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Phantom Orchid

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Everything posted by Phantom Orchid

  1. That is a lot of supposition. Nicola has never interacted with dst, except for posting in her AL due to in-game events which she observed (she doesn't talk much).
  2. The only comments Nicola left for dst were from her observations of dst in-game. If you want background, you could ask, you know :P Now, you are accusing me of leaving "slanderous comments" - Slanderous how, exactly? You are saying I used alts to abuse her - where's the proofs?
  3. "Outing" of alts by players with administrative tools. Discuss. (I am not directly saying dst used admin tools to out my alt - she just happens to have them, and I would argue that people with those privileges should respect personal boundaries and not out peoples' alts)
  4. The Moon - check out this fabulous woodcut print!!
  5. Yes Rumi, it is, though I did not take the picture. Go to the link there are some hilarious comments :)
  6. "A man must dream a long time in order to act with grandeur, and dreaming is nursed in darkness." ~ Jean Genet

  7. Phantom Orchid


    I'm pretty sure this is some sort of astrological phenomenon... (http://imgur.com/b1Ykx61)
  8. "Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend" ~ Camus

  9. Nightfall at the Oak Fort The air was stiff within the cold, dank walls of the prison cell, yet, she was surrounded by many familiar characters. It was one of those dreams, a swirling wall of shades from which there is no respite, in which she becomes haunted, consumed almost by the ghosts of forgotten memories. She tries to counter this by cultivating memories rich, like gardens, from the compost of experience; however, this is a dream in which she feels totally out of control as if forced to ride in the passenger seat of her own mind. The walls dripped silent echoes, a peculiarity not lost by her, as she fades in and out of consciousness. In one moment of brief lucidity she pulls her hair back and looks up from the bench to the familiar scrawl “Crazy Mike wuz here” etched into the stone wall. She reaches up and begins to trace the indelible marks with her finger when suddenly she is struck by a sky-splitting sound and falls to the floor. She finds herself standing in front of the Oak Fort. : Phantom Orchid approaches the Fort : Phantom Orchid sits among the gnarled roots, slowly, and then stretches out her weary legs : Phantom Orchid pauses, then takes a deep breath : Phantom Orchid inhales, then slowly exhales and smiles as a crow perches itself on a branch above her head : Phantom Orchid centers herself in the present, worlds away from dank jail walls, sharp tongues, and broken dreams : Phantom Orchid opens her Book of Dreams She dreams. The shades return, but, interestingly enough, this Time none of them glance her way. She feels her pendant glow dark against her chest and, quickly, she curls into a ball against the base of the Accursed Growth as darkness engulfs her. It feels like a mirage. Some clarity, a few details, but whatever focus of attention exists vanishes as soon as it comes. She does not know this Time why she is here, and it perturbs her. So she waits. After waiting for what seems like years, she sees her. She is crossing an abyss, and then she suddenly, fleetingly, remembers that this is why she’s been waiting. A stomachful of butterflies, a fast-paced heartbeat, a thief in the night. “Ready?” she asks after a brief hug. “Yes.” She answered. She has been ready ever since she had met that small girl with the three candles. “Do you want to know where we are going?” she asks. “No. It matters not so long as it’s this way.” : Phantom Orchid closes her book of dreams : nadrolski collects water : nadrolski collects treebark : Phantom Orchid wiggles her toes into the topsoil and feels her pendant glow warm against her chest : nadrolski high fives lady Phantom Orchid : Phantom Orchid blinks, then high fives the boss : Phantom Orchid looks around, zealously, then returns her gaze to nadrolski Phantom Orchid: Do you : Phantom Orchid pauses Phantom Orchid: *raises her arms* See that? : Phantom Orchid thinks about how quiet it feels : Phantom Orchid takes off her clothes, runs, and dives into the lake : Phantom Orchid splashes around ecstatically : nadrolski quietly enjoys NATURE : nadrolski collects treebark
  10. I don't understand. I have only 1 pic in my gallery but I can't upload attachments to posts...

    1. Burns


      Upload somewhere else, like storenow, and use links?

  11. There is a sun in MD: Muratus del Mur: ##if you saw the sky darken, its because i had to adjust the sun a bit, it was off orbitsprry if i scared anyone, total night is not yet here...##
  12. Can't see the 2 comments in my status update explaining how I can't post comments - shazzzam!

    1. Chewett


      I approve of this comment

  13. Can't post comments in status updates - hurrah!

    1. Chewett


      Side effect of your mod preview ban?

    2. Burns


      You can post, it's just the people who can't see them :P

    3. Chewett


      I approve of this comment

  14. Happy birfday Shem!!! Hope it's a blast!
  15. "We all dream; we do not understand our dreams, yet we act as if nothing strange goes on in our sleep minds, strange at least by comparison with the logical, purposeful doings of our minds when we are awake." ~ Erich Fromm

  16. “Illusion is the first of all pleasures.” - Voltaire

    1. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      "And chocolate is the second." - Poe

  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FLYING CHIPMUNK!!! Don't stop believing! :D
  18. "Processed"? Soylent green is people!
  19. :wub: Work that Wookie magic! :wub:
  20. My favorite watermelon killer!
  21. Nobody can make you feel anything without your consent

    1. Maebius


      Yes. "ecto gamut" are wise words. :P

    2. Shemhazaj


      they sure can make you feel pain without your consent.

    3. Chewett
  22. French kissing the bully

  23. No, he did -not- see the full conversation, nor all of the actions of either party that composed the entire story. I have been asked by a few people regarding the whole story, and I have told them (and even provided evidence backing up my 'side'). One example was over one year long use by dst of admin tools to harass and spy on dreamers and use of council powers to harass me in and out of game. She killed my role long before I sabotaged it (and she laughs about this and states this as well, publicly). Now, if I were to post my side of the story... it would be... 'moderated.' How do I know, I have mentioned posting these things to council, and 'one' of the council threatened retaliation. I do not know which one but I have a good guess.
  24. Dear moderators, What is your position re: the recent thread dst wrote about me, in which she deleted all of the replies, and then locked it (preventing me being able to reply if I choose to)? To my knowledge all of the replies were worthwhile opinions on the matter, and what does that say about the moderators in general when one of them uses her power in such a one-sided fashion, effectively silencing the majority? I would like to hear from each moderator if possible.
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