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Phantom Orchid

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Everything posted by Phantom Orchid

  1. [center][i][font=comic sans ms,cursive][size=5][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDJr-gijrPc"]The most beautiful song.[/url][/size][/font][/i][/center]
  2. [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Dark Demon,[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Why was the last part of your post edited out?[/font]
  3. [center][img]http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn259/MissSwan_01/Cats/THIS-C2AB-Lolcats-E28098nE28099-Funny-Pictures-of-Cats-E28093-I-Can-Has-Cheezburger-Withe-Album--cat--funny--fun--funny-animals--animals--Ot.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://gs1.wac.edgecastcdn.net/8019B6/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_lk5rqnepLF1qb6t6wo1_500.jpg[/img] [sub][sup][img]https://s3.amazonaws.com/bzzagent-bzzscapes-prod/lolcat-moon-lrg.png[/img][/sup][/sub][/center] [center][img]http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh133/HardcoreSuperstar_ECW/pluto-lolcat.jpg[/img] [sub][sup][img]http://www.tinylittledots.com/pics/lolcat.jpg[/img] [img]http://images.cryhavok.org/d/4393-1/LOLcat+-+Cooka.jpg[/img][/sup][/sub][/center]
  4. [center][i][size=5][color=#800080]purple[/color] stained dreaming | ironic always[/size][/i][/center] [center][i][size=5]a park bench calls on stained sheets | scars slow to heal now in bloom[/size][/i][/center] [center][i][size=5]haunted moon singing | our [color=#0000FF]cerulean[/color] hearts[/size][/i][/center] [size=2][i](a double haiku, i'm not sure if this is something someone has done before or not. they are separate, but interweaving, haikus)[/i][/size]
  5. [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Make dst get her panties in a bunch and puke... check.[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]But seriously, what do you hope to achieve by opening this inflammatory thread? How does this benefit MD? Aren't there other, more important, matters other than the above PM more worthy of your attention?[/font]
  6. [font=comic sans ms,cursive]10p. DARK DEMON -return of the Children of the Eclipse 9p. Rumi[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Mild rain[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]8p Udgard -upgrade to my item creation ability, to allow me to create usable items, and in extension items that can create other items[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Esmaralda (7 pts) -spell to bring back the night and let the Moon rise. It doesn't have to be a spell. It can be an item that "summons" the lady moon (like a moon shard so it can be passed to someone else) and thus brings night into the realm for a period of time 6p. Mya Celestia -Summon spell 5p. Laphers - item Ceremonial Log become usable to temporarily make the location where it is activated a Sanctuary for 24 hours (if possible, could it also create a town meeting link?). 30 day cooldown. -boots that make traveling between scenes (including gates) cost only 1 AP. If that's not allowed then boots that ignore viscosity.[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]4p. Miq - reclaim sunny bedroom keys.[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]3p. Tipu - Jail Key[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]2 Points - Hedge Munos[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]-guitar item. It would be able to change/add location music for a[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]short amount of time by my inserting a link.[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]1 p. Menhir - Swordshades to be completed/implemented.[/font]
  7. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

    1. Mallos


      And yet we fight fire with fire.

  8. [font=comic sans ms,cursive]At the bottom it shows users reading the topic. She was the only other person showing when it happened... that is what led me to believe it was her. Am I missing something? Perhaps I am too drunk... XD[/font]
  9. [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Thanks my friends!!! xoxoxo[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]((And, woah, dst actually went through and negative repped my +1's for everybody?! How low can you go? ))[/font]
  10. [b]1 Ackshan Bemunah[/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(238, 206, 118)]-four casts of a spell called "expand universe". Would produce [/background][/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(238, 206, 118)]temporary entropic effects in MD, such as (to give a few ideas) old [/background][/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(238, 206, 118)]bugs reappearing, scripted items or locations scrambling, and some [/background][/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(238, 206, 118)]characters being omitted in PM's. Either realm-wide or [/background][/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(238, 206, 118)]location-specific "expand location" or even a player-specific "expand [/background][/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(238, 206, 118)]presence"[/background][/size][/font][/color] [b]2 dst[/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(238, 206, 118)]-independent mineral water tool[/background][/size][/font][/color] [b]3 No one[/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(238, 206, 118)]- cardboard box - will create small boxes with either 1 creature or [/background][/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(238, 206, 118)]100k ve or 100k vp or 100 AP ( maybe not AP, but anyway)[/background][/size][/font][/color] [b]4 Tipu:[/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(238, 206, 118)]-name change : Lord Tipu[/background][/size][/font][/color] [b]5 DARK DEMON:[/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(238, 206, 118)]-item, "Staff of Restoration", which will restore all resources in the [/background][/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(238, 206, 118)]current scene I am on when used. This should have a cooldown of 1 day.[/background][/size][/font][/color] [b]6 Pipstickz[/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(238, 206, 118)]-ability to give a spell doc page[/background][/size][/font][/color] [b]7 Chewett[/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(238, 206, 118)]-summon people to Angiens Shrine 4 casts[/background][/size][/font][/color] [b]8 Seigheart[/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(238, 206, 118)]-Ancient Key - Key to open the Gates of Mur.[/background][/size][/font][/color] [b]9 Tom Pouce[/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(238, 206, 118)]- 10 to 15 more slots[/background][/size][/font][/color] [b]10 nadrolski[/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(238, 206, 118)]-Alkahest (personal item) be coded with the ability of a Reality Coagulator[/background][/size][/font][/color]
  11. Falling. In love again. Never. Wanted. To.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Hedge Munos

      Hedge Munos

      Good solution, Chengmingz.

    3. VorniC


      Happy Birthday POE!!! And may your dream come true!!! :P

    4. Ackshan Bemunah

      Ackshan Bemunah

      NO NO NO PICK your poison, CHOOSE your poison.

  12. [font=comic sans ms,cursive]People are voting for players, and not voting on each wish individually.[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]So a vote for a player with 5+ requests is equal to a vote for someone with only 1 request?[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]edit: I read Fang's post and hence the confusion on my part...[/font]
  13. [font=comic sans ms,cursive]The plot thickens...[/font] [attachment=4394:2 - Copy.jpg]
  14. [font=comic sans ms,cursive]I had a recent PM exchange with our playful, ill-tempered little friend. Unfortunately this is the only message that survives.[/font] Do [i]you [/i]want to play a game?! [b]*From: Molquert (ID:242303)[/b] [i]*sent 10 hours and 2 minutes ago[/i] RE~4: GAME!! please please please please please!!
  15. Use your words - even if your voice shakes

    1. Maebius


      ...and sent your thoughts out, on wings of Wind. :)

  16. "Exit light. Enter night. Take my hand. We're off to never-never land." ~M

  17. Soon! So very soon!
  18. "I don't have the time everyday to put on makeup. I need that time to clean my rifle." --Henriette Mantel

  19. [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Ok. Serious request (unless I really [i]can[/i] get functional dst-repellent ):[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]I would like the teleport-to-player spell (it's called chase spell?) for RP for my dreamcatcher role. [/font]
  20. Foxhunt

    1. purplebunny


      very controversial

    2. Maebius


      for some reason, I thought of this, not the bugles and hounds and horses traipsing the countryside. O_o

  21. @ SS If you have a WP I can help you craft a shield, if you'd like. My request: dst repellent - to avoid contagion
  22. .: Congrats dst/council for running another vet off of MD :.

  23. [font=comic sans ms,cursive]First off. You are not losing your mind. You may be a little bit crazy, but that is only because there is a very fine line between brilliance and madness. [/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Your two points are complimentary. Future as a perfect balance, time/space of events moves, disrupting that perfect balance.[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]However, I wonder - how do you view existence/consciousness? Linear? Circular? [/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]IMHO the future and past are illusions. There is only the present, because Time does not exist. Sure, we have concepts of past and future, but, we can only [i]experience[/i] existence/thoughts in the present (no matter how fantastically lucid the dream/astral projection/whatever may be ). [/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]But, most importantly - where is the balance in these thoughts? What is revealed in their reflection? Their shadow? Since our actions can only shape the present, how can you use these thoughts [i]in the now [/i]to influence the future?[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Careful, lest you become trapped in Time.[/font]
  24. Banned for banning everyone besides yourself. BANNED!
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