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Everything posted by phantasm

  1. To answer the PMs I have received in and out of game, I feel I have helped enough with the logs. I am going out of state today and will not be back until after this quest is over. There is enough information on all but the resurrection part in the log I posted to do a fine article.
  2. Due to the quest started by Passant, and the current ramblings, this log is now posted. [spoiler] [18/11/11 17:23] phantasm: *steps up on the stand* Days of our past stand before us [18/11/11 17:23] phantasm:Today is but tomorrow's memory and yesterdays dream [18/11/11 17:24] phantasm:in it holds our hopes, our ambitions, our dreams, and our fears [18/11/11 17:25] phantasm:Resources from far and near have began to stream into this world [18/11/11 17:27] phantasm:What new things will it bring? [18/11/11 17:27] phantasm:What will we use to create or destory with all the wonders this world brings [18/11/11 17:28] phantasm:For so long, content has been in hording and waiting for the day to put to use thse things we hold [18/11/11 17:29] phantasm:that day has not come, but who will you be, and what will be remembered about you when it does? [18/11/11 17:30] phantasm:We see the great kings are returning to their humble lives as citizens again [18/11/11 17:30] :yrthilian smiles [18/11/11 17:30] yrthilian:who are they then [18/11/11 17:31] :yrthilian looks for thies great kings [18/11/11 17:31] :Zleiphneir looks at yrth a bit sadly and sips his wine [18/11/11 17:31] phantasm:what will happen in their place? Only tomorrow will know [18/11/11 17:31] :JadenDew watches silently [18/11/11 17:31] :yrthilian smiles and tips his head at z [18/11/11 17:32] phantasm:BUT! [18/11/11 17:32] phantasm:here we are today, the greatest of all meanings, the here and the now [18/11/11 17:33] :[Spell] lautirrorrim [18/11/11 17:34] :[Spell] Settle down Eon [18/11/11 17:34] phantasm:In great respect, we call this day "The Day of Change" [18/11/11 17:34] :[Spell] Stop fighting Eon [18/11/11 17:35] phantasm:Great changes abound, and I willing, and glad to see it [18/11/11 17:36] phantasm:our first great challenge [18/11/11 17:37] Firsanthalas:Whats that then, eating a muffin in one go? [18/11/11 17:37] phantasm: *laughs loudly* if only we all had the size of your mouth firs [18/11/11 17:37] phantasm:our first challenge, is to see the Kings conglomorate dedication seen to light [18/11/11 17:38] phantasm:Zleiphneir, king of Tree [18/11/11 17:38] phantasm:Firsanthalas King of Loreroot [18/11/11 17:38] phantasm:Yrthilian, King of Golemus [18/11/11 17:38] phantasm:and I, King of shadows [18/11/11 17:39] yrthilian: *smiles* so many kings [18/11/11 17:39] Chewett:King of shadows eh? crowning youself seems a tad concieted [18/11/11 17:39] :yrthilian failed to cast a spell [18/11/11 17:39] :[Spell] Freeze eon [18/11/11 17:39] phantasm: *turns around and points at Eon* cast you out EOn, Destoryer of Worlds [18/11/11 17:39] :yrthilian failed to cast a spell [18/11/11 17:40] :phantasm watches as Eon falls to the ground dead [18/11/11 17:40] Firsanthalas:You should take that muffin out of your gob Yrth before spellcasting [18/11/11 17:40] yrthilian: *laughts* true [18/11/11 17:41] phantasm:Abound by the pact signed and agreed [18/11/11 17:41] :yrthilian Grabs hold of the dead body of eon and vanishes [18/11/11 17:41] phantasm:The Day of Change has become [18/11/11 17:41] :[Spell] Go to my home land... eon, yrthilian [18/11/11 17:41] Eon Von Matterhorn:- [18/11/11 17:41] Chewett:What about the next King of MB? Does he not get a view on the pact? [18/11/11 17:42] :*Peace* blinks. [18/11/11 17:42] phantasm:Let Eon's body be cast out, to places far beyond the reach of us [18/11/11 17:42] *Peace*:Can I haz him? [18/11/11 17:42] Firsanthalas:Does he like muffins? [18/11/11 17:42] :JadenDew giggles [18/11/11 17:43] Firsanthalas:No Peace, no necrophilia allowed [18/11/11 17:43] *Shemhazaj*:hello [18/11/11 17:43] Firsanthalas:Hello Shem [18/11/11 17:43] *Peace*:Who spoke of necrophilia? [18/11/11 17:43] :Firsanthalas points at Chewy [18/11/11 17:43] *Peace*:I am the only one here who can access the cemetary, so... can I bury him? [18/11/11 17:44] Chewett:What What What? [18/11/11 17:44] Chewett:blaming me eh? iv just commented on the fact that the next king of MB isnt involved, in whatever said pact is [18/11/11 17:44] :*Peace* points Firsan. [18/11/11 17:44] Firsanthalas:Nah we are turning him into solen... I mean we are cremating him [18/11/11 17:44] :Zleiphneir sips his wine [18/11/11 17:44] *Peace*:Still... [18/11/11 17:44] *Peace*:Can I haz him? [18/11/11 17:44] phantasm:Eon's body will be cast off, to places unkown by me [18/11/11 17:45] phantasm:This is a day of celebration for all those suppresed by Eon [18/11/11 17:45] Chewett:Hmm, i wonder if i can find the keys to the spaceship ren left... [18/11/11 17:45] *Peace*:Awww. *frowns* [18/11/11 17:45] *Peace*:I am not surpressed. [18/11/11 17:45] Firsanthalas:No, you are repressed [18/11/11 17:45] *Peace*:Neither? [18/11/11 17:45] phantasm: *chuckles* depressed at times [18/11/11 17:45] *Shemhazaj*:hm... is there an event going on? [18/11/11 17:45] Zleiphneir:and partially undressed. [18/11/11 17:46] Firsanthalas:She's fully undressed [18/11/11 17:46] *Peace*:Now, now. [18/11/11 17:46] Firsanthalas:You can see her bits [18/11/11 17:46] :Zleiphneir chuckles [18/11/11 17:46] Firsanthalas:Look, they are falling off all over the place [18/11/11 17:46] *Peace*:I bet we can see yours too, Firsan if you bent over. [18/11/11 17:46] phantasm:aye shem, by pact of the kings of the present, Eon has been laid down by the might of their will [18/11/11 17:46] Chewett:Yeah, Eon organised the event, so he can farm people [18/11/11 17:46] *Peace*:Farm?! [18/11/11 17:46] *Peace*:Worse time to be on illusion... [18/11/11 17:47] ignnus:meaning he is attacklocked [18/11/11 17:47] *Shemhazaj*: *laughs* neat [18/11/11 17:47] *Peace*:He isn't even here? [18/11/11 17:47] phantasm:Today will forever be marked in the history books [18/11/11 17:47] Chewett:thats what he wants you to think... [18/11/11 17:47] Firsanthalas:My knees are too sore for bending [18/11/11 17:47] Chewett:What exatly is being marked in books? inno wont like that... [18/11/11 17:48] phantasm:All before lay witness to the might of the kings, it is far better to put faith into them, then to try and destory them [18/11/11 17:48] Maebius: *smiles sleepily* #Occupy MD! [18/11/11 17:48] phantasm:Now is a time of Freedom [18/11/11 17:48] Chewett:I will question any king that stands in my way between me and MB's betterment [18/11/11 17:48] Firsanthalas:I saw Inno naked [18/11/11 17:48] Chewett:To follow blindly is stupidty [18/11/11 17:49] Firsanthalas:There isn't much to see though [18/11/11 17:49] Firsanthalas:In fact, there isn't anything to see [18/11/11 17:49] ignnus:he log out,what a chicken [18/11/11 17:49] Chewett:And i would not follow someone who knights himself a king *looks at Phantasm* [18/11/11 17:49] phantasm:my brothers, my sisters, walk this land free [18/11/11 17:49] phantasm:and put faith in those you see deserving the faithful [18/11/11 17:49] :yrthilian smiles [18/11/11 17:49] yrthilian:It is done [18/11/11 17:50] Firsanthalas:Did you turf him in the wood chipper? [18/11/11 17:50] :Maebius hands chewett a note [18/11/11 17:50] Maebius:Once a king or queen of Narni..er.. MD, always a king or queen of MD! [18/11/11 17:50] yrthilian: *laughs* no we dont have one to use for that but well he wont be a bother for a while now [18/11/11 17:51] Chewett:Precisely, and Phantasm is NOT a king, even if he calls himself one [18/11/11 17:51] Firsanthalas:I still think the wood chipper was an excellent idea [18/11/11 17:51] Firsanthalas:I kew a bloke that ate loads of hamburgers and he called himself a king [18/11/11 17:51] Firsanthalas:Everyone seemed to agree with him [18/11/11 17:52] yrthilian:it is all a matter of view [18/11/11 17:52] Maebius:So what brings everyone to the Park all the sudden? If I may ask. [18/11/11 17:52] Chewett:Eon organised a traning group, nice guy eh? [18/11/11 17:52] phantasm:Thanks be, for the simplest of things [18/11/11 17:52] yrthilian:the killing of eaon what else [18/11/11 17:53] phantasm:today, the only time we can actually grasp onto, is always the greatest times of all [18/11/11 17:53] Maebius:Ahh, testing needles, or Stone Daggers? *grins wickedly* [18/11/11 17:53] phantasm:Be with your brothers and sisters, celebrate each moment as they pass [18/11/11 17:53] Maebius:I do hope the former. [18/11/11 17:53] Firsanthalas:Well I am off to get stinking drunk [18/11/11 17:53] ChildOfTheSoul:the daggers would just be sad. [18/11/11 17:54] phantasm:enjoy life to the fullest, for we not know what tomorrow brings [18/11/11 17:54] Firsanthalas:A hangover in my case [18/11/11 17:54] Chewett:Ah, fir resigns, nice, we have newbie kings soon then [18/11/11 17:54] yrthilian:I too am going for a strole. have fun all [18/11/11 17:54] Chewett:cept from the MB one fcorse. he will be a legend lol [18/11/11 17:54] :phantasm steps down off his box and dissasembles it [18/11/11 17:54] Maebius:Never know, there may be surprise winners in MB? *smiles* [18/11/11 17:55] Maebius: (chew, I sent you a PM in-game, forum was acting slow for me just now) [18/11/11 17:55] phantasm:Thank you all for your time [18/11/11 17:55] Chewett: (yeah im reading it later, gotta farm these guys while they are here ) [18/11/11 17:55] ChildOfTheSoul:I shall take the throne of both Marind Bell and Loreroot. *laughs* [18/11/11 17:56] Maebius:you applying, CotS? *smiles* [18/11/11 17:56] phantasm: [Video link] [18/11/11 17:56] :[Spell] I cant hear the cricket [/spoiler]
  3. "What happens with eon is a phenomenon that happens very often in rl" Aye I have seen it several times myself. [b]Idi Amin Dada[/b] [size=4]Dictator Obiang[/size] Gaddafi [b]Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti[/b] I've seen this way of 'enforcing' ones own paradise many a time in my long years of life.
  4. which is of course EXACTLY the kind of attitude we need pip. Thank you for reminding us again Pip which side of MD you choose.
  5. this topic is not about the rules that will be set, but the idea itself. Please stay on topic. I wish for discussion on the ideal of a training ground for the new grasans. If there is enough of a positive outlook on the idea, the rules and enforcing will be discussed and decided later
  6. aye. all thoughts are welcome and needed. Abuse is always a matter in any endeavor of helping the community. It is why this post has been made. To get the reactions and thoughts of the public before any further movement. I would really enjoy like meabius said, to set it in a place that those new to MD can see the training and growth of MD. ALong with such they can meet and interact with people at the beginning stage. Seldom do they see much of people besides those in the PC.
  7. That will always be an issue Q. There are seldom few ways to enforce the rules. The best way we found back in the GGG days was community togetherness of the project. If most feel that it is a good thing, the few that attack will be frowned upon and retaliated against as a whole. Most can be defended against, with few exceptions like Eon of course. The best enforcer is the mass, always has been. Grasans require rather small amounts of heat and not a too large amount of wins to move to stage II. More the issue is only so many grasan's can be used in a ritual at a time. So to train 4 (minimum to gain all varieties) or more would require several rits.
  8. With the recent development in Grasans, I have pondered the idea of a grasan training ground. Since they are relativly harmless, I wanted to see what the public thought. Would it be torn apart like the GGG, or now because they provide resources are the 'bashers' going to see it fit to let such a thing be? If there is a positive public response, this will move forward. Please post your thoughts
  9. later MP, you were one of the few pirates i liked
  10. so is this scene going to be changed?
  11. my point exactly. Me and pip don't always see eye to eye on things, but I think it was him if anyone who brought the whole subject to light.
  12. Congrats to Shadowseeker who gets the reward for the quest. He worked hard for his reward im sure of that. Thanks to the TKs for saying my quest was the best one.
  13. A scene in the Tribunal has been changed. I am a bit rust on the rules and regulations on such things. Territory: Lands Of The East Coord: 7_intown_1 Tags: none The Road to Eros (I would assume this was done by the character Ero, or in reference to) User submitted info: Alice came to a fork in the road. \"Which road do I take?\" she asked. \"Where do you want to go?\" responded the Cheshire cat. \"I don\'t know,\" Alice answered. \"Then,\" said the cat, \"it doesn\'t matter.\" References to a fictional book "Alice in Wonderland" Is this all kosher?
  14. there is a mill in GG....what kind of mill is up to the imagination
  15. well said maebius, and agreed. Chalk this one up to "testing". Wether right, wrong, or indifferent, the changes will soon be in place.
  16. The only two lands I know that has a rule regarding resource collection are LR and GG (with the don't deplete <50% rule). And how have these rules balanced the market? The Tribunal has a rule of no depletion under 60%. Though we have no king (that is ever around for its citizens that is) we have all decided upon this rule and do regular checks to see who is depleting resources. If there is a rule in LR its blatantly disregarded, as almost always there is huge amounts of total depletion in that land. As to Mighty Pirate, not only is his remarks a blatant admittance of such abuse, but almost a slap to the face of the public saying "The fusioneers are not making money off you, there fore I am taking your tools". Often times Yrth himself hands heat jars to those who ask him kindly. I therefor ask Yrth as king of GG to step into this matter and make a statement as to Mighty Pirate's abuse. As he said he was 'given permission' I would like to know by whom.
  17. did any of these packages even get handed out?
  18. lol, Hello Granos. Thank you for you application, as it truely scares us all. You fail. Application denied. Granos needs more hugs, if you see him, hug him.
  19. Hello Darkraptor. your application is noted and will be discussed. Glad to see you apply, and will enjoy the introduction to hopefully a membership After review your membership has been declined. Best of luck in the future.
  20. Hello Samon. your application is noted and will be discussed. Glad to see you apply, and will enjoy the introduction to hopefully a membership *now a member*
  21. phantasm


    Pumpkins Pumpkins are a large orange vegetable. They produce a yellow like flower, that turns into what the Greek derivative means "large melon". They originated as best of knowledge from North America. . The oldest evidence, pumpkin-related seeds dating between 7000 and 5500 BC, were found in Mexico. I being one to grow my own vegetables every year, enjoy greatly the hardiness of such a elegantly shaped gourd. They require large amounts of land to grow, but little else. A very hardy plant type. Though they seem most best known for decoration around the USA Halloween time, they have a large variety of uses. Pumpkin core and pulp is mashed, and cooked into a filling for pies. It's shell is often times ground up with other vegetables such as corn, for meal for animals. Pumpkin seed oil is another product often times used in cooking. It is often made into salad dressings, or added to ice-cream for flavoring. Its medical properties often times are known to help with prostate problems, as well as help constipation issues in animals. Besides all these common uses, they also prove to be very useful in games. In the USA they are often carved into decorative faces, and then illuminated at night. Around harvest time, many gathering happen for throwing pumpkins. People build their own trebuchets, to launch these large gourds long distances. The winner is often times the person who launches their pumpkin the furthest. The leftover are then gathered up and sent off to be ground up into animal food. Pumpkins have a long growth. Their ripening is often looked at as the end of the Harvest season. Many different countries have pumpkin festivals to celebrate their bountiful harvest of not just pumpkins, but of all crops. The search for the biggest pumpkin seems never ending and a multicultural event. The biggest pumpkin known to record often changes, as each year scientist find better ways to fertilize growth. The record pumpkin happened as of this year. Jim and Kelsey Bryson from Ormstown, Quebec, Canada. They brought their record breaking 1,818.5 pound giant pumpkin to the Prince Edward County Pumpkinfest weigh, on October 15, 2011. 334 Due to the pumpkins general involvement with Halloween, it has also made it's way into the movies. A star role in many movies such as 'The Headless Horseman', in which the undead apparition from the civil war era, wears a pumpkin on fire in replacement for the head he is missing. In some variations of the movie he flings the pumpkin twards his victim. In "Cinderella" it is turned by a fairy into a beautiful buggy in which to go to a ball. 415 Over all, though often we don't realize it, the common pumpkin affects out every day life. Ether it is to feed our home pets for digestive problems, or feed chickens during the cold months to help egg growth. To eat as delicious delicacies or have an event to see who can throw one the furthest. Made into oil for medicines, or for a tasty dressing. A movie star and great center of entertainment at Halloween. They are a great addition to the world economy, and each and one of our households.
  22. most thought out predefined RPs are known by all parties involved. Not all great RP events happen off the cuff, many of them are finely tuned and discussed/invented over weeks or months.
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