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Everything posted by Czez

  1. Czez


    I confess that I, along with a couple of trusted friends, built and tested a bomb made largely of knator dung inside the Gazebo of Chaos cavern, during the last HC. It is powerful enough to move large boulders. And I am not sharing this technology cheaply.
  2. Wear it well. The coat's a bit heavy, but has good pockets. Hope it fits you better. :] And I won't blame you if you lose the sequined evening bag...

  3. O_O Skinwalker! She is all woman to me.

  4. Happy Birthday, Boss
  5. Happy Birthday, Cap'n!
  6. All alliances currently care for people, Mackie, and I'm not suggesting there's anything wrong with that. However, most are pretty weak on rp concept, imo, and this one presents a rare opportunity. Plus, I stand by my statement that exactly what's special about the Tribunal lands compared to all of the others, is so much Stuff made by People who are no longer There.
  7. restraint! hurrah!

  8. Yep. Janitors, detectives, lost and found, whatever... I think the mercenary aspect falls from this quite easily.
  9. Back to topic. I really wanna see guys with mops and buckets and hedgetrimmers. This is a style of rp I really respect. I wanna see an alliance based at the water pump or in some undiscovered broom closet... Lurk in shadows, talk to crypts. What's interesting about the Tribunals compared to other lands is that there is so much Built. So much detail that is missing elsewhere, save the Archives. It begs for dusting and polishing and finding use for expected objects. Who cares about godmodding fighters when you can interact with the visible environment? There's too much nobility already in the realm. Where are the janitors and gardeners? On a personal note, I vote for Guy Mackie as leader of the new alliance as he's a doctor and has plenty of experience already with messy things, like blood and dirt, and knator dung.
  10. Happy Birthday
  11. mhm :D lately i felt i needed the protection...

  12. Happy Birthday :]

  13. As I've posted elsewhere, I think it's reasonable to ban only those accounts that participated in serious abuses.
  14. Hey yourself :]

  15. Happy Birthday, Aleph.
  16. Psst, Sage. That fine irish whiskey was from the secret LHO stash in the Paper Cabin... But I'd love another bottle, thanks.
  17. I think this is a great idea. Why not let the people who have shown they enjoy it continue to participate? However, I do think participation at that level should be voluntary. Many of us who were reasonably strong at mp3 or mp4 when we won medals are not in any shape to compete again. And also, this sort of advanced contest really should only be for the enthusiastic. Make it hard for them. Don't give cheap targets.
  18. I was nice to play with you, Adio. Good luck with whatever you do. Maybe you will come back someday. I recently did, and am glad of it...
  19. Having worked as a mod on a game with a single-account rule, I can safely say it is almost impossible to enforce, for reasons others have mentioned above. IPs, cookies, etc.. are not reliable, and there is no sure way to identify multiple accounts of the same player, short of endless hours of work for mods comparing login data, analysing activity, friends, even dialects... But there are worse problems than that. Any time a hard, abitrary rule like this is set, it [i]Invites[/i] many people to make workarounds. You will be encouraging new, secretive, methods for behaving in ways that are not now really harmful. And once you stigmatise things, it's hard to go back and in some ways encourages more scurrilous activity. So I say, leave it as it is. And monitor for gross abuses only. Farms, etc.. what makes the game truly unfair. I agree with the above suggestions that it might help if it were possible to restrict certain transactions like shop purchases and CTC to only chars with a certain amount of activity...But how hard is it to get an AD? What is a proper disincentive to have golem alts, or incubators? I did used to RP two chars here, as autonomous and unique individuals with separate lives, friends, goals and interests. One of them ironically had her life ended more or less because of someone else's banning for abuse of alts....
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