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Guybrush Threepwood

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Posts posted by Guybrush Threepwood

  1. The only reason to use a mirror is to take the stats and critters of a stronger player. There is no reason for the stronger player in a battle to use a mirror. Also, the IMMEDIATELY attack thing is a bit overpowered methinks. It should take it's turn in line just like any other critter.

  2. Our issue with this is not that it has something to do with your story so much as the fact that you have not at all specified anything at all about this critter. What does it do? What are it's stats? What new strategy does it bring to the game? Mostly I want abilities and targets.

  3. Make everyone use multi and all? That's probably because there's NO reason to use single on a hitter when you can target all. Also Burns, what he meant by the 1/18 chance to "catch" a third freeze is this. Three birds, first two freezes automatically hit the wall, third one looks for a target and has a 1/3 chance to hit an empty spot. Assuming that it does hit one of the two empty spots it then has a chance to hit the other empty spot, (a 1/5 actually, since it says it will target a DIFFERENT spot, he was assuming 1/6, easy error). 1/3*1/5=1/15 chance to "catch" a third freeze. Not a great chance, but it's there. Of course for a case with four birds it gets more complicated. Obviously the max number of crits frozen would be three, minimum 1. One would of course have a 1/225 chance. And seeing as the wall doesn't do anything it's being frozen obviously doesn't really matter, but still. Chances of three being frozen is 14/15 from the third bird multiplied by the chances from the fourth bird. The fourth bird having a 2/6 chance to miss the first hit and then (here's where things get a little fuzzy, is a frozen critter considered an empty spot? I don't think so, but I don't know for sure), assuming it misses it'll have a 2/5 chance to miss again. There's also the 1/6 chance that it hits the critter frozen by the first and doesn't get to try again. Which is a more complicated situation so... I'm going with a 26/30th chance to hit, but then multplying the 5/6 for the possibilty of hitting the frozen critter for a .72222 chance to freeze the third critter, which depends on the 2cnd critter being frozen so, it's a .72222*4/5ths overall chance for 3 critters to be frozen for a .57777777777 chance that 3 critters a frozen. .41777777777777 chance or so for 2 critters being frozen against a 5 critter wall rit when four birds are used.
    I'm oddly bored. And I don't even know that bit with the last is correct as I've never taken a stats class and don't really know how to do that. Anywho, I'm also assuming that a bird targetting a critter already frozen doesn't target again.

    So, do auras that target all the opponents (say the UPs if it actually worked, or the TS) What happens there? Only the critter in the same slot as the wall get the bonus? And it only hits once? That seems like it may be a bit overpowered.

    Also, the wall seems a bit overpowered. It counters the freeze a bit in that, this wall isn't actually affected if it's frozen, and it takes two freezes off the field. Then, it'll take hits that would normally kill an entire ritual and give the others another turn to live. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but throwing two walls into a ritual would almost be necessary with tokens as they are. It'll take two hits, and pretty muchly make a bird rit entirely useless. Sure, it takes 4 slots, but gives you two slots you can almost be sure will get a chance to hit.

    Of course their really aught be a better counter to rusties and birds. Eh, I like it, except for the taking all hostile auras.

  4. Death Bell, you should read you logs, critters go in order of initiative. It's not like all of one person's critters go, then the others. Also, notice an attack all critter with a claw II token hits 6 critters each time. As it is, one hit from a person's claw II will wipe out an enemy rit in one blow. This critter would have an advantage against rits with less than 5 people for sure. Also the fact that it could hit the same critter multiple times could give it an advantage. So attack all with Claw II is pretty muchly 36*claw II if you got six and they do too.

  5. I like it. Target all already hits 6 critters. This in it's final form can hit 5 crits, or one crit multiple times. Against a single critter it'd hit it 5 times. It's very low attack value seems to keep it balanced when compared to, say, an adult knator who can only hit up to 4 critters and with a chance to do nothing against rits with less than 4 critters. The attack first no matter what might be a bit much, but at the same time makes it worse for some situations.

  6. I think Granos may have meant critters like the elemental, which has different targets at different stages. One may not have a water lady, but may have a younger elemental. Also, would you like us to point out possible exploits, or are we supposed to use those.

  7. The second level can potentially hit 20 times in a single round? That seems increadibly overpowered Adiomino. Also, you say target single, what kind of single? Is the target random? Is it strong critters? Is it weak? Dying? Attackx5 hits 7 times?

  8. I'm a little confused, the person fighting you decides the rituals you can choose from? How about tokens that don't do anything? IE: Claw I on a archer. I personally don't have enough critters to make a six critter ritual.

  9. 266.6666 Ve/(crit*day)

    So if you are upgrading a critter a day later than you could,you are losing 266 Ve per critter for those of us that do that. So that is a bit of a deal, and I have found occasions when I would have liked this. Moreso with voting, but it's really not that big a deal.

  10. I would really love a heal spell, go along well with my role, but I will not spend a wish point on something that isn't permanent. As for name changes, I don't see why not. Lots of people choose their name before they have any idea what MD is about and before they have any role at all, but have put in time and effort on the account. Heck, 1 WP for a name change almost seems like too much.

  11. GG I believe has closer access to Necrovion. Theoretically though, more people coming into your land means more victims. Also, everyone and there mother can get to that capitol so it should have more people than anywhere else.

  12. [quote name='Liberty4life' date='10 July 2009 - 07:52 AM' timestamp='1247230357' post='36704']
    yea wot clock said is only thing that makes sense to me, since mb was most targeted land

    secondly where exactly is that land treasury, coz in that tab up there called treasury i still see only mdnp and artisans treasury and nothin else

    Also, it may be that dst scored during the testing and not te actual competition.

  13. Except you can't attack after moving. Since people can move twice, if they move past you on a regen you can't get them. If you move to attack them you can't attack. Now if moving was regular when you were in your own land you'd have that choice, but as is, if someone leap frogs past you, then there's no point in trying to go get them, as you won't catch them unless you regen before they do.

  14. If you're dead you can't be attacked. And perhaps it'd be nice if attacking had nothing to do with Ap while carrying a torch.

    "Carry your torch with pride because you won't be able to access such places while competing or if you are tagged during this competion." What's that mean?

    I understand things have been shut down for the competition, but can't access such places if you are tagged? What's that mean?

  15. So restricting access, does that mean that more places won't be accessible? I know it says deeper access will be allowed for people with torches, is that no longer the case? Also, it'd be nice if you could move twice and attack, but I suppose if you just move different it'd work. The way it is you can't move once and attack. You can attack and then move twice though. If the opponent passes your location, you can't move to them and fight, which is kinda annoying. Perhaps if fighting were to be reduced to cost 1 Ap if you had the torch? Or reducing Ap down to 10 if you move, and then if Ap is under 10 and you move it becomes 0?

  16. Of course it should be just as easy, I'm exceptionally lazy and impatient. Going to the GGG you find about 4 alliance members and 3 non allies. It's a pain in the butt that we get hit every 8 minutes and can only hit back every 40 minutes. And with the perma balance of alliance members, incoming attacks really shouldn't be a problem. Frankly having no targets for anyone is just annoying for everyone.

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