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Everything posted by Czez

  1. Happy Birthday Tara! :]

  2. powodzenia :] mam nadzieję, że sytuacja zmieni się na lepsze niedługo.

  3. nie działa? cholera :[ czy twoja siostra grałaby MD też?

  4. bardzo dobrze :] a Robin poprawi nasze błędy. co słychać?

  5. mam nadzieję, że tam dobrze się bawisz :]

  6. świetnie! :] od jak dawna tam mieszkasz i co robisz?

  7. Dear Guybrush Threepwood, May your next year be filled with even more sequins and rhinestones than the last. Regards, Czez
  8. Happy Birthday!
  9. dobrze, dziękuję :] co słychać?

  10. Czez

    Who Is Right?

    Dst. She is not as right as I am, but she is certainly less wrong than Grido.
  11. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='13 October 2009 - 01:59 PM' timestamp='1255431575' post='44557'] define unable[/quote] The link didn't work. I thought this was related to the system being implemented following the forum vote, but I'm not sure why. When it didn't work, I commented in the forum instead, hoping it would be counted. I was able to use the system for the Necrovion election without problems. Not sure if it's relevant, but I've recently changed browser (from opera to firefox, for mac).
  12. I've taught argumentation at the university level. You are welcome to ask for my help.
  13. I vote for L because these questions are well-rounded, involving history, strategy, and ritual design.
  14. [size="5"][font="Georgia"]Happy Birthday Pample![/font][/size]
  15. I was unable to access the new system.
  16. 15:00 server time is completely unreasonable for anyone living west of the mississippi... Please change the start time so everyone has a chance to participate.
  17. I don't think it's fair if my vote wasn't counted. I voted in the forum, before the new feature was implemented, and commented only there. I see other arguments from the forum in summary. Were those duplicates?
  18. Those of us who voted in this forum before the feature was implemented were only able to add comments in this thread. Were our comments also included in the final evaluation?
  19. Why not give greater gains to weaker players? Make these creatures more useful only at a certain level, like aramors, but cap the advantage later? And really it's the targets that makes them less desireable for most situations.
  20. Bump! The festival is underscoring this problem once again as a number of players, not all noobs, have had to leave GoE because of the the pounding they are getting from very strong players who don't bloody need to do it. For example, Udgard was close to stat damage, and he's an RPC who should be able to attend public events. I'm worried about balance and forced to attack weaker players who I know can't afford it as they are getting what I'm getting already... That is not fun, and it is not interesting. Bloody do something to fix this! Hold the festival in a sanctuary if you have to, but that doesn't really solve the problem. If you want people to RP, they need to be able to walk around in public. Fight imbalance is killing player interaction. There need to be severe disincentives for pounding the weak. Make stat damage for players with too high stats if they target someone with too great an overall difference. That's balance. But I don't care what's done, as long as something is, soon.
  21. [quote name='Grido' date='01 October 2009 - 11:22 PM' timestamp='1254428576' post='43455'] I don't believe that a circumstance that has nothing to do with the leadership of GG, in any way, should be brought into this. My clear statement regarding Lightsage, you did not like, that's fair, you're entitled to that, and you not liking me, that's also fair. But relating my talking about why Lightsage was banned to any sort of leadership skills i may or may not have isnt right.[/quote] It is exactly relevant, and why I've posted in this thread. I don't dislike you, and I've no opinion on that. But I did lose faith in your leadership skills, whether you were actually a member of the alliance then or not. I saw then just as now in this matter that your judgment is clouded and your sense of justice skewed, and you don't seem to care who else suffers for it. Both you and Yrth are part of Golemus, Grido, and your personal issues are harming the island and the community. [edited for typing]
  22. My current alliance is based in the Underground, but I am still a Golemian. I joined Cryxus' crew my first week in the realm, and my home has always been the sea, so I consider the Island also my homeland. I have not always been comfortable with Yrth's actions, but as he is my King, I never felt it was my place to question him. As a former member of GG alliance, my loyalties were tested in the Troubles with Loreroot. And eventually I left that alliance due to personal comflict with it's leadership, but with Grido, and not Yrth, regarding Lightsage's banning. I've voted here to keep Yrth as King of Golemus, because I don't like the way this all has unfolded. He deserved a more honourable coup, if he is to be deposed. Cap'n Cryxus has it right in all sides on this, and I'll support his leadership in any event. I also agree that both Grido and Yrth should be allowed to mantain an association with the land, as they both have served it well for a long time. I have to say, however, that the war and all of these relaated events are really disheartening, especially to newer players. What might have been interesting rp now feels like so much petty personal squabbles among RPCs and older players. You guys ruin the game for the rest of us. And the injury is magnified now with the festival being cancelled just to give y'all more attention. There is no justice and no reward for honest players.
  23. I don't like this suggestion, having once given an anonymous item gift to someone and wishing it would stay that way. I see the usefulness in keeping track of coins, but being able to surprise someone or to be surprised by Mur would be a lot to give up.
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