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Guybrush Threepwood

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Posts posted by Guybrush Threepwood

  1. *Looks at the first post and starts humming the tune to "One of these things is not like the other".*

    Is it really so God-modish to have a powder that instantly kills a creature that's overpowered? They need some sort of weakness. I say the prepared should rule the day, and those with ridiculous and deadly allergies should be left on the ground to twitch. Also, err, no hurting people, 'cause I'm a doctor and blah blah blah.

  2. We are thinking about MP5 because that's where you end up if you care about fighting. And frankly it takes a lot more work, at least at MP5, to max a rusty than gain a couple thousand principals if you're smart about it. I can beat a person with a single rusty ANY DAY. I can not beat someone who's trained a reasonable amount with 12 darkskyes and 6 Claw IIIs. Rusties only work amazingly if you have a drach, and preferably more rusties. Tokens only work if you have ever met Jester or half the other MP5s in the game. Give me a day with someone, they don't even need to be on, and I will give them thousands in whatever principal they choose to get when they sac their critter. I can not however max a rusty in a day, or get them a drach.

  3. I am 100% positive that this is not what he had in mind. That is why I posted team battles for the current system to avoid confusion. He had a more fluid and interesting new battle system in mind. However, this would take much less effort, I would much rather the new system than this, but it's not like this would be near as hard as what he was thinking.

  4. So, because I'm bored at the moment and have nothing better to do, I thought I'd post this idea.

    I think it'd be cool if you could attack someone with more than one person. (Perhaps defend too.)

    Here are some suggested logistics.

    When you click a players name you would get the options attack, or, attack with. If you choose attack with you then click someone else's name from the area list. This person then gets an invite along the lines of "Blah blah would like your help in attacking blah blah." If the person accepts each player submits 3 critters to the battle, then chooses personal influence and the player who initiated chooses a name. Stats and Ve would be applied only to your critters, not split evenly between whatever was added (Of course that's just a suggestion). Auras from critters however WOULD apply to all critters in the rit (otherwise you'd just end up weaker when you're fighting together for some people.) From then on if you attack someone the ritual you created can be selected, if the person who created the ritual is also in the area a message stating "Blah blah would like your help to fight blah blah using the ritual blah blah." If they accept you start the fight right away. There would have to be a cancel fight invitation in case someone is away for a bit to keep you from getting caught up.

    Another possibility could be group defend. When you do the above in creating a team ritual you can set it to defense. When attacked the game then checks if the person you created the ritual with is still in the area, if they are, it auto defends with that ritual.

    Frankly I think it might add some interesting strategy to fighting, and it seems like fun to me.

  5. Why would we want more critters that just take up space in slots? We already have armamors, hollow warriors, Jokers (both kinds), UPs, and TSs. Might be more, though I can't think of them off the top of my head.

  6. There's already an anti-freeze token. And yeah, I think it'd be nice to keep principals counting, even if it's just a few points.Also, the piecewise function Mur suggested could work as well I suppose. Really all that needs to be done is make it so that principal gains are at some point equal to or less than stat gains can be done. (Of course if we use Jester as the poster child...)

  7. Buhahaha. Thread Necromancy! Doc Tremir has been gone for quite some time though. Nice little tidbit, didn't know he used to be GG. All the poor noobs are going to be running around looking for a fellow they have no way of finding. On an entirely related unrelated note, anyone know if Faust was in an alliance?

  8. I would like to point out that Blood tokens are only reasonable to buy at all if you have the principals needed for the blood II anti-freeze. I see no reason to have a COMPLETELY useless token, so if we are going to mess with blood II, we ought to at least come up with a change, not just discard it.

    Lifeline I think you have missed some important points. Obviously you don't want to buy all the tokens, some are useless, or close enough as to not waste money. Another point is that while it may take more money to get to Claw III, not quite darkskye, you do get MORE. Rusties, you get one, pimped are nice and colorful sure, also not terribly useful, yeah, they are better than grassan, which are great, but not enough better to really make anything out of it.

    How much money would you need to get 18 rusties? Sure, darkskye don't necessarily compare to a rusty on their own, but certainly a claw III and a darkskye do.

    As for balancing tokens without a cap Shadowseeker, it could be done by creating a function instead. Sure, depending on the function it would practically be a cap at a certain amount of principals, but wouldn't be one.

  9. What about an achievement for getting your max Ve above *checks his max Ve* 137894?

    On a more serious note, how about something like creature tamer, for having over x different types of critters at a given time? (Not including different levels of the same critter)

    Maybe Brickhouse for getting defense stat over x amount, or Weapons Specialist for dealing over x damage in a single attack/battle.

  10. Hold on Shadowseeker, we aren't talking about making it so that token users don't have the advantage in a fight, we are talking about making it so that if I fight a token user who has 6 heretic archers while I'm using good tokenless critters, and he has 0 in all stats, I can still win. (I have exaggerated greatly.) I'm ok with tokens being as strong as stats, but 100 times stronger, not so ok with. And YAY Burns suggestion for average and good stats. I now feel above average. Not good of course, but above average. Also, when we are giving these stats as average and good and whatnot, I am assuming that we are including armor bonuses and alliance bonuses, probably a fair assumption, but I guess I don't know that it is.

    And yeah, hit the nail on the head. At 51$ and the age requirement, rusties should be overpowered. I'm ok with that, as long as people aren't cheating to get them.

  11. That may have been entirely me. I'm also not so sure the point of this is to actually have you get negative reputation. Regardless, I must give positive reputation... Also, posting here a few more times would be very helpful. If you would cluster your posts better it would help out a lot.

  12. Tokens can be balanced. If they are nerfed properly they won't add insane stats that make personal stats useless. Will tokens still be necessary if you want to be the best? Sure, but they won't be the only thing you need, you'll still need strategery and good stats. Well, and good critters, all roughly equal. Currently tokens are so insane that you don't need strategy, good critters, or any stats at all.

  13. I must now find Grido's posts and mark them positive... How troublesome... And yeah, couldn't care less about reputation. You seem to think they're unwarranted, fine, but if that's the case why bother? I enjoy seeing some of my posts positive, but couldn't possibly care less about the over all.

  14. With armor as it is now is defense really normally lower than attack by that much? I would think the average person's attack and defense are relatively close to each other. Also, wouldn't it seem prudent to give what we would think average good and huge principals are? I would offer suggestions, but I have no idea on this. I'd also like to point out for consideration that stats are split between all creatures in the ritual, whereas tokens just go ahead and add the same amount to each crittter regardless. If tokens were capped at 400 initiative, 400 initiative on each critter in a ritual would still be insane. Though I'm still more a fan of a decreasing function than a cap.

  15. This has happened to me on occasion, I burst, someone attacks, and I find that I just had my full Ve. After refreshing multiple times I find I have 3 minutes left or something of the sort, I could not have regenned. But it's happened only a handful of times and I didn't really care to worry about it.

  16. No reason for a cap, just a function that slowly makes more principals less useful. Log, x^(number<1). As for the current solution, it's obviously an issue as, one: People don't need personal stats with enough damage and initiative. And two; Well, it's currently bugged and just makes beating someone when you attack very hard.

  17. I see a lot here about having alts to place tokens and gain age being fine. Frankly it's not, it's against the rules to make alts for the purpose of supporting your main. Do I think banning alts is a good idea? No. Discouraging alts whose only purpose is to support the main by gaining free credits in the shop and aging critters? Yes. In fact, alts that just gain free credits to place tokens and trade over shop critters and or items I would like to ban, is it hard? Yes. Impossible? No, but certainly hard enough to not necessarily be worth it.

    But Fenrir is right, those sorts of alts should at least be discouraged. You people sound like I should be doing this. I've been working hard to get my Ve as hard as it is. (All my Vp came from heads and labyrinth, couldn't care less about Vp and have never tried to raise it.) It annoys me that in about 20 or so days there will be people running around with insane Ve, and in 80 anyone willing to age critters on an alt will have insane Ve. It also annoys me when people are running around with 5 BPs that they got from the shop or similar things. But hey, if the decision that alt abuse in this manner is fine, I'll go for it, of course I'm behind on the matter, but hopefully I will catch up.

    As for coding solutions, perhaps it would be simple enough to monitor trades from characters with a certain amount of credits to activity ratio. Activity being measured in time spent online, or battles, or chat, or some sort of thing. Most everyone does free credits, not everyone fights much, so sure, that's an issue.

    Also, if I was willing to spend the WP I am relatively sure I could get a alt to MP5 in a day if I used an aged critter from another alt. :P

  18. I might just say that those steps 1-3 are pretty old, and perhaps should be looked over again. For example, the game does not look for any ritual that has over 301 Ve before going random, it is were that the case it would actually be impossible for me to go random, but I do. I'm not even sure it looks for the next to last ritual, I'm not positive on that one though.

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