoid was to many of us. He DID play a major part in the AL for a long time. He DID impact alot of people in both the positive and negative way. He WAS/IS one of the oldest veterans that stuck around for a long time, no matter how many times he "died". He DID write, with the help of others, songs that were a positive impact on MD as a whole. The CT's plan on doing more memorials like the one for Renavoid. They aren't to "dissillusion" the past, but to let us, and future players, see what kind of people played MD before them. When Khalazdad or Bootes, or Phrog, or a Johns come up is this going to be a reoccurring moment of your, to "scrap the past and move on with the future"? I know for many facts that it isn't the way it happens in society. Half the reasons any society has and kind of good left in it, is from heros, legends, books, and stories of the past. We are not "making up ancient lore" like Hey Tribunal was built by aliens who liked to play Checkers. We gathered around and told our reflections on a REAL character in MD who affected MANY MANY people.
  14. Screenshots of games before WoW I no longer have. Here is a list of games since 1994 when me and my brother first started playing MMOs. Listed are only premium paid online games. The Realm is the only free one listed, until Sierra baught it in 1997. 1994-1998 The Realm (was baught by Sierra in 1997) *names* Phantasmagoria, Zuez This was one of the first actual MMO's to be made. I started the game when there were two screens. One was an 'instance' of you personal hut, and exiting that hut there was grassy plain screen. There was one grey wolf that spawned every 5 minutes that 10 or so of us had to fight over. The creator and his partner would all sit around and talk with us about how to better the game. Screens slowly got added until finally a part of a town (i think it's name was leinchester, was a long time) I was co-leader of a guild called The Assassin's Guild after Timothy stepped down in 1995. There were two sides of the guild the good, and the evil side. Was one of the largest weddings held in game in 1997 before Sierra took over the game. In that game GMs could gift as they pleased, and I was given a suit of gold armor. (the 2nd non-GM to ever wear it). The guild dissolved around that time, and I joined Legion of Hades (LoH). Left The Realm in late 1998. 1998-2000 Ultima Online (Origin game) *names* Zuez Came to Ultima Online around a year after its release with the LoH guild. Great Lakes server. Nothing spectacular in the 2 years i played. Was a miner and smith. Owned a castle and boat. Ultima Online I would have to say is probably one of the best games I ever played. It's balance between crafting, story, and fighting was fantastic. It was an 'open world' system, meaning anyone could attack anyone, including in towns. It was the first game to have a factioning system in which you could lose or gain faction with other towns. It was also unique in when ingaged in combat with another player, the guards killed whomever had the least faction with them. Castles could be broken into and things stolen from it. Mages could set traps on chests, doors, pictures, about anything to deter it. Most any sort of thing that could have been constructed in midevil times was the same in UO. It's graphics and engine were its 2 downfalls. Everquest came out and UO was all but forgotten. 2002-2005 Everquest (Sony Entertainment) *names* Wahledor Played on Povar server. Was a barbarian tank. Played all the way up to the Planes of Time before leaving. Was in a raid alliance and was a raid off-tank (name eludes me). We raided 4 nights a week, each raid time taking between 4-6 hours. One of the few warriors to own both the Scepter of Destruction, and Blade of Carnage. Used those weapons until finishing my epic weapon shortly before leaving the game. My father and brother also played. My father was Nikeah a well known cleric on that server. Brother was Galedienie a druid. Started on expansion 'Plane of Power' and ended on expansion 'Depths of Darkhallow'. All left the game around the same time for WoW. 2005-2007 World of Warcraft (Blizzard Entertainment) *names* Wahledor, Phantasm Undead warrior. Was a tailor/enchanter as well. This was a great game in the start. Started a few months after it actually started to the public. Played Doomhammer server. Was secondary tank in alliance 'Terminus'. Raided BWL, Onyxia, Ruins of Ahn'Quirage, Zul'Gurub, Molten Core, and Upper Black Rock Spire. Was max level 60 with many of the epic tailor/enchantment recipes, as well as full raid gear. "The Burning Crusade" expansion came out and all the big guilds fell apart. The officers of our alliance, along with our main raid force, formed the alliance "Urban Achievers". Most raiding had moved down to a 15 man scale instead of the much larger scale (40 man) raids like BWL. Maxed level 70 and raided for a while. Was main raid tank for UA. Raided Kharazan Gruul's Lair, and old raids that had become much easier with the new armor/levels. Raided 4 days a week, time varying upon instanced raid. The Arena was the downfall of WoW IMO. The expansion already devastated most large scale guilds. The "core" of raiders as were often known, felt like they had too many people they were carrying on their cloaks, so left to form small alliances where everyone had to do their part. Then the Arena destroyed most of those with their 'elitist' 6 man teams. Once teams were chosen there was no changing, so many spent more time in the arena then in raids. All 3 of us left and went to Vanguard. I have some screenshots of WoW. 2007-2008 Vanguard (Sony Entertainment) *names* Wahledor Was a Giant Warrior. Was a Blacksmith/Armorsmith. (server name eludes me) Started in alliance 'Beyond Redemption'. After a few issues the alliance fell apart and became Main Raid Tank for "Blood Sworn". Owned largest house and boat possible at the time. (boat made by Shutat my brother). Raided 'Ancient Port Warehouse' raid at max level of 50 (required level to raid). My father was exiled from the alliance after a few issues, and have not playing online games with him since. I have quite a few screenshots of Vanguard. Main downfall of Vanguard was it was PvE only, and at the time was only one raid zone. Crafting is what kept most of us around until we all maxed it out and got bored. Raided 3 days a week, usually lasting about 4-5 hours per raid. Have screenshots of this game. 2008-2009 Warhammer (Mythic Entertainment) *names* Wahledor, Phantasm My and my brother Shutat moved to Warhammer on its initial release date. We both played a little of the Closed beta and purchased the premium edition of Warhammer. Included a book, figurine, ingame stuff, and a few other little treats. Was a Chaos Chosen class. Was mainly PvP game with a few small PvE instances. Started with alliance called Strife. The alliance dissolved and joined "Imitatio Dei". Was as you guessed it, a warrior, and tank for many of the group instances held in the alliance. Was originally in "Sylvania" server (i think). Servers were merged and became part of 'Volkmar' server. When on the original server, was well known in the PvP 10 man instances. Left 'Imitatio Dei' and form the alliance 'Shadows'. Did alot of leading raids in the open RvR fields against castles. At one time led 4 raids simultaneously. (Full raids consisted of 32 members) The downfall of Warhammer was the server merging. When the original servers were up, most RvR open fields were one/two raid vs one/two raid, with a slight difference in numbers. People knew who people were on the other side and was a very personal fun game. When the servers merged into "mega-servers" there were sometimes upwards of 200 people on each side. It opened up availability to City Raids, which was fun, but due to the overwhelming amount of players many times the server would crash due to overload of a zone. Had top end gear before the server merges, and most City Raid Gear before leaving after the merge. Left in late 2009 I have quite a few screenshots of this game. 2010 (one month) *names* Wahledor Aion (NCSoft Corp) Shortest time playing ever:D. Me brother convinced me to join this game. It isn't Euro or USA based so it didn't have to follow that USA/Euro gaming standards. We both purchased the game which came with a one month free trial. Before the month was ever up my brother's account was suspended for "illegal activities". He, of course, had done no such thing and was outraged. Called the company, sent letters, sent emails, and they pretty much told him tuff luck and if he wanted to play to buy another account. Apparently after research this was known to happen to alot of people. The game was full of spammers and gold-farmers. I have, and would give again this game the most negative review possible. November 2010-current *names* Wahledor Lord of the Rings Online (Turbine) With having a long spell of not playing MMO's with my brother he talked me once again into another game. I had me doubt initially with LOTRO, but it seems good so far. As many know I just took a new job where I work 12 hour shifts, so I don't have much time to play this one. Am currently level 40, and I believe max level is 65. Am a Grand Master Prospector, Master Jeweler, and Grand Master cook. *Grand master is mastery level of T5, T6 is max* Currently unguilded while learning the game and its dynamics. This doesn't include Closed Beta's I had acess to or played, such as DarkFall, Age of Conan, Guild Wars, and a few others. This also doesn't include MUD games that predate any sort of multimedia games. Since my mother was a teacher, we were one of the few around my home to have personal computers in their early stages. Playing such games as "The Art of War at Sea" and such were a thrilling part of our life. (Art of War at Sea was released in 1987, when the Apple II took over the world of computers). Screenshots can be posted or sent upon request, as there are ALOT of them, and some were scene when I posted them in the forum for a short time before taking off by request. *edit* the date of when Sierra officially baught The Realm, and the date I stated as starting played may not be 100% accurate. The CD I still have of The Realm was dated 1997. However Sierra did buy it before they released the "pay to play" CD. As to the accurate date I am a little fuzzy on due to the length of time ago it was. Also the date started may have been 93 instead of 94, though I do know for sure I was playing it in 94.
  15. Again, it is temporary. Hopefully at some point obviously we hope to have a permanent placement. I understand the symbology of it being at MDA. His 'deaths' of sorts both happened at the House. So from a standpoint view of "bury where they lay" it seems the right choice to do it. I simply chose that spot for the value of it is. Also I agree MB. Awiiya did wonderful work with the memorials i have copies of, and I hope to give them a place just as special as the rest. As Renavoid's is not written yet, I hope that through this ceremony and speaking with people it CAN be written. I will have to have alot of help to get certain details so the memorial can be written. This is a ceremony for those to remember whoever they think Renavoid was. Some only heard him in stories, some like me saw him twards the end when he was flying around in his ship, some who knew him well and liked him, some who don't like him still. The speakers aren't limited to who was named, any such as you MB or anyone that had such time with him is welcomed. In the time-frame i talked to who i could and set what seemed like the best reasonable time frame for all. This isn't some private event, it is a well displayed and given a few days to try and free that time frame. Its a gathering for people to remember, talk, and listen to the stories about an important vet, no different then it will be for you,chewy, grido, dst, Zeiph, ShadowSeeker, Inno, and on and on and on and on. Or let us hope it will be a little less controversial. The written one obviously needs to be elegant and well written in order to be a proper memorial like the ones in awiiya's book. My hope is that THROUGH this event it creates a good medium of information to write it. As far as the whole coming back thing. I really don't know what the answer to that is, because it's not as if his body is being buried there and he can't dig out. It's not a grave, its a memorial. Why is Renavoid the first and not other vets that some think are more important then other? Timing, We have wanted to do some work in this area for quite some time, and this is the first kind of leaving since Granos "asked to be struck down". I honestly and pretty obviously didn't know this this would have been such a controversial matter, as to needed have been explained in a lot more detail. I hope some of this clears up the matter.
  16. I would have posted here earlier, but was at work until about an hour ago. Honestly I had no clue I was interrupting SN, until was told, which was why i added the saying. As others have said, it is a prime time for MD as a whole, and it isn't easy trying to get such people together in such a short time. As awiiya has said, the best advertising, or time to do certain events, is sooner then later. I apologize if I came/or do come across as rude, its never my intentions to ever by purposely rude, unless your Z of course, because i always am purposely rude to him. Do I think this event 'is more important'? Yes, but I'm not trying to put you or SN down as it is a good program. Just a matter of timing.
  17. So; 1: Who is going to speak and why will they speak? 2: What aspects of Renavoid are you planning on commemorating? As I cannot imagine you to be able to do the whole lot. 3: Are you absolutely certain about the location? What is your motivation for that place, besides being one of the locations where he 'died'. 4: Are you planning on doing this for other legends and is it perhaps not better to get this done in a permanent fashion, par example a memorial hall of fame? And would this not be a better solution in the case of Renavoid suddenly coming back to live.. again? 1. A few of the speakers I hope to be there, and talked to already, will be yrth, dst and firs. I thought the value of kings/queens in this place would be well accepted. I know Mya will be there, and hopefully inno, and many other people who knew or didn't know Ren. With such short timing and me just coming out of the Tribunal a few days ago I only had time to talk to a few. 2. I plan on most aspects to be talked about by speakers who knew him well. This is not just to commemorate his great works, but the person who he was. As MB says, lore is a very difficult thing to deal with in MD. It is often better to remember the personality of friendships and foes. That's as important as the works he did. The affect he had upon others as a person. Those truths are just as valuable. I know a little of his deeds, of course many of us know his works with the AL, and much more I hope to find out as others at this ceremony. I don't pretend to be all knowing in any degree or fashion. I am a noob just like the rest of us in our own ways. 3. The location is a bit more of a temporary spot then a permanent one. Both his "deaths" were at the House, and yes while it is a very ominous place full of sorrow filled pasts, it is still a place of importance. Me, Sephi, and other CTs have wanted to make a "graveyard" so to speak in the Tribunal for some time. Obviously with such turmoil in the Tribunal right now, and my limited amount of acess to its clickies and places, it is quite difficult. 4. Yes, we would like to have a memorial for all legends of old, and new ones too as they arise. The great hall, where it would look like statue heads would be, obviously would be the prime place for such things, though as to its design only Mur knows. At some point I would like to see it filled with not only such large names at Khal and Ren, but with smaller ones that some newer people don't even know who played such rolls. How many young people now know of Bootes or Blackthorn, or Phrog. I have the memorials from Awiiya's collection and plan to use them to incorparate it all at soem point. (would right more but have to go to work)
  18. i am truly surprised by this. Chewy you know as well as any I'm a noob compared to many that still walk this realm. I was lucky enough to have caught witness to such greats as ren, woodin, bigc, khal, gargant, you, grido, dst, bootes, etc etc on and on and on. Also with what MB says, I am in no way forgetting about those others who have paved the way. With the exception of Granos's death, few deaths every truly happen. Mya's was of a different exception in some cases, as for the reasons we know, and is still such a wonderful part of this community. Yes I was that young when Ren crashed into the house. As to Awiiya, wasn't robin hood, abe lincoln, Fianna Mc' Chumhal *sp*, and so many others a little fictional? Real as they were, and as much as they did, don't they deserve a little embellishment? I spoke with several people before and after I did this decision of ranks up there with some of your twos. Some of us know know of the wide viewpoints of who he was. Does that make it any less worthy? Khal and Bootes who I hardly had the chance to know are heros in things of fiction if they were or were not. Does that make them any less valuable?
  19. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1295458900' post='77695'] I agree totally with Awiiya, Renavoid has left and come back numerous occasions, As have MANY vet's. What he did was perhaps not mourned about last time but i wouldnt really say there is much difference, he did a little bit with Inno's AL but last time he did a lot more... Many players declare themselves dead and then come back, So ya wont be seeing me there, Hope you have a nice time, But really if you cared about what he did, you would have done it when he left after all the work he did. [/quote] Considering I think I was an MP4 at the time he left, when he crashed the ship, [color="#cccccc"](Page 454 [2009-02-27 23:42:34 - The Traveler][/color]), *which also happened at the House of Liquid Dust* I don't see where the timing is involved to pay respect for all the work he did. Period. Most every one of the names you have said have been gone for a LONG time, or if they do come back its few and far between (as that character of course). The rp events with Inno have happened recently and therefore this is done as a whole. It would be different if someone left and came back every other week, and then I would agree with you. Does the fact they are gone make their deeds any less valuable? If there was a memorial done for blackthorn and his additions to MD would it make his deeds any less valued, even though he has been gone for a long time? I am surprised by your reaction chewy, I would think you would give more credibility for the event then that. That last sentence was almost aggressive if i had to say. *edit* oh sorry 2 years ago
  20. 3 silver for the sharptear
  21. bump!
  22. I am unsure. This is a momentous occasion, as very rarely do veterans such as Renavoid leave from this world. The time of this event can not be moved or waivered due to trying to make availability for the kings and players who knew Ren well. If this interferes with story time my apologies and perhaps it can be moved a little to work with this schedule.
  23. I am looking to make a robe and am looking for some sort of cloth. Please PM me in game, in forum, or post here if you have something like that.
  24. sorry the link to the story is now added for those to read who have not kept up with the story progression
  25. A Memorial Service will be held for Renavoid at the House of Liquid Dust at 20:30 server time on Day 22 (Sunday, January 23rd) Please be sure to show up a few minutes early in order to pay respects. There will be a few short speeches by some veteran speakers, and a small memorial placed by the house in his memory. All are welcome to come, thought please do try and keep noise to a minimum during the service. *edit* Here is a link for those who have not been following Innocence's player log. http://magicduel.com/players/Innocence
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