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Phantom Orchid

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Everything posted by Phantom Orchid

  1. Rumi, Thank you for the magical escapades of our impossible dreams dancing in a whirlwind of love and chaos. [spoiler] The Forging Like the blind man whose hands are precursors that push aside walls and glimpse heavens slowly, flustered, I feel in the crack of night the verses that are to come. I must burn the abominable darkness in their limpid bonfire: the purple of words on the flagellated shoulder of time. I must enclose the tears of evening in the hard diamond of the poem. No matter if the soul walks naked and lonely as the wind if the universe of a glorious kiss still embraces my life. The night is good fertile ground for a sower of verses. ~Borges [/spoiler]
  2. Interim Dream Quest - Part I Phantom Orchid had a dream (or was it only an illusion?) in prison, and needs your help to find out what it means. Unfortunately, right now she dreams she is a dream, and her dream (or was it only an illusion?) is all jumbled up. Solve the Sweet dream, or some sort of nightmare? puzzle to begin your journey, and be prepared to plunge yourself into the sea of the subconscious. Where day becomes night, and night becomes day Where there is madness, where there is confusion Where lines and boundaries are blurred And emotions are likely to run high. Poe is effectively trapped and can offer no assistance at this Time. (I will give at least 1 gold coin (if/when I get out of jail) to the first person who finishes part I. Not sure if the TKs are still running or whatnot, but this is open for sponsorship if anyone is feeling generous :) )
  3. "Every hand- goes searching for its partner In crime- under chairs and behind tables Connecting- to places we have known"

    1. Maebius


      It'll all make sense in the morning:

  4. omg I just found out that we can block not only PMs from other members on this forum but posts as well! Why did nobody ever tell me about this before?!! :D

    1. Phantom Orchid
    2. Magistra


      Was probably mine you blocked.

  5. So, these last few posts are direct person-to-person messages (dare I say flame?). We were already asked to keep this thread about the announcement and its effects. Please use the PM system for private messages, that's what it is there for. ;)
  6. If you would like answers to your questions, Shem, please contact me privately :)
  7. I did not ask the council for anything. This statement is a flat out lie. I did send an e-mail to council but I never asked for anything at all. And yrth, I agree it was completely uncalled for to have your name thrown in there - you have an important role independent from the Crafters. And FYI, I am still able to assist with crafting if anyone needs anything :)
  8. You are not allowed to die Fang, because you still owe me for your life ;)
  9. A Weaver's Knot By moonlight and unfettered sea The crow's nest of the Crimson Blade Memories, rich, flooding the garden Busting walls in cacophonous cascade Memories, rich, flooding the garden Stretched in an endless line Whenever we sail the night together Under the bridge of Time And every Time becomes one All rivers touch the sea Every night is all one night When you sail here with me Out along the ocean When you sail here with me And still moonlight kisses us so Where the rivers touch the sea (To Adiallinda - from the yardarms with love and grit. Thank you for showing me the ropes.)
  10. Bob the Tree - defense. Combined resources (resin/lumber/heat) used to fuel defensive efforts to prevent harvest of lumber/resin.
  11. The circle is open never broken :)

  12. So long then, MD, it's been good to know you! xoxoxo
  13. I have no beef with Mur. I was asking these questions because I value your opinion and would like to understand the rationale behind your logic.
  14. And what about those who attempt to "sit it out" but are made fugitives against their will? My release date is apparently being pushed back over and over because of this, because, according to counsel I "escaped multiple times." What makes sense is a matter of opinion. What do the rules say? Or are you implying that people who break unwritten rules that make sense to some people should go punished?
  15. So, permanent IP ban x12 for me?
  16. That's my understanding of it.
  17. Quote So you are saying that since Mur ported me out, my penalty should be increased? And if that happens twice I should get an IP ban? What are your thoughts about what should happen given that this has happened a dozen or so times? I would really like to understand what you are trying to say.
  18. I gave dst 50 flowers :D

    1. Maebius


      now you has no flowerz?

  19. A fugitive! Look out!!! An exchange with council: [cquote] Hello Phantom Orchid, Your release date is based on the period of time you are expected to stay in jail, This therefore means since you have been escaping the release date is continually pushed back. The expected jail sentence was a month but since you escaped multiple times during that we still consider your jail term unfinished. Since it is well known that escaping jail risks more punishment then at the moment the jail sentence is still a month of continuous jail time.[/cquote] Well known? I was not aware of this, and I have been an active player for 4+ years (I first stepped into the realm 1546 days ago). Escaping jail risks more punishment? You seem to be alluding to something above and beyond the established fugitive system. This is entirely unclear to me. [cquote] Mur's plans for you, in regards to porting you out knowing that you will be a fugitive, but that's part of the decision he has taken for the role and he accepts that you will be unable to complete your jail sentence if you wish to follow this route, so for the time being, having chosen the path with Mur, you shall remain a fugitive. If your circumstances change and we shall keep an eye on the time you spend in jail.[/cquote] "Having chosen the path with Mur you shall remain a fugitive." I did not _choose_ for Mur to port me out periodically, and I have no idea why he does this. I had no choice in the matter, and would have stayed in jail and been done with the sentence (of a length I was unaware of until you replied to my message) and been done with it twice over by now. And I have even been back to jail a dozen times trying to serve my sentence like a good prisoner. Despite the belligerent suppositions of dst/no one, I was not pissing on, around, or even near anyone (or everyone). Sorry, but water sports just ain't my thing. [cquote] However we will consider reducing your jail time if you explain how you escaped jail. We are interested to see what methods you used.[/cquote] Jail is not new for me. I helped test the toxicodendrite creature there. When I was there before, I could escape via two different methods. Now, neither method works anymore, and I know of absolutely no way to escape (neither does anyone I have asked about it) due to new changes. So if I explain, which you already know - and for the sake of appeasing your curiosity - that Mur teleports me out periodically for reasons unknown, you will consider reducing my jail time? This logic is absolutely astounding. I did not choose to become a fugitive... I'm just playing the cards dealt to me. Although I am beginning to question the integrity of the dealer.
  20. I saw someone turn grey/blue once after using it for a long time - it was a very eery sight.
  21. Yes, such sweet memories from back in my wilder years! We should raid Windy's stash to celebrate/commemorate :ph34r:
  22. "If you'd disengage your vocal subroutines for one second, I'd explain!" ;)

  23. In the vein of being a vet - they should know better and be a little more respectful/considerate. I personally hate when someone tells me who is an alt of who - it taints my character's unique perspective of the others' unique character and interactions, whether "I" like it or not. It is just one other way that the magical experiences of this realm get squashed, in my experience.
  24. Such a predictable pattern: strong targeting "weak." Where is the balance?

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