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Phantom Orchid

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Everything posted by Phantom Orchid

  1. [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Thank you for your well thought-out post Burns. When I developed this role with Mur it was made clear to me that the dream world is supposed to be close to entirely private. (Nothing is truly private in MD, I know) Now, I must ask: where is the balance? The last 4/4 dreams there were in MD were spied upon by people using earfocus spell. This waters down the experiences of my dreamers when they find out that all their deep dark secrets [/font][font=comic sans ms,cursive]that were just shared were listened to by an outside party. [/font][font=comic sans ms,cursive](I do get into deep, very personal, psychological stuff sometimes - other times I may present a riddle, or I may show someone just a short glimpse of a silent dream world - dreams are often varied and unpredictable, just like me ) [/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Now Burns, do you think I should just suck it up and take this on my knees? Or do you have any suggestions for me?[/font]
  2. [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Chewy, that is totally off-topic, but I will answer to that (hey, it's my topic, damnit!) in a short response, cause this girl is hungry and it's suppertime. I did not leave the game. My giving away of possessions was a symbolic sacrifice. That is all. It was a 'show of force' to send a message to council that this issue needs to be resolved. They refused to work on this with me, and since they are the only active ones who can change it, I felt backed into a corner and left with few options. I sacced all my creatures, drachs, SWs, tainted angien, etc. all of them, and my coin/items, and my mp6 status in a desperate attempt to get this fixed. Sure, looking back I know it was not a very 'mature' or 'rational' thing to do, but I was feeling desperate. I have never said "I'm leaving" in mood panel or otherwise. Do you need to get fitted for glasses?! (a sarcastic joke, please don't take it offensively to heart) I have only fought this so hard because of how near and dear the dream world is to my heart. It does MD's dream world a disservice if any bloke with a high level earfocus spell can spy on it any damn time they please. I welcome all comments/suggestions, so long as they are [b]constructive[/b].[/font]
  3. [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Here's the deal. When I created my role and earned the dream weaving ability from Mur, he made it pretty damn clear that dreams are private places (not _truly_ private of course, but private as in MD realm player experience-wise). And for good reason, what one says and experiences in a dream is vulnerable because of how primal, utterly visceral, and emotionally raw the content often is . Now, many of you have wondered about my absence for the past few months - here's one of the reasons why. Dreams are not private in MD. Anyone with a high level earfocus spell/stone can effectively recall everything that was said in a dream. Now, I thought only so-called admin roles had this spell, but there are 'regular' players who have it as well. There are people spying on dreams, not occasionally, but almost every time a dream happens in MD. Why? Because they can... This feels like a huge betrayal (one among a couple) which I have brought to the council. They refuse to do anything about it, or even work with me on it to figure something out. Now, I'm only interested in being a presence in this realm if players want me there as a dream weaver. Many of my old roleplaying buddies have already fled MD since the CoE was disbanded by Council, so I want to get any idea if there are other folks who find interest in learning more about night-time dreams in MD. I hate bringing this to the forum, because I know this kind of thing isn't what MD needs, but, for my sake, I want to gauge how much interest there is and also hear any ideas about how to work on this issue. Thank you for your time! MUAH![/font]
  4. If dreams were private in MD, then there would be many more dreamers

  5. Missin' you all... well, most of you ^^

    1. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      It seems there are a lot of new faces :D

  6. This contest is over. Thank you participants! Judging and readings at a community garden event will take place (hopefully) within the next few weeks.
  7. Happy birthday dst and happy anniversary!!!
  8. Ah, duly noted. I was not referring to a rule insomuch as attempting to invoke the the spirit of having an attitude of which: "hey, maybe things can be better if we work together." And I'd still like to know why you quit Seig... but I respect the decision to tell or not as your own.
  9. Congratulations Fang! Remember though, an alliance is not one person *smiles* And if there is anything I can help you with, please don't hesitate to ask.
  10. The old CoE? In case there are doubts, the CoE is very much alive - though in shadows. Some of the faces have changed, and some have been lost (because of those who decided to throw away our badges), and our form has shifted somewhat - our defining edges somewhat obscured (darkness does have that effect, no?) But Curi, I would love to discuss having a member of the CoE clergy perform a ritual (and certainly in collaboration with Necrovions) in-game.
  11. A little 'show of force' that a few of you will understand >>

    1. Kiley


      "There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique."
      Martha Graham

    2. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      Action has long proved the antidote to despair, and it sure as hell speaks louder than words.

  12. Bob's blooming is pretty, yes, but not a random feature. What you are suggestion seems to be a random function, at least symbolically. Now if there were a reason... I imagine you would have better luck being able to gather support for an idea such as this.
  13. [quote name='Falronn' timestamp='1309594618' post='86965'] Lots of speculation is done while researching when there is little factual information to study, so I will speculate on a few things.[/quote] Speculation fuels good research and builds hypotheses, which one can hope and pray will lead to solid theories. "Factual" information abounds, in our case, from our shared experiences of and in the realm. But "facts" are no more truth than an objective reality (the argument being that there is no objectivity, for the observer ultimately affects the course of the observed by the act of observation). Things are as they are perceived. And the closest thing to truth, in my opinion, if we must pass such a judgment, is the collective perception/experience of something. Facts are ideal, in a perfect world, but I know of no perfect realm (inhabitable, at least). Information is imperfect, as each land us, as each of us are. With that aside, I would love to do a little speculating with you [quote]In my opinion the cube we encounter in the storyline in some ways represents the world we are in, and we are within its walls. [/quote] I'll leave this for another discussion, for fear of an off-topic crash [quote]Now these four cubes, lesser in significance to the first cube, are within this world (and the first cube) and could therefore be representing places within the world. [/quote] Four cubes. Cubes that appear to be stone. Not paper (likd the PC), not wood (like our cubes), but stone... Interesting, no? Stones do make great foundations [quote]When standing in the Meeting Of Roads the road to the left leads to Loreroot, the road to the right leads to Marind Bell, and the road to the bottom leads to No Man's Land which in turn leads to Necrovion and Golemus Golemicarum. I believe the four cubes are representing these four kingdoms and the three paths are guiding the way to them. [/quote] The upper-left and upper-right cubes on the path leading to LR and MB, respectively. They are of similar size at about half the size of the lower two (if they were stacked, they would be the same size as one of the larger ones, no?). They are [i]not [/i]separated by a path (alluding to a connection). They are unblemished, unlike the lower two. If we are to associate the top ones with LR and MB, then the bottom would be GG and Necro. These are separted from each other by the path, and from the upper ones as well. They are cracked (too much friction, perhaps?!lol) And between them hangs the dark slime. [quote]My reason for thinking the third path connects the way to the other two kingdoms is the slime. It consists of a shade and an elemental. These two beings seem to represent the other two kingdoms, the shade Necrovion (for the kingdom is of darkness) and the elemental Golemus Golemicarum (in their devotion to magic).[/quote] The dark slime reminds me of liquid dust, gelled. But how? Maybe that is where the elemental influence from GG comes in. [quote]1 sun, 2 clouds, 3 paths, 4 kingdoms.[/quote] Ours is not a linear realm, and neither is it purely logical. It is rich with symbolism, and nothing is random - or so we've been told. I see a rich history lesson here in this scene. But I live in a world of dreams, where everything is symbolic, where even dreaming of a lackluster pebble leaves one to question upon awakening the deeper meaning behind its qualities, whether it was smooth, rough, round, oval, opaque, etc. It's fascinating, but it can also be equally as crazy-making! What do you think the clouds symbolize? I have a hypothesis, and perhaps with your help we could make it a theory. See you in the garden!
  14. "For in that sleep of death what dreams may come!" ~Hamlet

    1. Maebius


      The undiscover'd country, from whose bourn
      No traveller returns.. :P

    2. Mallos
    3. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      "Tis now the very witching time of night,
      When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out
      Contagion to this world: now could I drink hot blood,
      And do such bitter business, as the day
      Would quake to look on."

  15. We are once again recruiting. If you are interested, please read the above post and relevant information thread and then reply to this thread or to me in-person (or PM) and we will discuss your candidacy. And to current CoE members - please report to me for a roll-call. The winds shift, and so shall we as we delve deeper and deeper into the great mystery of Night.
  16. I may fall soon due to adept 'inactivity'

    1. Pipstickz


      I would suggest that instead of talking about the problem and expecting others to interpret the solution, that you talk about the solution and leave others with only a decision of whether or not to help. You're more likely to get help if you actually ask for it.

    2. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      Thank you, sir Pip, but I was only making a statement - not asking for help.

    3. Pipstickz
  17. I support his resurrection - though I would like to become aware about some effort on his part (besides offering coin/WP for help with Molquert) to help himself.
  18. My 2 cents: Despite the different groups/factions/friends/enemies, you -are- part of the MD community. Everyone is, and we should value each other as such - despite any (in-game) deathwish we may have against one another.
  19. "The wound is the place where the Light enters you." ~Rumi

  20. [font=comic sans ms,cursive]"May the Goddess of the Night protect and keep you well."[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]"Memories, like heat, fade in Time if not fed."[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]"To dream is to live, to die is to waken."[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]"Assume nothing."[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]"What does not bend with the wind shall break."[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]"A fool says 'I think, therefor I am.' A sage says, 'I experience, therefor I am.'"[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]"How ever will one discover how far s/he may journey without daring to travel past the setting sun?"[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]"We are dust, and nothing. What we do is no more than wind."[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]"A dream may be, in Time, a memory against forgetting."[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]"Nightfall - breathe darkness into me"[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]"There is only one way of life - and that is your own."[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]"*holds up a mirror* I'm watching you - don't panic!"[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]"Sink into darkness, for sunlight is too shallow for dreams."[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]"I am a web without a weaver."[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]"I don't shave, but if i did it would be with Occam's razor."[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]"Dare to be fabulous!"[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]And one from Mur: "A mind without a subconscious process would be like a world without night, like a life without sleep."[/font]
  21. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1345720157' post='120836'] Yes Phantom, I reported the bug. I'm a bug researcher* and I was surprised to see why you didn't care about the amount of spells you cast on Eon (I don't care for me because I don't fight). Besides, you have an aweful amount of spell stones which you got them by using this bug. So yes, I reported it. And apparently it was considered important enough (or easy enough to fix) to get done really soon. *since you all question the role of my ally, here you have a slight glimps of what it is. Have fun. [/quote] This 'bug' has been in effect for years and been 'exploited' by protectors for years then, by your logic - why have you not said anything until this point in time - the same day or day after I had some fun for an hour or two using evil protector spells (which I have legitimately earned by having enough worshipers) on you and Eon? And about the enchanted stones. I agree, it was too easy for mp6 to make a lot of them - that is why I have chosen to give the ones I make away to my protectors, random characters, or rewards for quests - I haven't sold any of them. Again, you only made this an issue the same day or day after I spammed you and Eon for an hour or two with some naughty protector spells. Why? I am deciding to not speak any more with you, in-game or out, unless I can see that you take some responsibility for your actions by answering this question. The timing of your decision to act on this speaks volumes, and what truth there is hides behind a very thin veneer. I had higher expectations about your very important role, that you would bring these 'bugs' to light at all times, not just when it serves you. If you'd like to contribute to the topic of this thread, please do so. I would love to hear your opinion on how you think the mp6 system/spells might be improved.
  22. As much as I would like a free WP... This seems like a conflict of interest for someone who is dead and participates in the revival process.
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